View Full Version : Calling all past/present hair loss sufferers

November 2nd, 2013, 11:14 AM
I've been suffering from massive shedding since onset of menopause, 10 yrs ago and to date lost about 50% of my hair. During the last 10 yrs you can imagine the tests I've had done from scalp biopsy (waste of time) to ferritin and thyroid. Ferritin was low so I took iron supplements which didn't help. I've purchased thousands of snake oils. Thyroid tests were "iffy" and the low side of abnormal and not one MD could really confirm or tell me what's going on and handed me a bottle of Rogaine and said that was the only chance for stopping the shedding and growing hair.

Given my lifestyle and very healthy habits I refuse to use Rogaine. Since my shedding started at the onset of menopause I'm guessing my lovely hormones. My shedding is my body telling me something is amiss and trying to use a drug like Rogaine is just putting a bandaid on the problem. I want to fix it in a healthy way.

In moving forward, I read about essential oils "Chrome Dome Blend" which supposedly really helps. I even sent a message Moonchiald on Ebay who mixes this blend and did not receive a reply back.

I'm looking for anyone who can help. My Kingdom for some hair before I look like those smilies faces. Thank you!

November 2nd, 2013, 11:44 AM
Hello rose 3408 and welcome to LHC. I'm sorry to hear of your shedding issues. I lost about half my hair 8 years ago due to hormones and extreme stress. I ended up cutting my hair much shorter and just giving it time to recover. I did read about Chrome Dome a while back in a great thread here:


HTH and that your shedding stops soon :flower:

November 3rd, 2013, 04:40 PM
rose3408, I'm in the same boat (sort of), trying to figure out the cause of my massive recent hair shed. So far have been diagnosed with extremely low vitamin D and have had many of the same tests you mentioned, and am still waiting on the results of a scalp biopsy. I am using jojoba with jessie58's blend of essential oils, without pactchouli and plus tea tree oil. I've only been using it a week so can't really say if it's doing anything yet. It feels nice lol I can say that. I think it's a combination of stress and deficiency that's made me lose, and continue to lose, so much hair. Other than vitamin D every test I've had has come back normal... It's very frustrating! I've already trimmed it quite a bit to make it look thicker, but I'd like it to be waist length. I won't use Rogaine either, we would like to have a kid :) I'm taking a multivitamin, biotin and vitamin D, have started sleeping on a silk pillowcase, upped my protein intake and am trying trying to be kind to my hair. There are little shorties sticking out around my face; I want to think they are new growth and not broken but I also don't want to get my hopes up in case they also fall.

November 4th, 2013, 10:43 AM
I have lost more than half of my hair, thickness is 1/3 now compared to what I had when I was younger. Thought I would go bald soon, that's how much hair I used to shed. Luckily I still have hair on my head even after years of shedding like crazy, thank God.

Recently while researching online about essential oils, I came across a page here on LHC about Meg's method and jesse58's recipe of essential oils to stop hair loss and regrow hair. I started with jesse58's method, and last week I ordered Chrome Dome oil and now I am alternating between those two oils. I see tremendous improvement, hardly any hair fall while washing hair. While applying oil, massaging and also while detangling after shower I still lose hair, but compared to before it's nothing. If you are very much concerned, please try any of these method.

I see that Katrine has posted the link above. I read thru all those pages in that forum, it does take a while, but it's quite informative.

Good Luck!

November 4th, 2013, 01:18 PM
I agree.....I've seen less post shower shed since I started using EO's.