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View Full Version : high shedding during pregnancy?

July 3rd, 2013, 07:23 PM
I have had high shedding for four years, but after going to acupuncture, my shedding majorly improved for six months straight. Now that I'm in my first trimester, I just recently started shedding a lot again , and it's making me worried that I'm going to go back to another long bout with shedding. I haven't gone to acupuncture while pregnant because of the risks, but also I've been majorly vomiting and not eating due to the pregnancy. I'm hoping maybe it's just my body responding to all this harshness of vomiting, and that it will calm down. What do you all think?? It's disheartening to me because of my success I'd been having and then everyone says that during pregnancy is when you least shed and instead you get thicker hair, so I don't know what is going on. http://www.naturallycurly.com/curltalk/images/smilies/hiding.gif

July 3rd, 2013, 07:55 PM
Are you taking pregnancy pills you may not be getting all of your vitamins

July 3rd, 2013, 08:59 PM
I am taking them better now. I wasn't with all the vomiting, I couldn't get them down. Hopefully it's something that simple, and now with me handling food/vitamins better, I hope seriously it will just be a temporary thing that will clear up on it's own.