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View Full Version : Shampooing between henna and indigo?

July 20th, 2013, 06:32 PM
I do a two step process to get black.
I want to mix my henna with coconut milk this next time, so my q is:
Should I shampoo before doing my indigo? I know indigo doesn't take well with oil.

July 20th, 2013, 08:05 PM
I dont think the coconut from the henna mix will have much of an effect on the following indigo treatment, neither good or bad. I didnt use it when I did twosteps for black a while ago, so I really dont know, but I have used it in other combinations. I think the effect of shampoo containing silicones will hinder the indigo much more than the coconut oil will. Excess amounts of coconut oil rinses off fairly well, at least from my hair, compared to silicones.

Sometimes I used some small amounts of coconut oil when I was doing henndigos. Had no problems with that, but my hair takes on both henna and indigo very well. Your mileage may vary. Put a little salt in the indigo mix, perhaps it sticks better.