View Full Version : A 2013 Hair Experiment.

January 1st, 2013, 09:10 PM
Today, while washing out a deep oiling, I had a thought. What if I can reach knee length by the end of this year??

The thought continued, and I had to make it a goal. I mean it is worth a try, right??

I am about two inches past FTL just now, and have decided to see if a few small additions to my routine can get me there by New Year's Day 2014.

I plan to do 3 times weekly scalp massages, as the only major change to my routine. I almost never do them. I rarely trim, and when I do, it is by the moon. I wash about once per week with sulfate free shampoos or egg washes, and I use vinegar rinses, and as needed oiling, to keep my hair happy and tame. I braid, or bun, for bed. Also, already have a satin pillow case I've been using all along.

So, what I plan to do is update this thread monthly, with my progress, and a PIC, to chart my growth this year. Let's see if, just maybe, I can make it to knee. I estimate this will require 10 inches of growth by the end of the year(I'll measure tomorrow), and I propose to see if just the added scalp massages can get me there.

Would anyone like to join me in trying to reach a specific goal this year?? Please also feel free to just watch, and lend support also! :D

January 1st, 2013, 09:15 PM
Sounds lovely I hope you make it.

January 1st, 2013, 09:31 PM
Well, I'll certainly be watching and cheering you on throughout the year! I know I'll reach BSL in June/July this year, but man, wouldn't I LOVE to have waist length hair by new years day 2014.... I already do scalp massages regularly, but I'd be willing make a commitment to working out 3x a week to see if that, as the only change, improves my hair growth! I wash every 3-5 days (as my scalp gets itchy), scalp massage 1-2x daily already, so I'm going to see if regular exercise will stimulate hair growth for me at all as my only change. :D

Will you be using anything on your scalp during your massages?

January 1st, 2013, 11:44 PM
I get 9 inches a year sometimes, so I think it's possible.

January 2nd, 2013, 12:38 AM
Wow, I'm envious of your (potential) 10 inches, Calaelen, and your 9 inches, spirals. My hair seems stuck at 6 inches a year maximum. Good luck with your goal! I'll be keeping an eye out for your progress pictures. :)

January 2nd, 2013, 01:10 AM
Good luck on your journey to knee length! :flower:

I've been thinking about growing to knee in the last couple of days too. I need about 5 inches to reach it. I'm not planning to do anything special, though, just do more S&D, trim less and keep taking hair vitamins. My hair grows ca. 6" a year so it's possible to reach it but I love trimming my hair so it's not likely I'll be able to resist the urge to trim monthly. :hmm:

January 2nd, 2013, 01:37 AM
That sounds amazing! I cant imagine me ever seeing that much growth, I wish you luck (and promise not to get jealous ;))

January 2nd, 2013, 01:39 AM
I shall join thee with the extra messaging. I've been meaning to and failing. Really, the only time my scalp gets massaged is when it gets washed... but it feels oh-so-good I should do it more often.

January 2nd, 2013, 04:59 AM
Good luck!
pictures are a must!

January 2nd, 2013, 07:59 AM
Calaelen, I could never hope to get 10" in a year, but that is what I have left until knee as well and I am not at FTL yet. You must be tall!

I need to add the scalp massages. My head really benefits from them. I generally do one before each wash, which is about twice a week but sometimes I forget. It really helps my scalp condition (bumps, dermatitis) which cold weather seems to aggravate. I usually do one IN the shower as I wash as well but I find it better to pre-loosen the sebum/gunk with a massage just before I get in.

January 2nd, 2013, 08:35 AM
May I suggest a luxurious visualization/affirmation during the massage?
What a wonderful goal -
I'm sure you'll reach it, and more!

January 2nd, 2013, 12:28 PM
Hi everyone! Thanks for your words of support, encouragement, and for those who wish to join me...Good luck to you!

So, I measured last night, for the first time in awhile. I am at 45", and knee length on me is 52" So, I need 7" inches to just make it there. Consider me shocked! I had no idea I was that close. I've decided I am going to go for 10" total, so that I can do some trimming through the year if I need to.

I think what I forgot to mention is that I intend to use my Morocco Method scalp massager for the scalp massages. It came free with an order long ago, and I never got into the habit of using it, though it feels just amazing.

WaitingSoLong, I am not tall at all. I am 5'2" I am just still adjusting to the actual length of my hair, since I completely lost track of where it was length-wise, this year.

Proo, that is a lovely idea. I deeply believe in the power of visualization! I will be adding visualization while doing my scalp massages.