View Full Version : RARGH! Lost my favorite (and only) hair comb!

August 26th, 2008, 12:33 AM
Thanks for the move Mods!

I so had a "raaarrrghhh, you IDIOT!" moment this weekend that only my fellow LHCers can understand. So here comes my own little pity party! :cry:

In the midst of a very fun celebration before the start of my second term of grad school, I did a less-than-sober cartwheel in the grass outside my friend's place and my only hair comb, one of my FAVORITE hair toys, slipped out of my hair and was lost in the dark. About six people plus me searched the pitch-black grass for about 10 minutes and STILL couldn't find it. Had I not been in such mixed company, I probably would have been obsessive and stayed as long as it took to rediscover it. But it was late and we were hungry and drunk, so I gave up. :doh:

WHY OH WHY did I pick up the 'Flash of Light' hair comb (thank you Peggy E.) for the first time in two months to wear to this party? WHY OH WHY did I put it in my wet hair, loosely twirled, instead of a secure bun? WHY OH WHY did I do a cartwheel, not once but twice, without thinking that it might fall out? WHY OH WHY didn't I worry less about looking weird and obsessive and more about finding my treasure? RARRGHHHH!!

The worst part is, this was my first time visiting my friend's new place in a new part of town for me so I have NO idea where I lost the comb. Otherwise I would probably drive back to the area and search the grass and sidewalks until I found it again. It wasn't even worth much money, I got it off the swap board for like $5, but I LOVED it and it's gone! :wail: I've posted in the lost and found on our local craigslist but most likely whoever finds it will have no idea what it is and probably keep it as a pretty shiny thing to look at (it's gold with lots of blue crystals) or else hawk it to a pawn shop. :(

Please tell me I'm not the only one to lose some precious hair toy in such a stupid manner?

August 26th, 2008, 08:47 AM
Aww! Gutted!

Is there no way you can retrace your steps that night to try to find it?

I've never done this with a hairtoy, but I did something similar with a necklace. It only cost £2.50, but to get another one I'd have to go back to Ireland :( If I ever go again I'll get about 20 of them so even if I keep losing them I'll still have plenty.

August 26th, 2008, 02:38 PM
Lol, thanks HalcyonDays. Unfortunately, I don't think there's any good way for me to pick up our trail that night, and I was probably in the best shape to do it! And sorry to hear about your necklace, it really is sad when you lose something you can't replace! :(

August 26th, 2008, 03:35 PM
I'm sorry about your comb! That is a sad story. :(

August 26th, 2008, 05:56 PM
I'm so sorry you lost your toy. I've had one break, but not lost them...yet. I did lose my high school class ring and a silver celtic knotwork ring that I wore every day when I was home on break from college during my sophomore year. I am still not happy about it to this day, even though I was able to replace the silver one, and a class ring isn't the most expensive thing in the world either, I still wish I could get them both back, and even stupider in that I'm probably the one who threw them away by accident. I hope you can find it again, or a similar one for cheap to replace it. I will bet that you never do anything risky with a hairtoy again though--I've yet to lose another ring since :)

August 27th, 2008, 08:08 AM
Have you thought about checking out the local pawn shops?

I dont know if something like that would be accepted, but its worth a try.

I'm sorry you lost your toy.

On a totally unrelated note (well sort of), it is said that when you lose a chrystal, to not consider it lost. It seems that some people believe that it has worked its magick with the original owner and is now going to bless a new owner. Its kind of a neat prospective. Maybe your comb is gracing someone elses life for the better?

August 27th, 2008, 01:49 PM
Oh, what a sad story! :( I'm sorry you lost your beloved treasure....

But it's nice to think of it as fae has suggested: maybe the comb is now nestled in the pocket of some little kid who thinks it's a magic talisman.... Plus, the fact that you lost it in such joyous circumstances must mean it's adding to the positive karma of the universe. :karma:

Sappy, I know, but losing things is so primal, such a profoundly unsettling experience.... :flower:

August 27th, 2008, 04:28 PM
Hehe, that's a nice perspective, but I don't know if I can quite raise myself up to that level of spiritual awareness yet!! I'm still mourning for my comb, I'll try though. ;)

On another note, thanks for the suggestion fae. I actually have thought about checking out one place in particular where I know I've seen decorative hair combs for sale. If I've seen them, perhaps other people have noticed too and would think to try and sell mine if they found it. Even if I just call them up to say, "hey, I lost something that looks like this, please let me know if someone comes in to sell it," do you think that would help? The trouble is, would the shop owners have the authority/foresight to take it from the person who found it or even just tell me who they were? :shrug: I suppose it's worth a try, I really miss my treasure!

August 27th, 2008, 04:37 PM
I'm sorry you lost your hair comb :( When I drank I used to always lose things. It would either be from hiding it...(i would hide things when I got sloshed and not remember doing it when I woke up) or losing it. Anyhow, I hope you find it, and if that is not the case, then I hope that it finds its way to someone who appreciates it just as you did asfae said

August 27th, 2008, 04:48 PM
(i would hide things when I got sloshed and not remember doing it when I woke up)

Lol JessTheMess! What a fun party quirk you had. ;)

August 27th, 2008, 05:11 PM
Well, I would think that they would probably buy or trade the comb. And then contact you to let you know they have it. You will most likely have to buy it back.

Since its not stolen item I don't think the pawn shop would disclose who they got the comb from.

But you would have it back, so I don't think it would matter if you knew or not.