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January 22nd, 2013, 11:48 AM
Oh boy. You're not gonna see this one coming.:doh:

So, there I was yesterday, thinking little PinkyCat thoughts about the universe and all great things, when an idea came: when you trim hair, the blunt ends make the hair appear thicker - well, logically this would apply to ALL hair...right? RIGHT!! :graduate:

And suddenly, there I was, sitting at my vanity mirror, snipping away at my....

So now, here I am, with lovely, blunt, scrub-brush eyelashes....
Boy do I hope they grow back by Valentine's Day, aka, my wedding day.
I really need an emergency "Abort Impulse" button - sheesh.

January 22nd, 2013, 11:50 AM
I have done this...... I think that just makes the two of us :/ Funny thing is, it makes your eyes sore and you realise what your lashes are for in the firstplace...

January 22nd, 2013, 11:53 AM
Oh! Is that why my eyes are burning today?? DERP

January 22nd, 2013, 12:00 PM
Haha.. congrats on your upcoming wedding!

January 22nd, 2013, 12:26 PM
hahaha! Thanks for sharing. I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that stuff! --Maybe a little castor oil on the lashes at bedtime? Wash off in the morning before you do your makeup? I hope they grow back quick! :)

January 22nd, 2013, 12:29 PM
I second the castor oil, but do not by the one that is super cheap in drugstores, look for an organic cold pressed one. You will be SHOCKED with the results in just a couple of weeks. Longer, thicker, and darker lashes just from rubbing a small drop into them at bedtime.

January 22nd, 2013, 12:57 PM
I second the castor oil, but do not by the one that is super cheap in drugstores, look for an organic cold pressed one. You will be SHOCKED with the results in just a couple of weeks. Longer, thicker, and darker lashes just from rubbing a small drop into them at bedtime.

Reeeheeely? Well I will certainly look into that - and toss out my 3 year old bottle of cheap stuff!

chen bao jun
January 22nd, 2013, 01:05 PM
If they don't grow back, there are always the false ones. I've seen people wearing the kind you put in lash by lash--you'd never know they were fakies if carefully done.
I've had my dopey impulses, too.

January 22nd, 2013, 01:20 PM
People do get eyelash extensions, too. I think they last for a month or so and then start to shed. They'd probably last until your real lashes were back to normal, at least!

January 22nd, 2013, 01:50 PM
People do get eyelash extensions, too. I think they last for a month or so and then start to shed. They'd probably last until your real lashes were back to normal, at least!

I've seen girls come into the nail salon I go to to get these. I wonder what they feel like on. I've tried to do the strip ones from Sally's - I looked like, like, I don't even know what. But it was ridiculous to the point that I didn't even want my cats to see my idiocy.

January 22nd, 2013, 01:52 PM
OMG; people actually snip off their own eyelashes?!

January 22nd, 2013, 01:55 PM
OMG; people actually snip off their own eyelashes?!

Um. No. Just me. And Woolyleprechaun. :)

January 22nd, 2013, 02:03 PM
I cut off my eyelashes on one eye by mistake while trimming my fringe a few years ago...I swear I still have shorter eyelashes on that eye!

January 22nd, 2013, 02:14 PM
Haha, aw. :) How much did you cut off?
If they grow at the same as eyebrows they'll be back before you know it. :)

January 22nd, 2013, 02:49 PM
Oh no! I hope they grow back in time for your wedding.
If not, Urban Decay makes really nice false lashes.

January 22nd, 2013, 02:57 PM
Oh boy. You're not gonna see this one coming.:doh:

So, there I was yesterday, thinking little PinkyCat thoughts about the universe and all great things, when an idea came: when you trim hair, the blunt ends make the hair appear thicker - well, logically this would apply to ALL hair...right? RIGHT!! :graduate:

And suddenly, there I was, sitting at my vanity mirror, snipping away at my....

So now, here I am, with lovely, blunt, scrub-brush eyelashes....
Boy do I hope they grow back by Valentine's Day, aka, my wedding day.
I really need an emergency "Abort Impulse" button - sheesh.

It could always be worse. I had slightly air-headed college roommate that on an impulse one day decided that she didn't like her forehead and tried to SHAVE OFF HER BANGS. Talk about dumb looking! She was super upset after she did it, so I cut a heavier layer of bangs over the bald strip to try to hide it. Her bangs were STILL weird looking when she got married later that year! How could someone smart enough to get decent SAT scores do something THAT stupid? LOL

January 22nd, 2013, 03:05 PM
You know, I think I vaguely remember doing the same thing when I was about 14 or 15 years old. Was a disaster! LOL. I'm sorry you are going through it, and can get them to grow back soon!

January 22nd, 2013, 03:29 PM
I remember reading that in a women's magazine once. I tried it, but only the very tips. It did make them look thicker, but they grow back within 2 or so weeks so it wasn't worth doing.

I hope yours grow back quickly!

January 22nd, 2013, 03:43 PM
I tried to trim my eyebrows once with big scissors and ended up cutting off my eyebrows. THAT was bad! I had no fringe at the time either...argh!

Wildcat Diva
January 22nd, 2013, 03:46 PM
I second the castor oil, but do not by the one that is super cheap in drugstores, look for an organic cold pressed one. You will be SHOCKED with the results in just a couple of weeks. Longer, thicker, and darker lashes just from rubbing a small drop into them at bedtime.

Reeeheeely? Well I will certainly look into that - and toss out my 3 year old bottle of cheap stuff!

So that's where I've been going at it wrong. Me too!

January 22nd, 2013, 07:42 PM
LOL WHAT? Why would you even think to do that?

January 22nd, 2013, 09:02 PM
I second the castor oil, but do not by the one that is super cheap in drugstores, look for an organic cold pressed one. You will be SHOCKED with the results in just a couple of weeks. Longer, thicker, and darker lashes just from rubbing a small drop into them at bedtime.

Hmmmm, really? Where to buy, at a health food store or GNC?

I remember reading that in a women's magazine once. I tried it, but only the very tips. It did make them look thicker, but they grow back within 2 or so weeks so it wasn't worth doing.

I hope yours grow back quickly!

Well, if eyelashes are in the same realm as head hair, they have a short terminal length and won't just grow longer, they would have to shed out and completely grow back. I would say that could take a year or more, depending on the one resting phase. But then, I am not sure eyelash hair science is exactly like head hair, because...if you trim your arm hair for example (which I have done on numerous occasions), it does just grow back, but never gets past a certain length. Which is REALLY interesting, when you think how HEAD hair grows, and this whole "trimming does/doesn't make hair grow" thing...hmmm...

Kayla Nyx
January 22nd, 2013, 09:07 PM
oh no! hope they grow back soon. Congrats on your upcoming wedding!

January 22nd, 2013, 10:44 PM
The father of my child trims his eyebrows with his beard trimmer to keep them from looking like caterpillars attacking his forehead.

One time he forgot to double-check the setting on the trimmer first, and bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz went the first eyebrow! :blueeek: It wasn't *completely* shaved off, but darn close to it, just the next setting up from shaving! Well, then he had to do the other eyebrow, so they matched... eyebrows look REALLY strange if they don't match each other.

This was over a decade ago, and I'm still giggling over it as I sit here and type this up! :lol:

January 22nd, 2013, 11:04 PM
Awww if it makes you feel any better i once had a friend who decided to tweeze her own eyebrows for the first time. Well she got a bit too honed in and she ended up tweezing herself into a doberman look! What a way to start highschool poor thing.

January 22nd, 2013, 11:27 PM
I definitely need an abort impulse button! Luckily this might be a quick fix (with castor oil or falsies) but for actual head hair this would have been a very different kind of sad!

January 23rd, 2013, 12:05 AM
I once did this... on accident. I didn't realize the cushion had fallen out of my eyelash curler. :rolleyes:

I bought some flares false lashes and put those on while my lashes grew back. It was a few months of akwardness but it all came back to normal eventually. A good way to masque the issue if they're not extremely short (I suffered that too two years ago by singing them. Woops!) is to use lengthening mascara and a really good ashy black brow pencil if you don't want to mess around with flares. Line the eyes as usual, *smudge* the brow pencil slightly. If you can stand the sensation, tight line instead. Line eyes like usual, use the lengthening mascara (the one with the white primer is best) and continue as usual.

It works!

ETA: if you wiggle the mascara wand and blink at the same time, you get the tippy tips of your lashes tinted as well, giving you a fuller, thicker effect without...erm.. um... trimming. ^.- And you're talking to the gal who once shaved off her arches on accident (i thought the shaver didn't work and I was sitting in the toilet. aaah.. to be seven again.), cut off her lashes due to a bum curler and singed a fringe, brows AND lashes off in a freak bbq accident.

It comes back. :D

January 23rd, 2013, 12:36 AM
First, I heart you, Pinky. You are just :lol: I got a little enthusiastic with the eyelash curler once and cut off my eyelashes on one eye. It was akward, but I was back to normal within a month. And here's a funny about eyelash curlers: when my mom was a teen she was playing around and laying on her bed while curling her lashes. Before she could get to the second eye, she fell asleep with it like that. The next day she could not get them even, and walked around with one set of lashes sticking straight out and the other pointing to the sky!

January 23rd, 2013, 05:08 AM
Some of this stuff is hilarious! LOL

January 23rd, 2013, 05:21 AM
Um. No. Just me. And Woolyleprechaun. :)

*Stands up to share the shame*
Congrats of the upcomming wedding! I hope that castor oil helps the regrowth. My lashes grew back pretty quickly, and did seem a little thicker.... Not that Im reccomending it or anything :D

chen bao jun
January 24th, 2013, 08:12 PM
You'd be surprised what people do just before their wedding. For some reason, even when you want to get married desperately, the fact that you are actually doing it makes you tense--and impulsive.
this will be a funny story to tell the children in later years. No real harm done LOL