View Full Version : Hi everyone:)Is it healthier to wear hair up whilst growing it ? (loose bun/ponytail)

October 25th, 2013, 07:32 AM
Just wondering, as i've started to do this the last month or so and I'm hardly ever straightening my hair as its always up, id blow dry it maybe once a week and wear it down but other than that its up the rest of the time in a loose ponytail or a bun. My hair feels way healthier and I just got about 3 inches off a few weeks back and bunning it is helping it not get damaged as much I think..
Feel free to share your opinions on wearing hair up or down:D steph x

October 25th, 2013, 07:51 AM
Ponytail is not a good idea, even a loose one, too much pulling and rubbing. Buns are good, depends on how you secure them.

October 25th, 2013, 07:57 AM
As Flor said, ponytails aren't great and bunning is ok but make sure you don't secure and position it in the same place all the time.

October 25th, 2013, 08:03 AM
Just wondering, as i've started to do this the last month or so and I'm hardly ever straightening my hair as its always up, id blow dry it maybe once a week and wear it down but other than that its up the rest of the time in a loose ponytail or a bun. My hair feels way healthier and I just got about 3 inches off a few weeks back and bunning it is helping it not get damaged as much I think..
Feel free to share your opinions on wearing hair up or down:D steph x

If you want beautiful, healthy hair, then try and stop straightening and ditch the blow fryer.

Ponytails can lead to alopecia if you're not careful. Better to learn how to braid or learn other bun basics (without using ponytail holders). Also, when you wear it in a ponytail the hair can become tangled which means possible breakage if you're not careful how you detangle.

Ponytails may be convenient for a short period of time...but definitely not recommended for daily use because of the stress they can put on your delicate hairline hair, not to mention the friction of the ponytail band---holding the same hair in the same spot...day after day.

October 25th, 2013, 08:24 AM
Pretty much just agreeing with what has already been said. Have you considered investing in some hairsticks? :)

October 25th, 2013, 08:58 AM
I made the mistake of thinking that a pony or elastic held bun would protect my hair and all it did was damage it. I've now spent the past six weeks or so with my hair in stick held buns 5 days a week and there is a noticeable difference. While my ends aren't as soft as I'd like yet, they are healthier. I've also noticed a marked improvement in breakage and my hair is holding its length better. My hair loves being up, I just had to find the right way to do it. :)

October 25th, 2013, 08:59 AM
Buns are especially good, but anything that minimizes tangles and hair rubbing on things will help keep it from getting worn and damaged. I'd skip the ponytails (especially if you're in the habit of 'tightening' them) since they don't protect the ends and tend to have the weight concentrated in a smaller spot than a bun (some people like me get breakage, others find it tugs on the hairline), but they're often the best you can do when your hair's shorter. Similarly, securing buns with something other than a ponytail elastic is better in terms of weight distribution; hairsticks, forks, U-pins, Ficcares, and the like are usually optimal.

October 25th, 2013, 09:10 AM
I have fine hair but a lot of it, and for me, when I put it up in a bun/up it just gets so heavy and hurts my scalp/follicles. It just pulls. (theres people here with much longer/thicker hair that do this on the daily, so I dont get it, this is just what works for me) I leave my hair down 98% of the time and am just super careful with it. The main thing is I never ever use heat, not even a hair dryer and I quit dying. I pretty much only finger comb and bbb a few times a week, and I am super careful detangling. Between the two, my hair is so healthy its kinda ridiculous. But its been a few years of this. Oil your ends and use shampoos/conditioners that are nourishing, not coating,(this was huge for me, too) and lay off the heat, that will make a big difference.

October 25th, 2013, 10:17 AM
In my case leaving it down even half the time would be very damaging- my hair is too fine to take any abuse. When I left it down all the time, I could barely get it to waist length, with really tattered ends. Protecting my hair with updos during the day and sleep caps at night has made a huge difference. I'm a real klutz when it comes to updos but I a learning to use hairsticks and I love them. When I get it right, they hold my hair comfortably all day long, and I have an extremely tender scalp.

October 25th, 2013, 12:04 PM
If you want beautiful, healthy hair, then try and stop straightening and ditch the blow fryer.

Ponytails can lead to alopecia if you're not careful. Better to learn how to braid or learn other bun basics (without using ponytail holders). Also, when you wear it in a ponytail the hair can become tangled which means possible breakage if you're not careful how you detangle.

Ponytails may be convenient for a short period of time...but definitely not recommended for daily use because of the stress they can put on your delicate hairline hair, not to mention the friction of the ponytail band---holding the same hair in the same spot...day after day.

I think that is a very alarmist and extreme way of putting it. Yes, very tight ponytails can cause traction alopecia in some individuals (usually around the hairline). However, to blanket say that ponytails cause alopecia is exaggeration.


In general, ponytails are not advised - partly due to the risk of traction alopecia, mostly because they often cause wear where the band is and because they do not prevent the length from tangling or (at longer lengths) from rubbing on clothes, chair backs, etc.

Buns are super-protective if you use the right tools (hair sticks, hair forks, Amish pins, spin pins, scrunchies, Flexi-8s, ficcares - no ponytail bands). They keep the hair from rubbing on things and from tangling. Of course, they should not pull or feel uncomfortable (that indicates too much weight is being put on one bit of hair/scalp). They are even more protective when you alternate them - style and position, maybe also tools - to ensure that the same bits of hair are not being rubbed in the same ways every day.

In my case, I had a false terminal at TBL when I wore my hair loose daily. Since wearing my hair bunned daily, I have managed to grow past fingertip and am still going at about 1.5" from knee. Buns definitely make a massive amount of difference on my fine hair.

October 25th, 2013, 12:57 PM
I've found this thread really informative - thank you ladies! As a regular bun-wearer, it's reassuring that they help. However, I've noticed that I'm thinning at the corners of my forehead and on the sides and where I used to put my clip all the time. I think it's cause my buns were too tight and I usually secured it with a metal clip or an elastic hairband. I wish I learned earlier!