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View Full Version : Discovering natural highlights (not grey)

April 7th, 2013, 07:59 PM
Now that I've been growing dye out for a while, I've started to notice that I have some natural highlights. Most of my hair is a medium ash brown, but I've discovered that I have some hairs that are a sort of copper/reddish colour, and some that are a very light brown which looks blond/golden compared to the colour of the rest of my hair. It doesn't show in regular indoor lighting, and I'm sure no one else but me would notice it, but I still find it exciting to discover that my natural hair sparkles in different colours. :D

Has anyone else discovered that they have natural highlights?

April 7th, 2013, 08:30 PM
I do! My bangs actually look like I've streaked them, lol. (I haven't) I am looking forward to seeing how many highlights I naturally get over the summer too!

April 7th, 2013, 08:39 PM
Oh- that sounds so nice, I love natural highlights! I have one particular highlight on the front of my hair that is about 2 tones lighter than the rest of my hair, I loooove showing it off :cool: I also have a few other big ones on my temple's underlayer but they blend in so they're not as noticeable as my frankenhighlight :o

(It'd be so nice if we made this thread a photo thread :popcorn: )

April 8th, 2013, 04:40 AM
I do! I didn't notice it until sometime last year, when I decided to have a good look at my roots before I dyed them again. My natural colour is blonette and I've always thought it was just grayish and dark, but it turns out that I have lots of very light hairs in there too. They shine like gold and I like to refer to them as my 'sparklies' :D
I did discover an auburn strand in there too, but I'm not sure if it was just the one or if there's more of them.

April 8th, 2013, 05:34 AM
I have some coppery chunks throughout my hair - I wish it were my main color, because they are fantastic. I also have some golden ones here and there. My main color is an ashy dark brown. :)

My daughter has the most beautiful natural highlights I have ever seen. They look like pure gold, and they show up in two very large chunks on either side of her face. Those chunks are also the curliest part of her hair, so they settle into nice soft tendrils. The rest of her hair is a "blondette" color, and slightly wavy like mine.
My son's hair is entirely the golden color that shows up as highlights in my daughters hair. It's beautiful. :)

Children really do have awesome hair.

April 8th, 2013, 06:43 AM
I do to!That's why I run around with a mirror on a sunny day :D ! But they are mostly at the nape,hidden from the world :/ I have a caramel /honey brownish blond strand that I'm particularly proud of.

Has anybody found the texture/coarseness of their natural highlights differs from the rest of the hair?

April 8th, 2013, 11:46 AM
I have a bit more that usual colour variation around my head. It's fairly consistent other than a blonde streak from my nape that I only get to see when my hair is APL and down over my shoulders. I love it so much!! The texture is the same