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View Full Version : Question for the colour wheel experts - please help! (Re: Elumen AB@6)

August 21st, 2013, 06:55 PM

I'm an ash brunette. Recently I bleached my hair out (big mistake but I've come to terms with it).
I'm growing my hair out now and I used Elumen AB@6 on the length (avoiding about 10cm of roots) based on the advice on LHC but it has turned out a red/plum/purple colour.


Could anyone please suggest which colour would make the red/plum more grey/ash?
Please note: I know that blue neutralises red BUT the plum aspect has blue in it. I'd like to make a colour gloss with conditioner (I don't really want to buy another bottle of Elumen...).

Massive thanks in advance!

August 21st, 2013, 09:15 PM
I do not know where this came about but blue neutralizes orange. Blue is directly opposite of orange at least on my color wheel. Green neutralizes red because once again it is directly across from red on my Paul Mitchell color wheel which I have in my hand. Any neutral ash at your desired level used as a toner should suppress the red component of your hair. If it is really red then a double ash might be more appropriate. I would suggest you chase one color at a time. If red is what bothers you most then go with the ash then re-evaluate the results and move to the next undesirable tonal quality.

If you want to attack the plum in one step which I see as red/violet from the pic then the appropriate toner would be yellow/green.

Hope this helps. Good Luck

August 22nd, 2013, 01:58 PM
I am sorry this hapoened, but there have been several warnings about AB shades going red and to strand test in the Elumen thread. Personally I found NA the most ashy yet still warm in certain lights. It will wash off though. Perhaps you could try a silver shampoo in the mean time. I don't think I would personally go on a quest to try to get this colour to look ashy when the color will wash out anyway.

August 22nd, 2013, 05:07 PM
At least it's a pretty color! I don't know how long Elumen lasts, only that it isn't permanent. Don't panic too much; it will be gone soon enough.

August 22nd, 2013, 05:36 PM
At least it's a pretty color! I don't know how long Elumen lasts, only that it isn't permanent. Don't panic too much; it will be gone soon enough.

That's what I was thinking. It'll wash out soon enough. No worries! Better to leave it alone than to further mess with it!

August 26th, 2013, 04:44 AM
I do not know where this came about but blue neutralizes orange. Blue is directly opposite of orange at least on my color wheel. Green neutralizes red because once again it is directly across from red on my Paul Mitchell color wheel which I have in my hand. Any neutral ash at your desired level used as a toner should suppress the red component of your hair. If it is really red then a double ash might be more appropriate. I would suggest you chase one color at a time. If red is what bothers you most then go with the ash then re-evaluate the results and move to the next undesirable tonal quality.

If you want to attack the plum in one step which I see as red/violet from the pic then the appropriate toner would be yellow/green.

Hope this helps. Good Luck

Thank you! I'll try the yellow/green idea.

August 26th, 2013, 04:49 AM
I am sorry this hapoened, but there have been several warnings about AB shades going red and to strand test in the Elumen thread. Personally I found NA the most ashy yet still warm in certain lights. It will wash off though. Perhaps you could try a silver shampoo in the mean time. I don't think I would personally go on a quest to try to get this colour to look ashy when the color will wash out anyway.

At least it's a pretty color! I don't know how long Elumen lasts, only that it isn't permanent. Don't panic too much; it will be gone soon enough.

Thanks! But don't get me wrong- I prefer the post-Elumen colour rather than the pre-Elumen colour of my hair. I've deliberately done two coats of AB@6 a few days apart to try to lock it into my previously over-bleached hair so that it doesn't keep fading. I just want to use a gloss to tone it down a little so I'll try the yellow/green gloss suggested.