View Full Version : Herbal Essences Re-Release of Rose Hip Shampoo?

February 22nd, 2013, 11:56 PM
I have yet to see another post about this, soo:
Here's a link to the website showing the product being released: http://us.herbalessences.com/en-US/social-aggregator.aspx

I remember using this all the time when I was younger, and remembered how amazing it smelled and how soft it left my hair. I am eager to purchase it and try it out again after all these years! Is anyone else excited about this relaunch and has anyone tried out the re-released products? :)

February 23rd, 2013, 12:00 AM
That smell reminds me of summer camp!!! It was really popular when I was a tween and sort of a status symbol as crazy as that sounds. I was stuck with Sauve (or was it VO5?) Mountain Strawberry! (Though that smelled amazing, too!) I use the Honey I'm Strong but this'll be the second super-sized bottle I've used so I'll be ready for a change soon! If I can get my hands on it I'll get some, insha'allah!

ETA: I must be really excited about that shampoo 'cause I used a ton of exclamation marks! Hooray shampoo! :D

February 23rd, 2013, 12:17 AM
That smell reminds me of summer camp!!! It was really popular when I was a tween and sort of a status symbol as crazy as that sounds. I was stuck with Sauve (or was it VO5?) Mountain Strawberry! (Though that smelled amazing, too!) I use the Honey I'm Strong but this'll be the second super-sized bottle I've used so I'll be ready for a change soon! If I can get my hands on it I'll get some, insha'allah!

ETA: I must be really excited about that shampoo 'cause I used a ton of exclamation marks! Hooray shampoo! :D

Haha, I'm feeling the same way; I can't wait until my current shampoo (which ironically is Herbal Essences Body Envy) is all out!

February 23rd, 2013, 12:19 AM
I saw someone doing a tutorial with it not too long ago and thought to myself "How on Earth did you get your hands on that??"

February 23rd, 2013, 12:22 AM
I saw someone doing a tutorial with it not too long ago and thought to myself "How on Earth did you get your hands on that??"

I know that some people were buying it from people who had been selling their stashes of it off eBay or Amazon, so that was something going on. I suppose that Herbal Essences must have gotten a lot of letters from people asking them to bring it back and they finally gave in!

February 23rd, 2013, 12:24 AM

Someone brought it up last month :wink:

February 23rd, 2013, 12:27 AM

Someone brought it up last month :wink:

Welp, shows you how long it's been since I've been on the LHC, lol. Thank you so much for the link! :)

February 23rd, 2013, 12:32 AM
It's on my list of things to check out next time I'm at the store (and remember), I'm not sure I recall it from the first time around. I usually used Willow Lake when I was younger.

February 23rd, 2013, 01:07 AM
That marketing gimmick of calling the shampoo "silicone free" and the conditioner "sulfate free" is really annoying and patronizing, and I've watched videos from a couple girls already who fell for it and truly thought that was unusual.

I'm curious, does anyone out there know if this is the original scent from the 70s? My mom always talked about that scent and how much she misses it, but I'm not sure it's the same one.

February 23rd, 2013, 06:21 AM
I'm glad I liked it better then the new one that took its place.

February 23rd, 2013, 07:11 AM
I just bought the conditioner I can't wait to buy the shampoo!

February 23rd, 2013, 07:16 AM
There have been 2 threads on this shampoo already. Some were excited that it stated no silicones in the shampoo and no sulfates in the conditioner. They didn't have them in the first place. The formulas seem the same as before. The shampoo has sls AND sles in it.
I used this shampoo for years and was addicted to it not knowing back then how bad sulfates were. I will never use it again.
They make a pretty package, but read the shampoo ingredients please! (I have nothing against the conditioner since I dont mind cones, but I dont use it)

February 23rd, 2013, 07:53 AM
I'm curious, does anyone out there know if this is the original scent from the 70s? My mom always talked about that scent and how much she misses it, but I'm not sure it's the same one.

This is not the original scent from the 70s. This is the scent that was introduced in the early 90s, when they first reintroduced the line (fruity/floral). The original green one smelled more fresh green/ herbal (if you have a Whole Foods near you, smell the "South of France" green tea bar soap. It smelled a little like that).

February 23rd, 2013, 09:42 AM
I love that stuff I was sad when I couldn't find it anymore. It smells sooooo good!! yay!! hopefully they will have it down here in Mexico soon .

February 23rd, 2013, 10:22 AM
I read through the other thread and saw the advertising saying no sulfates and no silicones, and I honestly do no mind since I use sulfates and silcones anyways. However, I do agree that they shouldn't have tried to trick people by saying that, and I think it could have tainted the relaunch. Other than that, I'm just super eager to try it out again, and the smell of it just cannot be beat.

February 23rd, 2013, 12:36 PM
That marketing gimmick of calling the shampoo "silicone free" and the conditioner "sulfate free" is really annoying and patronizing, and I've watched videos from a couple girls already who fell for it and truly thought that was unusual.

I'm curious, does anyone out there know if this is the original scent from the 70s? My mom always talked about that scent and how much she misses it, but I'm not sure it's the same one.

Oh, goodness, this drives me nuts! Of course there are no cones in the shampoo, and of course there aren't sulfates in conditioner! Apparently it's irrelevant that there are sulfates in the shampoo and cones in the conditioner... :rolleyes: I'm pretty good about not being all "hair-hair-hair-hair-hair" in conversation with my boyfriend, but he got an earful about that one when we were casually strolling down the product aisle in CVS. :lol:

I tried it when I was a teenager. Loved how it smelled. But it made my hair fall out in clumps, even though I could use other sulfates and cones without issue. Goodness, that smell was heavenly though...

February 23rd, 2013, 01:24 PM
I was really excited to see it back last time I was at Target. Still smells the same as I remember! I actually love the new line; I'm using Honey I'm Strong at the moment and as soon as my current moisturizing shampoo & conditioner run out, I want to try their Hydralicious reconditioning shampoo & conditioner. The old formula doesn't seem to address either of the things I need from a product right now (deep moisture and strengthening), but I might grab a bottle just for nostalgia's sake! As long as the conditioner has cones, I'm good.

February 23rd, 2013, 02:04 PM
I'm happy they're reintroducing this again :) I used to use it when I was little. However...my hair has a mind of its own if I don't use silicones. So I will have to think about that.

February 23rd, 2013, 06:36 PM
I was so excited about the relaunching of this since they advertised it as beeing SLS and silicone free so I was highly dissapointed when I found out they had lied. I loved it growing up and would love to be able to use it again but that's not happening.

February 23rd, 2013, 08:26 PM
So, every single bottle at two different stores all had broken tops. I did realize that this is what one of my sisters used for years though.

February 23rd, 2013, 09:50 PM
From what I saw, they are only bringing the smooth and silky line back--I haven't seen anything else on the website yet, such as their clarifying shampoo that I absolutely loved!

February 23rd, 2013, 10:17 PM
This is not the original scent from the 70s. This is the scent that was introduced in the early 90s, when they first reintroduced the line (fruity/floral). The original green one smelled more fresh green/ herbal (if you have a Whole Foods near you, smell the "South of France" green tea bar soap. It smelled a little like that).

I will check that out next time I'm over there! I know my mom misses the scent so maybe I will try getting her that soap and see what she thinks. :] Thanks!

February 24th, 2013, 03:05 PM
I will check that out next time I'm over there! I know my mom misses the scent so maybe I will try getting her that soap and see what she thinks. :] Thanks!

Good luck, hope she likes it. It's not an exact match, the liquid hand soap & body wash don't really smell like it, but the bar soap is pretty similar, at least in the same fragrance "family". Hope your Mom likes it too. If you have any Hispanic stores near you, Mirta De Perales Herbal shampoo is a close match, too. That one is hard to find, I only was able to find it online.

Darkhorse1- I was hoping for success in the relaunch & that they would be bringing back the clarifying one also!

February 24th, 2013, 03:08 PM
I doubt my scalp and this shampoo will be bffs like they used to. (I've gotten much more sensitive over the years. >.<) but I'll be definitely getting it even if it is to hand wash my bras in. I love and MISS that Smell. Another one I loved was the one that smelled like ocean. Gah, so many memories!

February 24th, 2013, 04:49 PM
I was excited when I saw a commercial on tv a week or so ago...I sniffed it in a store today and it doesn't quite smell like I remember

that said, next time I need sham/con, I will likely pick it up and give it a whirl

I always used this years ago and loved it

February 25th, 2013, 12:30 PM
I know i'm in my temporary leave from LHC, but I had to share this moment with y'all since this is the current hype right now along with the "Good Hair Days Magic-Grip hairpins." I have to say I got excited when my local Walgreens in my area had these. It was a definite sell for me when I saw that my Walgreens had two conditioners left (damn CO washers, but I finally get why conditioners sell faster than shampoos) and a whole lot of shampoos were left.

I was also so happy to find the Good Days Magic-Grip hairpins that the European LHC members are going crazy looking for them and posting ads on the swap board for them now. I can't blame them, I just found them today as well and i'm here in the US of A! Ughhhhh If it weren't for LHC I wouldn't be on the hunt for these even though I haven't tried them out yet nor heard of them before. hahaha

Here are gigantic shots of them, and maybe you might be able to see the ingredients! All right back to my sabbatical. I still think about y'all and I secretly stock LHC whenever I have time to see what the latest hype is.



P.S. I had to play this current modern version. I did say "yesss, yesssss, yesssssssss" in my mind when I saw these products on the store shelves and when I was able to buy them. I wonder how many of y'all imitate this sensation in the shower. I know I will when I try these out, but only in my mind and when I do the final cold rinse to make it more invigorating. :o


April 21st, 2013, 09:16 PM
I just bought this shampoo and conditioner this morning! My local Target finally seems to have started stocking the new (old) products. I remember using this stuff all through college, and I LOVED it at the time. Smells like I remember too.

So, I washed and conditioned my hair this evening after finishing an all day garden project (glad it's done). My hair (after using the Herbal Essences) is soft, clean, free of tangles, and smells just like DH remembered it smelling in college. I think I'm in love. There isn't even any frizz or fuzzies! I'm so happy the 90's version HE Smooth (Rose Hip) in the pink bottle is back! Now, if only I could get my college body back... :smile:

June 13th, 2013, 05:48 PM
OMG I fell for the "silicone free" and "sulphate free" marketing -- I didn't look closely, just grabbed out of excitement. It labels the SHAMPOO as 'cone free and the CONDITIONER as sulphate free!! I'm so disappointed.

June 13th, 2013, 05:56 PM
This has always been sold in Australia, they call it Herbal Essences Classics, and I did use them a few years ago and they were good, I was just wondering recently if I should try them again but it seems my scalp is reacting to anything that isn't completely natural these days..

June 13th, 2013, 08:02 PM
I've actually been using both the shampoo and conditioner for a couple of months now and I'm in looooove! The scent's incredible and it holds better when I use both the shampoo and conditioner. I've also been using the shampoo on the length and it really hasn't been drying at all. Knock on wood, I'm really having a good experience with a good old fashioned shampoo and conditioner wash routine and I think it's because they're both great products. Go figure, huh?

ETA: yeah the sulfate free thing on the conditioner was a bit stupid, but there are a ton of shampoos with 'cones in them and it's actually a pain to have to look on a shampoo bottle for cones. So to label the shampoo as silicone free is actually quite nice. I'm not cone free but I just don't like them in my shampoos.

June 14th, 2013, 03:02 AM
ETA: yeah the sulfate free thing on the conditioner was a bit stupid, but there are a ton of shampoos with 'cones in them and it's actually a pain to have to look on a shampoo bottle for cones. So to label the shampoo as silicone free is actually quite nice. I'm not cone free but I just don't like them in my shampoos.

Same here. Great they've done that. So, all shampoos are cone-free (oh, joy)? :D

June 14th, 2013, 05:19 PM
I was excited when I saw a commercial on tv a week or so ago...I sniffed it in a store today and it doesn't quite smell like I remember

that said, next time I need sham/con, I will likely pick it up and give it a whirl

I always used this years ago and loved it

I did buy this a few weeks ago and have used it in rotation with some other things (I was kind of reluctant, being SLS free these days) but I always loved how my hair smelled so nice for days after washing so....

while my hair doesn't seem to ~hate~ it, it's not doing me any favors either...and the scent does not last...once my hair dries, that's it...no more pretty smell

imho, the formula has been changed