View Full Version : How to you stop split ends and white dots?

October 28th, 2013, 03:31 PM
I baby my hair. I never use heat I stopped dying it over a year ago. I use good products in my hair and am generally very gentle. I also S&D every few weeks. But it seems no matter what they always keep coming back. What should I do?

October 28th, 2013, 03:39 PM
I baby my hair. I never use heat I stopped dying it over a year ago. I use good products in my hair and am generally very gentle. I also S&D every few weeks. But it seems no matter what they always keep coming back. What should I do?

Are you sure your S and D scissors are sharp? If they are dull, they'll just create another crop of white dots to snip off.

Also, is your hair moisturized enough? A tiny bit of mineral oil (just a drop or two on the length) can help with the moisture issue.

Also, what kind of implements are you using? Are you using a wide tooth comb? A natural (not nylon) boar bristle brush?

Perhaps if you provided more details about what you use on your hair (what products/how often) someone will be able to steer you in the right direction).

I hope you find a solution to your problem!

October 28th, 2013, 03:42 PM
I sympathize. I've done everything I'm willing to do, and the splits just keep coming.

October 28th, 2013, 03:46 PM
Are you sure your S and D scissors are sharp? If they are dull, they'll just create another crop of white dots to snip off.

Also, is your hair moisturized enough? A tiny bit of mineral oil (just a drop or two on the length) can help with the moisture issue.

Also, what kind of implements are you using? Are you using a wide tooth comb? A natural (not nylon) boar bristle brush?

Perhaps if you provided more details about what you use on your hair (what products/how often) someone will be able to steer you in the right direction).

I hope you find a solution to your problem!

Yeah the scissors are sharp. I think maybe its inevitable with my hair type maybe. If fine but alot of it. I am pretty simple with my hair products i dont use much i wash my hair with giovanni shampoos one for volume and one for moisturizing. Then i use a diluted tressemme anti breakage conditioner as my leave in and then a drop or two of argan oil. then just comb it out and let it air dry. I also use a moisturizing hair mask every week. Could it be cause by washing my hair every day maybe? My hair gets greasy fast so I usually do that so my hair wont look gross when i go to work. I use a wooden wide tooth comb as well as wooden brush. From time to time I use a tangle teezer due to alot of tangles in hair

October 28th, 2013, 03:54 PM
oh and i also only wash the roots nothing else unless i have build up

October 28th, 2013, 03:56 PM
In your other thread, you implied that you wear it down a lot, and that it tangles. I know I find that I get more splits and damage when I am dealing with lots of tangles, simply because somewhere between getting the tangle, finding it, and removing it the strands get bent or strained. Wearing it up tends to result in a lot less wear and tear -- I get that you probably want to grow it long to enjoy it, but frequent updos help most of us to get the length and quality that we want.

Basically, for many of us, it's Length, Health, Wear Loose. Pick two.

October 28th, 2013, 04:27 PM
One year ago I had terrible splits. Today I have very few. Here is my story. About 4 years agoI started a movement practice called NIA - basically aerobic dance. I kept my hair in a soft scrunchie pony and during the hour it would slightly loosen and I would gently tighten it (multiple times). About 1 to 2 years later I discovered the breakage and damage from the scrunchie. I have not worn a pony since. I also made other changes - I stopped using a brush. period. I invested in serious hair scissors for s and d only. I tried a wood comb then bought a white Madora comb since I felt the wood was not gentle enough for my hair. I stopped using cones. I changed to cwc. I wore my hair up 95% of the time. And I began to wear it up to bed using a fork or spin pins. I tried a number of oils and settled on generic baby oil and use a drop or 2 on the ends after washing and at night before bunning.

The biggest change was trying catnip tea. 6 months ago I opted for condition, wash and catnip tea rinse, soak and leave in. I did this for over 5 months. one month ago when the weather changed, I felt my hair needed more moisture so now I alternate between catnip tea and conditioner after washing. I wash about 2 x per week or maybe every 4 days.

What was it that stopped the splits? Was it growing out the damage and then treating my hair well so that damage now is minimal? Did the catnip tea really coat the hairs and make them stronger? I don't know. But I do know that they are gone and I am growing (now at hip) and happy to have them under control. I also had 4 trims in the past year. 3 were within months of each other. I just went 6 months without a trim and trimmed my ends myself for the first time this week. THAT was an empowering experience. Good luck to you.

October 28th, 2013, 04:47 PM
Along with other's speculations, I would add that it's possible that your damage from dyeing it hasn't fully grown out yet. I would also second the possibility of tangles from wearing it loose have contributed to damage. That's pretty much the reason why my entire underlayer is constantly plagued with splits--that's where the majority of my tangles form, and yes, I wear it loose often.