View Full Version : Is it strange to be excited to go grey?

January 23rd, 2013, 08:10 AM
After many years of colouring my hair I'm now six months without colour and have found quite a lot of greys, actually pure white and smooth, they are all in one area, to one side of my parting from the top to the temples, looks like I'm going to get a streak of white hair in my dark brown.

i am, surprisingly, really excited by this development, although I'm only approaching 35, I'm loving the idea of a white steak, maybe I've watched 101 Dalmatians too often.

was anyone else happy with their grey hair starting?

January 23rd, 2013, 08:17 AM
Well if it is, I'm strange right along with you!

I used to hate my greys, and pull them out when I found them, but since starting to henna, I'm willing them to grow faster so Ican have super bright ginger locks! I have the beginnings of 2 streaks, one just behind my left ear, and the other to the back of my head, but I have plenty of odd sparklies all over too, which really flame bright when henna-ed :)

January 23rd, 2013, 08:21 AM
I'm strage like that too then! My gran started going grey when she was 18 and when I reached my 18th year and didn't go grey I was rather disappointed! Still have some time to grey though! ;-)

January 23rd, 2013, 08:27 AM
I read from somewhere that women generally start greying at the age of 35 but some start really early. :) Women just dye their hair so much that you rarely see grey hair on relatively young people.

I am only 24 but I am eagerly waiting for the first greys to show up. I am growing out my narural colour so the graying will be easier. I would be very excited if I noticed some silver hairs when my non-dyed roots grow longer.

January 23rd, 2013, 08:35 AM
I read from somewhere that women generally start greying at the age of 35 but some start really early. :) Women just dye their hair so much that you rarely see grey hair on relatively young people.

Well, I'm not sure about this "generally"; for example in my family, women have usually just started greying in their early 60's... I've read it also depends on your ethnic background, but even that doesn't seem to apply to everyone (as I think it's Asian women that are supposed to be the last ones to start greying, but we're not Asian :)).

January 23rd, 2013, 08:51 AM
I read from somewhere that women generally start greying at the age of 35.

Sounds about right! I'm gonna be 35 in a couple months and I went from having a couple of strays to suddenly have a lot of greys around my hairline. I blame it on my mother-in-law moving in with us!

January 23rd, 2013, 08:52 AM
Well, I'm not sure about this "generally"; for example in my family, women have usually just started greying in their early 60's... I've read it also depends on your ethnic background, but even that doesn't seem to apply to everyone (as I think it's Asian women that are supposed to be the last ones to start greying, but we're not Asian :)).

This is the same for my family as well. My sister is 50 this year and she doesn't have any grey. My mom didn't really have any noticeable until she was in her late 50s.

I wish I would go grey/white. Because I have super light blonde hair, I won't see the transition all that much which makes me sad.

January 23rd, 2013, 09:04 AM
Nowhere near going grey yet but yes, I'm excited about the silvers and lovely white hairs. :)

January 23rd, 2013, 09:20 AM
I've seen some shades of gray that would be strange to welcome, but I really like my combination of silver and pure white, although I really kind of hate my pure white hairs - not because of the color but because they're so coarse and wirey, plus they don't have any sort of a wave or curl pattern. They look like they were wadded up and then someone tried to straighten them out. Bleh! But dyeing them wouldn't change that.

January 23rd, 2013, 11:52 AM
Lucky you!! I'll be 48 this year and have 3 silvers :( . My sister, 6 years younger, hates them, has a bunch, colors them or plucks them out (the horror!).

January 23rd, 2013, 12:26 PM
YAY I'm not a freak! Glad to know you all like the greys.

January 23rd, 2013, 12:43 PM
I've had small amount of grey/white hairs since I was in my 20's. But now (at the age of 35!) I am seeing much more grey and white hairs all around my hairline and beyond. It's funny, because I have two younger brothers...one who has been solid grey since age 18 and the other is salt and pepper and has been since he was 25. I'm the only female, and the oldest...but have much less grey than either of them. Weird. I actually like the grey and white. I want to be one of those long haired old women whose hair is totally white or silver. Considering my Aunts and my Mother, I think the color will happen eventually.

January 23rd, 2013, 12:50 PM
Me! Me! I got excited too!

The same thing happened to me. I am 44. I have been coloring since I was about 18 (just out of boredom and wanting a new color every few months). A few months ago I made the decision to not color any more. I was looking at the new roots in the mirror one day and spotted a few pure white and a few silvers throughout my hair. It made me happy for some weird reason! Glad that I am not the only one who felt this way.

Luckily I decided to grow out my natural color now before it starts getting too gray and the line of demarcation would be more stark. Right now, my new growth blends perfectly with my previous color, even with the few silver/whites! YAY!

January 23rd, 2013, 01:00 PM
My younger sister started going gray when she was 20. Just a few hairs. I just started having a couple. My mother has the most beautiful shade of silver hair. Or shades, I should say. There's so much depth to her color, and since I have her coloring, I'm pretty excited about what I have to look forward to! Both my sister and I intend on accepting the gray and rocking it. I may use cassia to help the transition for a while until more of it comes in.

January 23rd, 2013, 01:00 PM
I wouldn't mind having hair like my dad's! He has lovely thick, soft silvery white hair that was down to his shoulders up until the past couple of years. A lot of times gray hair can be coarse/wiry, but his is so manageable. I'm kind of envious, can you tell? :p I'm 25, so I don't think I'll go silver/white any time soon.

January 23rd, 2013, 01:04 PM
I want silvery white hair so I can't wait!

looks like I'll have to wait though

January 23rd, 2013, 01:44 PM
My mom said she was very excitedwhen she got her first greys....I don't think I will be haha

January 23rd, 2013, 02:12 PM
I cherish every one of my grey hairs. As far as I can find, there are only a few, and those seem to be clustered in the area between my part and my left temple. Oh, I hope I get a streak! Those little silvery wisps are the only thing keeping me from using henna right now, though I may break down and try a weak henna gloss and just hope they're as resistant to color as everyone says. If not, the damage will be done and I can do full-strength henna applications guilt-free.

As far as age goes, it can vary a lot even within families. My aunt and her daughter were both 90% grey by age 22. My mom is 50 and is still only at about 40%, and her other sister is 72 and around 80%. I honestly have no idea what to expect. My hair could decide to turn all at once, or it could be another 30 years before I get the salt-and-pepper look.

January 23rd, 2013, 03:07 PM
Up until about 7 or 8 years ago, I colored my hair to hide the grey. Then I decided I was sick of coloring my hair, especially since I lost so much hair every time I did. Now I'm salt and pepper about 50/50, no more dye. I'm proud of my grey hair. I think it makes a statement that I'm not ashamed of my age and that women can be beautiful at any age.

January 26th, 2013, 09:20 AM
I love my greys, they give me natural highlights. I got my first one in my last 20's but my daughter who has much darker hair than mine got her first one aged 4! She is 19 now , her greys have never increased other than her streak but she dyes anyway!

Mine is also a white streak mainly to my right hand side, but i am noticing a few sprinkling on the top of my hair now! I kinda lime them!