View Full Version : Best hair scissors for S&D and trimming?

September 26th, 2013, 04:45 PM
I've seen some threads on this, but they are a couple years old. I'd like some new advice please. :)

I S&D weekly and my mother trims my hair as well as my sisters about three times a year. What scissors are good for this? I will most likely be purchasing from Amazon because I have a gift card. Preferably $20 or less. I am having trouble deciding because many people will say a pair is "very sharp" and then next will say "SO dull!" I have seen a very cheap pair at Target for around $7 I think? They were either Goody or Conair. Any luck with those? I have been using the same scissors (no idea what the brand is) for like five years now. They're terribly dull, and when I try to cut they leave the white dots at the end.

September 26th, 2013, 04:46 PM
Accidental comment. Whoops.

September 26th, 2013, 04:47 PM
I commented on my own post. Nice. I'm using this on my iPhone and it's confusing sorry guys.:(

September 26th, 2013, 04:53 PM
It happens. :) when my hair was long I bought a pair of $2 hair scissor from dollar general they honestly did as well as the $45 pair my grandma got me. I used the $2 pair till I lost them. I honestly think they were goody. The worst that can happen if you buy cheap hair scissors is they don't work to your liking and you simply have a new pair of scissors at home.

September 26th, 2013, 05:14 PM
Actually I think the worst that can happen if you buy cheap scissors is that they aren't sharp enough and instead of cutting your ends it just sort of crushes the ends and creates breaks and split ends.

If you wanted you could buy cheap scissors and then take them to a place to have them professionally sharpened.

Personally I invested in some Kenshii shears, specifically these ones (https://www.kenchii.com/BeautyOnlinestore/keev.html), because I plan on always being my own hairdresser for the rest of my life.

September 26th, 2013, 05:22 PM
I got my scissors at Sally's. I think I paid $20. They're a little serrated, which helps my extremely fine hair from kind of squishing out of the scissors, so I can actually cut it. I get lots of splits, but I'm fairly positive that it's due to past bleach damage and not the scissors.

September 26th, 2013, 06:36 PM
At $20, you should get shears that are sharp and suitable for cutting hair. As long as you treat them well, keep them clean and don't use them on anything but hair, they should stay sharp for a long time.

Personally, I am a fan of Japanese style shears rather than the more common German style. On these, both blades have a sharp bevel and they cut the hair from both sides, where the German style have a broad bevel (often with serrations to hold the hair) that supports the hair while the sharp blade cuts from one side. Since I only do S&D, I don't worry about hair squeezing out when cutting, I can barely feel the cut when I am doing S&D. However, they are much more expensive than $20.

September 27th, 2013, 11:29 AM
Thanks for all the tips guys. I'm looking into some Tweezerman scissors :)

September 27th, 2013, 02:39 PM
I just use my fabric scissors. As I only sew with natural-fibre cloth (reenactor), I figure the hair and the cloth is pretty similar.

The main thing is to never cut paper/cardboard or (god forbid) plastic or metal wire or tin foil with the hair/fabric scissors.

September 27th, 2013, 03:01 PM
I use ones that were under $10- I believe they were about $8- from Conair, that I found at Walgreens. I love them! They're sharp and work well.
That said: @Syaoransbear , those scissors are beautiful!

September 27th, 2013, 07:37 PM
Thanks! I'm trusting your opinion because your hair is beautiful haha. I think I'll pick them up the next time I go to Target.

September 27th, 2013, 11:29 PM
If you went to Sally's and got the cheapest pair, I'm sure they would be good for you :)
You can get a pair of Fromm shears from around 23 to 35 that are pretty good.
It's all up to you, some are saying their conair shears work great and I don't doubt it. Would I use them professionally? No, but they are made for hair so I'd say they are definitely not bad for personal use.

I'm very lucky...thru great clips when I worked there long ago, I was able to get a $700 pair of Jowell shears and thinning shears and some cute bag and mini flat iron combo for about 150. It was the happiest day ever when I got to use them :) so nice..

It's all about the care. Oil them, keep them clean, and if they are hair shears keep them strictly for your hair only and cut nothing but hair with them period.

If it's a possibility that someone in your home may use your nice shears at all, show them what they look like right off the bat when you get them and exclaim "hey don't ever touch these!!" :)

cherry blossom
September 28th, 2013, 02:25 AM
I have used regular scissors - nothing branded, but definitely exclusively for hair only - and I have had no problems so far. The idea of oiling the shears is definitely a good one. I never thought of that earlier..

October 5th, 2013, 12:44 AM
Longhairdesired, what was the outcome? What shears did you buy and did you like them? I splurged on a pair of joewell shears from sallys as they were on sale and I love them! I was one to use a cheap pair of Conair brand scissors from Wally's and they worked good but I needed a more durable pair as I plan on cutting me and my daughters hair for many years to come.