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View Full Version : Worst hair habits

August 30th, 2013, 04:12 PM
We all have those things, few or many, that we do to protect and pamper our growing hair. But there is a dark side of hair maintenance, when good intentions fail and bad habits overtake us. What are your worst of the worst, bad hair habits?

To kick things off: I'm a toucher. I run my fingers through my hair constantly whenever it's down. It can't be helped. It feels like fine silk. Also, too-tight ponytails. My hair is too short for sticks or pins, and I have yet to add a scrunchie to my growing hair care arsenal. Far from lastly, I go to bed with wet hair on regular cotton pillow cases at least a few times a week. I think all of these bad habits contribute to a fragile top layer. Silly, Peepo.

I'm still doin' alright. :cool:

August 30th, 2013, 04:30 PM
Mine are bad. Highlighting, Lowlighting, blow drying, pulling of broken ends. *hangs head in shame*

August 30th, 2013, 04:35 PM
I'm also a toucher -- hair can be up or down. I also just THINK about my hair too much these days since I just decided a month or so ago that I could be at waist soon if I wanted. Now I really, really want it. Really!

August 30th, 2013, 04:39 PM
Mine are bad. Highlighting, Lowlighting, blow drying, pulling of broken ends. *hangs head in shame*

It's not about shaming, it's about acceptance. *tilts chin into up position* Also, highlights rock.

August 30th, 2013, 04:52 PM
Permanent dying my roots black every month (long black hair or bust, darn it!) and holding my braid when I'm stressed.

August 30th, 2013, 05:27 PM
If I'm careful, I can detangle my hair without letting any hairs rip or break or stretch. Takes at least ten minutes of concentrated effort each time, and more than once it's taken half an hour. I do not always have that kind of patience.

August 30th, 2013, 05:34 PM
I seem to always be in a hurry and occasionally rip through it because I don't have time to detangle gently. I need to come up with really easy updos that will hide tangles and still look okay. I really like my hair and I always feel bad when I'm mean to it.:(

August 30th, 2013, 05:47 PM
Bleaching, here! I bleached last summer, took a break over the fall/winter/spring, then went ahead and bleached again in June. I touched my roots up a couple times but I am done now, I have had my fun. I am sticking to veggie dyes like Manic Panic.

August 30th, 2013, 06:55 PM
One of my worst habits is experimentation, even when I know it's a bad idea:
Really fine hair is wet? Lets try making a complex braided updo!

2 minutes later

How in the world is the tangle larger than my head!?!?

I've destroyed many-a-hair and occasionally have had to cut the worst of the tangles out, resulting in some unwanted but luckily not too noticeable layers. I never learn, do I? lol

August 30th, 2013, 07:09 PM
Cotton pillow case (but silk scarf), detangling wet, redoing my updo 3-5 times a day, touching it all the time, napping with it loose, and, worst of all, combing it dry. Not when it's dry. Until it's dry. I know. When it's detangled I'll sit there and keep combing it as I watch tv or read or whatever to make it dry faster. It's thick and fine, so separating the strands really does speed things up. It's probably destroying any benefit I get from air drying, but I can't seem to help it.

August 30th, 2013, 07:14 PM

cotton pillowcases (I have a collection of had embroidered pillowcases that my late Gram did..I *need* to sleep on them, you know?)

I think I'm mostly good, otherwise

August 30th, 2013, 07:53 PM
I touch my hair way to much. And I barely ever wear it up, & I never wear it up when I go to sleep. Plus I sleep on cotton pillow cases. I think all of this is what causes my split ends.

August 30th, 2013, 07:59 PM
Sometimes I start way too high up on my hair when I comb it and I'm not gentle with it and I can hear a snap or two -shudders-. Sleeping without a sleep bonnet or a silk pillowcase is also another bad habit of mine as I find both pretty uncomfortable.

August 30th, 2013, 09:19 PM
I'm still not as careful detangling as I could be. I should learn to be more patient when I brush. :)

August 30th, 2013, 09:44 PM
I touch my hair a lot, and also sleeping on regular cotton pillowcases. Looking at getting some silk pillowcases or a sleep bonnet when I can afford it though.

August 31st, 2013, 06:04 AM
Bleaching my roots :O and blowdrying - I hate wet hair!! (I do use cold setting though)

August 31st, 2013, 08:56 AM
I comb my hair when it's dry. And I wear it down A LOT. I don't feel guilty though, I don't see the point in having nice hair if it's up so much that I can't appreciate it.

August 31st, 2013, 09:55 AM
I also wear mine down.. even when it's windy outside. Cotton pillowcases, combing when not completely dry..

August 31st, 2013, 10:13 AM
My hair is always on my mind. I often think that part of the reason it grows so slowly is because I can't stop futzing around with it. A terrible habit of mine is taking out a perfectly good braid and then redoing it. Repeat.
I also have a cotton pillowcase. Friction.

August 31st, 2013, 10:28 AM
Brushing when my hair is wet with Tangle Teezer (it doesn't hurt or hair doesn't snap but I guess this is a bad thing to do anyways), bunning when wet, touching when down, pulling split ends, having it down outside and not protecting it (wind, sun etc).. Oh man, I am bad.

August 31st, 2013, 11:00 AM
No satin/silk pillowcase, can't stop touching my hair [working on it though!], wearing it up the exact same way too often, and wearing it down used to be an issue but now I have become addicted to wearing it up so that's no longer a problem :o

August 31st, 2013, 11:56 AM
I still relax my hair shudder: but I'm willing to do the extra pampering so :rolleyes:

August 31st, 2013, 12:10 PM
Pushing 'benign neglect' a touch too far, resulting in tangles.

Dyeing my hair with chemicals.

Using hair elastics. They are fabric coated, but still...

August 31st, 2013, 12:55 PM
Hair elastics (but I use the no-metal fabric coated ones), less-than-gentle detangling, not as good about the "hair-friendly" updos as I could be. And I comb it out (once) when it's wet. But seriously, all the low-hanging fruit (color, perm, straighten, heat styling) got eliminated ages ago. I'm working on my remaining issues.

August 31st, 2013, 12:58 PM
Sleeping with it unbound (the partner rolls over on it constantly!), ripping through it with the brush, and doing S&D with dull scissors/nail clippers. I've been doing better with the brush thing, though!

August 31st, 2013, 01:09 PM
<---- The World's Most Incorrigible Toucher! If it's down, I'm touching it!

One of the reasons I wear my hair up ALL the time is because I feel like my constant finger combing, twirling, and re-positioning makes me look conceited. :oops:

I also:
Rush through detangling sometimes

Cut splits with dull scissors if I can't get to my hair scissors (which, I gotta say, isn't really that bad of a habit, at least the tangle causing split is gone... even if it will return later lol)

Wear the exact same style forever and ever (I really only do four styles, need to learn more!)

chen bao jun
August 31st, 2013, 02:17 PM
Toucher here.
My curls just feel so good and I love that thing where you pull on them and they go 'sproing'!
I do keep my hair up though so that I can only play with my bangs.
I'm also a hairstyle re-doer. Partly perfectionism and partly that updoes start hurting eventually no matter what I do.

August 31st, 2013, 02:24 PM
I'm a twirler. I constantly touch/twirl/put up/take down etc. It drives other people crazy but I barely notice!

September 3rd, 2013, 09:03 AM
I brush my hair when it is wet.
I constantly have to touch my hair, no matter if it is in an updo, braid, or down.
I sleep on cotton pillow cases at night.

September 3rd, 2013, 09:37 AM
When I was younger, I would look through my ends, find a split, and pull them apart :oops:

September 3rd, 2013, 11:58 AM
My worst hair habits...Sleeping on a regular cotton pillow case. I do wear my hair up when I sleep at least. I also comb when it's wet; I brush it when it's dry. I also wear it down a lot, which isn't as bad were I live now since it's not as windy as where I'm from so my hair doesn't get whipped around a lot. I also touch my hair. A lot. I think it's an anxiety thing since I notice I fiddle with it more when I'm nervous about having to interact socially with other people. :P

September 3rd, 2013, 12:09 PM
I constantly fuss with my hair, playing with the random really wirey or kinky strands that are so different from the rest of my hair. The process of separating those strands to fuss with them ends up causing huge matted tangles without me realizing it, so it's pretty terrible for my hair.

I'm trying to catch myself when I do it, but it's a difficult habit to break. Call me a chronic hair-petter.

September 3rd, 2013, 12:13 PM
Being in a hurry when I detangle and style. Cotton pillow case.

September 3rd, 2013, 12:18 PM
My worst habit is playing with my hair when I am bored. When I on the bus/train I must come across like a 8 year old girl lol

September 3rd, 2013, 12:21 PM
I'm constantly touching my hair. I love practicing new styles. I haven't gotten any hair sticks yet, so I'm still using hair ties. I comb it a lot. I also sleep with it down and wear it down a lot. (But I don't think that's too bad because I'm trying to put less stress on my edges.

One step at a time. I'm pretty proud of the fact that I've given up heat and dye. I can't get rid of all my bad habits at once.

September 3rd, 2013, 01:17 PM
I am not alone!!!!! I am the worst offender when it comes to touching/playing with my hair....I do it all the time - and I probably come off as a little kid, or a really conceited person, idk, I just can't kick this habit - even if my hair is up in a ponytail! I'm so happy there are others here just like me!

September 3rd, 2013, 02:09 PM
I brush my hair when it's wet. I know it's bad, but I can't help it! I use a good detangler though, and I use a Tangle Teezer... I am ashamed.

September 3rd, 2013, 02:13 PM
I have recently given up my conditioners in favor of coconut oil, and didn't notice how much of a mess I was making of my hair by balling it up on my head to wash it.. until I did it w/o using my nice, coney conditioner.. it turned into a tangled mess.. luckily I'm figuring out (slowly) how to minimize tangles w/o using conditioner.. this is per my husband's suggestion (Indian). I'm also washing every other day lately. :disco:

September 3rd, 2013, 02:16 PM
I am not alone!!!!! I am the worst offender when it comes to touching/playing with my hair....I do it all the time - and I probably come off as a little kid, or a really conceited person, idk, I just can't kick this habit - even if my hair is up in a ponytail! I'm so happy there are others here just like me!

I am forever touching my ends... checking if they're dry or how thick they are.. braids.. :disco:

September 3rd, 2013, 02:21 PM
I am not alone!!!!! I am the worst offender when it comes to touching/playing with my hair....I do it all the time - and I probably come off as a little kid, or a really conceited person, idk, I just can't kick this habit - even if my hair is up in a ponytail! I'm so happy there are others here just like me!

We are not alone! So many fussers and touchers in this thread. Some of my favorite gems: braiding and rebraiding and braiding again and the S&D with nail clippers. They seemed like things I would do.

September 3rd, 2013, 02:26 PM
I'm tender headed, so I wear my hair down quite a lot. I haven't gone out to town in at least a braid in quite some time, but at home my hair stays down and loose. I just can't keep an updo for very long without my whole scalp throbbing.

September 3rd, 2013, 02:30 PM
I brush with a goody wet brush..when it's wet, I know not the worst but still bad it's a habit I know I will never break because if I'm going to air dry, I need it to be smooth and in the place I want it for it to look good air dried. Fabric covered hair ties, cotton pillow, down when I sleep, and I too am a toucher!

September 3rd, 2013, 02:34 PM
We are not alone! So many fussers and touchers in this thread. Some of my favorite gems: braiding and rebraiding and braiding again and the S&D with nail clippers. They seemed like things I would do.
Haha I do the braiding thing too! Like, a lot....matter of fact, i was just making mini braids in my hair, then taking them off....continually grrrr

September 3rd, 2013, 04:54 PM
Oh. I like touching my hair all the time. And I always have it down, only braided and tucked under night cap for bed. But touch touch touch all the time. I also brush when wet, but I finger brush to try and minimize the pulling of elastic hair. If I don't brush when wet then the tangles are much much much much harder to get rid of when dry, not to mention that brushing dry curly hair, even with fingers, will inevitably result in afro. And afro will inevitably result in epic mini knots. So these can be considered bad habits. But other than the touching, I can't really stop the other habits. Don't think I will stop touching my hair all the time, I just like to touch my hair too much.

Nadine <3
September 3rd, 2013, 05:21 PM
I play with my hair a lot, even when its braided, I play with the ends. I sleep on cotton pillow cases...kinda. I usually end up with my head on a balled up blanket so I dont think my pillow cases make much of a difference lol

September 3rd, 2013, 05:23 PM
I constantly fuss with my hair, playing with the random really wirey or kinky strands that are so different from the rest of my hair. The process of separating those strands to fuss with them ends up causing huge matted tangles without me realizing it, so it's pretty terrible for my hair.
I'm trying to catch myself when I do it, but it's a difficult habit to break. Call me a chronic hair-petter.

I do the exact same thing! At least i know i am not alone lol! I am constantly playing with the random thick, dark, kinky strands i have in my hair! Most of the time i dont even realize it, but i'm trying to catch myself and make myself stop. I know it cannot be good.

September 3rd, 2013, 06:00 PM
i'm a toucher tooo! i used to be really bad with heat, blow drying it and staightening it every day, but i gave that up completely a couple of years ago. I always sleep on a cotton pillowcase cos i find silk really uncomfortable and it makes my hair go static which drives me insane lol

September 3rd, 2013, 06:33 PM
Constantly touching my hair, permanent black dying, getting impatient and being too rough when I detangle.

September 3rd, 2013, 07:39 PM
Wearing it up too much, too tight braids, small elastics that seem to break the ends :/

September 6th, 2013, 12:07 PM
I'm also a toucher I constantly run my hands through my hair and adjust my hairstyle, I'm currently sleeping on a cotton pillowcase (shakes head in shame) until I can get my satin pillowcase and I haven't DCed in about 3 months ... no wonder my hair is angry.

September 6th, 2013, 01:40 PM
Heat styling. I'd love to quit, but at the moment I really don't have any other ways to style it. It's too short for pin curls or rollers so I just curl the ends with small straightening iron. I use heat protector, but I know that it's no use. I do the heat styling almost every day...

September 6th, 2013, 02:55 PM
I play with my hair a lot, even when its braided, I play with the ends. I sleep on cotton pillow cases...kinda. I usually end up with my head on a balled up blanket so I dont think my pillow cases make much of a difference lol

This is why I don't think I'll ever bother with a satin pillow case; it's not like I'll end up sleeping on the pillow anyway. Although, I should really consider a sleep cap... probably.

September 6th, 2013, 03:09 PM
Sniffing my hair to avoid a foul odor. I'm sure it makes me look crazy. :poot:

September 7th, 2013, 12:02 PM
I have to wash my hair in HOT water. Otherwise it doesn't feel clean to me. :P I also touch my hair a lot, almost constantly.

September 7th, 2013, 12:14 PM
Headbanging to heavy metal music! :rockerdud

My hair easily tangles at the best of times and after a gig or a night out at a club it can resemble a huge dreadlock. However in my favour I can say that I will always patiently sit and detangle as gently as possible for as long as it takes after I get home, sometimes using oil or conditioner to help me. I have NEVER gone to bed with tangles, no matter how tired I might be.

Since there is pretty much nothing else I can think of that I do regularly which is bad for my hair I guess I'm entitled to one 'hair vice' :D

September 8th, 2013, 07:24 AM
I'm a toucher and i comb my hair back a lot. And i put my hair in a ponytail too often.

September 8th, 2013, 05:23 PM
I do that too, woodswanderer, and wonder if people think that I'm crazy.

September 8th, 2013, 05:42 PM
Using a flat iron on my hair every week. But I did, however, manage to go practically heat-free this summer, but I know that I'll straighten my hair more often once the weather cools.:eek:

September 8th, 2013, 06:05 PM
Oh... oh, oh. I dye my hair a lot. I started hennaing a few years ago to stop this, but I recently lightened it all and regret it now. I was JUST hitting tailbone and now I'm back at waist because I had to trim so much. *SIGH* So yeah... hair dying. /:

September 10th, 2013, 10:48 PM
I'm an obsessive hair toucher. Within the past few days I've started wearing a pendant, so I have something to fiddle with instead of my hair.

September 10th, 2013, 10:55 PM
If I put my hair in a ponytail to bun it certain ways, I have the same bad habit I developed as a child....Grabbing the ponytail in two sections and yanking them apart hard to tighten my elastic closer to my head. I did it really badly as a kid since I liked my ponytails tight and while I do it far less often because I don't put my hair up like that much, I mindlessly do it when I put it up like that.

And I tangle teezer my hair when wet. I do it gently....wide tooth combs just don't cut it for me and waiting until it's dry usually leaves me with bad tangles since my hair is so floaty and flyaway. I usually encounter no knots out of the shower in my hair, however I know it's not the greatest to do.

September 11th, 2013, 08:44 AM
I don't feel so unique..but I just recently become a member here and I'm training to be careful when combing/brushing..I comb every night and comb + brush every morning, I think my bbb (with nylon) cleans my hair and add volume..if I have my hair down I'm a toucher, but that happends very few times, cause I don't feel comfortable with it!

I also tries to many thing and easily over moisture/ oil my hair so I have to deep clarify it..

September 11th, 2013, 09:04 AM
Touching & pulling my hair.:(

September 11th, 2013, 09:08 AM
I have recently given up my conditioners in favor of coconut oil, and didn't notice how much of a mess I was making of my hair by balling it up on my head to wash it.. until I did it w/o using my nice, coney conditioner.. it turned into a tangled mess.. luckily I'm figuring out (slowly) how to minimize tangles w/o using conditioner.. this is per my husband's suggestion (Indian). I'm also washing every other day lately. :disco:

omgomgomgomg my boyfriend is Indian :D twinsies!!

September 11th, 2013, 10:25 AM
I have this thing where I twirl of plait the bottom loose bit of hair at the end of my plait. I will constantly touch it. Also I'm a lazy detangler, and I have a tendency to wear pony tails real tight as well.

Agnes Hannah
September 11th, 2013, 11:09 AM
Using hair dye, although I try to leave it as long as possible, at least one month. Cotton pillowcases, cones, blow drying, twiddling and fiddling, stroking and touching!
Am using bristle only brushes now, my Mason Pearson is for children so is perfect for my fine hair. Also Ive swopped my plastic comb for a wooden one, and now try to finger comb, and that helps my touching ******.
Also looking at henna dyes and am going to swop poos to non sulfates and use less. Conditioner also am going to swop and do cone free for a while. I've bought some coconut milk and some hair oil, so am trying!!
Really shamefaced, so sorry hair please forgive me, no wonder you are so fine!!

September 11th, 2013, 11:22 AM
I CANNOT stop touching if its down, its a weird anxiety thing sometimes too. If I am stressed I spin it around and around and around....
I also have no patience for combing...
But I have stopped dying!

September 11th, 2013, 11:30 AM
Cotton pillow case. Playing with the tassel of my braids.

September 11th, 2013, 12:30 PM
I just loooove touching and flipping my hair! *blushes*. I also really enjou twirling it- not sure if it's really bad but I sort of assume fiddling in general isn't ideal but hey- hair is there to be enjoyed and I do! :-D

September 11th, 2013, 01:36 PM
I lighten my roots.

September 11th, 2013, 08:16 PM
To be honest ladies, I'm astonished I still have hair, let alone past my bra. Cotton pillow case is my major contributor to frizz. I man-handle my hair like no ones business. When I let my hair down there is a halo of short hairs that have been cut due to using elastic bands. Just stopped using cones, the ends felt like branches. Hair was so parched and protein deficient it looked like 1b. The minute I clarified and used a no cone conditioner it bounced to a 2b. I saw a ringlet! Hallelujah!

September 12th, 2013, 03:03 AM
I color my roots with permanent color...but hey it's salon quality! And I only use a 10 volume developer, that counts for something, right? I wish I liked henndigo, but I've gone that route before and never quite got the black that I wanted. Plus I found it time consuming and expensive.
I also sleep on a cotton pillow case, you can add me to the "I touch my hair WAY too much if it's down" club, and even if I have it braided I'll fuss with the tassel.
I constantly look for split ends, but I'll do it even if I don't have my good shears with me and once I find one it's GOT to go...which usually leads to me cutting the splits off with blunt paper scissors.
Not really fixing the problem, but it's immediate gratification I guess!

September 12th, 2013, 03:58 AM
Recently more blow-dries have been creeping in. I had only blow-dried my hair four times in the last 14 months and then this month I have already blow-dried it five times. Must stop that.... I KNOW that heat makes my hair crispy and I am so pleased that I don't have any split-ends at the moment and want it to stay like that.

I also touch my hair far too much. Probably should stop washing it every day too. I get really greasy roots though and feel yucky if I leave it.

September 12th, 2013, 04:16 AM
I'm horrible.
I'm also a toucher, I like to wear my hair loose and the worst part is (I really try to stop but sometimes I don't even realize I'm doing it) I pick and pull on my damaged ends. If there's a strand that has this little white dot somewhere up the length, I pull off the part of the strand beneath the dot. :doh:

September 12th, 2013, 09:12 AM
When I'm really tired, I go to sleep without a satin cap + I don't have a satin pillow case because I'm a drooler. I only wear my hair down at home and when I do, I play with it a lot. I don't moisturize it as much as I should so I have dry ends most of the time. I'm really just lazy and that's why I love benign neglect, I put it up every day. And a lot of my styling use elastics :rolleyes: