View Full Version : The No Hair Elastic Challenge

June 6th, 2013, 08:38 AM
An attempt to reduce mechanical damage from repetitive hair elastic use!

I am guilty of putting my hair up in the same place, almost every day, with a hair elastic. For ponies, buns... I use them for pretty much everything. It's such a habit and I don't even really NEED them for most things. I suspect that if I stop, my hair texture and thickness will improve.

I figured I can't be the only one and decided it'd be fun to start a challenge/support thread. Please feel free to join me! Or share your past experiences, no-elastic styles, anything!

Rules: I feel that everybody who wants to join in should make their own personalized rules. For me, I am not going to include braid elastics as I don't really have a problem with those. I'm going to start by hiding all my current elastics (minus my braid ones, those are thinner and can't hold up all my hair anyway so I'm safe there) because reaching out for them is such a habit. Then maybe allow myself the use of one once every two weeks, in case I need it for a style I want to try? I'm not sure about that yet.

My milestone markers-
2 weeks
1 month
3 months
6 months

I think after 6 months I *should* have a nice system going and not to think about ditching the elastic anymore. We'll see!

So, anyone else doing this, want to, or already did? :D

June 6th, 2013, 10:50 AM
I used to wear pony tails alllll the time. (and I was super careful and used "friendly" ties.) Gave up all hair ties two or three years ago, except when I'm home I put my hair up really nicely in a fat soft super stylish scrunchy. :)

My hair is way thicker in the strand, and much softer, doesnt get knotted, greatly improved. Granted Ive been doing so many nice things to my hair (stopped coloring, no heat, only finger combing) But I swear stopping putting it up all the time helped tons.

good luck!

June 6th, 2013, 11:14 AM
Ha, I used to never use elastics and now I've just started using them again. Since my hair's shorter now (about BSL, but I'll be cutting somewhat shorter next week) I don't care so much about damage, and I'm really only using them for very loose ponies. I make my own elastics from the fold-over stuff, and I make them extra large so I can use them to pull hair back, but not tightly. The regular elastics, even the seamless ones, always seemed much too tight to me. Otherwise I use loose silk scrunchies. I think the most important thing is not to use them all the time. If you do, then learning alternatives is a really good idea.

June 6th, 2013, 03:04 PM
Unfortunately, I used a (soft) scrunchie for my pony for aerobic dance, 3 times a week, for a year before I discovered that the repeated tightening was causing my hair to break. I was shocked. And now the damage is in the last 2 to 3 inches of my hair, lots and lots of feathers, so it is almost grown out. No more Ponys for me. Well, maybe once every 3 to 4 months.

June 6th, 2013, 03:19 PM
When you say elastic, I think of the tiny little black rubber bands...
Or do you mean the normal hairties?
I'm a big fan of spin pins, but I love braids, so hairties are here to stay for me!

June 6th, 2013, 03:37 PM
Before I joined the LHC my go-to hairstyle was a braid, secured with an elastic at the end. Now that I've discovered spin pins and hairsticks I hardly ever need to resort to elastics any more. My ends do seem happier.

June 6th, 2013, 05:30 PM
Before I joined the LHC my go-to hairstyle was a braid, secured with an elastic at the end. Now that I've discovered spin pins and hairsticks I hardly ever need to resort to elastics any more. My ends do seem happier.

I saw this thread and came in to mention spin-pins :) ! I love them so much! I work with about give of them on a day to day basis.

June 6th, 2013, 06:18 PM

alexis917, I think I mean the normal hair-ties. They are stretchy, but the ones I always used were at least metal-less. I suppose the little rubber bands can be included too though- but I don't use those. :)

I love spin pins too!! I still always put my hair in a pony first though (it's too easy...lol). My hair likes to spit hair sticks out but I'll keep experimenting with those. I really like them!

June 6th, 2013, 08:04 PM
Pony elastics - the little skinny 'no-damage' ones - destroyed my hair. (well, that and heat straightening) You could see a line of breakage right where my ponytail was. My hair always looked bad, and I didn't know of any alternative non-damaging ways of putting my hair up. So into the elastic and a high pony tail it went. My hair was about shoulder length at the time. I gave up the elastics about a year ago, right around the same time I joined LHC. I am definitely noticing a difference in thickness and I have many fewer split ends, but there is a lot of residual damage that needs to grow out, probably 5-6 inches on the ends at least. Still, there is progress. It helps that the damage started a little ways down the hair shaft and not right at the crown. I just re-introduced the very thick ribbon elastics for loose ponys but I need to not get in the habit of using one every.single.day.

June 6th, 2013, 09:23 PM
I'm glad you started this thread, Shoga! I have been noticing that my hair ties (metal-less) have been catching in my hair more than usual lately. I'm a super heavy user of hair ties though. I don't know if I can last very long in this challenge. I'm no good with a hair stick or fork. I do use spin pins and claw clips for buns sometimes, it just seems quicker and easier to reach for a hair tie. They are all over the house. :) I do need to lay off them though as my hair is getting heavier and I have some breakage(?) around my forehead that won't seem to grow out. That's probably the culprit. Hmmm....hiding them wouldn't work for me....I may have to take some scissors to them.:scissors:

June 7th, 2013, 06:42 AM
I bought spin pins a while back and haven't tried them, just had a go with a cinnabun and its holding magnificently with my ii mbl hair!

June 7th, 2013, 07:05 AM
I'm in. For myself, I'm keeping my tiny terry fabric bands that I use to secure braid ends. Almost all of my mechanical damage comes from wearing my hair in a low ponytail with the "ouchless" metal-free hair elastics for the past year.

June 7th, 2013, 09:45 AM
Someone explain to me, if you're putting your hair up in a bun, why do you use the elastic? What is the purpose?

June 7th, 2013, 09:51 AM
I'm glad you started this thread, Shoga! I have been noticing that my hair ties (metal-less) have been catching in my hair more than usual lately. I'm a super heavy user of hair ties though. I don't know if I can last very long in this challenge. I'm no good with a hair stick or fork. I do use spin pins and claw clips for buns sometimes, it just seems quicker and easier to reach for a hair tie. They are all over the house. :) I do need to lay off them though as my hair is getting heavier and I have some breakage(?) around my forehead that won't seem to grow out. That's probably the culprit. Hmmm....hiding them wouldn't work for me....I may have to take some scissors to them.:scissors:

You need to experiment a bit with forks to get them to work, IME. Sticks however, are fairly easy. The little claw clips work great too! Do you know the Pha bun? I think it has to be the easiest bun to put up with a stick.

June 7th, 2013, 10:11 AM
I just recently watched Pha's video on that bun. It does seem like an easy one. I have two forks made out of bone and one my DH just made me, but it needs more work. I have no sticks, so I need to get some. I do need to practice more and find my "go to" bun without using hair ties or scrunchies.

Today I rounded up all my hair ties and put them in a bag to go to my sister. I hate to waste them and she uses them. I am going to keep my cloth scrunchies. They don't seem as damaging, but I need to stop bunning with them cause it just doesn't work well any more. My hair is getting to long. Yay! :)

June 7th, 2013, 10:17 AM
I can't remember the last time I put my hair in a pony. I pretty much always use hair sticks or claw clips to keep my hair up, one in awhile a barrette. I've even started not putting an elastic in when I braid my hair before bed (unless I've oiled it before washing)

June 9th, 2013, 04:42 AM
I use elastics quite often as I love to braid, and I've never had any damage from using them on occasion, but my hair is quite resilient. I can't wear sticks or forks when on work placement, but spin pins are brilliant. I feel sorry for you guys that have suffered damage just from using elastics - what do you use to secure your braids?

Someone explain to me, if you're putting your hair up in a bun, why do you use the elastic? What is the purpose?

It's used as an anchor - you make a ponytail first, then do the bun. It can be quite effective.

June 9th, 2013, 06:48 AM
I'd love to find a happy medium my hair won't hold unless I use a hair tie the layers.

June 9th, 2013, 12:24 PM
Woohoo!! Thanks so much for the participation!

WTG, emeraldfaery!

Yeah, just a while ago I was running my fingers along one of the metal-less ties and even the glue or melt-y thing they use to secure the ends together has some sharp edges. I really wish that I had payed more attention to this when I first started to grow my hair out.

Thanks for the bun suggestion, Kherome! I'm going to check it out. Yeah I used ties as an anchor too. It also let me "poof" the hair on the top of my head for some body without the whole thing sagging down (that one is probably incredibly damaging, too...). Sometimes it also helps with doing some more complicated braids by putting them in a pony first too (not my favorite look, but I can't do a cable braid on myself any other way...lol).

June 9th, 2013, 12:49 PM
I don't like to wear my hair in buns with hair sticks, because I don't like the look on me. I wear hair elastics a lot in braids, ponytails and messy buns. I might want to cut down on using them so much, but I think I'll become clueless about what to do with my hair:P

June 9th, 2013, 02:43 PM
I am another one who had major mechanical damage partly from 24/7 ponytails with 'no snag' elastics, mostly grown out now. Breaks all around my face and at the back where the ponytail sat, probably pulled hair out by the roots at the crown too. Mostly wear my hair loose now: occasionally use kirby grips, mini claw clips, large beak clips, terry towel bands, fabric Alice bands.

Getting rid of hair elastics is a good idea if you cannot trust yourself.

June 10th, 2013, 02:04 AM
I will try one week.
I've noticed what I think is breakage from hair friendly ties, but I'm not sure if it's just new growth because I can't get a close up look at them. Pretty sure it's breakage though.

I will not include braid ties since that is my sleeping style and I find it hard to wear my hair in other ways during the day too.

June 10th, 2013, 07:26 AM
When you say elastic, I think of the tiny little black rubber bands...
Or do you mean the normal hairties?
I'm a big fan of spin pins, but I love braids, so hairties are here to stay for me!

Before I joined the LHC my go-to hairstyle was a braid, secured with an elastic at the end. Now that I've discovered spin pins and hairsticks I hardly ever need to resort to elastics any more. My ends do seem happier.

Another spin pin fan here! Really it's probably the easiest and cheapest way to have your hair up and avoid hair ties. I bought them because I found they just plain hold buns better and are far more comfortable.

June 10th, 2013, 09:12 AM
3 days with no hair tie! Woot woot! It's been pretty easy. Getting them out of the house was a must for me I think cause if it's there I tend to grab whatever. Have been using claw clips exclusively cause that's pretty much all I have ATM. Will be getting more stuff soon, Yay! Mostly wearing half ups and cinnabun.

Note on the spin pins. If you have a Dollar Tree close to you I have seen them there for just a dollar! I know at Walmart and other places they can be almost $4 or more. Didn't know if anyone had mentioned that before. They are the same Goody brand and everything.

June 10th, 2013, 12:08 PM
I'll try and use sticks more then elastics :) I have the ones without metal clips but still it's too easy, as many have said, to keep using them all the time in the same place..

June 10th, 2013, 04:39 PM
I feel sorry for you guys that have suffered damage just from using elastics - what do you use to secure your braids?
I have grippy hair, so my braid actually stays put pretty well without anything securing the end. When I wear an un-bunned braid it's usually for sleeping, or something quite casual, so I'm not worried about keeping the braid looking polished. I think phasing out using an elastic every night on my sleep-braid has helped my (split-prone) ends.

I still use an elastic occasionally in combination with a hairstick (to make a sort of Ficcare-like "elastic slide"), but I use elastics way less than I used to, and no longer carry a couple in the coin pocket of my jeans at all times in case of "hair emergency".

June 11th, 2013, 10:01 AM
Oh me! I'm gonna shoot for a month and see if all these crazy short hairs are ponytail damage or just baby hairs...plus, when i use elastics it's to put my hair in a messy bun thing, and I really want to stop that.

June 11th, 2013, 07:10 PM
3 days with no hair tie! Woot woot! It's been pretty easy. Getting them out of the house was a must for me I think cause if it's there I tend to grab whatever. Have been using claw clips exclusively cause that's pretty much all I have ATM. Will be getting more stuff soon, Yay! Mostly wearing half ups and cinnabun.

Note on the spin pins. If you have a Dollar Tree close to you I have seen them there for just a dollar! I know at Walmart and other places they can be almost $4 or more. Didn't know if anyone had mentioned that before. They are the same Goody brand and everything.
That sounds like an excellent justification to get more hair toys...hehe! Thanks for the tip about the Dollar Tree, I'll have to check ours out! That'd be amazing. :D

QMacrocarpa, I wish my hair were grippy like that! It slides out of so many things. I have been securing my braids with "ties" made out of nylons now. My ends don't look like they got damaged from the regular elastics though, but I also don't wear my hair in a braid that often.

So far so good for me too- I have not cheated! It feels so motivating to not be alone, thanks guys! Also since I have said something, I HAVE to do it. :D

June 12th, 2013, 08:01 PM
A few weeks ago I read from another user about braiding in a piece of ribbon a short ways up in my braid and using it to tie off. So far that's working well for me, and I've found a thin brown ribbon that matches my hair color.
Here is her video.

June 13th, 2013, 08:09 AM
I don't think elastics are inherently bad. The type, size, & technique make a huge difference.

I use the flat ones that have a strip of silicone on them. They vary greatly in size and elasticity, so I check them prior to purchasing. I'll go through the whole stock in a store to find just the right ones.

The repeated tightening of elastics is what does the most damage. The key is to get an elastic that works for your particular hair and holds without the constant tightening, and without being too tight.

Almost anything can cause damage. Even those spin pins can cause damage if not used correctly.

June 16th, 2013, 09:52 AM
Ooooh thanks for the video Immera! I'll give it a try. It looks really cute too.

Thank you for the advice, Sunsailing! If it's not too hard to explain, what size/elasticity do you look for before purchasing for your hair?

How is everyone doing? :D It's still good for me. I'm trying to make a playlist of bun tutorials to try with just hairsticks.

June 17th, 2013, 09:32 PM
Good luck! I don't think I could ever give up hair ties, lol! I LOVE ponytails. I am actually very sensitive to pulling and if I do it right I don't feel pulling. and when I take the tie out, I check the hairs wrapped around it and they are always sheds. I do wear buns most days but I think I look weird in them.

The only damage I might have from them are two chunks of hair by my temples that reach to about chin-length and longer. Like this, (http://igorsbelltower.blogspot.com/2013/01/floppy-donkey-ears.html) but not as thick as a pencil. Not sure if it's terminal hairs or damage. I only started noticing them recently, but then again I used to always have shorter hair/wear my hair down so it makes sense that I'd only notice them once I started wearing my hair up often.

Someone explain to me, if you're putting your hair up in a bun, why do you use the elastic? What is the purpose?

It makes the style hold better. I usually only use hair ties for ponytails, the exception being 1. my dance classes, because I pretty much need a hairtie unless I want to re-do the bun in the middle of class and 2. whenever I need a bun to last a LOOONG time, like several days (a one or two-strand ponytailed cinnabun held with Amish pins will hold for DAYS on me.)

June 8th, 2015, 07:45 PM
Am ready to commit to The No Hair Elastic Challenge. It's going to be a Challenge as I'll miss trying Pony Tail Styled Buns. Thanks Shoga.

End Thanksgiving 2015.

June 8th, 2015, 08:17 PM
I wish I could join this, but the only thing in the world that can kee my hair in place is a scrunchie and buns are nearly impossible to secure (lenght, texture, tender scalp) with something else.

I do remeber when my hair was hip lenght my braids were able to keep themselves and didnt need to secure with anything. My hair is much healthier, shorter and silky, so this comes again very hard for me to do

June 8th, 2015, 08:52 PM
I never use normal store bought elastics anymore, but when I need something I use hair ties I made from pantyhose (cutting a cross section) they're super soft and gentle! So if you ever need one during your challenge it's a good alternative.

June 11th, 2015, 04:52 PM
No hair elastic - is my regular new year resolution or even every month resolution. I've tried this so many times and the longest I could do this was a month or so. Maybe I'll start tomorrow again!

June 13th, 2015, 01:59 AM
Hey Shoga (and others),
I hear you on the damage and breakage due to elastics. I've been using them since my pixie cut to keep up all of my hair. I've encountered nothing but breakage while using them. They can be difficult to remove without snapping hair in the process. I think they have contributed to my loss of thickness and to the general look of my hair (ends sticking out). My hair is a little longer now, so I don't need them as I did a couple of months back. I now use a long wire sectioning clip to secure my hair. It is easy to put on and to remove. It is comfortable and doesn't put stress on my hair like the elastics did (they were tight). Best of all, this clip doesn't damage my hair. I've been wearing it for a few days now, so I guess the no elastics challenge, for me, started then.

June 13th, 2015, 04:48 PM
I wish I could join this, but the only thing in the world that can kee my hair in place is a scrunchie and buns are nearly impossible to secure (lenght, texture, tender scalp) with something else.

I do remeber when my hair was hip lenght my braids were able to keep themselves and didnt need to secure with anything. My hair is much healthier, shorter and silky, so this comes again very hard for me to do

I sometimes still use elastics for securing ends, however I find that if I weave in a silky ribbon into the braiding, then I can easily tie off the braid with that ribbon, and it stays in.

1) As you are braiding the hair, fold a ribbon in half and press the ribbon against the braid-in-process.
2) Add one half of the ribbon to one strand and the second half of the ribbon to another strand of the braid.
3) Continue braiding as previously.
4) Tie off the braid with the 2 ends of the ribbon.

And the higher up you add, i.e. start weaving in, the ribbon into the braid, the better it will hold. :D Yarn or other grabby materials will hold better than silk or other silky smooth materials, of course.

July 13th, 2015, 11:03 AM
The No Hair Elastic Challenge

Started June 8. End Thanksgiving 2015.

Used a Silk Scrunchie once.

September 7th, 2015, 03:17 AM
A few months ago I started noticing quite how much damage elastics were doing and decided to try and avoid them. I was only using the sort that are glued together and have no metal, but even so I was getting mid shaft splits around where I put them in. I tie off the end of my braid with a ribbon, pretty much exactly as meteor described. Instead of a low ponytail, I knot my hair at the nape. Instead of a high ponytail, I do an unfinished bun held with a stick or pins, or I do a downward facing peacock twist held with a claw clip. So far I'm still okay using scrunchies, but I don't use them often enough to notice if they cause damage the way the plain elastics were.

September 7th, 2015, 05:34 AM
I am hair elastics free since 2 years now. Only ever ise them to section my hair when i style it and even then very loosely.
Haven't even worn a straight ponytail in ages.

September 7th, 2015, 11:29 AM
I'm on a little mission at the moment to give up hair bands. I've gone two weeks now. I'm guilty of wearing my hair in a high looped pony for about a year and a half!!!

I constantly have two or three inches of thin ends, I'm hoping it's mechanical damage. I just can't get my thickness past apl and I'm fed up cutting back.

I am not going to use hair bands until the end of the year. This is enough time to see if my thickness will travel down and if the bands are to blame.

I'm really hoping it is the bands, I'm sick of losing at straggly ends now.

September 3rd, 2022, 01:30 AM
I am reviving this thread since I haven’t used any plastic elastic ties or scrunchies on my hair since May, 2022, I always use the pullover method when I finish my braid before bed and it works like a charm. I used to be a high pony tail only girl for over 2 decades. The transition from high pony to low pony and braid(s) and then bun-only took about half a year when I was living in the hospital treating my dad’s cancer.
I can see the past mechanical damaged hair ends that tend to go frizzy travel down from the back of my head to my nape and shoulder now.
I also started fingercombing only since August, my shed has been pleasantly minimum. There’s no more breakage and I barely see any split end these days.
I don’t plan to use elastic bands or a comb/brush again any time soon, until at least when I hit 100cm (I’m now 93.5cm) in 2023.