View Full Version : Horrible nape of neck tangles- what are your solutions?

Of the Fae
January 10th, 2013, 01:36 PM
Those with a lot of hairs probably all know this: Your wear your hair down for one hour and before you know it you have a little fuzzy nasty tangle sitting in your neck, being nasty, vile and hard to remove.
Especially painful when it has decided to attach itself a bit higher up and suck in some hair from behind the ears as well.
My hair tangles very easily, because it is relatively fine, but a big mass.
How do you deal with this? I use a tangleteezer but even with that it takes half an hour to remove the tangles. Wearing it up is a solution sometimes, but I even get it with buns...
It's very damaging altogether, causing splits and breakage. In some cases I use tons of conditioner to remove them but washing that often would not be good.
Who's familiar with mean nasty tangles and what are your ways of getting rid of them?
Tell me, and I will send you gratitude, and a wish for many pieces of cheese in your future :cheese::cheese::cheese:

January 10th, 2013, 01:58 PM
:) Please wish me a delicious block of quality Brie!

I've always had tangles but they have been a lot better since I've been oiling much more frequently. Also, mineral oil lightly applied to where the tangles usually form after showering help.

In addition, while showering I make sure I detangle delicately with a lot of conditioner. In the past I've had serious nape tangles that were never fully detangled and over time they started to dread!!!

Good luck to you.

January 10th, 2013, 02:01 PM
Light Apple Cider Vinegar rinses and a little baby oil in wet hair may help. I also think that my hair tends to tangle more when it needs to be clarified.

January 10th, 2013, 02:02 PM
I had neck tangles until I started actually putting conditioner on the underside of my hair.

January 10th, 2013, 02:27 PM
Mine does that too I find a little baby oil helps.

January 10th, 2013, 02:36 PM
My hair tangles very easily, because it is relatively fine, but a big mass.
How do you deal with this? I use a tangleteezer but even with that it takes half an hour to remove the tangles. Wearing it up is a solution sometimes, but I even get it with buns...
It's very damaging altogether, causing splits and breakage. In some cases I use tons of conditioner to remove them but washing that often would not be good.
Who's familiar with mean nasty tangles and what are your ways of getting rid of them?

When I have tangles, they are in the nape area and down the length of the hair. Tiny little knots all over. Nice. :( Not. The key is to get them out using your fingers, gradually, even over the course of a few days, and using the Tangle Teezer (which doesn't hurt when someone else does it). I *love* that Tangle Teezer!

January 10th, 2013, 03:42 PM
Funny, this happens to me far more when my hair is UP than when down.

If it's a hair down issue, and only at the nape, I bet you could oil up your nape with baby oil/mineral oil and then cover it with your canopy, so no one sees the over-oiled underside. Though I don't know your hair type, and I think this may not work as well with thin hair.

January 10th, 2013, 04:42 PM
You might want to invest in a few bobby pins to confine those short nape hairs. Wearing your hair up does help. If the tangles just don't seem to be budging, try dampening the hair, then putting a drop or two of mineral oil through the offending tangles..and work them out with your fingers (much better than using a tool).

January 10th, 2013, 04:58 PM
I have fine, thin hair. For me using coconut oil before shampoo/conditioning helps a good deal, but mineral oil or some kind of coney serum is what stops it from happening altogether.

January 10th, 2013, 05:58 PM
I am also on the mineral oil/ coney serum on the nap tangle bandwagon here. Works well for me.

Of the Fae
January 11th, 2013, 01:56 AM
Thanks you guys :) Clarifying I hadn't tried yet, maybe that's a good solution, and super-oiling the underside may work too :)
Cheese wishes for all! (And quality Brie for Cocoa_Crema)

January 11th, 2013, 05:00 AM
Well, I have two curls in my nape that tangle like mad and never grow very long, probably because the hair can't deal with all the tangles and gets so worn. I just started snipping them off, problem solved. ;) They were always a bother anyways, sticking out of updos and what not. So now I just trim them back when I notice them growing long again. :)