View Full Version : Bangs or no bangs? Advice needed!

March 6th, 2013, 08:17 AM
I'm having trouble deciding what to do. My bangs are right now at the length where I need to decide whether to trim them or grow them out. The problem I'm having is that my face looks better with bangs, but my hair looks better without.

I have a somewhat high forehead that I like to hide. I feel like my face looks unbalanced without bangs. I'm also reaching the age where scowl lines are etching themselves into my forehead. :mad: Bangs soften my look and make me look younger.

However, the downside to bangs are that 1) I have to style them which includes some blow drying, 2) my bangs are a mass of two crazy cowlicks so that if I'm not careful when styling they come out looking like Hermey The Elf
which looks RI.DI.CU.LOUS, and 3) I feel like having bangs makes styling a little more difficult for things like crown braids.

I don't have any pictures of my own hair to post yet, so I guess this is just more of a philosophical question. Do I go with what looks better for my face, or what looks better for my hair?


March 6th, 2013, 08:19 AM
I have bangs because of my high forehead. I also have a scar from surgery that I'd love people to not have to see. (But it is a giant pain!! they are all frizzy and sometimes it looks like a softball sitting on my forehead)

March 6th, 2013, 08:28 AM
So, I guess you're saying go with what looks good for my face? :)

March 6th, 2013, 09:10 AM
I have a high forehead and I am growing out mine. It seems the longer they get the smaller my forehead looks. I do wear mine down most of the time unless I am at home. Mine are about 3 inches past my chin so I am about out of that awkward stage. This is the first time my bangs have been this long since 1974 so it's a big change. Perhaps you could let them grow a bit longer before you cut. I am loving mine now

March 6th, 2013, 09:18 AM
I'm torn on this decision too! my bangs are down to my lips, and I think my forehead looks funny..... however I'll be honest and say that bangs are a PAIN IN THE BUM for me to make look "good" anyway! I have no clue what to do as well!

March 6th, 2013, 09:39 AM
What about sidebangs, guys? I have them, and they cover most of your forehead but are much easier to manage. They also sort of flow into your hair more than straight bangs do, in my opinion.

March 6th, 2013, 09:45 AM
that's pretty much what I have right now. My bangs range from a bit below my left eye down to almost the bottom of my ear on the right side. I sweep them toward the right side, but this is the style that results in the wavy elf bangs! :)

I think I'm leaning more toward what kwantslonghair is advising and just letting them grow. I suppose that's safest, as I can just cut them off later if I decide I hate them, right?

Thanks to all of you for your thoughts! If nothing else I know I'm not the only one struggling with this.

March 6th, 2013, 09:51 AM
For me, I decided I really do like my bangs. They are almost to the bottom of my ears. When I put my hair up or braid it I just ignore my bangs. Then I either leave them alone or pin them into the style or braid them and leave them.

March 6th, 2013, 09:53 AM
that's pretty much what I have right now. My bangs range from a bit below my left eye down to almost the bottom of my ear on the right side. I sweep them toward the right side, but this is the style that results in the wavy elf bangs! :)

I think I'm leaning more toward what kwantslonghair is advising and just letting them grow. I suppose that's safest, as I can just cut them off later if I decide I hate them, right?

Thanks to all of you for your thoughts! If nothing else I know I'm not the only one struggling with this.

Same here imaroo! I also have side swept bangs (although they were shorter before). I'm going to suck it up and try to grow them out before I decide to cut them. See if I can at least get them to the length kwantslonghair is talking about as well. I guess for the time being I'll just try to figure out how to braid them in or pin them back until they get to that length :)

March 6th, 2013, 10:03 AM
oohhh imaroo! I'm not sure what the texture of your hair is like, but this method does work for me if i want to wear my bangs down and have them "behave" a little better. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTMhPcOKBdE

March 6th, 2013, 10:22 AM
I just got clip in bangs, and LOVE them. (and they were less than $20 incl. shipping too) I got lucky and mine arrived as a PERFECT shade match to my hair, and perfect length and thickness, so I just clipped 'em in, and voila! instant perfect bangs for times I feel I want/need them. but no commitment. my old bangs are now shoulder length, and although I love the look of bangs, I couldn't bear to cut.

btw, my hb couldn't tell they were clip ins. he casually asked "oh did you get a hair cut or something?" :rolleyes:

March 6th, 2013, 10:57 AM
I love my triangle bangs I wish the pixie part would grow faster.