View Full Version : Ripped out a lock of my hair...

August 22nd, 2013, 08:24 AM
and am feeling a likely disproportionate amount of regret over it!

Last night, after I turned off the lights to go to bed, I stretched a little, got the longest (knee-length) part of my hair caught beneath my calloused feet, lifted my head back up, and rip!

As a consequence, today I'm feeling down on my hair, am worried I have a bald spot, and am dreading when that lock is a few inches long and makes my hair look all messy.Does anybody else get too worried over hair when things like this happen? How do I get over it (haha, that sounds pretty sad)?

August 22nd, 2013, 08:36 AM
Can't say I have hair as long as yours, but when me and DBF are together, he often misses my hair up or ends up lying on it and I pull away tugging at my hair and ripping it out. It is deeply upsetting :( although I'm sure it is nowhere near as bad as you think! I always think it is really noticeable but noone can see it apart from us hair obsessees :)

August 22nd, 2013, 08:37 AM
Well I have a similar story. I did cute pigtails with the clear elastic and didn't want to slide it all down the length of my hair and ended up cutting off, with a lock of my hair :/

So now I have this little chunk of hair that hands off the bottom of my head that wont go into top buns or high ponytails. I was totally devastated for weeks, but the other day I realized it was kind of cute like a reverse rat tail ...:) The other day I even accessorized it with a little mini hair spiral! and the best part is it makes it totally easy to see how much my hair is growing. It's grown almost 2 inches since the incident!

So I guess maybe trying to see any positive that you can is helpful, also for me what helped is realizing that this minor thing is nowhere near as bad as losing half your length to haircut miscommunication. It could always be worse right? Just know you are definitely not the only one who freaks out about this sort of thing, I'm willing to bet it is fairly common on this board.

Hope you feel better!

August 22nd, 2013, 09:18 AM
I once cut off a small lock when I missed with the scissors doing a S&D. I have bangs though, so it blended right in. I don't even remember what side it was on.

Could always be worse!

August 22nd, 2013, 09:20 AM
I once cut off a small lock when I missed with the scissors doing a S&D. I have bangs though, so it blended right in. I don't even remember what side it was on.

Could always be worse!

August 22nd, 2013, 09:32 AM
Doesn't sound sad at all —*I think it's pretty natural to worry a bit about hair.

I wouldn't worry too much about bald spots or that area looking out of place — it can't be much worse than regular shedding.

August 22nd, 2013, 09:56 AM
Thanks, you guys, I feel much better already! It could indeed be worse. :) And I really hope it isn't as noticeable as it feels!

August 22nd, 2013, 10:30 AM
How many hairs are we talking about here?

I think the worst such incident for me was when I squatted down to play with my new puppy in the kitchen, then stood up and ripped out about 8 hairs on the cabinet hinge. I forgot all about it until I noticed a small cluster of new hairs sticking straight out at that spot. haha; funny looking But time passes and hair grows; we have to take the good with the bad.

August 22nd, 2013, 01:11 PM
I've got mine caught on my work bag and ripped 8 hairs or so,

August 22nd, 2013, 01:24 PM
I'm sure nobody, even you, will see it. Seriously, I know what you're feeling, but instead of stressing over it (it'll be bad for hair) I'd have something nice for hair to eat or something :) It'll grow back!

chen bao jun
August 22nd, 2013, 05:42 PM
I had someone rip some of my hair out on purpose once, so that my scalp bled in two places. However, I didn't ever notice a bald spot, I put on some neosporin and once the bleeding stopped, I didn't notice it, didn't notice it growing back and I doubt you will.

August 22nd, 2013, 06:25 PM
I shaved a bunch of hair off in the shower by accident once. I was shaving my mustache (I didn't have time to wax) and didn't realize some of my hair was on my lip area! I shaved off probably 20 to 30 hairs! I was growing out a pixie at the time so having a little chunk at a weird length didn't even show. But I was upset.

August 22nd, 2013, 11:51 PM
I had someone rip some of my hair out on purpose once, so that my scalp bled in two places.

What the hell?? What happened?

August 23rd, 2013, 02:54 AM
Don't worry about it, it'll grow back. Be sure to braid your hair or put them in some updo next time when you go to sleep to make sure it never happens again :)

August 23rd, 2013, 04:31 AM
and am feeling a likely disproportionate amount of regret over it!

Last night, after I turned off the lights to go to bed, I stretched a little, got the longest (knee-length) part of my hair caught beneath my calloused feet, lifted my head back up, and rip!

As a consequence, today I'm feeling down on my hair, am worried I have a bald spot, and am dreading when that lock is a few inches long and makes my hair look all messy.Does anybody else get too worried over hair when things like this happen? How do I get over it (haha, that sounds pretty sad)?

Are you kidding? I totally freaked out over ONE!! strand of hair yesterday when I accidentally ripped it out because of my backpack. It's like instant sadness. But then after a few mins I realize I should be grateful because I have enough hair to be ripped out, unlike some people. But in that first moment I'm a wreck. :p

August 24th, 2013, 07:47 AM
I don't have hair as long as yours, but very occasionally when I am in a rush, and I brush a little too quickly and you hear the snap! *shudder* it's horrible, I sympathise! Although it teaches me to be gentle for quite a while afterwards...don't worry though we all do it an I'm sure you won't be able to see any regrownth, it will blend.