View Full Version : Hair glitter?

April 20th, 2013, 01:02 AM
So, I know I'm not alone here (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=110058) in my aspiration to be/come off as/look like a nymph or fairy. I am deeply connected to the forest, and I act as its advocate and healer in my life and work. I believe in magic and the mystery of nature, and in the power of culture to manifest a mystical world by living it. And even before I started consciously shaping my wardrobe to be more fairy/naiad/dryad/magical woodswoman-ly, people sometimes told me I have a fairy-like energy... I work with kids, which helps keep me playful and mischievous! Now I'm consciously striving to bring my outward appearance into alignment with the person I feel like, in order to manifest a world which creates characters such as Naiad-Dryads. I want to leave people feeling as if they've just had a brush with a magical being, so that they will be more likely to see and create magic in the future.

I recently saw a youtube tutorial (I can't find it anymore) for making a DIY hair spray which included very fine sparkly glitter in the form of some gloopy stuff. It also included some products I wouldn't use and lots of salt, which would be horrible for my dry hair--but I am intrigued by the glitter. A subtle sparkle or shimmer in my hair, especially if I could get it in green and/or blue, would totally add an element of magic to my presence.

I'm not really sure if this would be damaging to my hair or not, though. I have fragile hair that's prone to forming splits, white dots and breaking off if I don't treat it right. I guess I'm wondering...
-Would the little glitter particles act like saws to my hair?
--If so, is there a specific kind of glitter that doesn't do this?
---If so, is it possible to get it just as powder and add it to my mister bottle without it already being suspended in synthetic chemical goop?

Does anyone have experience with adding glitter to sprays? Did it seem damaging to you?

Thanks for your help in advance! I hope I'm not coming off as totally :silly:.

April 20th, 2013, 01:10 AM
10 thingy...........

April 20th, 2013, 02:06 AM
Every Halloween I stock up on glitter spray for when I go to belly dance events.

April 20th, 2013, 02:51 AM
I used glitter spray on my hair when I did ballroom dance competitions. It looked pretty cool. I only used it once in a while though so didn't notice any damaging effects.

April 20th, 2013, 02:55 AM
Sparkly eyeshadow pigment mixed with coconut oil or shea butter works reasonably well. You just apply it the way you'd normally apply oil to your hair.

April 20th, 2013, 09:03 AM
Kaydanas idea is awesome!!

I am pretty sure you arent much into conventional, but Sebastian Trillance spray has a TON of shimmery glitter in it. I really love the stuff and just got a brand new bottle yesterday :) You shake it up super hard and its so glittery and shimmery.

April 20th, 2013, 10:32 AM
I'm thinking that some body glitter in coconut oil (or whatever you prefer) would probably work well.

April 20th, 2013, 10:37 AM
Okay, I have no idea what is in this as I haven't looked at the bottle in a while, but here you go! (http://www.amazon.com/Twinkle-by-Wenlan-Rainbow-Spray/dp/B00289QGHM) Don't know how well it would work on humans... But it's sparkly!

April 20th, 2013, 10:39 AM
I used to just sprinkled ultra fine glitter on my hair and enough of it reasonable *stuck* without any additional additives

any craft store would have it

as for damage, I doubt there would be any as the particles are so fine it's almost like baby powder

April 20th, 2013, 10:40 AM
Okay, I have no idea what is in this as I haven't looked at the bottle in a while, but here you go! (http://www.amazon.com/Twinkle-by-Wenlan-Rainbow-Spray/dp/B00289QGHM) Don't know how well it would work on humans... But it's sparkly!

that stuff is cool!

((it does say *great for people to* in the description))

April 20th, 2013, 10:43 AM
I try and look like a fairy too!! :) I use loose glitter like this http://www.coastalscents.com/makeup/eyes-200/eyeglitter.html and add it to some hair oil and spread it in my hair. I've also used it in a mister bottle. Also I dont think the sparlkles damage my hair in any way.

April 20th, 2013, 04:29 PM
As long as you watch out what kind of glitter you use, most of it is micro plastic ... the environment will not like that very much ;-)
I have a kind of shimmer that is originally for the body in a kind of old fashion perfume like bottle so when you press the balloon-y bit you get some fine dusting of powder. I use that in my hair, it isn't really very obvious but if the sun is shining and you move just right .... shimmery goodness !
Lush has some massage oil with shimmer (shimmy shimmy) that I used to put in my hair as well (and Lush is getting rid of all plastic glitter and using bio-degradable stuff, they were starting that right before I left) So if you would mix up some shimmer with some coconut oil you might get the same effect !
Enjoy getting all the fairy-ness you can !

Irish Fae
April 20th, 2013, 08:51 PM
I also love dressing in a way that I feel embodies faeries, nymphs, elves, etc. I want to see your outfits! Where do you find clothes that suit your style? I am just curious since it sounds as if we share interests! :)

I agree with the suggestion to add very fine, loose cosmetic glitter to oil or a misting bottle. I like to add distilled water, coconut oil and a bit of aloe vera to my bottle, then a teaspoon or so of iridescent glitter.

Please share photos of your glittery hair! :flower:

April 20th, 2013, 09:29 PM
Thanks for your help, everyone!

I don't know about making my own, but I used to use a glitter spray that I got at Claire's back when I was in college. This was 10 years ago, so I don't know if they still carry it, and I don't know how damaging it was. But it looked AWESOME. I loved it, though the teasing was intense. I can only imagine how much worse now, in our post-Twilight era, the comments would be.

I'm sorry you got teased!! I'm not too worried about it... I hang around with quite eccentric folk. I've never seen Twilight, though. :p

Sparkly eyeshadow pigment mixed with coconut oil or shea butter works reasonably well. You just apply it the way you'd normally apply oil to your hair.

Oooh, smart! I still wonder about the sparkles in the eyeshadow though. Certainly when I figure out what kind of sparkle I want to use I will try it in oil!

Kaydanas idea is awesome!!

I am pretty sure you arent much into conventional, but Sebastian Trillance spray has a TON of shimmery glitter in it. I really love the stuff and just got a brand new bottle yesterday :) You shake it up super hard and its so glittery and shimmery.

You are right, you must know me! :hifive: Interesting that it contains "rock crystal extract." I wonder what that means, and what shape the tiny pieces are...

Okay, I have no idea what is in this as I haven't looked at the bottle in a while, but here you go! (http://www.amazon.com/Twinkle-by-Wenlan-Rainbow-Spray/dp/B00289QGHM) Don't know how well it would work on humans... But it's sparkly!

:laugh: Who knew they made sparkle spray just for horses! :rollin:

I used to just sprinkled ultra fine glitter on my hair and enough of it reasonable *stuck* without any additional additives

any craft store would have it

as for damage, I doubt there would be any as the particles are so fine it's almost like baby powder

Hmm. I guess what I really want to know is what shape each particle is. I would think that even though it's very fine, if the particles are flat with finely sharp edges--like big plastic glitter, but smaller, as opposed to being closer to speherical--that it could end up cutting my hair like a thousand tiny razor blades. shudder: Maybe I'm being too paranoid... but maybe I should find a friend with a microscope and check? :lol:

I try and look like a fairy too!! :) I use loose glitter like this http://www.coastalscents.com/makeup/eyes-200/eyeglitter.html and add it to some hair oil and spread it in my hair. I've also used it in a mister bottle. Also I dont think the sparlkles damage my hair in any way.

Glad to meet a fellow fairy! And good to hear that you haven't experienced damage from the glitter. And it does look like the glitter you use is the shape I'm worried about, so maybe I'm just being too paranoid and protective? How prone to damage is your hair?

As long as you watch out what kind of glitter you use, most of it is micro plastic ... the environment will not like that very much ;-)
I have a kind of shimmer that is originally for the body in a kind of old fashion perfume like bottle so when you press the balloon-y bit you get some fine dusting of powder. I use that in my hair, it isn't really very obvious but if the sun is shining and you move just right .... shimmery goodness !
Lush has some massage oil with shimmer (shimmy shimmy) that I used to put in my hair as well (and Lush is getting rid of all plastic glitter and using bio-degradable stuff, they were starting that right before I left) So if you would mix up some shimmer with some coconut oil you might get the same effect !
Enjoy getting all the fairy-ness you can !

You're right... mineral sparkles would be way better than plastic for the environment. What kind of shimmer powder do you use? Where could I get it?

April 20th, 2013, 09:52 PM
I also love dressing in a way that I feel embodies faeries, nymphs, elves, etc. I want to see your outfits! Where do you find clothes that suit your style? I am just curious since it sounds as if we share interests! :)

I agree with the suggestion to add very fine, loose cosmetic glitter to oil or a misting bottle. I like to add distilled water, coconut oil and a bit of aloe vera to my bottle, then a teaspoon or so of iridescent glitter.

Please share photos of your glittery hair! :flower:

Hooray! I was thinking of sharing some photos of my favorite outfits in the What are you wearing? thread on the Friendship Board at some point... I need to take those photos first though. I get most of my clothes at thrift stores, but it's still a gradual process of finding things that are really the style I want to have. I always end up buying several things, only to later realize that many of them were wishful thinking. Last summer I got an amazing skirt at World Magic Gifts in North Conway, NH near where I'm a camp counselor. They had a lot of fairy-like clothes, but I could only afford one thing. I'm hoping to get another piece or two from them this summer!

Where do you get fine cosmetic glitter? And what is it made of? Any idea what shape the particles actually are? :lol:

April 20th, 2013, 11:54 PM
Hehe I just figured as much :o
I am a little less concerned just because lately I am really into enjoying my hair and have been flat ironing and not being as careful. I just knew I liked this stuff and the sparkles are so cool :) It seems like super dust shimmeries.

There are some websites I have seen that have pure pigment powders and they were very very fine dust.

April 21st, 2013, 02:07 AM
I love the idea, but for some reason I can't help but thinking of my childhood in the 90's. I spent around 5 years constantly caked in hair glitter and multi coloured hair mascaras ;) I have no idea if glitter would be damaging or not. Maybe some damage would occour if you try to brush it out? I imaging even fine glitter could be a tad abrasive.
*totteres off in search of glitter*

April 21st, 2013, 02:31 AM
I wear cosmetic glitter on my eyes all the time. If it doesn't affect my eyes at all, I can't imagine it would harm my hair.

April 21st, 2013, 04:39 AM
I'm sorry I really can't remember :( It doesn't say anything on the bottle, so that's no help !
I remember that a couple of years ago I went quit crazy buying mineral powders, it is possible I bought it then, but I don't remember what company. I tried a lot off different once before I settle on 2 companies I liked, and they don't carry this kind off thing.

April 21st, 2013, 08:37 PM
I would think a shimmery mineral powder type glitter would be very safe for hair. I think the particles would be way too small to do any damage, no matter the shape.
I want to try this now. I think what I will do is find some sparkly mineral powder, mix with water and aloe vera gel, and go to town!

April 21st, 2013, 08:46 PM
I think the idea of eyeshadow mixed with oil is a great one, and I'm going to try it myself. Natural eyeshadows are basically natural mica (the sparkley part) and natural colored minerals, so it could be very very natural if you wish. I have some minerals from making my own eyeshadows that I'm going to try, just some mica and oil mixed together. You can buy pure mica here: http://www.coastalscents.com/ Some micas are just a faint shimmer, and some are extremely sparkley, so you can take your pick!

April 21st, 2013, 09:59 PM
I love the idea, but for some reason I can't help but thinking of my childhood in the 90's. I spent around 5 years constantly caked in hair glitter and multi coloured hair mascaras ;) I have no idea if glitter would be damaging or not. Maybe some damage would occour if you try to brush it out? I imaging even fine glitter could be a tad abrasive.
*totteres off in search of glitter*

Oh goodness! Remember that "body glitter" gel? I used to have some that had LONG STRINGS of purple holographic glitter. :lol: the 90's was quite a decade...Mariah Carey, Semisonic, Tomagachi, body glitter and hair mascara. And lipliner! Can't forget the lipliner! :lol: :lol: :lol:

April 21st, 2013, 10:15 PM
:justy: why did I just see this thread?!?!

My 3 year old is going to have her VERY first school picture done tomorrow. We went, got her a ridiculously pink/tutu dress with purple tights (she picked them herself, she's very particular!) and now I'm thinking hair glitter would have been super amazing! I have eyeshadow, maybe I can mix it with coconut oil and put it in her hair? It's too late to go and get anything more glittery, I have "craft" glitter but I don't know how safe it would be to use on hair... My girl is really into glitter and fairy ballerinas.

This totally inspired me to buy some cosmetic glitter for hair use :lol:.

April 22nd, 2013, 12:15 AM
:justy: why did I just see this thread?!?!

My 3 year old is going to have her VERY first school picture done tomorrow. We went, got her a ridiculously pink/tutu dress with purple tights (she picked them herself, she's very particular!) and now I'm thinking hair glitter would have been super amazing! I have eyeshadow, maybe I can mix it with coconut oil and put it in her hair? It's too late to go and get anything more glittery, I have "craft" glitter but I don't know how safe it would be to use on hair... My girl is really into glitter and fairy ballerinas.

This totally inspired me to buy some cosmetic glitter for hair use :lol:.

Off topic but, picturing her outfit is pretty much the cutest/coolest thing ever!!!
I love that you let them be such individuals :)

April 22nd, 2013, 11:22 AM
Off topic but, picturing her outfit is pretty much the cutest/coolest thing ever!!!
I love that you let them be such individuals :)

Thanks :).

Actually I got in the bus to help put my son on the seat (he was dancing on it, new assistant so his routine was broken) and my little girl was standing next to another girl, who told me "her dress is so pretty!" and was just so exited about it, my girl had a huuuge grin on her face. Totally worth letting her pick her own clothes! She picked her brother's too since he didn't care...

I manages to use shimmer on her hair with coconut oil. Can't wait for the pictures! Fairies all the way! :cheer:

April 22nd, 2013, 12:10 PM
Oh goodness! Remember that "body glitter" gel? I used to have some that had LONG STRINGS of purple holographic glitter. :lol: the 90's was quite a decade...Mariah Carey, Semisonic, Tomagachi, body glitter and hair mascara. And lipliner! Can't forget the lipliner! :lol: :lol: :lol:

oh goodness body glitter! I had tubes of the stuff! and glittery hair mascara.
Being a child in the 90's was awesome

April 22nd, 2013, 12:14 PM
If you are concerned about how abrasive glitter might be or it's effect on the environment why don't you try edible glitter? If it's safe to eat I'm pretty sure it would be safe for hair.
There are 2 types that I know of the large flake kind and the fine dust kind. I have lots of the dust kind and well after I use it on cakes it sticks to my skin pretty well so I imagine it would adhere to hair well! lol
Something like this perhaps: