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March 17th, 2008, 08:44 PM
Hello, I'm Rae.

I have a question.
I'm kinda new to doing good things to my hair (1 year) so I don't know if there are things I can do to my hair that i can't do to others.
I'm sure there is a few but I want to know for sure because
I have a friend with red hair, so red I'm afraid to use anything that I use on it.:confused: And she wants me to come over to her house next week and show her how to take care of her hair the way I do.

Can anyone tell me what not to use on red hair? I really do not want to hurt her hair!!:(

March 17th, 2008, 08:54 PM
My sister had red, and my natural color is blond. We always shared a hair brush, combs, shampoo and conditioner, and hair toys growing up. I don't see the problem with what you do to your hair and what you could do to hers--not unless you're talking about dyeing hair or something. Otherwise, it's all good. :)

March 17th, 2008, 09:19 PM
I wouldn't suggest using honey on her hair as it might lighten it. Otherwise, not knowing what you do with your hair makes it difficult to answer this. Just remember that some things might work for you but not for her because everyone's hair is different, even if they have the same type of hair. Perhaps you could direct her to this forum? ;)

March 17th, 2008, 09:49 PM
While her hair may be a different type than yours, you generally do not have to treat colors differently. I have red hair and there's nothing i can think of besides lightening agents that I can't use because of my color. If you can give us an idea of what you were planning it might help.

March 17th, 2008, 10:06 PM
Is her hair dyed, or is it naturally red? Red hair dye fades quickly, so if her hair is dyed, you should probably avoid any products that might make the color fade more quickly (like clarifying shampoo or baking soda). But if her hair is naturally red, any of the products you're using should be fine for her hair (Well, assuming that her hair likes the product, that is. Some people just don't like oils/cones/protein/etc).

March 18th, 2008, 12:19 PM
Thank you all very much for your help!
I guess you wanted more info.
I make shampoo and rinses for my hair. ( vinegars, Rose merry, chamomile, oils, sage, lots of herbs.) So I just didn't know if they would lighten or darken it or worse. She is a natural red head btw.
I know things that my hair hates, so I'm just freaked out about it.
And I think I will give her a link to this site! I've learned a lot from you all.
Thank you all again!!!

March 18th, 2008, 12:27 PM
Thank you all very much for your help!
I guess you wanted more info.
I make shampoo and rinses for my hair. ( vinegars, Rose merry, chamomile, oils, sage, lots of herbs.) So I just didn't know if they would lighten or darken it or worse. She is a natural red head btw.
I know things that my hair hates, so I'm just freaked out about it.
And I think I will give her a link to this site! I've learned a lot from you all.
Thank you all again!!!:)

March 18th, 2008, 12:37 PM
I have auburn hair naturally, and I don't worry about things hurting my hair that wouldn't affect other colors. You might want to avoid using honey without heating it first, so you don't lighten her hair, or rinsing with something like coffee to darken it, but you probably already know a lot of this and aren't likely to do anything that'll alter the color.

You might want to consider that her skin may be sensitive to many chemicals. It seems that people with very pale skin are disproportionately sensitive to additives, though I'm sure there are zillions of folks with darker skin who are also sensitive to chemicals, and a fair number of fair folks who can slather harsh things on without noticing.

Feisty Redhead
March 18th, 2008, 12:47 PM
I'm a natural redhead, and I don't have problems using things others use. I just don't use anything that might mess with my color - I DO use honey though, and I have not noticed any changes in my color from it. Maybe because my hair is strawberry blonde, so it's already light anyway. It's all individual; she'd probably benefit from coming here and poking around through all the information herself. Just give her some basics and don't use anything that could affect her color. :)