View Full Version : I used to be balding ykies!

September 7th, 2013, 06:09 PM
http://i759.photobucket.com/albums/xx234/AriaLee4/P1120023_zpsf6e4e3b5.jpg (http://s759.photobucket.com/user/AriaLee4/media/P1120023_zpsf6e4e3b5.jpg.html)

Here's a picture of how bad my hair was during my chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia. I almost chopped it off, but knew it would make me too sad.
CF, and all illness is the body lacking minerals, and the hair and skin shows it first. After I got my PH up, my hair went back to normal. It is still fine, which is a sign of thyroid weakness. But at least it really grows now, and you would never know that I had issues before!

September 7th, 2013, 06:15 PM
Congrats on beautiful hair and taking good care of yourself. Your hair is lovely!

September 9th, 2013, 06:51 PM
aww thanks. Because I went through feelings of sadness because of thinning hair, I really feel for other women who go through the same thing

September 9th, 2013, 07:16 PM
I'm glad you got it figured out. My hair is falling out like crazy because I am so stressed.

Inching Along
September 9th, 2013, 07:35 PM
So glad you were able to recover! How did you get your pH up, and are you feeling better health wise? Your hair is lovely. I have had hair thinning for many years due to thyroid disease and major stress. It's better now, so I am thrilled about that! :)

September 9th, 2013, 09:31 PM
I'm glad you got to keep your hair take care and keep well.

September 9th, 2013, 09:48 PM
Inching Along - how did you recover from your thyroid and stress related hair loss? Have you started taking thyroid meds or doing more stress relieving activities? I too battle with hair that seems finer and thinner than it used to be. Im on thyroid meds - never heard of the PH levels being off causing hair loss.

Inching Along
September 9th, 2013, 10:45 PM
Inching Along - how did you recover from your thyroid and stress related hair loss? Have you started taking thyroid meds or doing more stress relieving activities? I too battle with hair that seems finer and thinner than it used to be. Im on thyroid meds - never heard of the PH levels being off causing hair loss.

Hi, seeker!

I wouldn't say that I'm recovered from my autoimmune thyroid disease and stress, but that my hair is doing better. I'm not sure why, really. I actually feel pretty good. I take Armour thyroid and eat whole foods. I've done a few rounds of the GAPS intro diet and also was doing autoimmune Paleo (very similar to GAPS) for a little while, both to try to heal my gut, but I find that my body reacts strangely with leg and foot cramps when I'm on those diets too long. I am probably lacking in magnesium. So the biggie for me was to go gluten free three years ago and eat a whole foods diet that includes bone broth and superfoods like liver and cod liver oil. There's a lot of info on the Weston A Price Foundation (http://www.westonaprice.org) site, and you can check out GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) (http://www.gapsdiet.com/) and the autoimmune Paleo diet based on whole foods, such as Against All Grain (http://www.againstallgrain.com).

My stress has abated somewhat, but it is back in a way, hopefully for only a short time. I am finding that having a joyful, happy attitude and trying to let God have my burdens helps a lot. I know that stressful times will come, but I do hope they are not as bad as the last four years were!

September 9th, 2013, 10:58 PM
Your hair looks very pretty! So glad you're feeling better.

October 12th, 2013, 07:07 AM
My hair grows slow because of my chronic fatigue :(

February 26th, 2014, 01:50 PM
I'm glad you got it figured out. My hair is falling out like crazy because I am so stressed.

Something that really worked for me is deep breathing with positive emotions.

You block out noise and light. Then you inhale with your diaphragm, not shallow breathing from your upper chest, and exhale thinking and feeling different emotions- love joy peace ect.

It takes practice. This puts the brain back into a relaxed state (alpha wave patterns). It also takes you away from stress and problems on your demand:) I really like it. It helps me fall asleep too:)

February 26th, 2014, 01:54 PM
So glad you were able to recover! How did you get your pH up, and are you feeling better health wise? Your hair is lovely. I have had hair thinning for many years due to thyroid disease and major stress. It's better now, so I am thrilled about that! :)
PH goes up with negative charges: earthing, distilled water, fresh air, raw plants and juices, and plant based minerals. This is a balancing act. As you go through detox, the body dumps acids from the cells, and they need to be neutralized with negative charges. I was such a toxic waste dump, that it took almost a year before my hair went back to normal. But now I'm in the surplus for minerals. My hair grows like crazy!

February 26th, 2014, 02:12 PM
Inching Along - how did you recover from your thyroid and stress related hair loss? Have you started taking thyroid meds or doing more stress relieving activities? I too battle with hair that seems finer and thinner than it used to be. Im on thyroid meds - never heard of the PH levels being off causing hair loss.
Most disease and aging are due to acidity (more toxins than minerals in the body). Usually, adults have low PH. I've read of many people lowering and eventually getting off medication when they get back to 7.2 saliva PH.

March 5th, 2014, 07:36 PM
My hair grows slow because of my chronic fatigue :(

Chronic fatigue, like I had, usually means your endocrine system is full of mucus and acidity. My thyroid stopped working. As my thyroid got stronger, my hair recovered. CF stinks!

March 5th, 2014, 08:40 PM
Your hair is so so beautiful, you've done so well!!!! :heart: