View Full Version : Hair Article Online

April 7th, 2013, 01:30 PM
Ah yes, another misinformation-overload. There are a few tidbits of reality in there but I find the whole thing contradictory and inaccurate! Opinions? What I want to know is WHO writes these things and where do they get their info?

http://www.stylelist.com/view/biggest-hair-myths-beauty-routines-for-hair/?icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl23%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D294456#!slide=aol_5 794308 (http://www.stylelist.com/view/biggest-hair-myths-beauty-routines-for-hair/?icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl23%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D294456#!slide=aol_5 794308)

April 7th, 2013, 02:21 PM
Some of it isn't too bad, at least they recognise that overwashing probably won't do your hair any favours and that split ends can't be fixed, and they're pretty much bang on with number 12. But they've missed the point with a few things and a lot of their solutions are just silly.

Hair related stuff aside, that is the worst website I've had the misfortune of visiting in a very long time. I had to change browsers to see any text at all ,and could then only view 2 lines at a time because of the size of their adverts. I know the tiny screens on netbooks are awkward, but everyone else on the internet does a reasonable job of allowing for them.

April 7th, 2013, 02:28 PM
It's got afew good points the rest is way off.

April 7th, 2013, 02:32 PM
It wasn't THAT horrible - we all know we've seen worse. ;) Some of the points were really strange, though, like the one about trimming. Okay, so trims every 6 - 8 weeks (booo) won't help hair grow, but it will make it look like it's growing faster. I... what? And #8? While sun isn't great for hair, how on earth are chemical bleaches that much better? #9 was funny, because while they recommended "real" creams and masks, those products would probably boast about having olive or coconut oil, or shea butter, or whatever else is trendy to slap on a label. In short: this is a cute list. ;3

And yeah, the web design here is awful. It works fine on Firefox, at least, but FORGET viewing it on a mobile browser lol.

April 7th, 2013, 02:42 PM
Some of it isn't too bad, at least they recognise that overwashing probably won't do your hair any favours and that split ends can't be fixed, and they're pretty much bang on with number 12. But they've missed the point with a few things and a lot of their solutions are just silly.

Hair related stuff aside, that is the worst website I've had the misfortune of visiting in a very long time. I had to change browsers to see any text at all ,and could then only view 2 lines at a time because of the size of their adverts. I know the tiny screens on netbooks are awkward, but everyone else on the internet does a reasonable job of allowing for them.

It's not the netbook; I'm using a full-size laptop and kept wondering the entire time WTF the site designer was smoking. Slideshow plus a scrolly window for each individual slide, that shows two lines of text? Eeeuuurgh.

April 7th, 2013, 02:42 PM
#15 is just... traction alopecia, anyone? Hair doesn't breathe! Ugh. Poor advice and bad web design...

April 7th, 2013, 03:50 PM
shudder: Reading that article made me even more grateful for LHC. I feel sorry for anyone who depends on sites like that for hair information. Yikes!

April 7th, 2013, 05:17 PM
The article wasn't the worst, and some things did have a little truth.

Anything having to do with LHC aside....... I also can't help but wonder where these people get their information? Im not saying their information should be "lhc friendly" one bit, but some of the stuff on articles like this one is SOO off from what even an "evil hairdresser" might recommend to someone

There are also websites like "Allwomenstalk.com" where there are thousands of these articles and tips that just anyone could post...and I wonder how these people even get away with posting this "knowledge" and where they learn this knowledge, also with no sitings/no proof to actually back up their knowledge?? Do they just make it up and post what they think they know as tips to help people? Often on that website, some of the tips and "helpful" information are just very bad.

April 7th, 2013, 05:59 PM
Some of those myths I've never heard. But I don't think the bottom line hair care advice was bad at all.

April 8th, 2013, 05:42 AM
I agree the website was badly designed. I thought it was my browser.

I agree with what Nedertane said. Those are the contradictions to which I was referring.