View Full Version : For those of a certain age....

June 23rd, 2013, 09:45 PM
For those of us who are beyond our child bearing years...
has anyone noticed increased hair growth from progesterone?
My thinking is that progesterone is the pregnancy hormone, and your hair grows very fast then.
so maybe if I supplement progesterone for other reasons, can I expect more than my 1/2 inch a month?

June 24th, 2013, 04:36 AM
Well, I think it mainly has to do with genetics and daily intake of vitamins and foods, rather than with the hormones. I am preg atm, but my hair shows an opposite effect, but I suppose it may be different for everyone.. My hair grows almost half as fast as it used to now, it is majorly frustrating. I believe it is because the baby takes up much nutritients in my case, even if I eat well. When I was on a rich in protein, much fatty acids diet and drinking much water it would grow much quicker. So I guess it is hard to tell. It might be worth a shot but personally I wouldnt mess around with hormones just to get a bit of extra growth. Seems too risky to me somehow.

June 24th, 2013, 09:31 AM
I didn't pay attention to growth rate back then. The only change I notice for sure is that my hair has gone from crazy thick to merely thick (ranging 3.8-4.2 inches around my ponytail). I get an average of 2/3 inch per month growth.

June 24th, 2013, 09:34 AM
My hair is growing much the same as always. I have never been on any type of replacement hormone.

June 24th, 2013, 01:52 PM
I really don't remember my hair growing all that much more during pregnancy, but it certainly shed a lot after. Post-menopause, my hair's about the same as it ever was in terms of growth and thickness--there may be a tad less thickness, but it was very thick before and it's still pretty thick now. No HRT. One thing to keep in mind is that any hormone-related hair changes will likely revert when the hormone is stopped, so if you gain thickness, for example, you'll probably get an increased shed when you stop.