View Full Version : Got attacked by coatimundi.. Help my hair?!

May 25th, 2013, 11:45 AM
Hey guys! Sorry for the confusing title, I'll give you a bit of background info before I get onto the problem! If you don't wanan read that, just scroll down and I'll bold the part with the problem! :D

I work for a mobile zoo in the west midlands (UK), and on fridays it's my job to clean everyone out. A lot of these animals are exotic and can be very dangerous if you don't know what you're doing(Though it's usually the bunny rabbits that give me the most bites and scratches!), but I'm confident with all of them. We have a pair of coatimundis living in a enclosure that can be sectioned off in the middle. To clean them out you lure them into one half, shove a broom through the bars to close the middle door, then dash into the section they're not in to bolt the middle door shut. Once you've cleaned that half you put the broom back through and unbolt the door, get out, bolt that door, then take the broom out. They go into hte clean section 'cause it's different and they want to see what I've done, broom comes back, door gets bolted.. You get the idea.

Yesterday I went to section them off, but the female dived in to the section I wanted to clean as I shut the middle door. She has a harness on so I figured I'd go in, wait for her to finish the carrot i gave to lure her over, grab her by the harness and shove her through to the other side with the male. I've done this plenty of times as they're both very friendly and handleable, so I thought nothing of it.

Buuuut I forgot that she's pregnant. Hormooooones....

So she finished her carrot, took one look at me and WHAM. I had a very angry coatimundi on my shoulder trying to bite my ear off. She got me in four places just behind the ear before I grabbed her and pulled her off. As soon as I yanked her off she stopped being violent, as if she had just realised what she'd done. I opened the door a crack and she went through the door without a problem.

I know this was completely my fault for not realising that she'll be protective of her space and quick to provoke, and I harbour no bad feelings toward her. This morning I shared some chicken strips with her as usual. It was a very stupid thing of me to do and it will not be happening again!

Anyway, my problem is that I now have four small gashes behind my ear, under my hair and it HURTS.
I ALWAYS have my hair up, but now I'm not sure how to do it up without pulling on the hair and re-opening the cuts. And once the scabs start coming off, how do I get those out without pulling the hair? I havent had a cut on my head before.
Last night I tried sleeping with my hair down so there wouldn't be any pressure and it pulled anyway because it kept getting trapped under my shoulders!
Help! :(

P.S If you're unsure as what a coatimundi is, here's a photo of me, Panache, and Pinochicco. Panache is the female looking into the camera. Noki is the male in the background!

May 25th, 2013, 12:10 PM
I think you just have just have to be super careful. Avoid washing your hair too much as it will get soap in the cuts but try to keep the area as clean as possible with water and such, if they reopen you might want to try an iodine type spray (salon has an one that come out orange). A spray plaster may help but I don't know the effect these things will have on your hair. Plaiting it will probably be best because the hair will move less, just keep it loose. Don't brush over it and don't pick at it. Scabs will fall off on their own when they're ready, probably indicated by itchiness over the cuts.
Hope this helps.

May 25th, 2013, 12:16 PM
Have you tried using Zambuk? Its great for making cuts heal faster and it also works well to apply when you are without plasters.

May 25th, 2013, 12:33 PM
You're lucky that thing didn't hit your jugular! :bigeyes:

I would definately keep that washed and clean daily to prevent infection! Did you go to the dr? Are those animals vaccinated? I would assume so since they are at a zoo but my gosh, I couldn't imagine that thing coming after me and latching on!

May 25th, 2013, 12:33 PM
Can't offer hair help, sorry, but those lil buggers are super cute!

May 25th, 2013, 12:46 PM
Thanks for the advice guys! I haven't washed my hair since I got the cuts, but at night I've been going over it with a wet cotton pad to get rid of any dried blood and debris. They're all fully vaccinated, and pretty clean mouthwise. I'll have to mess around with my hair and find a braid that cushions it!

Addy, they're usually very friendly, I think it was more a defensive movie than agressive. A month or so ago she fell asleep in my arms after a nice cuddle! I just hope she'll calm down after she's had babies, else we'll have to get them out and hand rear them so they'll be friendly!
longNred, they're totally adorable aren't they? I always have to wear a hat with them though because whatever hairstyle I have, they find a way to ruin it!

May 25th, 2013, 12:46 PM
Double post! D:

May 25th, 2013, 02:01 PM
Sorry, but 'My Hair Got Attacked by a Coatimundi' is something most people get to go their whole lives without saying..or indeed hearing anybody else say!

May 25th, 2013, 02:34 PM
I'd try antibiotic ointment and antiseptic wash.

May 25th, 2013, 06:18 PM
Treat it gently and if the cuts aren't too bad, leave it alone.

I get cut on the head all the time (usually it's the fault of my clumbsy head meeting the roof of my car when getting in/out! :lol:) and the cuts have always healed no problem. I assume a coatimundi inflicts far more damage than a clumsy encounter with my car though!

May 25th, 2013, 08:26 PM
Grossness warning ahead!

I had a tumor on my scalp removed twice. Both times I lost some hair, and I still have a dime-sized hairless patch from the scar. IIRC, I just left it alone. It was two weeks before I could wash my hair, it was pretty long at the time, and the blood dried on it like beads on a string. After a day or two, I carefully slid the dried blood down the hairs and pulled it off that way. It was super gross! I would just sterilize the area and mess with it as little as possible. Can you wear your hair in a loose braid at night, or is that too painful? The good news is that scalp wounds heal fairly quickly. Good luck! Isn't amazing what we put up with to work with critters?

May 25th, 2013, 08:54 PM
I just love those critters! I would think once the scab is really ready to come off, you could soak it with a warm, wet cloth and that would help you pick it out without pulling too bad.

May 26th, 2013, 07:44 AM
Very cool injury! Something to wow your friends with, for sure. :D Even years later!

I'd try to keep antibiotic ointment on it. There will be some greasy mess, but that's what you get, and you won't need much after all, just a very gentle application and massage in - I'd do it daily. For the hairstyle, I'd go with braid. As soon as it really begins to heal you can begin to work with combing out the little snarls and matts. It's not likely to rip open I don't think.

Do you have someone (a friend, SO, mom?) who can take a look daily to see if there is sign of infection? You want to deal with that ASAP.

Your "split cage" is similar to dealing with "hot" snakes.

May 26th, 2013, 07:50 AM
I'm sorry the animal attacked you like that. It certainly looks cute, but it was probably hormones raging. Be very careful after she has had the babies as well as the protective instinct will still be there. Your scalp will heal naturally, just avoid scratching it. Keep it clean and don't resort to picking the scabs off. I'd say a bun for safety's sake.

May 26th, 2013, 08:47 AM
Such cute animals! Thanks for introducing me to a species I've never heard about, and I'm really sorry to hear about the attack.

When I got a scalp wound, I was given some greasy ointment by the paramedics and told to reapply as needed. I think my scalp stung for a bit after that when I washed it, and I had to be careful with my comb, but it healed within a week.

May 26th, 2013, 01:44 PM
Thank you for the info and advice, guys! I've been attempting to get photos on my phone to gage how bad they are, they're hurting a lot less today! I've been able to put my hair up in a few loose braids to keep it out of the way, and I've been trying my darndest not to mess with it.. I'm a bit of a picker unfortunately! Not touched it yet though :D

It seems as though the top three aren't that big, but of course it's in such a sensitive area that it feels much worse than it really is!

The bottom one's the worst though, I think that was where she managed to anchor her bottom canine!

I'll have some cool scars, by the look of it! xD

May 26th, 2013, 02:14 PM
Sweet mother of god. The most head injuries I've gotten are bruises and scrapes from hitting my head on things.

Like many people said already, I'd just keep the wounds clean and your braids/buns loose. In my experience, side-braids are usually lying on my shoulder and so most of the weight is supported. I tried a braid down my back, and I was surprised at how heavy my hair was. Maybe just make your pigtails looser for a while?

May 26th, 2013, 02:17 PM
I second the once scabs come off soak them and then slide them down the hair stand.

I get sun burns on my scalp very easily and when the skin flakes off I just carefully pull it down the strands and it slips off.