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View Full Version : How much hold does aloe vera gel provide?

August 22nd, 2013, 05:35 AM
I wash daily so I wouldn't need a product that provides extreme hold (I.e. hold that would last more than a day) but I'd like something that would enhance and hold my waves throughout the day. I have some AVG and of course I know I should just experiment but I'm currently browsing online and wondering whether or not I should purchase Rockin' Ringlets and/or Confident Coils by Jessicurl and use those instead :)



August 22nd, 2013, 05:39 AM
It doesn't provide any hold for me. It loosens my waves and makes it much harder for my hair to hold a curl. But then, my hair has more hold and gets wavier it's drier, and has less hold and becomes less wavy when it's more moisturised.

ETA: But if you already have AVG on hand, I suggest just try using it once before you decide whether or not to buy one of those other products - that way you'll see the effect it has on your hair.

August 22nd, 2013, 06:04 AM
Very little, it's also a potent humectant so be careful if you have porous hair or in higher dews. Rockin Ringlets doesn't have much hold either, it does curl boost due to the magnesium sulphate and I have used it as my only styler (I conditioner only sometimes) and it does last the day. I haven't used Confident Coils but it's heavy on the aloe vera, I'd experiment with what you have at home first. You can DIY flaxseed or okra gels fairly easily, boosting the hold with xanthan gum - from supermarkets - or agave nectar.

August 22nd, 2013, 06:04 AM
Very little in my opinion -- but then, I own a hard-hold gel which I've used without seeing much difference to what my hair usually does. I've never quite understood the need for "hold" for curls or waves (actually I don't think I even know what hold is for a wavy/curly girl).
Still, I'm liking AVG at the moment . It seems to work quite well against frizz -- I love it for sleeking down my hair in updos, it lasts for days. I started using it last month, when I borrowed some from a friend and found it was the one thing which managed to give me a good hair day, with nicely formed curls, when we were in a very humid area a few weeks ago and my curls just dropped out for some reason. Since then I've been experimenting a little (though I've returned to a normal humidity area), and yeah... if you have some on hand, I can only recommend experimenting. Can't say anything about the two products you've mentioned, as I don't have any experience with them (I'm sure you'll find reviews on the naturallycurly forum though).

August 22nd, 2013, 07:44 AM
Thanks ladies :)