View Full Version : 4 years of effort. 4 years of LHC. Look at me. (long and pic heavy)

August 20th, 2013, 06:39 PM
(well ok.. its about 3.5 hours early.. but I'm excited)

I don’t think I’ve made a hairversary post in a long while.. because every year I’m looking to show actual progress, and I was so distracted by my thin hair, my shedding, and my trims and mini-chops that I never noticed any progress. I always told myself “maybe next year I’ll have something worth showing off”.

When I first joined this site I wanted TBL hair, my goal slowly increased to CL. My hair likes to shed and has a pretty intense taper after about BSL, so I brought my goal back to TBL. Finally after 4 years I can say I have reached TBL (when stretched)

So now, from the beginning:

Summer of 2008 and July of 2009. This was my hair when I first decided to start growing it out. It was dyed dark brown but faded quickly. It started off a few inches past APL. In 2009 I got a hair cut with layers, so it was only about BSL.

Sept 2009, and maybe December 2009? I had highlights and messed around with honey lightening. These were my first LHC length shots. I was about waist length, but the layers started to make my hair look thin.

May 5, 2010 and September 25, 2010. I cut off some layers in May. I dyed it brown again. There was no noticeable growth since I first joined, so I did not make a 1 year thread. It grew a bit by September.

June 24, 2011, and October 29, 2011. It’s about an inch shy of “can I call this hip?” length. It started thinning out slowly because of health issues.. I stopped taking iron pills and my weight was dropping.. and by October my hair was horrible. I trimmed it a few inches.

March 6, 2012. It was still thinning. I made it to BCL and I tried to tough it out to TBL but ultimately cut off 4 inches. it looked much better once it was wurly too..

November 2012. It begun to look longer and a tiny bit thicker (or at least healthier..)

January 2013. It got a little bit thinner over the winter for no apparent reason, and I trimmed a small amount in March..

I dyed it black back in February 2013 and again in June 2013. I finally reached BCL again, and dyed it black again, although it is still very thin.

AUGUST 2013!
Here I am the other day. I trimmed off an inch before taking the picture, but it's still just barely TBL when stretched (the hemline thing above my pants pockets is about TBL, BCL is at the bottom of the waistband).

So: It's still thin. I still feel like chopping to BSL sometimes for the thickness.. but overall: it looks healthier., it feels healthier. I am not embarassed to wear it down anymore, I feel like I can maintain it here for a while and maybe if I'm lucky the thickness will grow down in another 4 years. But hey, I reached my goal length at last. :disco:

August 20th, 2013, 06:56 PM
Congratulations! Looks marvelous and I'm jealous of the fairy tales. Gorgeous length, and great color. Looks healthy! :D

August 20th, 2013, 07:01 PM
I purposely layer my hair and my ends look similar like yours. I prefer that type of hemline to a blunt one, personally. Looks great! Gratz on reaching your goal. Before sprinting off to the next one, take some time and bask in the accomplishment! :cheer:

August 20th, 2013, 07:01 PM
Very lovely. I love your swirly texture, you have my favorite kind of waves and the color also looks great :D

August 20th, 2013, 07:21 PM
That's a great hemline - it is marvelous for updo styles. Your hair is pretty, waves and all. :)

August 20th, 2013, 07:30 PM
I wonder how many inches that is! Either way congratz! :)

August 20th, 2013, 07:40 PM
congratulations! your hair is beautiful in all colors lol and I love the fairytale ends.

August 20th, 2013, 07:52 PM
Amazing hair! Congrats on reaching your goal length :)

August 20th, 2013, 07:55 PM
Congrats! Your hair is beautiful, I absolutely love your waves :)

August 20th, 2013, 08:01 PM
Congrats! Your hair is very pretty. Just rock those fairy tale ends! :rockerdud

August 20th, 2013, 08:29 PM
Congrats, I think your hair is beautiful. It has nice fulness in the canopy and I love your waves! I have similar issues with my own hair and not too long ago felt that it was okay to wear it down finally sometimes.

Way to go on reaching your goal! Keep on growing :)

August 20th, 2013, 08:30 PM
beautiful! just curious - did your change your routine to jump start the growth? do you do anything different when you notice more shedding than normal?

August 20th, 2013, 08:55 PM
Congratulations on reaching your goal, and happy 4th anniversary! :rockerdud I think your hair is really pretty, and I love your waves.

August 20th, 2013, 08:57 PM
Your hair is very nice. Congratulations on four years! :)

August 20th, 2013, 09:25 PM
Congrats on reaching your goal and your hair looks great.

August 20th, 2013, 10:08 PM
Congratulations, anywhere!

Your hair looks so pretty and elegant, and very healthy!

Isn't it exciting to have been here 4 years? My anniversary is coming up in September, but like you, I didn't post for my previous one because of lack of progress, but I hope to post for this year. ^.^

August 20th, 2013, 10:48 PM
Congrats!!! Your hair is really pretty and it's awesome that you finally made it to your goal. Interestingly I have had very similar progress to yours. I definitely know what it's like to finally be at goal length after so much dedication. I also think a lot about maybe cutting back tohip for more thickness, I'm maintaining for half a year or so to see how far that will get me. Good luck with further thickness and growth!

August 20th, 2013, 11:11 PM
Fours years is a long time,congratulations on your length and achieving such lovely locks.

Celtic Queen
August 21st, 2013, 12:09 AM
Lovely hair! Good job on making them healthier, and longer. Now, enjoy!

August 21st, 2013, 01:58 AM
really beautiful!!! also, I always adored your sig picture!!

August 21st, 2013, 04:17 AM
You look very very pretty!! Keep on babying that healthy hair! Congratulations!

August 21st, 2013, 04:22 AM
Your hair is amazing :) The ends look nice, too, very helthy. Good job on that hair of yours :D

August 21st, 2013, 04:54 AM
Such pretty hair! Congrats :)

August 21st, 2013, 05:33 AM
Your hair is lovely ! The waves, the lenght and the hemline! Do you have fairytail ends or this is tour layers?

August 21st, 2013, 09:31 AM
I usually not big on fairy tale ends but your hair is making me reconsider. Congrats on reaching your goal! Your hair looks fantastic!

August 21st, 2013, 10:14 AM
Congrats on reaching your goal length! :flowers:

Your hair looks lovely and healthy; I especially like all the colour changes on the way! :)

August 21st, 2013, 11:42 AM
Congratulations on reaching your goal length! Your hair looks very pretty!

August 21st, 2013, 11:55 AM
I'm in the same boat as you - lot's of taper due to shedding, but I still want to grow it longer (I'm currently at waist), like yours. Your pics are so inspirational, I love your hair! It looks just fabulous and I'd love to grow mine to look like that. And thicken up the hemline a bit, but those fairytale ends aren't that bad either.

August 21st, 2013, 11:58 AM
gorgeous hair. How did you get it to grow so quick?

August 21st, 2013, 11:59 AM
Congrats on reaching your goal! :) And your LHC anniversary. :disco:

August 21st, 2013, 12:23 PM
Well you maybe think it looks thin, but I think it's gorgeous! Well done! I hope my hair will some day look as lovely... :o

August 21st, 2013, 01:34 PM
Gorgeous! congratulations and happy growing :)

August 21st, 2013, 01:44 PM
It looks great! Thanks for sharing the journey with us!

August 21st, 2013, 02:06 PM
You are my new hair idol! I think we have similar hair. My hair feels quite thin and has more taper than I would like, and it's between waist and hip at the moment, but I want it to be tailbone length. I just really hope my hair looks as great as yours if/when I get there!
Your hair is beautiful and it has come a very long way to get to this point. Major congratulations!! Well done!

August 21st, 2013, 02:16 PM
Your hair is so beautiful! :) so shiny! I love your fairytale ends!

August 21st, 2013, 02:35 PM
Wow, quite a hair journey. Thank you for sharing and congratulations, very inspiring.

August 21st, 2013, 02:42 PM
Very lovely keep growing

August 21st, 2013, 02:58 PM
My hair is also really thin at the ends. Your hair is so beautiful! You are a long hair inspiration to me!

August 21st, 2013, 03:12 PM
Happy anniversary, and I hope you reach classic soon! :D :thumbsup:

August 21st, 2013, 04:18 PM
Thanks everyone. I appreciate it. :D

beautiful! just curious - did your change your routine to jump start the growth? do you do anything different when you notice more shedding than normal?
I took my iron pills again, that helped the shedding I think. Other than that nothing really changed my growth rate. I did start taking a multivitamin but I didn't pay attention to if it helped my hair grow.

Your hair is lovely ! The waves, the lenght and the hemline! Do you have fairytail ends or this is tour layers?
It's sadly fairytail ends. I prefer blunter hemlines, but it could be worse. And thank you . :o

gorgeous hair. How did you get it to grow so quick?
Thanks. I guess I get it to grow by making myself a healthier person overall.

August 21st, 2013, 07:18 PM
Congrats! I love the fairytale ends, personally! And your color is gorgeous.

August 22nd, 2013, 08:23 AM
Your hair is so beautiful. I'm almost at hip with wispy ends from old layers and I was feeling really bad about the way it look, but seeing your gorgeous hair with what are IMO super flattering fairy tail ends is totally inspirational! btw with brown hair you look just like the anime chick in your avatar.

August 22nd, 2013, 10:17 AM
It looks lovely. This is what my hair would have looked like in a year or two, had I not cut it from BSL to mid neck this week. It was shedding like crazy, hairs everywhere, and I just couldn't take it anymore. I wake up every morning missing my long locks, but then I reach back, and feel the healthy new ends. I will have some fun with the short, then I'll start growing it again. You are an inspiration,with your beautiful, romantic fairytale ends. :)

August 22nd, 2013, 10:18 AM
Congrats! Your hair has lovely color, shine and wave! Thanks for sharing your hair timeline.

August 22nd, 2013, 11:37 AM
Congrats! Your hair looks very pretty in the last pictures and healthier! Odd that it still seems to be thinning you have a lot more hair on top so you must be having some sort of increased shedding but maybe it is getting better? At least your current pictures would suggest so :)

August 22nd, 2013, 01:55 PM
Your hair looks beautiful! Congrats on reaching your goal and thank you for sharing your pics with us :)

August 22nd, 2013, 02:40 PM
I think your hair is very pretty, love the texture. :)

August 22nd, 2013, 03:30 PM
Congrats! Your hair looks very pretty in the last pictures and healthier! Odd that it still seems to be thinning you have a lot more hair on top so you must be having some sort of increased shedding but maybe it is getting better? At least your current pictures would suggest so :)

I think it shedded more when I became anemic and stopped taking my iron pills, I also ended up losing a lot of weight so I feel that contributed to it as well. It still sheds a lot, but not nearly as bad as it used to. Perhaps it just seems like a lot because I focus on it and am almost expecting another heavier shed. And thank you. :D

And again, thank you everyone else who's commented. :flower:

August 22nd, 2013, 05:09 PM
Your hair is beautiful :) Edit: you also have a beautiful body figure!

Inching Along
August 28th, 2013, 08:59 PM
Anywhere, I think your hair looks lovely. Good for you for growing it out! :cheer: I hope to do the same. I have also had a long period of shedding (7 or 8 years) due to health issues, but it is doing better for now, and I'm determined to grow.

August 29th, 2013, 01:56 AM
You and your hair are very pretty.
That pic back there when you'd fallen sick is a great example of how hair health is related to general health.

Zebra Fish
August 29th, 2013, 05:27 AM
Congratz on 4 years and on reaching your goal!! :D I guess my hair will be looking like that in 3-4 years :p (am at BSL and plan on going to TBL)

August 29th, 2013, 06:00 AM
Congrats on making your goal. Hang in there don't cut. I can see the thickness moving down in the photos. Some times it takes a while. My journey is the same. But the thickness is coming. Beautiful Fairy tale ends.

August 29th, 2013, 06:59 AM
Very pretty! Congrats on the growth!

August 29th, 2013, 10:01 AM
Lovely hair! Don't cut it! I'm sure there are other ways to gain thickness.

August 29th, 2013, 03:46 PM
wow, thanks so much for sharing! Love your pix!