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January 3rd, 2013, 06:03 PM
OK, So (1) I dont wanna color hair anymore. But My hair is being so tangly from bleach hair, faded in color and its the underside....I know when I have colored the top that was showing it's bleach that the hair became more manageble. So do I just bite the bullet and color the under stuff with a semi closet to my natural or ??? My routine is CO every wash then the 3rd time I shampoo and cond. I do oil too which help but it's just being so grrr I cant run my fingers through my hair w/o a huge knot or lots of hair breaking and coming out.. I also have 2 inches of roots on top and about 4-5 inches underneath of all virgin..woohooo. P>S. I would only color the faded knotted stuff. overall length is 33.5 it's growing :happydance:

January 3rd, 2013, 09:48 PM
I'm sorry, but I'm not quite sure what you are asking... Did you bleach/dye the underside of your hair, and now it's fading and giving you trouble?

January 3rd, 2013, 10:14 PM
Why dont you get some aubrey organics hair dye or logona natural hair glaze? should fill up the rough cuticle and help with manageability, plus you could always just apply it to previously dyed hair and leave the virgin alone. wouldn't even be a noticeable fade with a hair glaze :)

if you want an exact match, try out redken shades eq colour glosses.

in terms of length and health, it's wiser to use semi over the old bleached hair than dye the bleached hair and virgin all one colour.

January 4th, 2013, 12:40 AM
Just cover it in henna then grow it all out. Henna strengthens (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=77246). Make sure you're using BAQ henna (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=45) otherwise your hair may melt off. Chemical salts combined with bleach or peroxide will end up in burnt or melted hair, so get the pure stuff and it will be the best thing that ever happened to your hair.
Good luck!

January 4th, 2013, 01:40 AM
I vote henna. Its what I did! The problem I encountered when trying to blend in the bleach and virgin was that I could not get a decent natural coulour match. In the end, I thought I may as well be a henna head, and I loved it. It will help with the condition, too.

January 4th, 2013, 04:26 AM
henna and indigo the way to go! sounds like your hair needs some TLC not more chemicals!

January 4th, 2013, 06:03 AM
Henna like any other colour won't grip on chemically damaged hair as well
As on virgin or less damaged.
You need to reconstruct your bleached hair with protein.
Not a normal protein conditioner but a special treatment.
For me, I was in the same situation as you, Grund Tiger reconstructor
And Grund Tiger Masque is the best.
You can do that in the beginning once a week. Follow the reconstructor with
A moisture treatment and coconut oil.
Use the Tiger Masque in between.
It repaired my severely bleach damaged hair to almost virgin over
Once the cracks in your hair are filled with protein like after 2 treatments
Then I would do colour or henna. It will take more even.
This protein treatment is a hardcore like apogee 2 step but much
More convenient.
So, in order to get an even colour you need hair without cracks from
Bleach. This is the way to achieve that. Hope that helped.
It will help with the tangles and breakage big time

January 4th, 2013, 06:09 AM
Oh and to add to that, henna repairs but very supple. It won't help with severe damage like that.
Henna binds to keratin, so where the cracks are is no keratin therefore can't grip.
It helps with shine and strength once you loads your hair with protein

January 4th, 2013, 06:54 AM
In terms of protein, its best if you try the stretch-test first. My hair becomes more unmanagable when I add protein, but then I have never bleached it. If you take a small section of a single hair (say a couple of inches) and pull gently and slowly, you can see how much it stretches. If it's super stretchy, then it probably does need protein. If it barely stretches at all, and snaps quickly (like mine does) I would advise staying away from it, because if you hair is anything like mine, it will probably just make it worse, so moisturise instead.
If you do do a protein treatment, remember to do a moisture treatment afterward. An SMT would probably do nicely.

I'm another advocate of using henna. The difference it made to the condition and managability of my hair was massive. alyaziaaah is right that henna binds to keratin, but hair, no matter how damaged by dyes, heat and bleach, always contains keratin, (as hair is made up of keratin, dead cells, and a small amount of water, the hair would merely disintegrate without keratin in it), so henna could still make some difference to the managability of your hair, even if not quite as well as on virgin hair.

I agree, your hair needs care, not more chemicals and the damage that comes with them. The worse the damage gets, the less managable your hair will be.

I hope you manage to figure out the best thing to do for your hair :)

January 4th, 2013, 08:57 AM
Henna will help a bit... It surely helped me and my hair. If you don't mind to have different colours in your hair, at least

January 4th, 2013, 09:19 AM
I agree with Alyaziaaah, a protein treatment may be the best option. TweetyLongHair, I didn't understand your post very well, but if you don't want to color, then don't. You have a lot of other options :)

January 4th, 2013, 10:30 AM
If it's a matter of dealing with temporary color issues, meaning you plan to grow it out your natural shade after doing various color treatments (I am dealing with this currently!) I would recommend using a temporary color like Jazzing after doing some protein treatments. Henna, or henna and indigo, could give you a whole new set of problems, meaning, unless your natural shade is red, well you'll have roots to deal with, and also henna, either by itself or especially mixed with indigo, can "take" to colored hair in very different and unpredictable ways. It might stick to your natural roots in very, very different ways than it will to the colored length.

January 4th, 2013, 10:36 AM
Thank you all so much, sadly I dont want to mess with henna at all. I don't know anything about it but my ultimate goal is not coloring anymore.. (my fault for not mentioning it earlier) I just wanted to see if there is a way to deal with this daily mess I have of damaged hair. I was thinking since the top handled the semi, and isnt knotty.. that would be a way to go. Not touching the virgin of course....I am ok with the 2 or 3 tone hair I have. thanks I love LHC so much.

January 4th, 2013, 10:53 AM
If you don't want to colour, I'd say protein and/or moisturize as required. Then maybe consider cassia? It has many of the same effects as henna, without the colour. There are many threads here where you can read about it or check out the henna sooq site or mehandi.com for more info.