View Full Version : Is it possible to over-oil?

September 1st, 2013, 02:18 PM
Every Friday I oil my hair (1:3 jojoba:coconut, +5 drops rosemary, +5 drops peppermint).
Mini re-oil Saturday, Sunday, Monday morning.
Full wash (cwc Tresemme) Monday night.

I haven't noticed any problem, but could it eventually cause more harm than good?

Just wondering :)

September 1st, 2013, 03:17 PM
I don't think any amount of oil will harm your hair, but oily hair can attract lint. That can lead to tangles, so be cautious. Otherwise, I think the only risk is looking greasy. What you're doing sounds okay.

September 1st, 2013, 03:30 PM
If it looks oily I'd say you over done it.

September 1st, 2013, 03:38 PM
I personally think only you can tell...If your hair loves it then you're good. Greasiness the only issue I can think off.

However, maybe take a break once in a while, not for hair sake but for your scalp. Skin can get sensitive and maybe eventually become allergic because of constant use of same oils. (This happened to my mum, she was using oil for skin care rather than hair though )

September 1st, 2013, 03:48 PM
The only issue I've had while oiling my hair was using so much that my hair was dripping then over-washing it to get the oil out. The over-washing caused my hair to shed 20 times more than usual while I was in the shower then became very dry when I got out of the shower. Needless to say, I did it wrong.

September 1st, 2013, 04:41 PM
The only problem I can think of would be yuck; oil sucks everything out of the air (pollen, lint, dust, pollution) and it sticks to the hair.

September 1st, 2013, 05:46 PM
Thank you all so so so much :) You're all so knowledgeable about hair ^^

September 1st, 2013, 05:54 PM
Sometimes too much coconut oil can make things feel a little crunchy on my ends but it never lasts once I wash my hair.