View Full Version : Help with Troubleshooting Co-washing/Shedding

September 28th, 2013, 01:14 PM
Good Morning Everyone :)

I am having a bit of a conundrum with the last few weeks of my co washing routine and was looking for some advice from those who are long term co washers themselves. The issue has been shedding-massive amounts in the shower!

First, I'll detail my routine. I co wash every day (I am prone to oiliness) and once or twice a week throw in a sulfate and coneless poo. I find sulfates clean off build up more efficiently than all natural ones and I have a feeling it is due to my moderately hard water. I always make sure to use ONLY silicone free condishes and use VO5 Passion Fruit Smoothie while on the length I use Suave Ocean Breeze. Initially I used the Suave for the co-wash but found it to be too heavy and moisturizing, thus made the switch to VO5. Anyways, I love what co washing has been doing for my length and my hair has not felt nor looked this good in years. Before I made the switch, I had an aggravating, itchy patch by the base of my skull and I have found that my recent routine has completely banished the irritation. I am loathe to switch routines but the amount of shedding is alarming. I would normally only shed 10-15 hairs in the shower and now it is at least 50, if not more. Shedding continues even post shower and when my hair is dry. I realize that 100-150 shed hairs a day is considered normal but this new increase has me concerned. I had SO even check my scalp to make sure there was no redness/irritation and he could find nothing. So what the heck could it be? I am wondering, do I have clogged follicles but then again, are those necessarily even visible?

Anyways, your help, advice and expertise are greatly appreciated!

September 28th, 2013, 01:27 PM
Shedding can be caused by a lot of things but the easiest to try is cwc and see if the shed goes down. Rule out the cond only washing first.

September 28th, 2013, 01:28 PM
CO made me shed massive amounts and it only stopped and went back to normal when I reverted back to shampoo. Turns out sulfates worked best for me. There were some positives to CO, turns out my scalp stopped with flakes and random scales and my length was really soft. But the shedding just wasn't worth it. I heard some members here had developed noticeably thinner hair after continued use of CO.

Honestly, I can't really recommend it as a wash routine.

September 28th, 2013, 01:29 PM
How long have you been co washing? Have you been doing it a while with no problems and then started shedding recently? If so, it could just be a seasonal shed and should hopefully end soon.
If your shedding started when you started co washing then I would go back a step to what you were doing before to see if you lose less hair and figure out if there is a connection. :)

Sugar Lady
September 28th, 2013, 01:53 PM
The same here... My hair has been feelling so much better since I started CO, but the shedding just freaks me out! I don't know what to think now... :(

September 28th, 2013, 02:00 PM
I was doing CWC and had just normal shedding.
I switched to CO and my shed rate went up to an alarming new rate and stayed that way.
I switched back to CWC and my shedding went back to normal. Immediately.
Lesson learned.

September 28th, 2013, 02:04 PM
How long have you been co washing? Have you been doing it a while with no problems and then started shedding recently? If so, it could just be a seasonal shed and should hopefully end soon.
If your shedding started when you started co washing then I would go back a step to what you were doing before to see if you lose less hair and figure out if there is a connection. :)

I've been co washing for about 3 weeks now, so relatively recent. I dabbled with it before but never for long as it was weighing my hair down. Turns out I just wasn't getting the conditioner into a nice lather, which has been key. I have noticed that this kind of shedding has occurred around this time of year, so hopefully it is a seasonal shed. The only other time I get this shedding has been when I used a thicker conditioner like Pantene or Sallys knock off of Biolage Hydrating Balm. Ugh! It has been working so great and cleared up that aggravating itchy spot and I really don't want to go back to that again :( But thank you for your advice and time!

September 28th, 2013, 02:05 PM
Cond only wash increased my already bad shedding. Let us know if switcHing back helps.

September 28th, 2013, 02:07 PM
Why are you getting build up, what ingredient or is it sebum? It may be that which is causing the shedding. A simple shampoo based on cocoamidopropyl betaine should cleanse well, you might look for a shampoo 'base' from a cosmetics base supplier.

Are you using plenty of co-wash so that you don't have to scrub excessively and pull hairs out? You might also switch brand again in case you are sensitive to one of the ingredients: not all irritation is visible to the naked eye. Sulphates can thin and dehydrate the skin, so pre-sensitising it to other ingredients or products.

September 28th, 2013, 02:30 PM
Why are you getting build up, what ingredient or is it sebum? It may be that which is causing the shedding. A simple shampoo based on cocoamidopropyl betaine should cleanse well, you might look for a shampoo 'base' from a cosmetics base supplier.

Are you using plenty of co-wash so that you don't have to scrub excessively and pull hairs out? You might also switch brand again in case you are sensitive to one of the ingredients: not all irritation is visible to the naked eye. Sulphates can thin and dehydrate the skin, so pre-sensitising it to other ingredients or products.

It's not so much that I see build up but more as a preventative measure. Occasionally I will get it, especially when I was using suave coconut but since I finished that bottle, I haven't been having a problem with it lately. I didn't know sulfates can thin out the epedermis. Eek!! :bigeyes:

September 28th, 2013, 02:31 PM
The same here... My hair has been feelling so much better since I started CO, but the shedding just freaks me out! I don't know what to think now... :(

I'm sorry :( I hope your shedding goes down too!