View Full Version : You know you're a curly when....

April 8th, 2013, 12:43 AM
Inspired by the long hair thread as i couldn't find a curly version...

You have a fear of brushes.....

April 8th, 2013, 12:45 AM
Your hair never looks the same one day to the next. :)

April 8th, 2013, 12:48 AM
You can only comb when fully soaked in conditioner during showers.

You let your hair to air-dry.

You sometimes get perfect curly ends, other times not-so-perfect.

You have to wet your hair (or mainly ends) every morning.


April 8th, 2013, 03:16 AM
Combing your hair is a long and painful process.

Daredevil, I do that plus I have to re-wet my hair throughout the day.

April 8th, 2013, 03:29 AM
Combing your hair is a long and painful process.

Daredevil, I do that plus I have to re-wet my hair throughout the day.

Aha, maybe because we're guys? :D

The thing is that, by doing that, my hair will take its normal length and shape again (when it will dry) with the curly ends because after waking up, hair can be a bit chaotic.

But throughout the day? I don't find a purpose for that!

April 8th, 2013, 04:58 AM
You lose hairpins in your hair. :p

April 8th, 2013, 06:20 AM
You wake up with perfect looking curls, then go out in the rainy, foggy weather, and it all turns into a frizzy haystack.

April 8th, 2013, 06:23 AM
When the first thing people do when they see you with your curls down is take one,stretch it and watch it spring back up again :)

April 8th, 2013, 06:57 AM
Ohh, I like this one :)

You know you're a curly when some one tells you "I think you could hide a knife in that hair..."

April 8th, 2013, 07:06 AM
People ask you where you got your 'perm.'

April 8th, 2013, 08:53 AM
When people ask if you curl it with an iron, or a straighter, and you say...
"I try not to anger the beast. "

April 8th, 2013, 09:40 AM
When your childhood pictures look like a POOF fest because your parents didn't know how to deal with curly hair so they brushed it dry, ruining the curl pattern and you continued on that path for many years until you edumacated yourself on curly hair.

April 8th, 2013, 10:24 AM
When you see someone going for one of your curls and you immediately get into a stance ready to karate chop them

April 8th, 2013, 11:40 AM
But throughout the day? I don't find a purpose for that!

My hair dries up super quickly and absorbs water like a sponge. Then it usually dries poofs up like a fro. But if I continue wetting my hair throughout the day (lightly wetting, not soaking) eventually it stays heavy enough that it'll lay itself flat. Having something like a bandana or a hat really helps too, luckily I wear a bandana at my work. Also now that my hair is long enough I can put it into a ponytail as it is drying and that really helps with keeping it less poofy.

But yeah I'll usually run a small amount of water through my hair just about every time I wash my hands after using the bathroom. Not enough to soak it or have it dripping wet. Just enough to maintain a good moisture level.

April 8th, 2013, 11:53 AM
When people who are not used to see you with curls ask "are they real"? Also when you start to panic when not finding your TT even though you've only owned it for 2 weeks..

chen bao jun
April 8th, 2013, 12:08 PM
When your childhood pictures look like a POOF fest because your parents didn't know how to deal with curly hair so they brushed it dry, ruining the curl pattern and you continued on that path for many years until you edumacated yourself on curly hair.

LOL. Like many curlies, I didn't know I was one for many many years. I thought that my hair type was called 'unmanageable' and 'frizzball'. My childhood photos are 'poof-fest' and my adult photos are 'flat-ironed/chemically straightened--but still often poof-fest' until very recently. Funny thing is, now that I know how to take care of my hair and have my natural curls back, I have people question me thinking this looks so good that it must be fake!

April 9th, 2013, 12:09 AM
Funny thing is, now that I know how to take care of my hair and have my natural curls back, I have people question me thinking this looks so good that it must be fake!
Absolutely! Me too!

I can associate with most posts so far....

When you want the weather to change and be wet and rainy so that you can test out whether the new thing you are doing works as well in wet weather as it does in dry weather...

When you hair gets in the way and a random ringlet falls in your face you pick it up and place it elsewhere rather than run your fingers through and make it merge back with the rest of your hair.

April 9th, 2013, 12:41 AM
When your childhood pictures look like a POOF fest because your parents didn't know how to deal with curly hair so they brushed it dry, ruining the curl pattern and you continued on that path for many years until you edumacated yourself on curly hair.
Yes! Though I put up a fight and refused to brush my hair "because it takes away the curls!" (which they insisted I didn't have), so most often I had tangles-bordering-on-rat's-nest. And then they finally convinced me to brush my hair, so then I had "uncooperative wavy-or-something" hair. And then I joined here. :D

April 9th, 2013, 01:57 AM
When your childhood pictures look like a POOF fest because your parents didn't know how to deal with curly hair so they brushed it dry, ruining the curl pattern and you continued on that path for many years until you edumacated yourself on curly hair.

Ooh yes, I was so shocked and mad when I found out that my mom actully does have the same curls as I do, but she never wore them like that for the entirety of my life. She still favors 80s hairstyle so she doesn't mind the poof that her hair gets when it's blowdried. I only saw it with its natural curl pattern when she went to get her haircut and the hairstylist rightly dried it with a defuser to keep it's curl pattern. I hated washing my hair when I was young, my mom had to do it in the sink herself becuse it was so painful when she tried to detangle it. Despite parental hair mistreatment, I still had fairly curly hair, but definitely not as nice as since I've come here. Ah, my children will have mother who knows how to take care of their curls.

You know you're a curly when...

-braidwaves are a way to "straighten" your hair
-you have to decide after you get out of the shower whether this will be an updo week, or a curly week.
-shower time is the best time because your hair will never be straighter or longer

April 9th, 2013, 02:16 AM
All of this, plus: you go dancing and at the end of the night your hair is 3 times it's origional width.

April 9th, 2013, 04:45 AM
^Yes!!!! It's like...eh what happened? Hehehee:).

April 9th, 2013, 05:02 AM
... Your hair growth goals are qualified by "stretched" and "unstretched".

April 9th, 2013, 07:39 AM
... Your hair growth goals are qualified by "stretched" and "unstretched".

exactly :D

When you start to examine others hair for sings of brushed out - or otherwisely "tamed" - curliness - I'm positive my classmate is at least a 3a!
When you decide you have to minimize any head movement during the day,because your ringlets at the nape are nice and defined today :D .

April 9th, 2013, 11:41 AM
My sister can tell when its going to rain when her bad knee flares up. I can tell when its going to rain by my canopy frizz.

Great idea for a thread!

April 9th, 2013, 07:03 PM
My hair dries up super quickly and absorbs water like a sponge. Then it usually dries poofs up like a fro. But if I continue wetting my hair throughout the day (lightly wetting, not soaking) eventually it stays heavy enough that it'll lay itself flat. Having something like a bandana or a hat really helps too, luckily I wear a bandana at my work. Also now that my hair is long enough I can put it into a ponytail as it is drying and that really helps with keeping it less poofy.

But yeah I'll usually run a small amount of water through my hair just about every time I wash my hands after using the bathroom. Not enough to soak it or have it dripping wet. Just enough to maintain a good moisture level.

Have you tried a simple leave in like Tresseme Naturals Moisture? Simple plain conditioner smoothed over damp hair can change your life. I used to do the rewetting thing in high school. Conditioner let me co-wash my hair at night, apply leave-in, sleep with my hair down, and still have perfect curls the next day!

April 9th, 2013, 07:05 PM
When it takes you 3x as long as your peers to reach length goals because of shrinkage!

(Cheer for me. Hit APL curly today, although my hair is creeping to waist length!)

April 9th, 2013, 07:23 PM
My sister can tell when its going to rain when her bad knee flares up. I can tell when its going to rain by my canopy frizz.
I can predict tornadoes.

April 9th, 2013, 07:44 PM
Your hair appears several inches shorter after it dries (and then people who saw it wet will say, "Nice haircut!")

April 9th, 2013, 08:24 PM
When your hair laughs at a 'dime size' application of anything.

April 9th, 2013, 09:14 PM
When things (bees, wasps, mosquitoes etc.) fly into your hair and then buzz around in there because they can't get out.

April 9th, 2013, 09:35 PM
When your well meaning MIL says that you look like you have Merida's hair from Brave. I have known her longer then I have known how to take care of my curly wavy beast so this year has been a major change in hair texture for me. Thank you all for that! I remember wishing that I had curly hair rather then wavy and now low and behold it has been curly all these years!

April 9th, 2013, 09:51 PM
When your hair laughs at a 'dime size' application of anything.

Truth! :p

April 10th, 2013, 12:22 AM
Being amazed at all the people who didn't know they were curly and knowing you're not the only one. :)

April 10th, 2013, 01:25 AM
I always thought I was straight but misbehaving-LOL! My hair is SUPPOSED to be wavy! All those years of brushing, frizz and cursing it!

April 10th, 2013, 07:44 AM
Ooh yes, I was so shocked and mad when I found out that my mom actully does have the same curls as I do, but she never wore them like that for the entirety of my life. She still favors 80s hairstyle so she doesn't mind the poof that her hair gets when it's blowdried. I only saw it with its natural curl pattern when she went to get her haircut and the hairstylist rightly dried it with a defuser to keep it's curl pattern. I hated washing my hair when I was young, my mom had to do it in the sink herself becuse it was so painful when she tried to detangle it. Despite parental hair mistreatment, I still had fairly curly hair, but definitely not as nice as since I've come here. Ah, my children will have mother who knows how to take care of their curls.

You know you're a curly when...

-braidwaves are a way to "straighten" your hair
-you have to decide after you get out of the shower whether this will be an updo week, or a curly week.
-shower time is the best time because your hair will never be straighter or longer

I agree with all these points, but I especially the braid waves one. My hair will never dry longer than when I dry it in braids.

April 10th, 2013, 07:45 AM
All of this, plus: you go dancing and at the end of the night your hair is 3 times it's origional width.

This is all too true. And having to carry some sort of hair tie every where in case you have to tame the beast.

April 10th, 2013, 07:52 AM
When your hair laughs at a 'dime size' application of anything.

This is too perfect.

April 10th, 2013, 11:19 AM
When ou have to wait for changes in the weather to find out if something is going to work as well now as when it gets hotter.colder/wetter....etc....all just to see if it frizzes up! Lol!

So far Glycerin & Rosewater is something my hair just totally adores!
Rain, wind, snow, cold, dry and cold........all those conditions have been great with it......but who knows when spring or summer finally arrive (which they might not....this is the UK after all!)?

April 10th, 2013, 11:25 AM
When people are sad because you've been wearing your hair up a lot lately, and then give you funny looks when you explain, "My hair doesn't like this weather."

April 10th, 2013, 11:37 AM
Have you tried a simple leave in like Tresseme Naturals Moisture? Simple plain conditioner smoothed over damp hair can change your life. I used to do the rewetting thing in high school. Conditioner let me co-wash my hair at night, apply leave-in, sleep with my hair down, and still have perfect curls the next day!

Hmmm... I've tried some other leave-ins that were pretty good but I'll have to try that one out.

...When you walk into work and all your coworkers make Bob Ross jokes.

April 10th, 2013, 12:00 PM
Combing your hair while wet (and with conditioner of course) is actually a good thing. Combing and brushing it dry is damaging.

You never use a brush.

People ask you, "How do you get your hair to do that?"

April 10th, 2013, 12:18 PM
[QUOTE=SGBSteve;2422594]Hmmm... I've tried some other leave-ins that were pretty good but I'll have to try that one out.

Steve, where are you from?
I read your post about wetting your hair down through the day - and I empathise as I tried that for a while at one stage.

A leave in is pretty important for most curlies but something else you could try - I'm using it at the moment and it's superb...well a variation of it anyway (I'm using glycerin & rosewater decanted into a spray).
I didn't make it myself I just found it in a local chemist in the skincare section.
I haven't done much mixing of things or home made things and I'm still getting the results I want - no frizz
But I found this one at Wallmart - it says to mix it with water - which is easy enough if you put it into a small spray bottle.

Along with a leave in it might help. (I use both...leave in on soaking wet hair and finger com through is the only combing/brushing i ever do) It's been superb for me so far but we haven't had a summer and don't get much of one in the UK!
Very dry climates could make hair frizz up though as it would try to give moisture to the air rather than your hair.

I would seriously give it a try though. Unless you live in a desert.....as that could be a bit too dry! :)

April 10th, 2013, 01:12 PM
^ He's in the state next door to me--same climate: super cold and generally dry in winter, warm to hot and humid in summer. Flax seed gel (you can make it) works well to kind of seal the moisture in. It dries a bit crunchy, but you can "scrunch out the crunch" with your hands. I also like my marshmallow rinse, diluted, as a moisturizing spray. If you're into conventional products, Tresemme conditioner, really any of them, can be left in. I did it for years before switching to natural, homemade stuff.

April 10th, 2013, 01:17 PM
Being amazed at all the people who didn't know they were curly and knowing you're not the only one. :)Yes! I came here by way of a member of naturallycurly.com who was a member here also. nc was my first message board ever, and I found it because I ws looking for hair advice online. I moved in June from the hot, dry desert to WI, which is hot and very humid in the summer. I was used to flat-ironing my "wavy" hair every day, and discovered it was closer to curls. It laughed at the flat-iron. It finally clicked, when I remembered my baby pictures, where you can see ringlets at my nape. I appear to have straight hair in childhood because my mom blowdried it constantly.

April 10th, 2013, 08:45 PM
Yep. I'm from Michigan. Waiting for the warm weather to finally come. Curious to see how hot my first summer with long hair will be.

Thanks for the suggestions guys. I think I might look into that flax seed gel.

April 11th, 2013, 01:46 AM
I have a recipe for a spray if you want it.

chen bao jun
April 11th, 2013, 05:58 PM
I agree with all these points, but I especially the braid waves one. My hair will never dry longer than when I dry it in braids.
Yes, I don't know what I'd do without braiding. It's not only that it stretches my hair a lot, but it really helps with the tangling.

April 12th, 2013, 09:56 AM
...Updos have the texture of a crumpled up piece of paper that has been smoothed out again :) (Not knockin' it -- I like the texture!)

April 12th, 2013, 11:36 AM
No matter how under control your frizz is you still can't win against drizzle...not completely anyway..lol!

April 12th, 2013, 09:55 PM

upon seeing your hair done your curly way people say - "oh wow your hair looks so beautiful!" or "how pretty!" because somehow they can tell that it's your natural hair texture and it looks good!

when you have to think pretty hard about what you're going to do with it next- whether to bbb once this week, skip the shampoo, scrunch and leave it curly for two days, spray in some oil etc- all because you have to be mindful of the texture and how it's going to look, it's behaviour and whether you want to wrangle with it.

when you just say Im going to leave it up. Because it's easier.

April 13th, 2013, 12:17 AM
Yes, I don't know what I'd do without braiding. It's not only that it stretches my hair a lot, but it really helps with the tangling.

Definitely. I think my natural curl looks better on me, but having short hair drives me up the wall, and it gets tangly too quickly (the perils of fine hair). I can't wait until my curls are long enough to hang down my back.

April 13th, 2013, 01:08 AM
When you consider cutting back your hard-won length because you regret having discovered you were a curly AFTER your hair grew past the length its curls would manifest.

I've tried EVERYTHING to have the best of both worlds, but I'm stuck being a faux-straightie with a frustrated scalp (the baby hairs don't behave, because there are no curls to hang out with, so I've got a perma-halo, which only gets angrier when there's humidity. Sometimes I can get the baby hairs to make ringlets when I'm sick of the frizz, but it's ridiculous-looking to have 3 or 4 random 2-3 inch long curls and then mid-thigh-length long, straightish hair.) :nono: :shrug:

April 21st, 2013, 03:45 AM
When it makes you shudder slightly when curlies talk of brushing, combing or using a blow dryer...even though i know it works for some...it still makes me shudder.

..and seeing you tube videos of rampant hectic brushing of curly hair...that makes my follicles wince!

December 16th, 2013, 10:21 AM
You know you're a curly when you have to treat your hair like a plant. I have to water it and prune it. Its funny how curly hair seems to have a "voice"...like...she tells me when she needs moisture...lately she's been asking for protein! lol!:rolleyes:

December 16th, 2013, 03:07 PM
You know you're a curly when you have to treat your hair like a plant. I have to water it and prune it. Its funny how curly hair seems to have a "voice"...like...she tells me when she needs moisture...lately she's been asking for protein! lol!:rolleyes:

Belladonna agrees with you. She is a plant and therefore is entitled to all the love and care a plant should receive.

You know your a curly when you have to do everything in sections after a certain length. When you henna your hair and need more then a straighty to coat your strands properly, and when it demands cowashing once the weather is cold.

December 16th, 2013, 04:08 PM
This is an awesome thread here.

I must totally agree with having to decide at shower time weather you will be wearing your hair down or up this week.

Braid waves is our version of heatless straightening.

Its much easier to wear it up than it is to wear it down.

I have not wore my hair down for some time because of that. And i mean ever since i discovered hair sticks and buns. Its sooooooooo much easier to deal with braid waves than the curlyness

December 16th, 2013, 06:40 PM
When braid waves straighten your hair to 2c.

When curly, it's mid back, braid waves are knee.

When you headbang at various concerts, your hair gets noticed, mentioned and/or filmed by the band.

When a family sized bottle of conditioner lasts 10 washes.

You can't wear any hat - at least that we found.

You attach the hood of a much larger sweatshirt to your sweatshirt, so the hood actually fits over the curls.

You acknowledge your hair does what it wants, you just live with it's choices.

Smacking jerks who sproing your curls is reasonable.

Punching brothers for sproinging your curls is reasonable.

Kicking brothers who ruffle your curls is far too nice.

You regularly get hair interwoven with your headphone cords.

You have the adult over ear headphones because the kid versions are worse than hats - they leap off AND pull hair.

When the sweet little old lady at church remarks at how lucky you are to have to have such pretty curls, you thank her and tell her to ask your mom about not using shampoo.

When you are still trying to figure out if you can CO wash a man out of your hair. Then realize if one is stuck in your hair, you'd have to cut him out.

When viewed from the back, your hair is noticeably wider than you.

Also, when laying on the floor, your back is fully covered and you've got about 4" on both sides that cover the floor.

Which leads to dogs knowing what "Stop messing up my curls!" means. And you stomping off to go put water on your now disordered curls.

When suggested to brush your dry hair, you ask for a paper clip. Then explain it's faster to zap yourself, and it'd be neater. Which leads to a call to your parents.

When you get your piercer to contact his favorite companies to make titanium earrings that don't tangle with curls. Preferably captive rings and sparkly gem fronts. Yes, she's got her piercer wrapped around her curls. He's required to be wrapped around her, he's her Daddy.

When in natural pageants, you are nearly always accused of wearing a fall or twelve. When proven to be real, your scorecards are marked that your hair is all real.

Glitter will not wash out for months, if it even does wash out at all.

Slinkies and toy cars should be banned.

Legos have been lost in your hair.

When showing in hunter/jumper on your pony, you have to wear your hair up. In braids, your midback hair goes to well past classic, so they hit your pony.

When fox chasing, you cover and enclose all your hair so your hair doesn't startle other horses or leap to stick to trees.

You won't answer any corded or charging phone.

You run from anyone who suggests to get a pixie.

You can't wear a braid a second day because your hair starts to form dreadlocks.

Your length appearance changes hourly.

Your mother begs on LHC for help because your hair is a near exact opposite of hers. But, at least this means you actually have curls vs dandelion fluff.

When trying to bun up your braid at school, pencils are too short and thick. As such, you get Quattro sticks in the longest length and forks.

Yup, this is about my adorably evil minion.

December 16th, 2013, 06:54 PM
Awesome list, MandyBeth! You are the mom that curlies like me dreamed of when I was a kid! (Wish my mom had had your knowledge of how to treat curls.)

On another note: I'm so glad this thread has been resurrected! All of these posts hit home. Hope they keep coming! :)

December 16th, 2013, 08:41 PM
Oh, she'd have an exploded pop can of frizz if I hadn't begged GRU a TON for what to curlies are obviously, redonkulis questions, but my happily changing 2A/B hair (from 1A/B to 3A) doesn't act curly at all.

It would have been far easier to cut the dish soap scrubbed, no conditioner, not protected and nothing near properly combed and wet brushed hair off. But, only not.

She was born into foster care, and her hair was it that she always had. It was crazy important to her, and she wanted pretty princess hair. So, we got the hideous mat combed out and just cut as needed.

Now, for simple vanity - a pixie on her would be a mushroom cloud for years. It's not anything she likes.

But, 2 1/2 years later, if I pull thê length straight, she's got about a foot of damage, rest is good. Yes, her hair grows fast, but a lot relates to her being itty bitty. So she doesn't need the same length from MBL to hips (as an example) as an adult. So, if that's an 8" difference for an adult, on her it's 3".

But, I have the crazy list as most of that doesn't apply to me, so it's easier to see. I did hunter/jumper and didn't worry about my hair. Hers gets viciously tangled loose and I am a nervous Mommy, I don't think her hair loose would be safe. Braids whap her ponies, yet she appears mid back, so while long hair hits, it's the curly that dramatically lengthens her hair. Even up is a challenge because I will never let her wear anything under her helmet since that loosens the fit, and a loose helmet is as bad as no helmet. And no helmet is never allowed. I will gladly pay any cost if the helmet fits and is comfortable and it's been designed for riding and jumping. New helmets are easy to buy. I can't buy her a new brain if she falls or gets kicked. But, I'm extremely fussy there. She gets a whap on the head, she's getting a new helmet. They're a single use item, same as car seats. Are some likely still fine to use? Yes. But, I can't tell by looking, X-ray doesn't help and I get to make crazy strict rules until the kid turns 18. I can't control adults making poor choices, but my minor children don't get the leeway. Helmet is $300. Funerals run towards the double digit thousands. Life time care for serious single brain trauma or repeated minor traumas is past expensive.

December 16th, 2013, 09:37 PM
After a rough day, your ponytail looks more like a bun.

December 16th, 2013, 09:43 PM
When you have shown your hair the fancy world of boutique hair products and when you go to find a cheaper alternative at the dollar store..both you and your hair sigh and grunt together in the hair care aisle.

((She does sigh and grunt!)) Lol!

I just treated myself to a large bottle of DevaCare One C...it should be arriving sometime this week!

I looooove Deva products!:cheese:

chen bao jun
December 17th, 2013, 06:49 AM
Half the world walks up to you and says, 'I love your curls. You know I have curls too, but I don't know how to keep them under control so I flat iron.'
And you say, Try co-washing and they say, Naw, nothing works with my hair.

December 17th, 2013, 07:22 AM
When you can't run your fingers through your hair without pulling out chunks of hair or your hand getting stuck in your gigantic mass of dense curls.

December 18th, 2013, 12:46 PM
When you go the doctor or chiropractor and they say, "It's really hard to find your head". :D

December 18th, 2013, 01:10 PM
When your ponytail turns into one long, fat ringlet if you don't finger comb it out!

December 18th, 2013, 02:53 PM
When your ponytail turns into one long, fat ringlet if you don't finger comb it out!

So that doesn't happen to me only!

December 18th, 2013, 05:11 PM
No, it's happened to me forever. My DH thinks it's adorable, though, so I don't mind too much.

December 18th, 2013, 07:33 PM
Half the world walks up to you and says, 'I love your curls. You know I have curls too, but I don't know how to keep them under control so I flat iron.'
And you say, Try co-washing and they say, Naw, nothing works with my hair.

So, so true. Everyone and their cousin tells me, "Oh, I have curly hair too, but I straighten it!" And you're telling me this because... ??

December 29th, 2013, 09:06 PM
When you are seriously puzzled as to why anyone would think its okay to comb or brush curly hair when dry.

I get asked all the time if my hair is easy to comb and i say: "Yeah, but i only comb it when wet...i cannot do my hair when its dry" and they're all: :confused:

Also; when you constantly wonder how long your hair has to be when stretched out for your curls to be BSL.

night owl
December 29th, 2013, 09:29 PM
So, so true. Everyone and their cousin tells me, "Oh, I have curly hair too, but I straighten it!" And you're telling me this because... ??

Or when they say they love your hair, but then immediately ask if they can straighten it.

Most times I just say keep your hands to yourself! Sometimes I explain that the process would take at least an hour....

night owl
December 29th, 2013, 09:30 PM
So, so true. Everyone and their cousin tells me, "Oh, I have curly hair too, but I straighten it!" And you're telling me this because... ??

Or when they say they love your hair, but then immediately ask if they can straighten it.

Most times I just say keep your hands to yourself! Sometimes I explain that the process would take at least an hour....

December 30th, 2013, 06:07 AM
Or when they say they love your hair, but then immediately ask if they can straighten it.

Most times I just say keep your hands to yourself! Sometimes I explain that the process would take at least an hour....

I say no thanks. Or give people a dirty look. Unless I ask I don't want to hear about my hair being strightened.

January 10th, 2014, 09:53 PM
I don't get the perm comment (although I laughed when I read that) but I do get asked which salon do I go to for the curls (as in who and where does my hair). I also get the compliment on how shiny my hair is along with compliments on my hair toys.