View Full Version : 3 Year LHC Anniversary for Me!! Pics and babbles inside!!

August 14th, 2013, 09:26 PM
I've missed the other "anniversaries", so I'm posting for this one.
I joined August 15th 2010 - I'm a day early, but hubby is dragging me out at 4am tomorrow...so I won't be posting. haha.

I have reached Classic length, which was one of my first goals. Now, I just plan on letting it grow to wherever it wants and trimming and continuing to care for it.
Though I will say, after seeing my ends in a few recent pics, I can see my ends ARE thinning - it's inevitable - and it's not just light or angle like I thought it might be some of. I'm now thinking more of my dip dye fun ends just because I do need to make myself start tackling trimming those suckers off and why not Manic Panic them a bit if they're going to get trimmed anyway?!!

Glad I found the forum and many natural and new ideas for my hair! I was a cone addict when I came here, and while cones aren't bad....(cones are okay...Mmmmmmmmmkay!) MY hair doesn't love them too much and I learned to check for them here! My hair likes them like, once a year....then turns crunchy and wants no cones again. I went through that for a long time though before and kept putting more and more and more of them on my hair to "fix" the dry/crunchiness, never helped, until I got here and found out about No cones and CO washing and all that loveliness. So I know my hair would be much worse off without the info I have gotten here.

A Photo trip though my hair....

Back during my colorful days....

I wore my hair pretty short for a long time after I cut from TBL at about 18...

And while I was always a dye addict, I always went back to blonde it seemed like -

I kept this up for another year or so and after my Dad passed away, I started growing my hair for him in a way since he loved my hair long and I missed it and had mostly kept it short at other people's urging for all this time.
This is Jan of 2010 to Jan 2011....The Jan of 2011 I had just done my first cassia treatment and trimmed off a lot of all that dye damage.

Later 2011 - hubby and I.

May of 2012 - I was less fat than I am now...haha. Curse my stress eating. =(

July of 2012 after a cassia treatment where I added Henna. Def got a gloss here!

Today with the beautiful Baerries fork that the lovely Seeshami be-gifted to me since my hair is significantly smaller than the Naughty Mess. *wink*

Another thingy I came up with while playing with my hair...

And here is my hair tonight, after a washing, good conditioning and air dry with no oil - so it's all fluffy!! haha. The little bit of henna I've added to my cassia treatments is def building up on my hair I think. I like it and it makes me want to keep getting a bit more red, but I'm scared of suddenly having to grow it all out because I've lost my natural color completely. =/

August 14th, 2013, 09:39 PM
I love your hair congrats.

August 14th, 2013, 09:44 PM
I love it!!!!

I still think we'll be safe doing a blue and purple or green omber as long as it is only temporary and we only do the inches your absolutely willing to cut off. Unless we need to wait a few more month for inches your willing to loose. But veggie dye is suppose to be nice stuff.

August 14th, 2013, 09:50 PM
Oh how cute and lovely you are! And great hair progress so congratulations! Your hair is gorgeous, looks very healthy and shiny. Happy growing in another year to come :)

August 14th, 2013, 09:53 PM
I love it!!!!

I still think we'll be safe doing a blue and purple or green omber as long as it is only temporary and we only do the inches your absolutely willing to cut off. Unless we need to wait a few more month for inches your willing to loose. But veggie dye is suppose to be nice stuff.

I think purple in my mind would go well...it's got red in it, so I'm kind of hoping it won't turn As weird as it fades. I just think no matter what I do, my ends are going to super suck up the color. And if it's there for good, I guess it'll be fine since I usually have my hair up anyway! It's too dang floaty and flyaway for me to wear loose.
I'm going to be stubborn and not want to cut my ends for a while more I know because it seemed to take a long time to get from TB to Classic for me and I want to enjoy having my little goal length for a while.

August 14th, 2013, 09:55 PM
As soon as you're ready! It will be so much fun and so beautiful

August 14th, 2013, 10:45 PM
As soon as you're ready! It will be so much fun and so beautiful

You're more ready to dip dye it than I am! lol.
I'm warning you....I might get a wild hair, so to speak, and decide to do it at a random time and just do it. That's how I handle these things, spur of the moment. lol. So you'll just be going about your day and BAM....Purple hair post on FB or I'll be all "Heeeeey, let's meet up for photos and ice cream" and BAM....Purple hair!! haha.

August 14th, 2013, 10:47 PM
It looks so beautiful! Congrats on classic!

August 14th, 2013, 10:59 PM
Your hair grows crazy fast!! and its so healthy and beautiful! Congrats!

August 15th, 2013, 02:26 AM
Oh that is gorgeous and great progress!
You also have great skin! You've not put on any makeup in the photos right?

August 15th, 2013, 02:29 AM
Happy Hairniversary :D
Your hair looks beautiful, and the red hue really looks nice on you :)

August 15th, 2013, 02:30 AM
Looks great, Congrats and happy anniversary :)

August 15th, 2013, 03:11 AM
Ooh, your hair is lovely! :-) Well done!

August 15th, 2013, 04:27 AM
Wonderful progress and such a loving motivation from growing out your hair.

By the way, what mix of cassia and henna do you use?

August 15th, 2013, 04:40 AM
Great length progress! I guess purple will look nice on your hair.

August 15th, 2013, 05:11 AM
I'm a big fan of the unnatural colors, and think bright ends would be super cute! It looks so nice as it is, though. You rock that pretty hair!

August 15th, 2013, 05:18 AM
Ooh, lovely hair, lovely face! Congrats on your hairiversary!

August 15th, 2013, 05:27 AM
happy anniversary. Great progress :)

Personally I can't see henna built up from photos but maybe its the lighting. Very pretty colour :)

August 15th, 2013, 06:06 AM
Your hair is beautiful. Congratulations and happy growing.

August 15th, 2013, 06:45 AM
Very, very pretty!

August 15th, 2013, 09:04 AM
Beautiful, and congrats on your goal! I agree with the dip dye, it's so much fun.

August 15th, 2013, 09:15 AM
Thank you everyone!!! :) I'm just happy to have finally reached and surpassed my longest hair length. The longest I had it before was about TBL, so it's neat to me to have the longest hair I've ever had. And while I do wish it was thicker or I just had more in general, haha....I'm happy to have it this long. :)

Oh that is gorgeous and great progress!
You also have great skin! You've not put on any makeup in the photos right?

I appreciate that compliment greatly - especially since I'm the person who started an Adult Acne thread on one of the other boards because my skin was so bad! lol. I may have concealer on spots in the pics, but I generally don't wear any foundation etc. The real reason my skin looks nice - I only get in the mood to do photos, when I'm going through a "good skin" time and my skin is clear. It was worlds better in the beginning pics than it is now, but even now I tend to make myself wait until my skin is cleared up for pics and I conceal the bad spots. So sadly, my skin is not lovely up close at all. lol. But I'm good with it at least LOOKING that way in pics. ;)

Wonderful progress and such a loving motivation from growing out your hair.

By the way, what mix of cassia and henna do you use?

Thank you!
I've been using probably 85% cassia and maybe 15% henna, tops. It started out a couple treatments ago with a spoonful and I've added a bit more each time and I usually mix it and apply it right away and leave it on for about 4 hours.

August 15th, 2013, 10:32 AM
You're more ready to dip dye it than I am! lol.
I'm warning you....I might get a wild hair, so to speak, and decide to do it at a random time and just do it. That's how I handle these things, spur of the moment. lol. So you'll just be going about your day and BAM....Purple hair post on FB or I'll be all "Heeeeey, let's meet up for photos and ice cream" and BAM....Purple hair!! haha.

I know. I thought it would have already happened by now because we've talked about it so much. Your restraint is impressive.

Edit: We would always color it with crayola washable markers and as soon as you wash your hair it will come out.

August 15th, 2013, 11:40 AM
Thanks, AspenSong. I'm thinking of trying Cassia and Henna. I like the hint of auburn in your hair.

August 15th, 2013, 11:45 AM
Gorgeous hair :)

August 15th, 2013, 11:51 AM
Dear god, but your hair is soooo gorgeous. Definitely something to aspire to.

August 15th, 2013, 11:56 AM
Your hair is soooooo gorgeous! Congrats on the anniversary!

August 15th, 2013, 12:54 PM
I love it! You have such a pretty smile, too :)

August 15th, 2013, 11:14 PM
I know. I thought it would have already happened by now because we've talked about it so much. Your restraint is impressive.

Edit: We would always color it with crayola washable markers and as soon as you wash your hair it will come out.

I know it is! I'm impressing myself. I have always been REALLY bad about this stuff in the past. Which is why my hair changed so much all the time....I got an idea and just did it. I'm getting patient in my old age. :)

Thank you to all you lovely LHC'ers for your sweet words!! :)
Not going to lie....nice to hear those positive things when I can be so hard on my hair myself. haha.

August 16th, 2013, 04:11 AM
Well done on growing your hair out! It looks amazing. :D :thumbsup:

August 16th, 2013, 05:19 AM
Wow, what a progress! Your hair is like a silky waterfall now! Congratulations with classic! :)

August 16th, 2013, 06:56 AM
Your hair is beautiful! That's some amazing growth!

August 16th, 2013, 08:31 AM
Wow, your hair looks amazing! So pretty!

August 16th, 2013, 11:27 AM
Awesome. Congrats! :D. Our growth seems similar. :) :disco:

August 16th, 2013, 11:36 AM
Congratulations! Your hair is very lovely, and I'm loving the redder tone of it!

August 16th, 2013, 12:17 PM
Inspirational! Happy Anniversary!:flower:

August 16th, 2013, 12:32 PM
Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary and reaching Classic! :blossom: Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos from your journey.

August 16th, 2013, 01:07 PM
Woah your hair is so shiny! Very pretty :)

August 16th, 2013, 01:11 PM
WOW! thats all I can say...

August 16th, 2013, 01:47 PM
Your hair is always an inspiration to me. I love it!

August 16th, 2013, 10:09 PM
Thank you ladies. :)

August 16th, 2013, 10:16 PM
Those updos are gorgeous!
And you have such clear skin!

August 17th, 2013, 12:07 AM
Your hair looks great! It's in lovely condition and I can definitely see the henna glosses are trying to peek out. Have fun with your color experiments! *cough* wants pictures of that * cough* :)

August 17th, 2013, 12:14 AM
Woow, your hair is just amazing. It looks so healthy! :)