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View Full Version : Celtic Knot

March 18th, 2008, 07:58 AM
I really want to be able to do a Celtic Knot! I'm at 23 inches with about a 4 inch diameter pony tail. Is my hair too thick at this length to pull this off? I seem to be all thumbs when trying to pull the tail through. I did try a celtic knot with a half updo and it worked fine. (mmm may be I should try a double wonder how two celtic knots would look?)

March 18th, 2008, 08:35 AM
I really want to be able to do a Celtic Knot! I'm at 23 inches with about a 4 inch diameter pony tail. Is my hair too thick at this length to pull this off? I seem to be all thumbs when trying to pull the tail through. I did try a celtic knot with a half updo and it worked fine. (mmm may be I should try a double wonder how two celtic knots would look?)

I think that maybe your hair is too short and thick for this style. Just enjoy it as a half up for now, and keep trying. Remember, there are many wonderful styles that you can wear at this length that people who have gone longer have lost. Do you do French Twists? Gibson Tucks? Tucked or draped French Braids?

March 18th, 2008, 09:07 AM
My hair is just over 26 inches long, and I'm on the lower end of a ii thickness. I can't quite do that knot yet, although another inch or two might do it.

I agree with trying a Celtic knot halfup. That's a very pretty look!

March 18th, 2008, 09:36 AM
Does anybody have a link to instructions for this Celtic knot halfup? My hair is stupid-thick too, and I'd like to be able to do something pretty with it while it grows out.


March 18th, 2008, 10:11 AM
Noooooooooooooo! Another updo that sounds pretty that I probably can't do until at least tailbone! Darn you, stupid-thick hair! :silly:

March 18th, 2008, 12:08 PM
Can anyone supply the link to Celtic Knot directions?

March 18th, 2008, 02:38 PM
Keltischer Knoten I watched with sound off - this also has some other cool videos.
Basically what I did was gather hair to be in the half up make a loop, wrap the tail around the loop and then pull tail through loop you may need to move the knot closer to scalp, press flat and then tuck what is left of tail around and under knot. Pin or hair stick in place.

I'm wearing a french twist today, love gibson anything, french braids I can do but I'm at a loss as to what to do with the tassel. I haven't mastered turning the french part into regular braid and looking presentable. I did finish one french braid off with a flip through pony that I thought looked nice.

March 18th, 2008, 04:32 PM
I did it! :) Except there's no way I can hold it with a hairstick. My hair's too slippery for that. Oh well.

*I just have to comment on how pleasant it is to watch those hairdo videos. :D That girl has such beautiful golden hair and it looks so soft. You ladies with soft tame Caucasian hair don't know how good you got it when it comes to updos. :)

March 18th, 2008, 06:05 PM
I don't think your hair will have to be too much longer. The girl in the video seemed to have quite a bit of extra length to tuck away. Anyway, good luck and thanks for sharing that link!

March 18th, 2008, 06:46 PM
I did it! :) Except there's no way I can hold it with a hairstick. My hair's too slippery for that. Oh well.

*I just have to comment on how pleasant it is to watch those hairdo videos. :D That girl has such beautiful golden hair and it looks so soft. You ladies with soft tame Caucasian hair don't know how good you got it when it comes to updos. :)

But your hair is so beautiful and dark!

March 18th, 2008, 09:48 PM
I figured out how to hold it with one stick! I just had to make it really snug, not loose like that girl's. I've been wearing this bun for a couple hours now, making supper and cleaning up and it's still very secure. I'm so happy I learned another style. :) My hair is kinda fuzzy in the photo. See I really didn't expect it to work so I didn't detangle or anything. :D


March 18th, 2008, 11:05 PM
Alas, not yet for me either, though I can dream :roll:;).

EDIT: Sapphire, your Celtic knot looks gorgeous! I'm glad you found a new, secure style to boot.

March 18th, 2008, 11:37 PM
Saphire-o - that looks awesome!! I tried it a little while ago, but I dont think I'm quite long enough yet :( Oh well, soon enough I suppose

March 19th, 2008, 07:17 AM
It is hard to tell for sure with the archives being down, but isn't this a double-looped knot?

March 19th, 2008, 07:39 AM
As far as I know it is :)
double looped knot = Celtic knot
At least for the majority it seems to be basically the same style, only the instructions how to create the knot vary slightly, but the knot itself is the same.

Inside out bun and nautilus bun are also the same :shrug: you can find these double names for hairstyles quite often. It happens when one user posts pictures of a style with her/his own name for it or invents a style without knowing that it is already existing. If someone would start to call the cinnamon bun with another name, like snail or spiral maybe some others would use this words instead of the old name because they just like it better... figurative language ;) quite interesting field.

March 19th, 2008, 01:05 PM
Well, I can do it, but mine doesn't look nice like sapphire-o's bun! I need a couple more inches to pull through so that it isn't so much of a misshapen lump on the back of my head :lol:

March 19th, 2008, 01:37 PM
I figured out how to hold it with one stick! I just had to make it really snug, not loose like that girl's. I've been wearing this bun for a couple hours now, making supper and cleaning up and it's still very secure. I'm so happy I learned another style. :) My hair is kinda fuzzy in the photo. See I really didn't expect it to work so I didn't detangle or anything. :D

Absolutely gorgeous and exactly what I would like mine to look like! -sigh Okay hair grow! I always wanted one of those dolls with the hair that pulled out long from a crown - wouldn't it be great if we could just store hair in our head - I'm blonde I don't need that brain... (misstyped that braid the first time hello Freud which which got misstyped fraud.... I'm done)

March 19th, 2008, 01:55 PM
Here's mine :)


Damn, that's big :( Sorry guys. I've normally seen it with three loops, but I end up with a fourth that shows up when I wrap the remaining length around the back of the bun. I haven't done this bun since this pic... I should try it again.

March 19th, 2008, 02:26 PM
Um. Is it possible for hair to be too long for the Celtic Knot? I'm just not sure what to do with the tail after I've made the two loops, it still seems long and wrapping it makes the bun look odd. I'm sure I'm must be doing something odd to make it like that but....any tips?

March 19th, 2008, 02:54 PM
Um. Is it possible for hair to be too long for the Celtic Knot? I'm just not sure what to do with the tail after I've made the two loops, it still seems long and wrapping it makes the bun look odd. I'm sure I'm must be doing something odd to make it like that but....any tips?

How long is your hair? I sort of pull my bun out from my head and hide the wraps behind the bun, if that makes sense.

March 19th, 2008, 03:11 PM
How long is your hair? I sort of pull my bun out from my head and hide the wraps behind the bun, if that makes sense.

I'd have to get my mom's help to make sure the tape measure is straight, but I think it's about 50". Wrapping the tail behind the bun does make sense, I just need to figure out less unwieldy. I've been trying it just now and every time it gets a bit better, so I'm sure there's a knack to wrapping that I'll discover.

March 19th, 2008, 07:10 PM
Keltischer Knoten I watched with sound off - this also has some other cool videos.
Basically what I did was gather hair to be in the half up make a loop, wrap the tail around the loop and then pull tail through loop you may need to move the knot closer to scalp, press flat and then tuck what is left of tail around and under knot. Pin or hair stick in place.


LOL watching her videos makes me want to put my german language CDs in. My hair is too thick for this knott .

March 19th, 2008, 10:52 PM
Um. Is it possible for hair to be too long for the Celtic Knot? I'm just not sure what to do with the tail after I've made the two loops, it still seems long and wrapping it makes the bun look odd. I'm sure I'm must be doing something odd to make it like that but....any tips?

I think hair can be too long for this style. I'm just past 40" and I find that the tail sticks out/comes out after a while when I do it. I do tuck it in, and it used to work, but now it's being difficult. I do variation of the bun (loop to the other side and tucked tail). I'm still working on it, and I've developed a variation where I run a second loop through the first one and then put the stick into that one. I'm calling it the Triton Trumpet because that's what it looks like to me--or maybe just the Shell bun. I have a pic posted on my hair page which can be linked from my home page in my siggy. Sorry, I can't seem to get any pics to post here, or I'd post it directly. For hair 50" long, instead of just turning the tail right through the loop, I'd wrap it around the bun and then run it through the loop. At least that's what I planning on doing at 50"!