View Full Version : Natural red hair, want to go a bit redder, what to use?

April 7th, 2013, 02:28 AM
Hi everyone!

It's been pretty much forever since i've been on LHC. In fact I don't even know if i've ever posted, I just lurk a lot :D

Anyway, my hair is naturally this color but a bit less red, but that's the right lightness/darkness:

and i want it more like this:

Now, I've used henna in the past and I loved it, but i sort of want a quick fix, like, i don't want to have to order the henna online right now and my local source no longer exists :/
I was wondering if using a semi permanent non-damaging/gentle dye such as ion brights (i actually have some of ion's red right now) or manic panic on my natural hair would do the trick? Like if i just left it on for a short while.

Any thoughts/advice?

April 7th, 2013, 02:45 AM
You could use manic panic (http://www.manicpanic.com/), it rinses out eventually. Henna sounds great for you though.

April 7th, 2013, 05:01 AM
You have beautiful hair, I wish I had red hair. Can't say what you could use though, henna doesn't take in my hair. I used to like colour mousses though, they gave subtle hints of colour.

April 7th, 2013, 05:19 AM
I would use veggie dyes, like terpentyna recommended. Manic Panid, Diretions etc. There is a lot of red shades available and you can mix them to your conditioner too to prevent fast fading.

April 7th, 2013, 07:38 AM
henara and aveda both make super great colour depositing dishes. Also a temp color glaze. As for manic panic i've never reached that shade from any of their colors. Weirdly some of the directions pinks make my hair redder. There are also herbal rinses, but it seemed tricky to get exact colours.

April 7th, 2013, 08:49 AM
The veggie dyes may be the way to go... but you could also try some strong hibiscus tea as a leave-in and see what that does for you. It's subtle, but very red on its own, and it's conditioning to boot. You might like it... and if you don't, just rinse with water and it's gone so no harm done!

Redhead Rebel
April 7th, 2013, 06:48 PM
I'd order the henna now and in the mean time while your waiting for it to arrive use Rooibos tea rinses :)