View Full Version : The Hobbit hair accessories?!

July 24th, 2013, 02:48 PM
Hey guys:) So I know many of us on here are fans of LOTR and the latest Hobbit film and that many were looking for some accessories like the ones the dwarfs wore in their braids. I'll insert piccie below;http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/222289_459911210711156_392518948_n.jpgI know when I first watched The Hobbit I was dying to get my hands on these accessories for my hair but had no idea what they were called....until I found them on Etsy;) Dreadlock beads and I love them! I bought some straight away, I got a few different designs at such reasonable prices! They look sooo cool in my hair and I intend to wear them to Part 2 of The Hobbit for sure:o Thought I'd share for those of you also wanting to get your hands on some, lots of love ladies/gents xx

July 24th, 2013, 03:02 PM
If you don't want to use hair bands, check out this thread for an alternative.
