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July 22nd, 2013, 10:41 AM
Tori, being that I am ex-military, lived most my life to the conformity of society's standards, and basically walked this earth without my own identity, I could never look back with finding my identity as a man with my hair growing. I feel more empowerment from my hair than I do anything else. When I think of Sampson's story of strength, I feel I'm literally on the same page. I have more self-esteem with long hair and more so, I feel utmost confidence. Pride. Plain and simple. I have the testosterone of a Viking God and the compassion of a nurturing mother, (probably why I'm a damn good nurse) and all because I have found myself, believe it or not, through my hair...

:thumbsup: Lovely, just lovely..

July 22nd, 2013, 01:29 PM
I laughed so hard.. omg.. hahahaa... I will post a picture of a shirt I made at home..

YOU .... WILL.... LOVE IT........

July 22nd, 2013, 02:18 PM
Neodrache, nice hair man! The beard definitely suits you. Now I see the reason why we are always being compared to Jesus Christ! :D

yoni, I wonder how much time do I still need to reach your length, way to go man! All the styles you've been trying lately suit you well!

As for me, I finally completed a few days ago my 3rd year anniversary of growing my hair! Below are 2 new pics, one is after my hair air-dried from a shower (1st one; the light definitely reflects my hair "better") and the 2nd one is a 2nd-day hair.


Sorry about the blocking :D


July 22nd, 2013, 03:21 PM
daredevil14 , your hair is oh so pretty! thank you for the compliment, I'd say it'd take you a year? your hair is curlier, so it obviously hiding more length :D

July 22nd, 2013, 04:46 PM


This image makes me look older for some reason.. =( wtf...

July 22nd, 2013, 04:49 PM

July 22nd, 2013, 05:06 PM
Hahahahahahaha, love it!

Tori Angeli
July 22nd, 2013, 05:30 PM
Oh my gosh, that shirt is wonderful. In all ways. Rock those locks, Neodrache.

July 23rd, 2013, 07:56 AM
yoni, thanks man, I gotta start learning how to put my hair in a bun for work, ponytail is becoming "long" (not that it's wrong but better keep a low profile at work :D)

July 23rd, 2013, 09:40 AM
I think that once you'll get it it will be no problem for you, I'd suggest Sampsoneh's tutorial :D

July 23rd, 2013, 09:54 AM
daredevil14, I don't know how to express my thoughts of how great your curls are!

Neodrache, nice idea for that shirt. From now on, if someone bothers you about having long hair, you can just turn around and let them know what you think!

July 23rd, 2013, 09:57 AM
Wowee, the curls you've got going on there daredevil!

Plus, if someone still says Neodrache doesn't look like Faramir (http://users.sau56.org/ASweeney4/assets/faramir4.jpg) (well, maybe a slightly more masculine version of Faramir and now with longer hair!), then I'm very visually impaired. Compare!

I seriously need to take a break from this thread... so... much... eye... candy... :popcorn:

July 23rd, 2013, 10:12 AM
Plus, if someone still says Neodrache doesn't look like Faramir (http://users.sau56.org/ASweeney4/assets/faramir4.jpg) (well, maybe a slightly more masculine version of Faramir and now with longer hair!), then I'm very visually impaired. Compare

Just a little bit.

July 23rd, 2013, 10:21 AM
..snip.. :scissors:
Plus, if someone still says Neodrache doesn't look like Faramir (http://users.sau56.org/ASweeney4/assets/faramir4.jpg) (well, maybe a slightly more masculine version of Faramir and now with longer hair!), then I'm very visually impaired. Compare!

Neodrache sure does look like a more masculine version of Faramir,and it's super awesome! Faramir is my favourite male character in lotr :eyebrows: (I swear I'm not a creep :cool: )

July 23rd, 2013, 11:55 AM
Thanks a lot Neodrache! you look great as well and your hair too! what's your length? :O

I measured this morning and are looking at 24 1/2 inches Front to back.

July 23rd, 2013, 01:19 PM
Wowee, the curls you've got going on there daredevil!

Plus, if someone still says Neodrache doesn't look like Faramir (http://users.sau56.org/ASweeney4/assets/faramir4.jpg) (well, maybe a slightly more masculine version of Faramir and now with longer hair!), then I'm very visually impaired. Compare!

I seriously need to take a break from this thread... so... much... eye... candy... :popcorn:



Hair is wet in this one.. LOL


God of Thunder Baby! LOL I wish.... That is the Hammer I made.. I will upload images too.




July 23rd, 2013, 01:20 PM
FYI, I tailored the Tunic too.. I love making things... I think I have the craft gene. =|

July 23rd, 2013, 04:55 PM
I love the shirt Neodrache!

July 23rd, 2013, 06:28 PM
let me see if i can find anything :P
i havent taken any recent ones :P maybe next time when i curl my hair and when i take pics of my length ill show off :P
my hair was curled hair the first time the natural way XD just a finger, water, and a small hair tie to let it dry in and voila! super hair from hip length to shoulder length! i made it curlier later on :P it wasnt as curly as it coulda been :P trust me its a big poof i love it :33 defined curls everywhere so pretty ppl thought it was my natural hair cuz they never see my hair down at school :P
few months ago took this pic for a dating site XD couldnt get a good one but thats my hair finally reaching over the end of the pillow :P couldnt see the ends but yeah :P
this was when i first hit almost buttcrack length ;D im there now i hit it a few months ago :P this foto was this feb-march 2013 :P

and heres my prom hair XD my old friend did it for me i left lots of oil in it XD made it look fabulous!. french braids in a tux (wow the image right now french braids in tuxes XD) but yeah wearing a french braid in a tux my lawd i didnt think itd look dat handsome :P

cant get a pic of my face with it i didnt get any that nite was odd :P but i can totally braid like that :P its an old foto ive shared it on here before

ill get more soon my hair is a bit longer now its bcl when stretched :P looks like waist when curly

July 24th, 2013, 01:19 AM
gthlvrmx - those are amazing curls you managed to get :D And a french braid with a tux is a brilliant thought, it looks perfect for a prom!

Neodrache/Faramir/Thor - The tunic is very well tailored... and I love the hammer (tho' could probably never carry it myself, not being from Asgard or worthy enough and all ;P). Was there any particular place you were going to in that outfit or was it more of a 'why not' thing?

July 24th, 2013, 03:46 AM
gthlvrmx - you have awesome hair! :D
and yeah, my own hair gets much much longer when it's not exactly in its natural way either xD

July 24th, 2013, 05:02 AM
gthlvrmx, french braid with tuxedo, you are doing it like a sir :)
Neodrache, make yourself some leather armor and you are a true viking soldier then! You could even make a small business out of it - make viking clothes and sell to people for cosplay or whatever the need it for.

July 24th, 2013, 05:41 AM
Oh and how could I forget to comment about how freaking EPIC those pictures are Neodrache!! you sure have a talent and look like a real viking :D

July 25th, 2013, 09:44 AM
Neodrache, nice hair man! The beard definitely suits you. Now I see the reason why we are always being compared to Jesus Christ! :D

yoni, I wonder how much time do I still need to reach your length, way to go man! All the styles you've been trying lately suit you well!

As for me, I finally completed a few days ago my 3rd year anniversary of growing my hair! Below are 2 new pics, one is after my hair air-dried from a shower (1st one; the light definitely reflects my hair "better") and the 2nd one is a 2nd-day hair.

going on week 4 and about to start my RN BSN program @ Kansas Wesleyan University and nobody has said anything yet. If anyone tries to say something about hair, I would end up fighting it legally. lol. Your hair is CRAZY curly and looks awesome as well! Keep it up! My goal is tip of my butt crack or "48-50 inches." :hifive:

Oh my gosh, that shirt is wonderful. In all ways. Rock those locks, Neodrache.

Told you that you would love it! ::begins rocking:: :rockerdud:

daredevil14, I don't know how to express my thoughts of how great your curls are!

Neodrache, nice idea for that shirt. From now on, if someone bothers you about having long hair, you can just turn around and let them know what you think!

When your well spoken and well educated and think outside societies box, your cast out of societies cultural norms. It's good to be the 1% :pins: I'm more blunt than a butter knife but I can verbally cut you in two! :wigtongue:

I love the shirt Neodrache!


gthlvrmx - Neodrache/Faramir/Thor - The tunic is very well tailored... and I love the hammer (tho' could probably never carry it myself, not being from Asgard or worthy enough and all ;P). Was there any particular place you were going to in that outfit or was it more of a 'why not' thing?

I just like making stuff. I honestly believe that my descendants were some type of crafting people. I looked up my last name which is "Stalnaker" and it dates back to Prussian decent. Unfortunately, since I don't know who my real father is, I will never know my true history. :boohoo:

Neodrache, make yourself some leather armor and you are a true viking soldier then! You could even make a small business out of it - make viking clothes and sell to people for cosplay or whatever the need it for.

Funny you said this, because I have been looking into what It takes to craft armor out of leather. I was on a website looking through images of those who do it for cosplay and larping. The artisan crafter's were UH-MAZING! Like mind blowing leather-working skills. The armor looked so real and very artistic indeed!

Oh and how could I forget to comment about how freaking EPIC those pictures are Neodrache!! you sure have a talent and look like a real viking :D

Yoni, your too kind brother, too kind! Every man has to face the challenges of self-esteem with ones physical self, however beauty and plain physical attraction is defined through every individual themselves, so I feel more comfortable to have the compassion of true care from 50% of the people and then 50% of the people I'll piss off with my "Unique" self. LOL! I always told myself, "Why is it a woman is more esoteric with her natural feelings towards a man in his "natural" form? How come when we pull ourselves away from what our govn't and media tells us we should look like and live on what these two "Conformity Monsters" deem worthy as to instinctual attraction and beauty? Oh wait, forgot.. 1% again... When you climb Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, you climb a pyramid. All I can say is, it sure lonely when you get to the top, but it feels so good to look down at everyone else..(Sorry, elitism stems from years and years of perfection and constantly being held down by others.)

I judge a man/woman not on their cover but as to their intentions as a human. I highly respect those who are natural in look as far as physicality is concerned, but I don't cast you out of my compassionate/empathetic world if you conform to societies clutches. In my eyes, your all vikings and barbarians. :hatchet:

July 25th, 2013, 04:44 PM
gthlvrmx - those are amazing curls you managed to get :D And a french braid with a tux is a brilliant thought, it looks perfect for a prom!

thank you!!! it is and the place we were at looked very elegant it had those nice roman columns and it looked so fancy XD it was all marble and shiny floors very elegant :P

gthlvrmx - you have awesome hair! :D
and yeah, my own hair gets much much longer when it's not exactly in its natural way either xD
thank you! :D :) yeahhh my hair does that too! once its longer it looses its curls :P

gthlvrmx, french braid with tuxedo, you are doing it like a sir :)

why thank you my kind sir *bows*

July 25th, 2013, 07:25 PM
Hey Guys! Fellow member Humble Knight started a swap gift exchange for all the LHC dudes at the swapboard. I think that is really cool of him to start one for us. Hope y'all will join!

July 25th, 2013, 07:51 PM
Hey Guys! Fellow member Humble Knight started a swap gift exchange for all the LHC dudes at the swapboard. I think that is really cool of him to start one for us. Hope y'all will join!
awesome im in! :D :)

July 30th, 2013, 08:44 AM
Adding my ugly mug to this thread! This was taken shortly after a swim, so chlorine and shampoo made it a bit drier and frizzier than usual. :)

http://oi41.tinypic.com/2cnib9h.jpg (http://oi44.tinypic.com/b7f12d.jpg)
http://oi43.tinypic.com/j0lcvc.jpg (http://oi40.tinypic.com/2hrpefm.jpg)

July 30th, 2013, 09:11 AM
Long haired men have such nice hair! usually they have better faster growing hair too! when my brother had long hair he had a 6 inch pony tail. i only have a 5 :/

July 30th, 2013, 03:45 PM
flemeister, your ends look like they want to curl. Have u tried using acidic rinses to see if you have more wavy, or even a bit curly hair? Or you are already doing them and that is the reason for your ends being like that?
Anyway, make sure you put some images after you wash it so we can see it in its full glory! :)

July 31st, 2013, 12:18 AM
flemeister, your ends look like they want to curl. Have u tried using acidic rinses to see if you have more wavy, or even a bit curly hair? Or you are already doing them and that is the reason for your ends being like that?
Anyway, make sure you put some images after you wash it so we can see it in its full glory! :)
I tend to tuck my hair behind my ears, so that would be contributing to the curls on the sides. :)

Tried my first weak white vinegar rinse a few hours ago, just 1 teaspoon WV to 1 cup of water, and it's added a bit of shine, and mostly gotten rid of any itchiness on the scalp. Thanks for the suggestion! I'm loving these kinds of cheap, easy and effective treatments. :)

It didn't bring out any waves or curls, though like you said, it's definitely trying to be at least slightly wavy. Probably just needs more length before it really shows up, like how you see photos of people with mid-back/BSL hair, and their natural waves don't start until below their chin or shoulders. Gotta wait and see I guess.

Thanks again! :)

EDIT: Here's a photo taken after a few hours after doing the WV rinse, just after it finished drying. Still has a teeny bit of coconut oil in it from yesterday, probably why it looks a bit damp:

http://oi42.tinypic.com/alm3hj.jpg (http://oi42.tinypic.com/a31p3d.jpg)

July 31st, 2013, 05:27 AM
Tried my first weak white vinegar rinse a few hours ago, just 1 teaspoon WV to 1 cup of water, and it's added a bit of shine, and mostly gotten rid of any itchiness on the scalp. Thanks for the suggestion! I'm loving these kinds of cheap, easy and effective treatments.
No problemo! Glad to have helped.

July 31st, 2013, 06:05 AM
Adding my ugly mug to this thread! This was taken shortly after a swim, so chlorine and shampoo made it a bit drier and frizzier than usual. :)

http://oi41.tinypic.com/2cnib9h.jpg (http://oi44.tinypic.com/b7f12d.jpg)
http://oi43.tinypic.com/j0lcvc.jpg (http://oi40.tinypic.com/2hrpefm.jpg)

It looks shiny! you're off to a very great start with your growth journey! :D

July 31st, 2013, 09:57 AM
flemeister, it is pretty common for wavies/curlies to have tighter curls around the face/nape. So those might actually be curls arond your ears.

July 31st, 2013, 12:39 PM
Flemeister, nice hair brother! Keep it up! Man, I remember when I pulled into port in Australia, place was beautiful. Our Naval Ship pulled into Townsville and Darwin.. beach was awesome! Veggimate was nasty though.. LOL!

July 31st, 2013, 08:44 PM

Veggimate was nasty though.. LOL!
Did someone tell you to "apply it liberally" to your toast? That's a classic trick. :cool:

I'm experimenting a bit now. Just a simple white vinegar rinse today, see how it is when it dries. Tomorrow wash it + WV rinse, no oiling, then leave it to dry and check for curlies. And no tucking it behind the ears, gonna see if it wants to loop-the-loop on its own. :)

I also brushed it today when it was still fairly damp. Tomorrow will try brushing it when it's soaking wet. From what I've read this depends on whether you've got wavy or curly hair. Or do you prefer no combing or finger combing if you've got wavy/curly hair?

August 1st, 2013, 08:26 AM
Did someone tell you to "apply it liberally" to your toast? That's a classic trick. :cool:

Nope I spread that **** like peanut butter... and that's why I could never try it again.. HAHA!

August 5th, 2013, 10:51 AM
So I decided to stop misting my hair with water in the morning or after I wake up since water here has been causing more frizz lately. This is a 2nd hair picture after sleeping twice, also not under the light which usually gives me a better "shine". I still get frizz anyway, my head is a combination of frizz, waves and curls, I have yet to find someone with the same head as me. :D


August 7th, 2013, 12:25 PM
Well, whatever it is, I want it.

August 7th, 2013, 04:42 PM
a new guy checking in

August 7th, 2013, 05:34 PM
Looking from your profile pic your hair looks as thick as a horse! glad you joined! :D

August 7th, 2013, 05:43 PM
You have hair of a beautiful color Neodrache! Growing hair is a thing of patience. lol Don't worry, give it 3 years and you'll probably have what you want. Of course, by then, you may want even more. :) How do you usually wear it? in a pony, braid, or just let it go free? My brother has hair to BSL and I taught him how to braid it. Braids are very good for windy weather! Keeps it from getting tangled the way a ponytail would. I would post a picture of his hair but he is shy and won't allow it. :(

August 7th, 2013, 05:45 PM
thanks yoni, it is pretty thick but kind of poofy

August 7th, 2013, 08:59 PM
thanks yoni, it is pretty thick but kind of poofy
Like it springs out to shoulder width when it's left loose?

Looks like you've got a nice big ponytail circumference as well. Moar photos please! :)

August 7th, 2013, 09:10 PM
Like it springs out to shoulder width when it's left loose?

Looks like you've got a nice big ponytail circumference as well. Moar photos please! :)

Well, not shoulder width, but it can get big. its not as much of a problem now though as the length is starting to pull it down. Growing out was a nightmare for a bit. I'll try get a few more pics.

August 8th, 2013, 04:11 AM
Oh I totally understand, my hair sort of started as a big black Jewfro sheep :D and it loves to get poofy even if past Waist length should have had tones it :( so it's hard to have thick hair I guess, but you manage with what you have, I almost always go with buns, since they take like 15 seconds to do, and even can be done with shoulder length hair! :)

August 8th, 2013, 06:46 PM
Gents I need some advice. My son is growing out a #2 razor cut and his hair is starting to get in his eyes. He wants to have it "long enough to put sticks in it" but I'm not sure how to keep it out of his face while it goes through the awkward phase. I wore a bandana to get through it with my hair but he has rejected the bandana. Any ideas? He is five.

August 9th, 2013, 05:49 AM
Gents I need some advice. My son is growing out a #2 razor cut and his hair is starting to get in his eyes. He wants to have it "long enough to put sticks in it" but I'm not sure how to keep it out of his face while it goes through the awkward phase. I wore a bandana to get through it with my hair but he has rejected the bandana. Any ideas? He is five.

Not one of the Gents, but have him watch "Duck Dynasty" They have A LOT of hair and wear bandanas most of the time. Their hair is kind of wild and so are they but I still love the show.

August 9th, 2013, 06:05 PM
a new guy checking in

Welcome brother!

You have hair of a beautiful color Neodrache! Growing hair is a thing of patience. lol Don't worry, give it 3 years and you'll probably have what you want. Of course, by then, you may want even more. :) How do you usually wear it? in a pony, braid, or just let it go free? My brother has hair to BSL and I taught him how to braid it. Braids are very good for windy weather! Keeps it from getting tangled the way a ponytail would. I would post a picture of his hair but he is shy and won't allow it. :(

Normally I let it fly free, for work (since I'm a Nurse) I have to wear it up in a pony tail. Sometimes I have a fishtail braid, but need to learn how to do more braids.

Oh I totally understand, my hair sort of started as a big black Jewfro sheep :D

ROFL... just R O F L!

August 9th, 2013, 06:34 PM
February 2013. Flexi-8. Think I'm going to wear my hair like this with semi-formal in a few months. My hair's naturally quite straight with a few waves where it conforms to my body shape (e.g. shoulders) but I braid before sleeping.

Trying to convince my boyfriend to do his hair like this but to no avail. I just love how elegant it looks.

Anyway, I hope it is okay that I share his hair for him:
It is at APL.

August 9th, 2013, 06:40 PM
Gents I need some advice. My son is growing out a #2 razor cut and his hair is starting to get in his eyes. He wants to have it "long enough to put sticks in it" but I'm not sure how to keep it out of his face while it goes through the awkward phase. I wore a bandana to get through it with my hair but he has rejected the bandana. Any ideas? He is five.

It might look fine loose while it grows out, you could try some 50's pomade do's but I don't think that is hardly tolerable for a youngin but he might be different. Maybe cornrows?

August 9th, 2013, 11:40 PM
If it doesnt bother him when it gets in his eyes maybe just let him deal with it? I just sucked it up and wore hats when I couldnt take it from time to time.

August 10th, 2013, 01:07 AM
hi...here's mine :

August 10th, 2013, 01:22 AM
wow @longhairdream, you hair looks FANTASTIC!

Oh I totally understand, my hair sort of started as a big black Jewfro sheep :D

ROFL... just R O F L!

Haha, what can I say, had to deal with a lot of teasing in school but once it was past shoulder length, lowered down and could tie it in a tail it all stopped :D

August 10th, 2013, 01:37 AM
thanks yoni ! :) - trying to grow rest of my bangs to APL now....then further,

August 10th, 2013, 08:11 AM
Gents I need some advice. My son is growing out a #2 razor cut and his hair is starting to get in his eyes. He wants to have it "long enough to put sticks in it" but I'm not sure how to keep it out of his face while it goes through the awkward phase. I wore a bandana to get through it with my hair but he has rejected the bandana. Any ideas? He is five.

Not a gent, either, but I have a DS (18 yrs). When my boy was small, he wore hair gel/hairspray mohawks, baseball caps, and sweatbands. The hairspray mohawks were his favorite. Spritz with water mister, push into place with hands, then shellac the dickens out of it with hairspray. He might be too small to use the hairspray--those spraycans aren't easy for little hands to operate--but can probably do most of it himself! He can also emulate rock stars with their shaggy manes. Good luck!

Nice hair, boys! I always love the eye-candy on this thread! :popcorn:

August 10th, 2013, 08:27 AM
Not one of the Gents, but have him watch "Duck Dynasty" They have A LOT of hair and wear bandanas most of the time. Their hair is kind of wild and so are they but I still love the show.

It might look fine loose while it grows out, you could try some 50's pomade do's but I don't think that is hardly tolerable for a youngin but he might be different. Maybe cornrows?

Not a gent, either, but I have a DS (18 yrs). When my boy was small, he wore hair gel/hairspray mohawks, baseball caps, and sweatbands. The hairspray mohawks were his favorite. Spritz with water mister, push into place with hands, then shellac the dickens out of it with hairspray. He might be too small to use the hairspray--those spraycans aren't easy for little hands to operate--but can probably do most of it himself! He can also emulate rock stars with their shaggy manes. Good luck!

Nice hair, boys! I always love the eye-candy on this thread! :popcorn:

If it doesnt bother him when it gets in his eyes maybe just let him deal with it? I just sucked it up and wore hats when I couldnt take it from time to time.

Thanks for all the ideas! He has mentioned a couple times that he doesn't like hair in his eyes but he hasn't demanded a solution to it yet. I just want to be prepared with a few more ideas should that time come.

August 10th, 2013, 08:29 AM
What about parting his hair in the middle?

August 10th, 2013, 08:40 AM
What about parting his hair in the middle?

He has a dramatic cowlick that might interfere with that, but maybe with some gel can be beat into submission. Hehe. I've never used gel or hairspray on my own hair, so this is new territory for me.

August 10th, 2013, 08:52 AM
If/when his hair is long enough, maybe some stealthy little bobby pins to pin the front hairs behind his ears? Until it's long enough to stay there by itself.

Or suggest that he do a David Beckham/Paul Hunter and use an alice band. At least to see how he reacts... :D

Actually this zig-zaggy thin/wirey one didn't look too bad on Paul Hunter imo: Youtube -- 2004 Snooker Masters Final Ronnie O'Sullivan vs Paul Hunter Frame 9-19 (http://youtu.be/9PJczlj3WJY?t=5m47s)

August 10th, 2013, 08:59 AM
I've never used gel or hairspray on my own hair, so this is new territory for me.
For work, when my hair was only long enough for a stubby ponytail, I used to gel back the front half of my hair, then secure it with some [admittedly, conspicuously placed] bobby pins as well. Without the pins the front hairs would gradually fall down and get in my face and ears. This worked great until my hair was long enough to use the pins behind my ears, out of sight. Still a few months before I don't need them at all. :)

August 12th, 2013, 05:38 AM
@ neko_kawaii: Ya, "gel" and "hairspray" are dirty words to some on TLHC. I've used both with reckless abandon, and have never had problems with either. No damage, and they rinse out easily.

August 24th, 2013, 11:10 AM

August 24th, 2013, 11:38 AM
Neko-kawaii what about small tight brades against his head then secured with small clear bands? Even if his hair is so short, if the brade is small enough it might work (Im not sure what the terminology is). if he is against "girl styled hair" then if you dont use "girl products" like bobby pins etc (not saying bobby pins are only girl products, but he might think that...), then you might be able to sneak in a few styles anyways. ( i babysit small kids for a living)... styling gel comes in different colors and if he likes certain cartoons he could try to be a new character everyday (the hair) until it grows longer... if you can get his hair past this initial stage then it outta be downhill from here... you could glue leggos to the bands and he can be a logo character from the legos video games... stuff like that...

August 24th, 2013, 11:48 AM
Neko-kawaii what about small tight brades against his head then secured with small clear bands? Even if his hair is so short, if the brade is small enough it might work (Im not sure what the terminology is). if he is against "girl styled hair" then if you dont use "girl products" like bobby pins etc (not saying bobby pins are only girl products, but he might think that...), then you might be able to sneak in a few styles anyways. ( i babysit small kids for a living)... styling gel comes in different colors and if he likes certain cartoons he could try to be a new character everyday (the hair) until it grows longer... if you can get his hair past this initial stage then it outta be downhill from here... you could glue leggos to the bands and he can be a logo character from the legos video games... stuff like that...

Unfortunately his hair is still too short for braids (compounded by being very fine and slippery). I tried gel in damp hair once since asking for advice here and he hated it. He wouldn't even let it dry to find out what it looked like but went into the bathroom and washed it out. On the upside, he hasn't complained since the gel incident about his hair being in his eyes and he maintains that he likes it the way it is.

I have noticed that there are a few boys at his school with nice long braids!

September 16th, 2013, 08:06 PM
Whoops, I accidentally bumped the Manly Mane Thread RAWR!

September 21st, 2013, 01:48 PM
http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r695/soflogti89/photo1_zps1c2bccc5.jpg (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/soflogti89/media/photo1_zps1c2bccc5.jpg.html)

here is a picture of my hair currently. about 13 months from a buzz cut. comments appreciated

September 21st, 2013, 01:53 PM
here is a picture of my hair currently. about 13 months from a buzz cut. comments appreciated

Very nice colour - and the 'do suits you!
and veeeeery impressive growth for a year!!! seriously, everyone's hair grows so much faster than mine :/

September 21st, 2013, 01:57 PM
Very nice colour - and the 'do suits you!
and veeeeery impressive growth for a year!!! seriously, everyone's hair grows so much faster than mine :/
Thank you :) people ask me if i get it colored but i never have. i started growing it out since i got out of the military.

September 21st, 2013, 02:08 PM
Thank you :) people ask me if i get it colored but i never have. i started growing it out since i got out of the military.

Is it sun-bleached then? I have a friend whose hair become golden blonde because from the sun, and her roots are medium brown - it looks stunning.
What length are you aiming for?

September 21st, 2013, 02:16 PM
Is it sun-bleached then? I have a friend whose hair become golden blonde because from the sun, and her roots are medium brown - it looks stunning.
What length are you aiming for?
i think it is from the sun. i live in florida and it has gotten a lot more blonde than when i was getting cuts. I'm aiming for brad pitts length when he recently had it long or like kurt cobain shoulder length style. i think i have the same hair type.

September 21st, 2013, 02:30 PM
i think it is from the sun. i live in florida and it has gotten a lot more blonde than when i was getting cuts. I'm aiming for brad pitts length when he recently had it long or like kurt cobain shoulder length style. i think i have the same hair type.

I think you'll get there in no time - Kurt Cobain's hairdo is a great look btw. And you're very fortunate that your hair gets that amazing colour just from the sun, so you don't have to bleach it with peroxide like he did ;) much more TLHC-friendly, I believe.

September 21st, 2013, 04:20 PM
I didn't know rowie was a man or gum ball. I'm in shock.

September 21st, 2013, 04:36 PM
I didn't know rowie was a man or gum ball. I'm in shock.

You learn something new every day, jacqueline. You learn something new :)

September 21st, 2013, 05:23 PM
I didn't know rowie was a man or gum ball. I'm in shock.They'll consider this a complement. It means they're doing their hair really, really well. :)

ETA: Google is showing me an ad for bald men. :eek:

September 21st, 2013, 06:13 PM
I didn't know rowie was a man or gum ball. I'm in shock.

They'll consider this a complement. It means they're doing their hair really, really well. :)

ETA: Google is showing me an ad for bald men. :eek:

Definitely! Compliment well received. :lol: :gabigrin:

(I see that ad when I browse on my phone, too. Grawr.)

September 22nd, 2013, 02:26 AM
ETA: Google is showing me an ad for bald men. :eek:

Google, you have no idea...

September 23rd, 2013, 12:04 PM
Let me join this manly mane pride too!

It has been a long time since I last posted on LHC but meanwhile I enjoyed some benign neglect that brought me from a shaved head to a length I can almost be proud of. It's a pity that where I live long hair is not that appreciated, so I decided to join you long haired brothers and feed my ego a bit ;)
Forgive the messy bush in the pic, I decided to take it with uncombed hair to be also able to type it and see what it looks like when left completely wild.

It's nice to see so many guys in this thread, all with really awesome hair, it's somewhat stimulating to see all these amazing manes! It was a really great idea to have a thread for us boys.

Ok, here we go with the pic:


September 23rd, 2013, 01:06 PM
I just took out a lifetime subscription to this thread. :toast:
Some nice hair, guys.

September 23rd, 2013, 01:58 PM
I grew up in southern California. My hair would go from medium/dark golden brown to dark golden blonde on it's own.

September 23rd, 2013, 02:14 PM
I grew up in southern California. My hair would go from medium/dark golden brown to dark golden blonde on it's own.

bloody northern hemisphere :/ I wish I could find out what it's like to have so much sunshine all the time...
also, winter is coming. that means even less sunshine, SAD and -20 degrees. and grey snow-slush. Not. Looking. Forward. To. That. AT ALL.

Alright to be more specific I meant 'temperate climate' - not the whole Northern Hemisphere :D

September 23rd, 2013, 04:26 PM
I know. I'm in the midwest US, bordering Canada. My hair stays reletively dark, though I do tan every summer. I miss the sun in winter. It's out today, though, and it's gorgeous.

September 23rd, 2013, 04:39 PM
I know. I'm in the midwest US, bordering Canada. My hair stays reletively dark, though I do tan every summer. I miss the sun in winter. It's out today, though, and it's gorgeous.

bleh, we didn't really have proper spring this year; it was snowing during Easter and it was extremely cold until mid-May. We had a few heat waves in the summer but I feel like the weather owes us +20 C in November as a reimbursement for skipping spring :/
it rained today :/

sorry this turned into a rant about the weather...

then again it could be much worse :D

September 28th, 2013, 01:41 PM
http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r695/soflogti89/photo1_zps1c2bccc5.jpg (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/soflogti89/media/photo1_zps1c2bccc5.jpg.html)

here is a picture of my hair currently. about 13 months from a buzz cut. comments appreciated

Ex-Military myself Brother, good to see another Gent not conforming anymore! ::pounds chest:: Bring the spirit of how we were meant to look back to life! Keep growing brother!

Let me join this manly mane pride too!

It has been a long time since I last posted on LHC but meanwhile I enjoyed some benign neglect that brought me from a shaved head to a length I can almost be proud of. It's a pity that where I live long hair is not that appreciated, so I decided to join you long haired brothers and feed my ego a bit ;)
Forgive the messy bush in the pic, I decided to take it with uncombed hair to be also able to type it and see what it looks like when left completely wild.

It's nice to see so many guys in this thread, all with really awesome hair, it's somewhat stimulating to see all these amazing manes! It was a really great idea to have a thread for us boys.

Ok, here we go with the pic:


Bad ass brother! You have amazing curly hair like the as you were intended! keep it real brother! Happy growing! What length are you looking at when complete?

ETA: Had to do an update.. lol, I admire the men showing off their hair in this thread, we need to stand up and show a nation some men stay away from conformity based on societies cultural norms and live truly free!




I wish my hair would just grow overnight. =( 48-50 inches seems so far away!

Agnes Hannah
September 28th, 2013, 02:34 PM
saw a fella today, he had hip length hair, wavy, thick and blond. His girlfriend also had long hair but not as impressive

September 28th, 2013, 04:04 PM
I love this thread! :eyebrows:

September 30th, 2013, 08:11 AM
I went to a Renaissance fair this weekend and greatly enjoyed all the male long hairs. Sadly it was raining so people were not as dressed up.

September 30th, 2013, 08:27 AM
My brain ha gone blank from all the gorgeousness in this thread. Both hair and lookswise.

September 30th, 2013, 05:33 PM
Ross Dolan vocalist from Immolation has one of the bests hair I have ever seen.

September 30th, 2013, 08:09 PM
Bad ass brother! You have amazing curly hair like the as you were intended! keep it real brother! Happy growing! What length are you looking at when complete?

Thanks brother! I just stop trimming some years ago and I don't intend to restart anytime soon, let's see where the hair wilderness will take me! :cool:

Btw you really have Thor's hair, they could very well have hired you for the movie!

October 1st, 2013, 12:52 AM
I went to a Renaissance fair this weekend and greatly enjoyed all the male long hairs. Sadly it was raining so people were not as dressed up.

Oooh a gathering! :D

I grew up in southern California. My hair would go from medium/dark golden brown to dark golden blonde on it's own.
Hmm, summer coming soon down here. Some trips to the pool and relaxing hour-long walks should lighten mine a bit more. Can't wait! :joy:

flemeister, your ends look like they want to curl. Have u tried using acidic rinses to see if you have more wavy, or even a bit curly hair? Or you are already doing them and that is the reason for your ends being like that?
Anyway, make sure you put some images after you wash it so we can see it in its full glory! :)

flemeister, it is pretty common for wavies/curlies to have tighter curls around the face/nape. So those might actually be curls arond your ears.

It's definitely wavy/curly! They start at about ear level at the moment. :)

Been doing regular WV rinses as recommended, followed by gently brushing while still soaking wet, then not touching it again until fully dried. Also needed a bit more length for the curls/waves to really show up. Thanks very much for the tips, else I would've gone on thinking it was just unruly straight hair! :o

No photos at the moment, it looked like a coconut oil slick when I tried taking some today, even though it doesn't look that way in person. :shrug:

Wondrous Alice
October 1st, 2013, 01:56 AM
Daredevil your hair is seriously gorgeous...I just stared at these pics for five minutes straight! I've always wanted spiral curls like that...mine is so straight and has to be curled wet to dry and even then the curls fall. :shrug:

October 1st, 2013, 08:56 AM
Flemeister, put down the brush! My hair would be straight if I brushed when it's wet. Finger combing and then gentle scrunching will help your waves come out to play.

October 1st, 2013, 10:07 AM
Daredevil your hair is seriously gorgeous...I just stared at these pics for five minutes straight! I've always wanted spiral curls like that...mine is so straight and has to be curled wet to dry and even then the curls fall. :shrug:

Thank you Alice for the compliment! Everyone's hair is different, one has to learn to accept and embrace what he/she has. :)

I've finally started to regularly wear my hair half-up and I am really liking it! Here's a pic:


Can't wait for my hair to get longer and longer as I think that half-up will be even more amazing with longer hair!

October 1st, 2013, 09:07 PM
I've finally started to regularly wear my hair half-up and I am really liking it! Here's a pic:

Can't wait for my hair to get longer and longer as I think that half-up will be even more amazing with longer hair!
Awesome! :beerchug:

And yeah, even better with more length. :D

Flemeister, put down the brush! My hair would be straight if I brushed when it's wet. Finger combing and then gentle scrunching will help your waves come out to play.
Did finger combing for these photos, didn't scrunch though as I hadn't seen your post yet. Maybe next time. :)

http://s6.postimg.org/4aw9y9h1p/DSC01877a.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/4aw9y9h1p/)http://s6.postimg.org/fxbslnez1/DSC01915a.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/fxbslnez1/)http://s6.postimg.org/rb2xalevh/DSC01908a.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/rb2xalevh/)

Wondrous Alice
October 3rd, 2013, 03:03 AM
You're right :) and yes half up is awesome with longer hair imo.

October 4th, 2013, 08:39 AM
Someone described the bun in my half-up above as a spider! :D haha

flemeister, I'd suggest that you follow the routine that we wavy/curly people follow; try to only wet-comb when you wash (or CO-wash) your hair and then let it air dry!

October 6th, 2013, 04:48 PM
This is my boyfriend's hair (This isn't one of his best "hair days"). He let it grow since January 2011. Although he doesn't take care of his hair, I like how it looks. Sometimes I give him some advices about, but he don't always listen :P


Isn't his hair cute? :o
I think he is 2a-F-ii

October 19th, 2013, 12:05 PM



October 19th, 2013, 01:35 PM
I'm envious of a few head of hair in this thread. ^-^

My brain ha gone blank from all the gorgeousness in this thread. Both hair and lookswise.

October 20th, 2013, 01:44 PM
:joy: Ooh, pretty new pics! :thud:

October 20th, 2013, 04:13 PM
Keep posting! Beautiful hair! I'll be following this thread :popcorn:

October 20th, 2013, 05:11 PM
You guys have some nice hair!

You all should grow beards, too. You know... for science.

October 21st, 2013, 03:46 AM
I'll just leave this here... :cool:


October 21st, 2013, 02:23 PM
flemeister... reaaaally nice!!! ;)

King Charles. With classic length hair


October 21st, 2013, 07:02 PM
You all should grow beards, too. You know... for science.There is an online Beard Community, which has some similarities to LHC. I'm not aware of anyone who is a member of both.

swords & roses
October 23rd, 2013, 05:43 PM
Love this thread! I'll have to find & figure out how to post some photos of my hubby's hair. It's about as long as mine is! (I'm at waist. He's a foot taller than me, though, so it's mid-back abyss for him.) He's not deliberately growing it out or anything. He just likes it long, and I do too! I just wish he took care of it like you gents here do! Y'all look fantastic!

October 23rd, 2013, 05:54 PM
Neodrache, love your recent pics, and your hammer is awesome. Great photos on here overall, I've always been a sucker for these threads. You all look amazing!

Side note: oh man...I was floored by the redhead at 0:26 of the video flemeister posted :crush:

swords & roses
October 23rd, 2013, 08:36 PM
Well darn. I don't seem to be allowed to post photos in the forums yet. Bother, lol!

I love Hubby's hair! I just wish he would actually take care of it! >_< It's probably close to 2 feet long (from his hairline over the back of his head), thick, soft, & strong. But he lets it get so greasy, washing it only once a week or so. And he NEVER brushes or combs it. It's so tangled all the time! I'm surprised it doesn't start turning into dreads. The only time it gets brushed is when I brush it for him.

I have chosen not to tell him about the thinning starting up at the back of his head........... yet. :P

October 23rd, 2013, 08:54 PM
This is my best friend's hair (a little wet). He has a short layer, so the volume in the down part looks strange to me. But anyway, his hair is awesome. He always takes care of his hair with many crappy products, but now, I'm learning too much and I am giving him some advices ;)


October 23rd, 2013, 09:02 PM
You learn something new every day, jacqueline. You learn something new :)

Yes I did learn something new.

October 23rd, 2013, 09:05 PM
They'll consider this a complement. It means they're doing their hair really, really well. :)

ETA: Google is showing me an ad for bald men. :eek:

Yes they do their hair well superior is more like it.

October 23rd, 2013, 09:06 PM
Definitely! Compliment well received. :lol: :gabigrin:

(I see that ad when I browse on my phone, too. Grawr.)

Yes it's a very well taken compliment. All the men here have nice hair.

October 24th, 2013, 12:39 AM
Oh I do like this thread, it's always so good to see guys with such well cared for hair :D

October 24th, 2013, 08:53 AM
This is my best friend's hair (a little wet). He has a short layer, so the volume in the down part looks strange to me. But anyway, his hair is awesome. He always takes care of his hair with many crappy products, but now, I'm learning too much and I am giving him some advices ;)

My friend sent me this yesterday, after put in his hair the coconut oil I gave to him.


October 24th, 2013, 10:53 AM
^ Incredible!

October 24th, 2013, 11:31 AM
Almendra your friend has gorgeous hair! Wow..

October 24th, 2013, 11:50 AM



May I just say, mmmm mmm! :o you and your hair are beautiful

This whole thread is just Amazing! I just read this whole thing, I was so intrigued by all the great hair you gentlemen have. I've never seen a man in real life have such healthy looking long hair. They all need to be led here to learn what you guys are doing!

October 24th, 2013, 11:50 AM
I am a total newb and got on to do some research...and then was thoroughly derailed by this thread. THIS WONDERFUL THREAD

November 9th, 2013, 10:32 AM

love it... =)

November 9th, 2013, 10:39 AM
Here's a picture of myself and a longhaired gentleman friend at some ruins in North Wales

And here's a close-up of what the wind was doing to his hair!

Neodrache, he's a proud Viking warrior too :D

November 10th, 2013, 07:39 AM
Here's a picture of myself and a longhaired gentleman friend at some ruins in North Wales

And here's a close-up of what the wind was doing to his hair!

Neodrache, he's a proud Viking warrior too :D

Hellz Yea! Nice hair brother!

Yesterday was one of our windy days here in Kansas USA, and heavens sake.... it makes your hair nasty and filthy.. =( BUT standing in the wind and closing your eyes and feeling it flap in the wind like a banner flapping proudly in the wind feels amazing!

November 10th, 2013, 02:51 PM
I love this thread! Beautiful hair guys:)

November 10th, 2013, 03:08 PM
What a wonderful thread! After reading all 38 pages of this thread I can say with confidence that I'd be walking into lamp posts if I saw some of you IRL. Absolutely magnificent hair.

November 10th, 2013, 06:32 PM
My Italian husband is 54, and has had longer hair on and off. I really love it longer on him, but he has to get past the "funky curl up/flip" at the nape of his neck before he's happy with it, every time. Currently it's not-quite-ponytailable length, and I'm cheering him on. He has jet black hair with white-silver grey now, especially his temples. I think it's hot as heck.

November 10th, 2013, 07:39 PM



There aren't words for how much I love how hair, Neodrache. It looks so thick and healthy!

November 10th, 2013, 07:43 PM
Wow! So amazing!!

November 16th, 2013, 09:05 PM
I have what you call "self conscience" issues... I want to be considered handsome and attractive, but for some reason, I just don't feel society has allowed the natural look of a man to be just that.....


November 16th, 2013, 09:12 PM
If you think different, text me different and explain why.. (phone number deleted)

November 16th, 2013, 10:26 PM
I have what you call "self conscience" issues... I want to be considered handsome and attractive, but for some reason, I just don't feel society has allowed the natural look of a man to be just that.....


Uuuuuummmmmm :thud: I'm not seeing how "self conscious" could possibly come into play here...... You look like you stepped right out of Beowolf (spelled that wrong... sorry!), Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Viking times, insert other cool time period/culture/fantasy world here. Were your hair darker, you'd look like a tall Thorin Oakenshield, and that is beyond awesome and hott! All men should have long hair, IMO, but I am VERY partial to Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit. lol Legolas, Aragorn, Feanor, Elrond, Kili, Thorin, Thranduril, etc all fine specimens in my book!

Wildcat Diva
November 16th, 2013, 11:43 PM
You guys have some nice hair!

You all should grow beards, too. You know... for science.

This really did make me laugh, the "for science" part.

There is an online Beard Community, which has some similarities to LHC. I'm not aware of anyone who is a member of both.

DH has a pretty nice beard going, and is starting to grow out his high and tight. He keeps talking smack about how nice his long hair was when we met and married in the early 90's before he got it cut in 1999. (we both used to use the Mane-n-tail products back in the day) He says that he might join LHC if he can grow it out like he says he will; also to all my "LHC friends" he says "hello". I don't know if he could hang here though; I'm sure he would 100% have to ignore any non-hair threads or his head might explode. Plus he might have to cut his hair for the job search, so I dunno if it's in the cards.

November 17th, 2013, 01:17 AM
Neodrache, I don't know if you were just going through a weak moment there, if you were kidding or if you are really feeling like that constantly, but if I were you I would just not mind the general population that has been fooled by the media and other influences like that. Those influences are pushing some thin and sad looking Twilight stars and slicked androgynous things that you have to examine for minutes to see which sex they represent. That in my opinion is not what women like. They are just fooled to like them and btw, I for one am not going in that trap.

You have the look that has been programmed in our female genes to be found attractive. Programmed in the beginning of the human species, not decided by fashion last week. I've studied enough evolutionary psychology to know this. Things that women are attracted to (and what men are jealous of in other men):
- muscles (this also has to do with shoulder to waist ratio, a V shaped body is most desired in men)
- beards and some amount of body hair
- angular face features (which is considered more masculine whereas softer features are ore feminine)
- a good head of hair (which lets the possibly mates know you're healthy)

These traits all link to the amount of testosterone in men. I find that you possess all of these traits and I can't find anything in you that would be unattractive. Compare yourself and some of the skinny Hollywood celebrities of today with these traits and you'll find that many of the celebrities are the opposite of that is naturally desirable. Something's gone very wrong here and it should not be you who has to feel bad. Well, there is this thing where men who are slightly more feminine are taken to take care of the kids (aka settled for because they are the caring type, which should not be an issue for you since you have the best of both world taken your profession to account) whereas the handsome manly man is the subject of pure animalistic attraction, which should be good news for you as I presume you're happily in a relationship and only perhaps want the attention of women and possibly also secretly jealous other men.

And if you still don't believe me, then don't worry as not the whole female population has been turned towards those sickly Hollywood creatures as there are also a lot of movies like the ones Becky listed that have come out are are coming out that have men just like you, one of them being the Hobbit series, which btw has influenced a lot of men to grow their hair and beards because they saw how cool it was for Thorin and others. And those characters make us traditional women swoon and hope such manly men existed outside the screen. That's where you come in. I believe you're probably the main character of many daydreams in your area (and I hope that doesn't make you feel objectified, it's just probably true so I said it). Even I must say that even though I usually don't go for the blonde, there's just something irrisistable about your looks.

I know how these self consciousness and self confidence things go though. I've had problems with them for years and I know that no matter how someone suddenly says you look great it doesn't change the fact that if you've been told you're ugly for 20 years, you're not going to suddenly believe you're attractive. I'm not saying you necessarily have experiences like this but I do. Even a few bad comments can ruin it for you and then it will be really hard to get back to liking yourself. And if you were just having a moment of weakness and otherwise you usually think you're gorgeous, then that's great! I also wish to get there sometime before this life ends.

Wow, that was a long rant, but I'm not good with explaining myself in short... My apologies for anyone who had the patience to read that. :doh:

November 17th, 2013, 01:18 AM
Feeling lonesome tonight, Neodrache? :redgrin:

You look spectacular and I agree with you, there are many many pressures on men to cut their hair. A real loss because so many men look magnificent with long hair.

November 17th, 2013, 07:46 AM
He says that he might join LHC if he can grow it out like he says he will; also to all my "LHC friends" he says "hello". I don't know if he could hang here though; I'm sure he would 100% have to ignore any non-hair threads or his head might explode. Plus he might have to cut his hair for the job search, so I dunno if it's in the cards.Cool! Invite him to join LHC.

When I first joined, Dianyla advised me never to click on the TMI thread. That was great advice. I won't even let my cursor hover over some thread titles. :bigeyes:

November 18th, 2013, 05:15 AM
Man, I didn't expect to get that kind of response! =D

I have been told that I resemble many many characters in medieval/mythological/fantasy movies. I thank you all for the responses and I only wish that people would wake up and smell the truth about who we are and how we ought to be/look. It amazes me to how much we judge one another based off of cultural norms. If I'm excepted as a awesome movie character, how come its not accepted much in the real world? Who knows. I say this with my own quote: "Ignorance is bliss to the masses, but in the eyes of those with wits and intelligence, this world we live in becomes a prison and your entire life becomes an escape."

someone please hit me in the head with a frying pan because this brain has become my frienemy.

November 18th, 2013, 07:55 AM
You guys have some nice hair!

You all should grow beards, too. You know... for science.

Hear, hear!


@ Neodrache: Deep down, everyone is insecure and self-conscious--at least sometimes. It's normal, and saves us from being egotistical idiots.
Sharing at the risk of turning you into a conceited moron: you're a head-turner. Don't let anyone tell you different. If I saw you IRL, I'd probably put my back out with double takes. You hair and beard are unusual, and you're confident enough to wear them. Attractive qualities. Very attractive.

That said, everyone has different taste.
Story: DD (16 yrs) and I were visiting a friend and her daughter at college a few weekends ago. During lunch at a local restaurant, a couple of young men walked in with long hair and full beards. DD and I were mopping drool off the table, and our friends were all "Eww! They'd be so hot if they'd get haircuts and shave!" DD and I were gobsmacked. How could anyone not adore those manly whiskers?!?? We told them they were out of their minds, and ate up the eye-candy. LOL!
You'll never please everyone. Please yourself first, and the ones that are worth it will come with. :thumbsup:

November 18th, 2013, 08:46 AM
Here's my hubby's hair:

Here's where I braided it for his paintball game:

Here's after I took it out.... he had it braided all weekend: (yes, thats a sun conure peeking out of his shirt!)

Here's the Chinese bun I tried to do on him, but he needs 1 or 2 more inches of hair:

November 18th, 2013, 02:58 PM
New guy here. It's great to see other men who are proud of their hair. I have just hit shoulder length, hoping to have hair like Yoni One day lol :D
Neodrache your hair is awesome and that is one good looking beard. I must admit I am quite jealous.

Everyone i have seen here has hair to be proud of,
Happy growing Gentlemen

November 18th, 2013, 03:10 PM
Pretty sure you're amazingly attractive with or without hair Neodrache. We're not programmed to find ourselves attractive, if we did we'd never leave the house and multiply with others.

November 18th, 2013, 03:17 PM
Long_Hair_Bear, beautiful hair and cheekbones on your husband!

Mnementh, looks like you have some gorgeous waves... I love dark wavy hair on men. Something about it just drives me wild. Hope to see post pics sometime!

November 18th, 2013, 03:42 PM
This thread is so full of awesome! Daredevil, your hair texture is amazing.

November 23rd, 2013, 03:44 PM
BAM! Somehow this thread got bumped again... I didn't do it.. Our Manly Manes Did!!! =D

ETA: Frizzy as all hell today.. BOOOOOOO!


November 23rd, 2013, 03:57 PM
...................... :thud::inlove:

Can hardly see the frizz, wish mine was that way!

November 23rd, 2013, 08:35 PM
Long_hair_bear your boyfriend has a beautiful hair. I always think that buns look so good in guys with long hair :)
I wish my boyfriend leave me play with cool hairstyles on his hair. After being so persistent, he finally try CO wash, but his hair looked really messy this first week. So, I conviced him to made a preoil and a clarify today and I like the results. He didn't like too much, because his hair look more straight now... the whiny baby loves his waves :)


November 23rd, 2013, 11:10 PM
Whoa Almendra, what astonishing results! It doesn't look like the same person's hair since the color is so much darker :laugh: But I love the gentle waves and increased smoothness. That's quite a transformation.

November 24th, 2013, 08:55 AM
Whoa Almendra, what astonishing results! It doesn't look like the same person's hair since the color is so much darker :laugh: But I love the gentle waves and increased smoothness. That's quite a transformation.

Both pictures was taken with diferents cameras and lights, that's why they look so diferent :p.
Before take the second one I asked him to go outside to take the picture with natural light, because the flash of my camera is so bright, but he was kind of annoy because of the treatment so I didn't insist. When I showed the picture at him he was horrified "OMG, SO FLAT!" :rollin: But I think now it looks better and eventually he is going to get his waves back.

November 24th, 2013, 07:45 PM
One of my friends confessed that her Darling Son was growing his whiskers after he heard my DD liked beards on men. Kids these days!

November 24th, 2013, 09:34 PM
When I showed the picture at him he was horrified "OMG, SO FLAT!" :rollin: But I think now it looks better and eventually he is going to get his waves back.

It doesn't look flat to me at all! And it's so much smoother looking now-- the second pic is by far my favorite. I think he has beautiful hair :)

November 26th, 2013, 11:38 PM
Another pic! This was taken a day after a CO wash, with some coconut oil also applied earlier that day.


November 27th, 2013, 06:36 AM
Neodrache, I don't know if you were just going through a weak moment there, if you were kidding or if you are really feeling like that constantly, but if I were you I would just not mind the general population that has been fooled by the media and other influences like that. Those influences are pushing some thin and sad looking Twilight stars and slicked androgynous things that you have to examine for minutes to see which sex they represent. That in my opinion is not what women like. They are just fooled to like them and btw, I for one am not going in that trap.

You have the look that has been programmed in our female genes to be found attractive. Programmed in the beginning of the human species, not decided by fashion last week. I've studied enough evolutionary psychology to know this. Things that women are attracted to (and what men are jealous of in other men):
- muscles (this also has to do with shoulder to waist ratio, a V shaped body is most desired in men)
- beards and some amount of body hair
- angular face features (which is considered more masculine whereas softer features are ore feminine)
- a good head of hair (which lets the possibly mates know you're healthy)

These traits all link to the amount of testosterone in men. I find that you possess all of these traits and I can't find anything in you that would be unattractive. Compare yourself and some of the skinny Hollywood celebrities of today with these traits and you'll find that many of the celebrities are the opposite of that is naturally desirable. Something's gone very wrong here and it should not be you who has to feel bad. Well, there is this thing where men who are slightly more feminine are taken to take care of the kids (aka settled for because they are the caring type, which should not be an issue for you since you have the best of both world taken your profession to account) whereas the handsome manly man is the subject of pure animalistic attraction, which should be good news for you as I presume you're happily in a relationship and only perhaps want the attention of women and possibly also secretly jealous other men.

And if you still don't believe me, then don't worry as not the whole female population has been turned towards those sickly Hollywood creatures as there are also a lot of movies like the ones Becky listed that have come out are are coming out that have men just like you, one of them being the Hobbit series, which btw has influenced a lot of men to grow their hair and beards because they saw how cool it was for Thorin and others. And those characters make us traditional women swoon and hope such manly men existed outside the screen. That's where you come in. I believe you're probably the main character of many daydreams in your area (and I hope that doesn't make you feel objectified, it's just probably true so I said it). Even I must say that even though I usually don't go for the blonde, there's just something irrisistable about your looks.

I know how these self consciousness and self confidence things go though. I've had problems with them for years and I know that no matter how someone suddenly says you look great it doesn't change the fact that if you've been told you're ugly for 20 years, you're not going to suddenly believe you're attractive. I'm not saying you necessarily have experiences like this but I do. Even a few bad comments can ruin it for you and then it will be really hard to get back to liking yourself. And if you were just having a moment of weakness and otherwise you usually think you're gorgeous, then that's great! I also wish to get there sometime before this life ends.

Wow, that was a long rant, but I'm not good with explaining myself in short... My apologies for anyone who had the patience to read that. :doh:

Thanks for posting that! I agree. I think the celebrity world has emphasised one particular look (the teenage/ androgynous look) to the extent that we as a society are in danger of forgetting that what is in the media is not necessarily what we see in real life. And as that particular look is so highly rated, it seems the only look worth aspiring to for men!

But of course, there are plenty of people who don't solely go for the 'Twilight' style fellas. (thank goodness!)

In popular culture today, there is some hope: as others have mentioned above, Game of Thrones/ Lord of the Rings showcase men who look great yet do not conform to the 'teenage' look.

And a more obscure reference- but David Garrett, the German rock musician/ violinist? I include him here because he's not part of the 'fantasy' genre, yet he gets lots of compliments on his long blonde hair, and stubble.

November 27th, 2013, 07:58 AM
I looooove my husband's hair. He lets me play with it, too!!



November 27th, 2013, 08:00 AM
Retry... My husband's hair!



November 27th, 2013, 09:02 AM
Very cool!

Was that second pic taken half-way through doing a french braid, or is that a braided half-up? :D

November 27th, 2013, 07:20 PM
I was practicing french braiding on him, and I just left it loose and it came undone like that. I thought it was nice looking, so I took a snap of it!

November 27th, 2013, 07:30 PM
Another pic! This was taken a day after a CO wash, with some coconut oil also applied earlier that day.

You have similar hair to my boyfriend. Such a pretty color and texture.

Retry... My husband's hair!

He has a beautiful hair and also is very handsome. You're a lucky girl :)
My boyfriend doesn't like wear braids, buns or hair down... he only uses a low ponytail all the time. I wish one day I convice him to style his hair too :p

November 27th, 2013, 07:34 PM
My husband lets me play with his hair, but he hasn't quite got the confidence yet to wear these out in public. His hair is ALWAYS down, though. Even at work, one of his managers asked if he would be willing to put his hair up or cut it, and he said no, HAH. Luckily there is no policy there against men with long hair!

November 27th, 2013, 10:07 PM
I was practicing french braiding on him, and I just left it loose and it came undone like that. I thought it was nice looking, so I took a snap of it!

It looks awesome. :) I've been wanting to do a half-up since seeing this photo below, and it's just been added to my to-do list! Half-up with Flexi-8 [and now with some kind of braid built-in!], english and french single braids for sleeping with and showing off. Need MOAR length first! rawr! :o

February 2013. Flexi-8. Think I'm going to wear my hair like this with semi-formal in a few months. My hair's naturally quite straight with a few waves where it conforms to my body shape (e.g. shoulders) but I braid before sleeping.

You have similar hair to my boyfriend. Such a pretty color and texture.

Thanks! :cool:

My boyfriend doesn't like wear braids, buns or hair down... he only uses a low ponytail all the time. I wish one day I convice him to style his hair too :p

Show him this photo below! I only use a low ponytail as well, more out of necessity since I think I'm still unable to braid yet (too many layers from growing out from a buzzcut -- shortest layer only just reaches the elastic, longest layer almost at APL lol -- won't be cutting it till MBL though!).


and heres my prom hair XD my old friend did it for me i left lots of oil in it XD made it look fabulous!. french braids in a tux (wow the image right now french braids in tuxes XD) but yeah wearing a french braid in a tux my lawd i didnt think itd look dat handsome :P

November 28th, 2013, 01:18 AM
I'll add my boyfriends hair to this! He's been thinking of joining up here for a while, but the lazy ... wants me to make his account for him! Hah!
He buzzed all his beautiful long hair off about 3 years ago, and he's been growing it back for a little over a year now, but to my great distaste he got an undercut 8 months ago, so now it's at an awkward stage, where it could be considered shoulder length but it looks really thin and straggley because it's less than half his hair that reaches his shoulders.

http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o105/Emmy-Lou-94/IMAG1124_zpsff637fe0.jpg (http://s118.photobucket.com/user/Emmy-Lou-94/media/IMAG1124_zpsff637fe0.jpg.html)
http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o105/Emmy-Lou-94/IMAG1119_zps12850fbb.jpg (http://s118.photobucket.com/user/Emmy-Lou-94/media/IMAG1119_zps12850fbb.jpg.html)
And yes, I snuck those pictures in when he was playing computer games, I did however get his permission. :D

It's funny because we have the EXACT same natural hair colour. But his is got cute little curls and mine is pin straight. I'd swap with him anyday!
And well done to all you guys with beautiful long hair, I won't even look twice at a man with short hair, long hair is so beautiful on both sexes!

November 28th, 2013, 07:31 AM
I'll add my boyfriends hair to this! He's been thinking of joining up here for a while, but the lazy ... wants me to make his account for him! Hah!
He buzzed all his beautiful long hair off about 3 years ago, and he's been growing it back for a little over a year now, but to my great distaste he got an undercut 8 months ago, so now it's at an awkward stage, where it could be considered shoulder length but it looks really thin and straggley because it's less than half his hair that reaches his shoulders.

http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o105/Emmy-Lou-94/IMAG1124_zpsff637fe0.jpg (http://s118.photobucket.com/user/Emmy-Lou-94/media/IMAG1124_zpsff637fe0.jpg.html)
http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o105/Emmy-Lou-94/IMAG1119_zps12850fbb.jpg (http://s118.photobucket.com/user/Emmy-Lou-94/media/IMAG1119_zps12850fbb.jpg.html)
And yes, I snuck those pictures in when he was playing computer games, I did however get his permission. :D

It's funny because we have the EXACT same natural hair colour. But his is got cute little curls and mine is pin straight. I'd swap with him anyday!
And well done to all you guys with beautiful long hair, I won't even look twice at a man with short hair, long hair is so beautiful on both sexes!

He must have pretty thick hair if this is with an undercut, it looks really healthy too! I have to agree long hair looks great on both men and women. Unfortunately my husband can't have long hair while he's in the military :rolleyes:

November 28th, 2013, 08:40 AM
He must have pretty thick hair if this is with an undercut, it looks really healthy too! I have to agree long hair looks great on both men and women. Unfortunately my husband can't have long hair while he's in the military :rolleyes:

Yep, I think he has very similar hair to me, fine, but thick too. And it is very healthy, it's very soft! Mostly because he doesn't blow dry it or anything, he uses my shampoo and co and my wide tooth combs... so, he can't go wrong with me around! Haha

November 28th, 2013, 11:35 AM
Frizzy as all hell today.. BOOOOOOO!


Just found this thread! It's great to see so many guys with long hair on here, I must say Neodrache, it suits you very well :crush:

November 28th, 2013, 12:44 PM
Thank you all for the replies and insanely positive feedback for all of us men of non-conformity! I have not seen on man in this thread that didn't truly have bad-ass hair! Keep it real fellas and keep it growing!

On another note, I picked up learning how to crochet.. and its like heroine.... seiously.. SO, I started doing random things these last few days.... BUAHAHAHAAHAH!


You should see my son's beanie beard I made!


ETA: crap.. there links.. sorry.. lemme fix that



ETA3: OMG... the images got cut.. let me fix these horrid images.. grrrrrrr.... .I hate image shack


http://imageshack.com/a/img196/2926/5ldp.jpg, http://imageshack.com/a/img202/6333/cwtr.jpg, http://imageshack.com/a/img28/9939/c0fd.jpg, http://imageshack.com/a/img577/1949/6w2d.jpg, http://imageshack.com/a/img543/7177/n35f.jpg

November 28th, 2013, 01:04 PM
Neodrache you have lost your damn mind :laugh:

Both beards are an absolute scream! Love your humor and whimsy. Btw, how long have you been doing crochet? Your pieces look very well executed in addition to be hilarious. And little man looks too cute with his grey beard. I love his eyes in the last pic--- what a cutie :)

November 28th, 2013, 01:35 PM
Btw, how long have you been doing crochet?

Believe it or not, 2 days now. lol... I've always wanted to do it for retarded reasons but never took the time out for it..

My son said, "Tell that lady thank you and she's pretty! Is that her in the little picture thinggy?" ROFL... man, that boy is only 8 yrs old.. dear lord I hope not to deal with teenage years...

November 28th, 2013, 04:23 PM
2 days? You have got to be kidding me-- that's simply amazing Neodrache. I've tried many times to crochet but everything I make is hideous :laugh:. Really, you must have a gift for it as well as lots of natural manual dexterity and finesse. I understand what you mean by addictive tho. I do needlepoint and embroidery and they are both very relaxing and habit forming. Funny how things like that can be such a pleasant way to unwind. :)

That's not me in the pic, but please give your gentlemanly son my thank yous for his kind compliment. You're right to be worried-- only 8 and such a charmer!

November 28th, 2013, 08:15 PM
Wow seriously-Those are awesome crochet projects!! And beautiful hair, all of you :D Ladies, you're so lucky your SO has long hair, I'm so jealous!

November 28th, 2013, 10:35 PM

Oh no!


November 29th, 2013, 07:17 AM
That's a really nice and well executed beard there Neodrache, and your son's beard hat too. I've been meaning to make that long beard hat for myself (it might get mostly worn by DBF) too but haven't yet found the time and proper yarn for it. I've only crocheted a few times too and I must say compared to me you seem like a natural crocheter! None of my (so far made) 3 projects have been as good looking as yours. And I've been knitting for years before taking on crocheting, jeesh!

November 29th, 2013, 10:17 AM
​Hey peeps! It's been about six months I think since the last time I posted (and even longer since the days I was rocking that fro). But seeing all these dudes with their badass long hair has inspired me to post some current photos.

​Usually my hair is naturally very wavy/curly (wurly?) but between having it in a ponytail, wearing a bandana at work and sleeping on it my hair ends up flatter and less wavy at the top and then starts to flare out at the bottom.

​I'm not sure if this would still be SL or if it would be APL now but if I pull the hair from the back of my head straight down it just barely reaches to where my armpit begins.

​I'm gonna try posting this from my iPad which has been giving me some trouble so let's see if this works? Lemme know if the photos don't show up.




November 29th, 2013, 02:27 PM
Looking good Steve!

November 29th, 2013, 06:46 PM
OMG, the beards! Just the right combination of kick ass and hilarious. *applause*

November 29th, 2013, 11:24 PM
Frizzy as all hell today.. BOOOOOOO!


:crush: that is one gorgeous mane

December 1st, 2013, 04:48 PM
Long_hair_bear your boyfriend has a beautiful hair. I always think that buns look so good in guys with long hair :)
I wish my boyfriend leave me play with cool hairstyles on his hair. After being so persistent, he finally try CO wash, but his hair looked really messy this first week. So, I conviced him to made a preoil and a clarify today and I like the results. He didn't like too much, because his hair look more straight now... the whiny baby loves his waves :)

Not going to lie, I wouldn't want my hair straight at all..might be a guy thing, I don't know. I see so many woman straightening their hair and I get upset and aggrivated since it could so much more, but then again, it's my opinion. Long_Hair_Bear, your boyfriend's hair is awesome, both curly and oiled down!

Another pic! This was taken a day after a CO wash, with some coconut oil also applied earlier that day.

Not bad, not bad at all. =)

Retry... My husband's hair!

Keep it going!

I'll add my boyfriends hair to this! He's been thinking of joining up here for a while, but the lazy ... wants me to make his account for him! Hah!
He buzzed all his beautiful long hair off about 3 years ago, and he's been growing it back for a little over a year now, but to my great distaste he got an undercut 8 months ago, so now it's at an awkward stage, where it could be considered shoulder length but it looks really thin and straggley because it's less than half his hair that reaches his shoulders. And yes, I snuck those pictures in when he was playing computer games, I did however get his permission. :D It's funny because we have the EXACT same natural hair colour. But his is got cute little curls and mine is pin straight. I'd swap with him anyday! And well done to all you guys with beautiful long hair, I won't even look twice at a man with short hair, long hair is so beautiful on both sexes!

Muahah! =)

Just found this thread! It's great to see so many guys with long hair on here, I must say Neodrache, it suits you very well :crush:

Thank You very much!

​Hey peeps! It's been about six months I think since the last time I posted (and even longer since the days I was rocking that fro). But seeing all these dudes with their badass long hair has inspired me to post some current photos.
​Usually my hair is naturally very wavy/curly (wurly?) but between having it in a ponytail, wearing a bandana at work and sleeping on it my hair ends up flatter and less wavy at the top and then starts to flare out at the bottom. ​I'm not sure if this would still be SL or if it would be APL now but if I pull the hair from the back of my head straight down it just barely reaches to where my armpit begins. ​I'm gonna try posting this from my iPad which has been giving me some trouble so let's see if this works? Lemme know if the photos don't show up.

Kick-ass Steve! Just make sure you take care of it, never know when us guys will start thinning... O_O lol I've learned to hate things in my hair and also I cannot stand it being in a pony tail.. drives me insane. It's hard when I'm a Nurse too.. =C

:crush: that is one gorgeous mane

Thank you! <3

December 1st, 2013, 04:52 PM
Took this last night. LOL Beards getting thick.. omg... but not itchy anymore.. HAHAH! Hair is still wet though.. Good news, when I started this thread, back in like February, I was at 20.5 inches length. I measured last night and noticed I was 26 inches! woot that's with 2 trims!


Caldonia Sun
December 1st, 2013, 06:04 PM
Long hair on a man still turns my head and I'm a bit past my expiration date :)

The hair I see here is amazing! Keep up the great job, guys, and march to your own drummer.

December 4th, 2013, 01:26 PM
Woman with long silver or white hair blow my mind.. I think is one of the most beautiful sites to ever see.. *purrs*

December 6th, 2013, 02:52 PM
I found this video of a man with amazing ankle length hair

December 6th, 2013, 04:58 PM
I found this video of a man with amazing ankle length hair
Wow. that was some totally drool-worthy hair. He looks like an anime character from the back, and that just made me want to :agape:.
Thank you for the yummy hair treat.

December 16th, 2013, 04:30 PM
Dear lord, I'm not one for fangirling but that guy's hair literally made me :agape: out loud.

December 16th, 2013, 04:49 PM

Reminded me of a stallion tossing his mane. .....wait, did I just say that out loud?

December 17th, 2013, 01:58 AM
I can't believe I've not been on this thread for so long, that was a lot of catching up to do! There need to be more long haired men near me, it just looks so much more appealing than the current hair trend in my area :S
Gentlemen, your manes look amazing! I am, as ever, in awe :D

December 17th, 2013, 06:39 AM
I can't believe I've not been on this thread for so long, that was a lot of catching up to do! There need to be more long haired men near me, it just looks so much more appealing than the current hair trend in my area :S
Gentlemen, your manes look amazing! I am, as ever, in awe :D

Here, have some MOAR mane-ly manes:


And something funny to me, is watching this video below ~18 months ago, and thinking "how wonderful and long"! Seems so short (both of them) now that I'm well past shoulder length! :o :rolleyes:


December 18th, 2013, 11:10 AM
Greetings everyone, long time! :D

Thank you Lunearia for the compliment! Nice hair guys!

I think that my curls have been behaving kinda good lately, here are some pics:




December 18th, 2013, 01:06 PM
:thudpile: Gorgeous curls!

December 18th, 2013, 02:20 PM
Your curls are so pretty! I'm jealous!

December 18th, 2013, 04:18 PM
Thanks for this thread, I've enjoyed it very much indeed!;) Aaah, my husband used to wear his hair long, it was a sleek jaw length bob when I met him in 1993, and he pretty much just let it grow, he's 6' tall so I think it eventually reached around navel level or thereabouts. Sadly, years of having to wear it ponytailed for work (he's a printer) was causing receding at the temples, so he had what I think is called a French crop (you know, like Tintin?) about 10-11 years ago. I wish he'd grow it out again though, but he doesn't want the receding to start again, so short it stays! He looks good both ways, mind you.
As my 'A' Level English teacher used to tell the boys in our class, "grow it while you've got it, lads!" in fact, I'd say that for lasses too. You never know what life may throw at you, so grow it and enjoy it! :)

December 18th, 2013, 11:02 PM
Yeah, I approve of men with long hair. *-*

December 19th, 2013, 08:09 AM
I don't know why, but I found it funny that daredevils shirt said "Magicland". That's what the world would be for all the ladies if we men just did what was natural. hahaha! Them curls man.. O_O keep it going brother!

December 19th, 2013, 12:29 PM
daredevil14 your curls are gorgeous :)

I found a channel from another long haired man named Hairfreaky (http://www.youtube.com/user/hairfreaky/), He also has a facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/Hairfreakylonghair) (I'm sorry if somebody post this before, I searched it but I didn't find results in this thread)

Look at this!



December 19th, 2013, 12:42 PM
daredevil14 your curls are gorgeous :)

I found a channel from another long haired man named Hairfreaky (http://www.youtube.com/user/hairfreaky/), He also has a facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/Hairfreakylonghair) (I'm sorry if somebody post this before, I searched it but I didn't find results in this thread)

Look at this!


WoW.... if the male ego was based off of hair length... this dude would be like a God....

I took this one today... lol.. I'm getting old.. =(


ETA: I don't know why the image shack cuts my pictures wrong.. My head got cut off, sorry... =\

December 19th, 2013, 12:59 PM
Stunning curls Daredevil14! Love your color and spirals... so gorgeous.

I don't know why, but I found it funny that daredevils shirt said "Magicland". That's what the world would be for all the ladies if we men just did what was natural.

Oh dear, if that were the case I'd be walking into lampposts 24/4 :laugh:

December 19th, 2013, 01:22 PM
I am a woman, but I do have a (almost) five year old son who aspires to have long hair. He wants his hair to look like Dave Navarro's and I am guessing it will only go on from there, especially since his first hair inspiration was Oliver Peck. I can't find nice pictures of them, but if you don't know their hair, Google them. I will have to post pictures of his hair journey every now and then on here for you guys. I am also going to show him all of your awesome hair because you men look so handsome with long hair. Some of his family (ok, most of it) has picked on him for wanting to grow his hair out, but now I think after seeing cool rocker dudes and other grown men with cool hair he will have confidence to stand up to them and tell them to go away. I told him he can wear his hear in all kinds of styles that I can learn on here (I have short hair and have never learned updos) and he thought that was a tad girly. I'll show him it can be very manly. Thank you guys so much!

December 19th, 2013, 07:36 PM
I think that my curls have been behaving kinda good lately, here are some pics:


I found a channel from another long haired man named Hairfreaky (http://www.youtube.com/user/hairfreaky/), He also has a facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/Hairfreakylonghair) (I'm sorry if somebody post this before, I searched it but I didn't find results in this thread)


ETA: I don't know why the image shack cuts my pictures wrong.. My head got cut off, sorry... =\

Looking good! :cool:

Also, your photo and comment instantly reminded me of this below. ;)


I am a woman, but I do have a (almost) five year old son who aspires to have long hair.


I told him he can wear his hear in all kinds of styles that I can learn on here (I have short hair and have never learned updos) and he thought that was a tad girly. I'll show him it can be very manly. Thank you guys so much!

You may only need to show him this thread. :)

December 20th, 2013, 12:02 PM
I am a woman, but I do have a (almost) five year old son who aspires to have long hair. He wants his hair to look like Dave Navarro's and I am guessing it will only go on from there, especially since his first hair inspiration was Oliver Peck. I can't find nice pictures of them, but if you don't know their hair, Google them. I will have to post pictures of his hair journey every now and then on here for you guys. I am also going to show him all of your awesome hair because you men look so handsome with long hair. Some of his family (ok, most of it) has picked on him for wanting to grow his hair out, but now I think after seeing cool rocker dudes and other grown men with cool hair he will have confidence to stand up to them and tell them to go away. I told him he can wear his hear in all kinds of styles that I can learn on here (I have short hair and have never learned updos) and he thought that was a tad girly. I'll show him it can be very manly. Thank you guys so much!

Well Have him look at my 10yr old son who is well on his way to catching up to Dad's hair.


December 20th, 2013, 01:58 PM
Beautiful mane! He'll be a heartbreaker in a few years. :heartbeat

December 20th, 2013, 02:40 PM
Wow this thread is inspirational !! Great going ...

My hair 2 years ago (PR - length and health) - had cut into layers and then a bob. Current length is closer to shoulder

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2825/11444263123_986f161b3a_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/111705393@N02/11444263123/)

December 20th, 2013, 10:58 PM

Odin and Thor! Love it. :cool:

December 21st, 2013, 12:18 AM
Your kiddo is insanely cute! When I was little, I don't remember ever seeing a long-haired boy.

December 24th, 2013, 01:15 PM
Oh man. Haven't been here for quite some time, busy with studying. Everyone is making great progress.
I might post an image or two of my hair if I'm not too lazy to take them xD

December 24th, 2013, 02:15 PM
I cant convince hubby to make an account here but he's given me permission to share pics!

His hair is past his shoulders, and perfectly straight, this was after i dyed it for him, its actually darkened to a more ashy blonde then this golden mess. (Thank the gods) I did like the gold but it looks so much better now( i dont have a pic of it now my camera died on me!)
He also shaved his beard short so the contrast of colors between his beard and hair isnt so painfully obvious.

http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/8030/yc38.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/10/yc38.jpg/)
http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/7168/rjdv.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/856/rjdv.jpg/)

Sadly he will not let me play with it! I want so badly to braid it but all he'll let me do is put it in a simple pony tail..I'm working on it though..he'll let me eventually lol

December 28th, 2013, 05:18 AM
Thanks for the compliments, nice pics everyone and welcome to the "Magic Land". :D

December 29th, 2013, 06:55 PM
Thread still going strong! YAY! Still getting great pics and awesome motivation from all over guys! Keep growing!

PF Graham
January 26th, 2014, 10:03 AM
I don't know why I didn't know about this thread - well, okay, here we go.

I posted this to another part of the board but some kind person pointed me in this direction too.

Posted under My kids amazing trim (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=119396).

I'm not kidding, I think he grows an inch a month - I've looked back and it's crazy how fast his hair grows - again, not fair!

Now on to reading the last 50 pages of this thread - I should be done in about a week!

January 26th, 2014, 12:07 PM
I'll try and take a sneaky photo of my brother and put it on here. His hair is about shoulder-length and has been for a while

January 26th, 2014, 02:37 PM
Oh my gosh, I have to take a shot in the dark here and ask if any of you guys work at a Walmart in New Hampshire.

I was with DH and my son today and saw this man there that I've seen a dozen times before but his hair was always pulled back and I didn't really notice. But he had his hair down today with a bandana keeping it off his face. :thud: It was brown and wurly and at least to his waist. I didn't say anything to DH because I didn't want him to get jealous, lol. But it was well-kept and very admirable.

January 28th, 2014, 03:25 PM
~gently nudges boyfriend towards this thread, "see, their hair is awesome! Now all you've got to do is be patient.."~ he really likes the look of the hair of a guy that works in a coffee shop near us, it's about to where his shoulder blades end, which is really uncommon for a guy around here. I'm encouraging him to try it for himself.

You've got some fantastic hair going on here gentlemen - here's to hoping you all inspire other guys to give long hair a go - keep it up! :)

January 30th, 2014, 10:57 AM
Figured i would post on here. Have started wearing my hair in a braid most of the time instead of a ponytail. Big step for me.

January 30th, 2014, 02:04 PM
Figured i would post on here. Have started wearing my hair in a braid most of the time instead of a ponytail. Big step for me.

Your hair is so nice and thick looking, whoa!

January 30th, 2014, 02:45 PM
That's uh, quite a thick braid you got going there, Flournoy... haha. Impressive, and I don't say that to just anyone. :)

January 30th, 2014, 02:56 PM
I put a protien treatment in my hubby's hair just now. He looks so cute in his shower cap!

January 31st, 2014, 04:50 PM
Figured i would post on here. Have started wearing my hair in a braid most of the time instead of a ponytail. Big step for me.

that is a loooot of thickness... wow...

February 9th, 2014, 03:18 PM
Wow I can't believe how my hair actually feels short for once looking on here. I gotta ask though, when you're hair is down to your legs does it get annoying at all. Is it hard to live with?

February 9th, 2014, 03:27 PM
Love your hair, DaddyLion. I can't answer your question though as mine is waist length. :)

February 9th, 2014, 03:45 PM
Thanks LHB. That's an old pic so it's a few inches longer now. Have you ever accidentally got your hair caught in anything? Must take ages to comb as well...

February 9th, 2014, 03:58 PM
Thanks LHB. That's an old pic so it's a few inches longer now. Have you ever accidentally got your hair caught in anything? Must take ages to comb as well...

Not really in much, but I wear it up alot.

February 9th, 2014, 04:36 PM
Wow I can't believe how my hair actually feels short for once looking on here. I gotta ask though, when you're hair is down to your legs does it get annoying at all. Is it hard to live with?
No, and no. Reflexes get pretty good for automatically avoiding things that would snag. Care isn't too much of a problem.

February 9th, 2014, 06:30 PM
Seems like you'd have plenty of time to adjust. It's not like you've got shoulder length hair today, and knee length hair when you wake up tomorrow, so suddenly it's a hassle to deal with.

My hair's not much longer than yours, DaddyLion, but I've managed to tangle myself up in a drill once, and a little more disgustingly, a drain snake (the "RotoRooter" kind). Just be careful out there!

February 9th, 2014, 06:38 PM
Seems like you'd have plenty of time to adjust. It's not like you've got shoulder length hair today, and knee length hair when you wake up tomorrow, so suddenly it's a hassle to deal with.

This is very true. People with shorter hair always ask me how I can deal with waist-length+ hair, and are even more surprised when I tell them I spend maybe 10 minutes total on my hair styling/detangling/etc. every day and maybe $5-10 a month. Not like long hair is incompatible with laziness, haha. I'd say I'm more prone to laziness now more than ever because I can just throw it up in a bun and forget it.

A fellow physics major here has straight, black hair just past APL and it looks fantastic and in great condition and was inspired to visit this thread again (may have been lurking a bit). Always nice to see men growing long, healthy manes! :D

February 9th, 2014, 08:37 PM
Not like long hair is incompatible with laziness, haha. I'd say I'm more prone to laziness now more than ever because I can just throw it up in a bun and forget it.
This is The Truth! Can't be bothered to do anything with it? Put it in a bun. Too lazy to wash? Leave it in the bun and go on with your business. Going to go out and get utterly filthy? Bun and cover it!

February 12th, 2014, 09:14 PM
I hate wearing my hair up for work and such......... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!... but I was playing around with this..


February 12th, 2014, 09:25 PM

:bowtome: Those curls are amazing!!

February 12th, 2014, 09:26 PM
Here is my hair wet, the blow dried... I will never blow dry it again... ever... looks thin or something. =|



February 12th, 2014, 10:04 PM
Here is my hair wet, the blow dried... I will never blow dry it again... ever... looks thin or something. =|



:thud: You are stunning, sir! Its as though you stepped out of Lord of the Rings or Vikings, and thats bada$$!

February 13th, 2014, 09:09 AM
I hate wearing my hair up for work and such......... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!... but I was playing around with this..


That style works for you, so definitely rock it if you need to have your hair up! Might as well enjoy the necessity, right? The longer it gets, the more epic it seems, too, as seen here on me recently:

http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=9068&d=1391468131 (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/album.php?albumid=10815&attachmentid=9068)

Buut it does get in the way sometimes, like while driving. ;)

February 13th, 2014, 02:28 PM
Gumball, I had no idea your hair had got so loooooooooooong! Well done! :applause

February 20th, 2014, 11:57 PM
Trying out simple buns, one loose, the other a bit tighter. :)


February 22nd, 2014, 06:09 AM
Flemeister, great looking bun! I enjoy everybody's pictures on here. Inspires me to keep growing!

February 22nd, 2014, 09:17 AM
Buut it does get in the way sometimes, like while driving. ;)Put your hair in your lap while driving.

That solves most car-related problems except at intersections when other drivers fail to notice that the light had turned green because they were too busy staring at the driver with his hair in his lap. ;)

February 22nd, 2014, 10:16 AM
Put your hair in your lap while driving.

That solves most car-related problems except at intersections when other drivers fail to notice that the light had turned green because they were too busy staring at the driver with his hair in his lap. ;)

How do you handle seatbelt friction? I've had mine sucked into the seatbelt thing when it pulls back up and it's a b*itch to get out without ripping.
(or am I just the clumsiest/hair accident prone person ever?)

February 22nd, 2014, 10:44 AM
How do you handle seatbelt friction? I've had mine sucked into the seatbelt thing when it pulls back up and it's a b*itch to get out without ripping.
(or am I just the clumsiest/hair accident prone person ever?)I put the seat belt/shoulder belt on first, and then put the hair over it. Do the reverse when getting out. This works best with the hair on the opposite side of the shoulder belt.

February 22nd, 2014, 11:05 AM
I put the seat belt/shoulder belt on first, and then put the hair over it. Do the reverse when getting out. This works best with the hair on the opposite side of the shoulder belt.

Probably works better with MUCH longer hair than mine :) my hair is at the perfect length to get into everything :).

You have amazing hair.

February 22nd, 2014, 11:10 AM
Gumball, I had no idea your hair had got so loooooooooooong! Well done! :applause

Thanks! :gabigrin:

Put your hair in your lap while driving.

That solves most car-related problems except at intersections when other drivers fail to notice that the light had turned green because they were too busy staring at the driver with his hair in his lap. ;)

That's my go-to. Usually the only time I have to do that is when it's in that banded style since I bun most of the time, so it's over my shoulder when need be. :agree:

How do you handle seatbelt friction? I've had mine sucked into the seatbelt thing when it pulls back up and it's a b*itch to get out without ripping.
(or am I just the clumsiest/hair accident prone person ever?)

I put the seat belt/shoulder belt on first, and then put the hair over it. Do the reverse when getting out. This works best with the hair on the opposite side of the shoulder belt.

I just put it over the other shoulder like Ed mentioned and also after I've already put the seat belt on. If my seat belt crosses over my left shoulder, for example, then my hair hangs over my right so there's very minimal chance of any snags/friction.

February 22nd, 2014, 11:23 AM
Probably works better with MUCH longer hair than mine :) my hair is at the perfect length to get into everything :).

You have amazing hair.Thanks! My hair is long enough so that it stays put in my lap.

February 22nd, 2014, 08:21 PM
Snuggles (my spouse) has a brother with hair that looks just like yours. Snuggles' hair is much finer and thinner, but this month he hit tailbone on his longer strands, but it looks shorter because of random curliness.

I like your name, both forms of it. Snuggles and I are avid name-meaning researchers.

Hair as thick as mine can be really un-cooperative at most days, this one from a better day :D (a few months ago)


p.s. that's not even all my hair, there was still more in the back :o

February 22nd, 2014, 08:51 PM
I put the seat belt/shoulder belt on first, and then put the hair over it. Do the reverse when getting out. This works best with the hair on the opposite side of the shoulder belt.

Very good info, thanks! I worked out the "belt first/hair on top" after a bit of trial and error (yank/pull/tug/ouch!), but I'm only at APL now, so won't have to worry about it getting caught in the belt-buckle for quite a while yet. :o

On a related note, after my first time driving with a low-ish ponytail, I've got a new appreciation of the top-knot bun that a *lot* of women use around where I live. Not that I really want to start wearing it while driving. :o Still, better than an annoying bump at the back of the head, especially on long trips. :ponder: Loose would still be the most comfy wouldn't it?

February 24th, 2014, 01:12 PM
Hello. In the process of growing mine out so I am not on your level yet. Had long hair until I decided short might be nice for a while, and now I am suffering the consequences. But at least it grows back right?

February 24th, 2014, 09:15 PM

I want to be in a Viking film.. very...very bad..

I remember taking this one before I shaved a little different.


February 25th, 2014, 12:07 AM
Hello. In the process of growing mine out so I am not on your level yet. Had long hair until I decided short might be nice for a while, and now I am suffering the consequences. But at least it grows back right?
True enough. Just try and enjoy the ride from short to medium to long all over again. There's a sweet spot about 4-6 months growing out from a buzz cut, where you'll have a nice medium length. Should be about down to your eyebrows in the front, cover most of your ears on the sides, and be just above shoulder length in the back. Short enough to keep out of your eyes, but long enough to look a bit shaggy, and swish around with much satisfaction. :)

I want to be in a Viking film.. very...very bad..

I remember taking this one before I shaved a little different.
I think pretty much any facial hairstyle suits you, as long as there's a beard involved. :cool:

February 25th, 2014, 04:43 PM
[QUOTE=flemeister;2653427]True enough. Just try and enjoy the ride from short to medium to long all over again. There's a sweet spot about 4-6 months growing out from a buzz cut, where you'll have a nice medium length. Should be about down to your eyebrows in the front, cover most of your ears on the sides, and be just above shoulder length in the back. Short enough to keep out of your eyes, but long enough to look a bit shaggy, and swish around with much satisfaction. :)

Thanks. I am actually a little ways in with my bangs down just past my mouth, which means in my mouth, but I have had the back trimmed up some to avoid the mullet look to some. degree.

February 25th, 2014, 04:47 PM

I want to be in a Viking film.. very...very bad..

I remember taking this one before I shaved a little different.


I like both, but the first abit more. You could definitely pass for Viking, and thats awesome!

February 25th, 2014, 06:04 PM
I hoisted on chain mail today like a beast.. I belong in this.. I felt amazing wearing it... only it I had more.. a complete viking battle set... my veins pumped with pride..



Thank you all for your support and compliments. Nobody really understand how that makes a person feel. =D

February 25th, 2014, 06:15 PM
I hoisted on chain mail today like a beast.. I belong in this.. I felt amazing wearing it... only it I had more.. a complete viking battle set... my veins pumped with pride..

you do have the right look for it...have you ever looked into a side gig in historical reenactment? I've known a couple of people that have done it and have thought about doing it myself.

February 25th, 2014, 06:27 PM
I hoisted on chain mail today like a beast.. I belong in this.. I felt amazing wearing it... only it I had more.. a complete viking battle set... my veins pumped with pride..



Thank you all for your support and compliments. Nobody really understand how that makes a person feel. =D

Or even try out for Ren Faire! I got cast into Ren Faire this year! :D

February 25th, 2014, 11:02 PM
Or even try out for Ren Faire! I got cast into Ren Faire this year! :D

<------ is completely jealous! (not meaning to threadjack, gentlemen carry on)

February 25th, 2014, 11:28 PM
<------ is completely jealous! (not meaning to threadjack, gentlemen carry on)

Why thank you! I'm really looking forward to it! :)

February 25th, 2014, 11:54 PM
Neodrache - I have some terrible news for you.... I think you're a time traveller from the past, you fit that chain mail too well, it looks too right on you for it to be a coincidence.

(On a side note - went out with a guy who would make chain mail in his spare time so am amazed at how much time would've gone into this!)

February 26th, 2014, 02:22 PM
How do you guys feel about using bobby pins, at least during the awkward stage? I have been considering it a bit lately and wondered if any of you had and your thoughts. Thanks

February 26th, 2014, 08:02 PM
IMHO it should be no issue whatsoever. In real life, somebody will have a smart a** about it. And, I am at that stage too, and I am not using bobby pins... that may change later. I wish it was a non issue.

February 26th, 2014, 08:17 PM
Yeah, I don't think it should be but I am a tad reserved about trying it out, but maybe I'll give it a go. Would certainly help keep it out of my face for the next couple months until my bangs will stay behind my ears.

February 26th, 2014, 09:06 PM
How do you guys feel about using bobby pins, at least during the awkward stage? I have been considering it a bit lately and wondered if any of you had and your thoughts. Thanks

I wore them at work during my awkward stage. Was a bit apprehensive at first, but soon found out that no-one cared. :)

Bobby pins! Just man up and wear a couple of them in full view, holding your fringe back and to the side a bit. Best to choose some that match your hair colour. That's all I did when growing out my hair while working at a cafe, as well as a stubby ponytail. When my fringe was long enough, I gradually moved the bobby pins back until I could mostly hide them on top of and then behind my ears. Worked great, and hardly anyone said anything or gave me any weird looks. :)

Make sure to use two of them to reduce the chance of them falling out during the day. Also be sure to use new bobby pins every few days, otherwise they lose their tension and are more prone to falling out.