View Full Version : What Happens if I Apply Coconut Oil A Lot?

September 30th, 2013, 04:47 AM
Like say every other day? Cuz I read, and most of you apply it 1-2 a week. So just wondering if there are problems if I apply it more than twice a week.

Also, if I apply it, what if I dont wash it out for days? Esp. on weekends when I dont go out? Is it ok?


September 30th, 2013, 05:21 AM
It's fine, it's not going to make your hair break off or anything bad, hair loves oil. You'll eventually get a build up of oil and your hair might feel too oily / greasy or you might get an itchy scalp, but that's about it - easy enough to sort out with a good wash.

September 30th, 2013, 05:45 AM
Like say every other day? Cuz I read, and most of you apply it 1-2 a week. So just wondering if there are problems if I apply it more than twice a week.

Also, if I apply it, what if I dont wash it out for days? Esp. on weekends when I dont go out? Is it ok?


How long is a piece of string? Depend on your hair type/ properties/ condition/ damage/ how much oil you use, the rest of your routine, and a myriad of other factors. Some have wonderful results from using coconut oil every single wash (probably higher porosity), others can't even use it once (perhaps lower porosity), potentially anyone can achieve saturation and get crispy or greasy limp looking hair.

The published research supports using it as a pre-wash for twelve to twenty four hours on dry hair. Its probably not ideal to leave oils/ fatty acids that your skin barrier simply does not need from in contact with the scalp for days on end, transfer is probably unavoidable given we lay down to sleep.


September 30th, 2013, 07:58 AM
Like say every other day? Cuz I read, and most of you apply it 1-2 a week. So just wondering if there are problems if I apply it more than twice a week.

Also, if I apply it, what if I dont wash it out for days? Esp. on weekends when I dont go out? Is it ok?


Nothing at all. Malyalis in India are famous for leaving coconut oil in their hair all day all week. But you'd have to wash it out every other day atleast coz it'll go rancid otherwise. Even the malyalis do a WO to remove it everyday. You can reapply but the key is that the oil must be fresh.
No scientific research to support my statement but we've been doing it for centuries now so lots of experience.

September 30th, 2013, 09:54 AM
Nothing at all. Malyalis in India are famous for leaving coconut oil in their hair all day all week. But you'd have to wash it out every other day atleast coz it'll go rancid otherwise. Even the malyalis do a WO to remove it everyday. You can reapply but the key is that the oil must be fresh.
No scientific research to support my statement but we've been doing it for centuries now so lots of experience.

Could this be due to the climate/humidity? When I first started oiling my hair I'd apply it to wet hair and leave it in all week until I wash again. It did start smelling after a while, so I switched to oiling my hair dry and that fixed the problem.

I also don't put in more coconut oil at a time than will happily soak in. I re-apply more throughout the week as needed.

September 30th, 2013, 10:04 AM
I wouldn't have thought there is any harm in applying it all the time, but there seems to be little point in applying it if your hair has already reached it's saturation level (if that is the right way of putting it) and doesn't need it. Also I would have thought your hair and scalp would need to breathe as well. I expect this highly depends on the individual :). You will just have to find what is right for you.

September 30th, 2013, 10:50 AM
Depending on your hair, wash routine, water type, climate, etc. it may build up. Or it may just look unacceptably greasy but not have any detrimental effect on the hair. Or it may be absolutely fine.

October 1st, 2013, 09:57 AM
Thanks all!

Ill try to apply 4 times a week this week, its just that, as I said in an old thread, I go to the gym/BJJ, and I am forced to wash my hair almost daily. My hair is already dry, so might as well put coconut oil as much as I can.

October 1st, 2013, 10:28 AM
I think a lot of us apply it based on how frequently we wash our hair. I like to oil immediately after washing, others get better results with a heavy pre-wash oiling.

Experiment, figure out what you like, do that.

October 1st, 2013, 10:53 AM
Thanks all!

Ill try to apply 4 times a week this week, its just that, as I said in an old thread, I go to the gym/BJJ, and I am forced to wash my hair almost daily. My hair is already dry, so might as well put coconut oil as much as I can.

You can try putting a little every time after a wash on dry hair since you wash your hair frequently. It will act as styling agent and as a great pre-wash.

November 1st, 2013, 02:05 AM
Could this be due to the climate/humidity? When I first started oiling my hair I'd apply it to wet hair and leave it in all week until I wash again. It did start smelling after a while, so I switched to oiling my hair dry and that fixed the problem.

I also don't put in more coconut oil at a time than will happily soak in. I re-apply more throughout the week as needed.

Sorry i'm late with this. Yes it goes rancid due to the humidity and the air.