View Full Version : Scalp massager/shampoo brush

January 9th, 2013, 08:18 PM
I recently bought a silicone scalp massage brush (like this one http://www.amazon.com/Conair-Babyliss-Scalp-Massage-Brush/dp/B003IQ1N4A/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_t) because I wanted to try water only hair care again, and needed something to help me keep and itchy scalp at bay. I use it every other day (with oil before a wash, without between washes) and it seems to help.

Has anyone else tried this kind of product before? Is there a risk of hair damage using it? Does anyone use it and love it?

February 8th, 2013, 01:51 PM
Let me answer my own questions.

I've been using this for about a month now. It definitely doesn't cause damage and its easy to use. The prongs are seamless and firm. I actually follow a NW/SO program and need to massage my scalp daily to increase sebum production in my dry scalp. I'm able to massage my scalp longer with this than I am with my fingers or with a comb, so that works for me. I like it.

February 8th, 2013, 02:22 PM
Great that it worked for you :) And i'm sorry nobody answered your questions :( I don't have any experience with a brush like that (and with Wo/Nw/So)

February 8th, 2013, 02:26 PM
It looks great. I've never used one like that I use a tangle teaser as a shampoo massage brush. I do love that.

February 8th, 2013, 02:46 PM
MegaMystery I figured nobody answered because it wasn't something people had used :D that's why I thought I'd share my experience, in case anyone was curious.

jacqueline the tangle teaser looks similar in a lot of ways, so no surprise you use it as a massage brush and love it :cool:

February 8th, 2013, 02:55 PM
ooh this looks like it would feel nice on scalp-bet it works for those of us who are using dry shampoo & trying to lengthen time between shampoos too! smart buy