View Full Version : HOW do you know if your hair likes cones or not?

December 27th, 2012, 05:32 PM
I'm sure it's been asked before, sorry.

For the most part, I've been off cones for about 2 years, and doing CO. Just because I thought I'd try it. Before that, I think I naturally chose and preferred cone-free conditioners (in particular), because they make my hair feel less coated. I've always been sensitive to conditioners or other styling products that make my hair feel a little too sticky, or stiff, or waxy, or heavy, etc. I think usually those had cones. In general, CO has worked very well for me.

Now I am experimenting with some coney conditioners again and I honestly can't tell much difference. My hair seems to (still) tangle very little, and have approximately the same amount of slip. It may be slightly shinier. I've tried Pantene Ice Shine and Finesse so far and they are ok but no miracle products for me.

This is the second time I've made it to waist and had to trim back a good chunk because of thin, whispy, sad ends. Which may have nothing to do with cones or no-cones, I know. But I am re-examining my routine and curious about how exactly to do a 'cone-trial'. :p I think my hair might be ambivalent!

December 27th, 2012, 05:55 PM
My hair likes non-coney stuff better and the main difference for me is that coney COs don't detangle my hair as well and make it feel rougher somehow... :shrug:

December 27th, 2012, 06:18 PM
My hair turns really dull, dry and tangled without cones. It only looks nice when I use something heavy with amodimethicone.

December 27th, 2012, 06:32 PM
While my hair likes cones in conditioners, the real wow factor comes from leave ins with cones like L'oreal EverSyle Smooth and Shine Creme, Alterna Bamboo Kendi Dry Oil Mist, and Hask Macadamia Oil. My hair is way smoother, sleeker, softer, and just all around better. I would suggest maybe trying a leave in. :)

December 27th, 2012, 06:41 PM
My hair tangles easily and is hard to get a comb through when I don't use cones! I have found through trial and error that plain ol' dimethicone does not agree with my hair, but any other form of cone works fine. In general I try to find products that use bis-aminopropyl dimethicone or amodimethicone, those have worked well for my hair. I think they are also less likely to build up, which is good. I try to avoid any sulfates, as they make my scalp itchy (darn you eczema!) so a cone that washes out pretty easily is a must.

I tried going cone free for the better part of my first year here (omg, I just passed my 2 year anniversary!) but my hair was not very thrilled with the efforts. So I went back to cones. Good ol' Pantene has never failed me and I always return to it. Although I may try the new L'Oreal stuff...at least the conditioner. Too many sulfates in the shampoo.

December 27th, 2012, 06:51 PM
For me the sign that your hair doesn't like cones or has had enough of them for the time being is that the roots get greasy too quickly along with baby hair that stick up straight (obviously this only applies if you have put cones on your scalp) or if your length is tangle-prone and feels like plastic doll's hair.
On the other hand the sign that your hair likes cones while you're not using them would probably be untamable frizz through the length (if you've already eliminated the possibility of protein or moisture overload and tried light oiling on dry hair to tame it)
That's from my experience anyway but I have extremely fine hair so people with coarser hair (ie pretty much everyone :( ) will probably have a different experience.

December 27th, 2012, 07:01 PM
On the other hand the sign that your hair likes cones while you're not using them would probably be untamable frizz through the length (if you've already eliminated the possibility of protein or moisture overload and tried light oiling on dry hair to tame it)

^This was very helpful. I couldn't tell if my hair liked cones but after reading this, now I'm pretty sure it does. Thanks!

December 27th, 2012, 07:39 PM
I go back and forth with cones. I think my hair does fine with or without them. The only difference I really notice is that my hair looks a bit fuller and more wavy without cones.

December 27th, 2012, 07:42 PM
Your hair might just like both, as my hair just doesn't care either way. I think the only way to tell if cones work is using cones long-term and looking to notice if your hair gets more build-up than it did before. Or just do one day using cones in the shower and then the next time you shower don't use cones and compare your hair.

December 27th, 2012, 08:00 PM
I find that my ends don't tangle AS MUCH when I use heavy cones, but I prefer cone free or water soluble cones. I find that in the long run, my hair is more dry when I use heavy silicones.

December 28th, 2012, 03:04 AM
I knew mine didnt like cones because it gets very tangly in under ten hours of application and i got more bent hairs than when i went no cone. When i was using cones i had to shampoo everyday now im mainly wo and i go many months between shampoo's.

December 28th, 2012, 04:02 AM
My hair simply looks and feels better with coney conditioners :) It has more shine, slip, sometimes also body, it tangles less, detangles better etc. Though there's a limit, my hair doesn't like a cone overload (or prolonged cone use without clarifying) either. So I guess the "golden middle way" is best for me.

December 28th, 2012, 06:09 AM
My hair never liked cones, and I could see because when I stopped any coney product it:
-Stopped being so greasy, expecially around the roots. Now it's just normal with a slightly combination scalp.
There were days in which I had to shampoo everyday if I needed to do be decent, and when I washed every other day I did it only because I knew that my hair would suffer from too much washing: this said, it looked always lank and pitiful, the "other" day, sometimes it made me embarassed.
- Never tangled out so bad, as dry.
I don't know why, but cones (commercial cones, at least, I don't think I never tried amodimethicone alone, but whatever...) always increased "friction" between dry hair strand, even if the hair was extremely slippery during the shower or soaking wet. This said, i prefer to detangle it dry, since hair is less fragile.

This said, when I stopped cones my hair was super dry: it litterally sucked in oils and treatments! After a month or two of faithful pampering, it went back to a well conditioned shape. I guess all this cone-full years left him "hungry and thirsty".
Still now, when I go to the hairdresser for some curls - my forbidden pleasure, I do it once a year! - I need to wash them the day after. This said, I would never tell her -No, lets skip the heath protectant!-, if you want to heath style I know they are pretty much essential...

It may be just me, though: all my body seem to dislike cones. On skin, they cause me instant breakouts and blackheads. I'm frankly happier without :o

December 31st, 2012, 10:40 AM
Thank you, thank you! This is all really helpful. I posted the question right before traveling back home from visiting family at Christmas so I haven't had a chance to catch up until now.

For me I think it will take more experimentation but now I know better what to look for. I suspect my hair either doesn't care much either way or may like some coney products and not others. For now I will use in moderation and observe... :p

December 31st, 2012, 10:59 AM
It really depends on what YOU like. Your hair doesn't make decisions.

December 31st, 2012, 11:39 AM
It really depends on what YOU like. Your hair doesn't make decisions.

Lol, very true! Sometimes it seems like it has a mind of its own though. :p You are right, perhaps I shouldn't personify my hair. I am the boss. ;)

December 31st, 2012, 02:51 PM
My hair gets greasier faster on cones and becomes less willing to hold a style. They seem to build up quickly on my hair. I used cones growing up, but I think I didn't notice because I was washing the whole length daily with sulfate shampoo. So, it probably depends a bit on the rest of what you do with your hair too.

December 31st, 2012, 03:52 PM
I think some people's hair simply does not tolerate cones - if you're one of those people, you probably know it. And maybe some people need cones. Personally, I find it depends what I'm going for. For pure manageability, I like cones - using shampoo and cone-y conditioner is more convenient that my catnip rinses, and my hair tangles less. However, with catnip, I have better waves, more volume, and fewer split ends; I also don't have to wash as frequently.

December 31st, 2012, 09:20 PM
i have noticed my hair does better without silicones and sulfates. although - i still have yet to switch to sulfate free shampoo. but will look into a better leave-in. my curls are much better I have noticed.

January 2nd, 2013, 01:59 PM
I havent used cones since I joined LHC, but at new years eve I did because I wanted to neutralize my somewhat brassy bleached hair, and the treatment I used had some cones in it. My hair stayed absolutely perfect all night! I consider start using some cones again actually, but the problem is that I prefer using all natural products and sulfate free shampoo, and I have tried that combination before and it builds up after just a couple of washes.