View Full Version : Recurring dream about cutting my hair

April 8th, 2013, 08:26 PM
I have two dreams that have recurred over my life. The one that happened earliest, and that happens most often, and has happened twice this week alone, is that I cut my hair (bob) and at first am happy with it, and then feel so sorry that I did it. (In both this week's occurrences, though, I think I almost immediately was sorry I had cut it.) The second, which isn't exactly relevant, is that I find a hitherto unknown room in my house that is full of beautiful and interesting things.

I'm 38 now and this is the first time in my life I've had long hair It's a little past BSL and I'm going for waist, possibly hip. When I was little my mother wouldn't let me grow my hair, because she said it didn't look good on me that way. (Interestingly, she herself had "hair she could sit on" until she was married). I don't remember this bothering me; I just assumed it was true and kept my hair bobbed or pixied.

So-- thoughts on or experiences of hair-cutting dreams? I don't experience these dreams as really significant, i.e. I don't wake up feeling affected by them (apart from glad I didn't actually cut it), and yet why have I had them over so many years, no matter what my length of hair??

April 8th, 2013, 09:45 PM
I had one years ago. It was brought on by stress.

April 8th, 2013, 10:06 PM
I've had hair-ruining dreams a lot recently - not always just cutting, either. Last week I dreamt I copied my ex-boyfriend's old haircut, and watched my whole face and personality change as a result (I mean literally - my eyes got closer together...). And the other day, it wasn't a cut but a lot of bleach, followed by navy blue Manic Panic. Lots of regret both times.

It wouldn't be surprising if hair-cutting dreams were caused by stress. I think I'm having them because I'm making some fairly big life changes and fear losing myself in the process. Maybe yours have something to do with breaking away from your mother a bit? Or maybe you're still subconsciously worried about her opinion of your long hair...

April 8th, 2013, 11:49 PM
If I had to guess, I think your long hair would symbolize your independence/freedom to be yourself and do what you want, and when you cut it, you feel like it is taken away. The unknown room in your house could represent a new and unexpected side of yourself that you will soon discover, or maybe already have discovered. I am sure this have some meaning to you, since it keeps coming back.

I love dreams that feel like they have a meaning; it feels mysterious, but like someone is trying to tell you something. I had a few myself, but I only ever had one dream that I had twice, I was about 10 years old when it happened the first time, the second was a few years later. It is not hair dreams though.

In this dream, I was not very old, I was home with my family, and it was night (and probably full moon). There was a wolf circling our house, and I was terrified (what kid is not afraid of wolves?). My father went out to try and chase the wolf away, and I was afraid he would get injured or worse. But when I went outside, it turned out it was just a big, friendly labrador (a race of black dogs). Both times, it felt like the dream was trying to tell me something.

April 9th, 2013, 01:15 AM
I have had a few hair cutting dreams in my life. Sometimes I'm really happy to be cutting my hair, other times it freaks me out!

I've also had dreams where there are new rooms in my house that I didn't know about before!

April 9th, 2013, 08:45 AM
I love dreams that feel significant too; I like the ones that have been shared above. Funny how some dreams feel obviously meaningful, and others don't feel that way at all. I suspect hair-cutting dreams and unknown room dreams are common. I have been under some stress at work, that's also manifesting as shortness of breath, but I am not aware of having as much as stress as I had last year. I'm just glad to wake up and realize that I haven't cut it!

April 9th, 2013, 09:01 AM
I have had the same dream and felt horrible regret in them. The strangest dream regarding hair happened two nights ago where I put different vibrant colours in my hair and I applied the colour on braids so the colours would be separated. Afterward I took the braids out and everyone thought my braid waves plus rainbow coloured hair was cool. In the next scene I was sitting in a chair where an oriental man was doing something to my hair. Afterward, he showed me three newly knitted sweaters knitted from hair that were neutral coloured unlike my rainbow coloured hair and he tried to sell them to me for $5 each.

I picked the sweaters up and noticed they were a size too small and asked him where he got the hair from. He told me while I was in the chair they took out my hair which resulted in a crop circle at the back of my head. I called the police and was standing in the mall waiting and waiting and waiting like we do in dreams. The police never came and the dream ended there.

It was so real and so terrible like the bob-chopping dreams. I do frequently cut my hair to bsl, but I never go shorter since I grow it back to waist. The change is nice (for me) as re the in between lengths on the way back to waist.

April 9th, 2013, 09:15 AM
I wonder if your dream is about making decisions? I have crazy dreams I have big or permanent decisions to make. Hair cutting I think could be a symbol of something being permanent. But you say you feel ok when you wake up?

I haven't had any recurring dreams about hair, but the night before last, I had this almost hair cutting dream. It repeated itself over and over like a loop until I woke up. I actually posted in my blog here (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/entry.php?b=109542), because it was weird and hair related. This is what happened:

I had this odd dream last night. I went to the hairdressers. It was quite alternative, it seems more like a tattoo parlour than a hairdressers. I guess my hair must have been help up with some sort of stick, because when I got through the door, I shook my head and shook my hair out. It must have been past classic heading for knee and dead dead straight. I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be my hair or not, it seemed to be, but it was white, blue, blonde and brown.

There was a sofa where people were sitting down waiting to have their hair cut. One had giant white hair and the other had really unnatural letter box red hair. I wasn't sure if they were really women or if they were men. I started standing up because there was no space then ended up in the queue on the sofa. It was quite a small waiting room with a counter and loads of drawings on the walls. Most of the light was red or pinkish.

By the time I sat down, I started to worry about whether it was my hair they were going to cut off, or some other body part. I finally reach the front of the que and the door the other end of the sofa opens.

I expect to see the hairdresser, but instead I find myself outside the salon, at the front door again where I started.

I went through this dream, 2, 3, 4 maybe more times? I don't know. Then woke up.

April 9th, 2013, 03:24 PM
Cutting your hair in a dream means that you are concerned about either your health or someone's close to you, that is according to a dream dictionary I have at home.

April 9th, 2013, 04:25 PM
I had Long Bob to shoulder length hair for a long time and I occasionally dream about it. I still remember how it feels weirdly.

I remember after I cut some length back then, my head felt very light and my shoulders like something was missing. I even felt bad the first time I cut it (from BSL) but then kept it this way. I am thinking my dreams are just based on my "fear" of going this short again.

I all of my dreams I very much regret cutting it and imagine how long it will take me to grow it out again.
Maybe the dreams occur often for me because I have lost hair so many times and was worried about having to cut it *shrug*.

September 2nd, 2019, 10:09 AM
This was the first time I have had this dream. I made a lovely bun and then had a thought I should save this bun so I can wear it any time. So I I took it off of the back of my head and admired it and put it in preservation mode....hair spray and a net.....Then with horror realized I had chopped it from my Long hair. I reach back and there was a stump protruding from my pony tail. I was horrified.....Oh no how long will it take me to grow it again. At 78 I do not know if I have 10 more years to grow it again.