View Full Version : Biotin questions?

December 16th, 2012, 10:05 AM
So, I have no patience and I wanted to take Biotin(again) in an attempt to make my hair grow faster. The issue is the last time I did, it gave me terrible breakouts even while I was on acne medication and wash my face every morning and night.

I already have pretty bad acne and was previously on Doxycycline for it and even taking Biotin while I was on the Doxycycline gave me really bad breakouts- worse than they usually are. Now I'm on Erythromycin and would like to try taking Biotin again, but am afraid of the bad acne it gives me.

Are there ways to avoid getting the acne?

December 16th, 2012, 10:58 AM
I think not, but maybe you can take vit b complex tabs instead of plain biotin? They'll have a lower dosage but still more than enough to meet more than your daily requirement....

December 16th, 2012, 11:13 AM
I've heard that taking zinc as well as biotin would help with breakouts; but I can't vouch for that myself as I haven't experienced breakouts from biotin.

Also, this older thread might be of help to you, as well as this article: :)

December 16th, 2012, 12:14 PM
I have been taking Biotin for about four or five months now, and it has done NOTHING for my hair or nails. In fact, I am going through a huge shed ATM, and the Biotin hasn't done a thing to make think it is worth the extra fuss. My hair isn't growing in any faster, either. I had a nail fall off after I squished it in a door and thought that the Biotin might help in the regrowth process, so that is why I finally decided to give it a try. Besides, my nails are paper-thin and exceedingly fragile. Nope, nada, nothing, zilch. The entire nail has regrown, just as wimpy as before. My nails look absolutely the same as before, as does my hair, albeit it is a little thinner due to the shedding. It is probably not worth the extra acne, IMO, unless you noticed it did anything amazing for you...

December 16th, 2012, 12:57 PM
I take 7500mcg of biotin daily and haven't had breakouts.

December 16th, 2012, 01:02 PM
My best advice is if you eat eggs if you aren't opposed to them. I have had redculious break outs when taking biotin with very huge cystic acne all over my face and body, sometimes just 12 hours after taking the supplement. It was discussed on here at LHC that those supplements contain WAY WAY WAY to high of an amount of biotin and even if we urinate it out, it's not usually healthy to mega dose. As a matter of fact most adults only need 30-35mcg's (not 5,000!) per day and 1 single egg has 25mcg's. Be sure to cook the egg white and don't eat the whole egg raw because the whites of the eggs if not cooed block biotin absorption FYI.... here's a great write up on biotin and foods that contain it and how much you need by age ranges http://www.diet.com/g/biotin

By the way I never heard of the zinc thing but I take a liquid zinc supplement daily and FWIW Biotin STILL gives me acne in less than 24 hours regardless but YMMV considering some ppl claim it helps.

December 16th, 2012, 01:41 PM
I know its not what you asked, but honestly, I would just totally Nix out Biotin. Especially since you had problems in the past! Its more than likely that you will have these issues again. I only say this because I have tried it all....I still got horrible headaches and nasty cyst like acne.

I actually take vitamins that are for Stress Relief..because they really are just a B complex and they also have biotin.
I also go for things aimed towards "PMS control" because again, its just a multi vitamin with some specific vitamins. They have Lots of different B's and some others that are good for growth and hair health.
You could also go for something aimed for Hair Skin and Nails but they are so expensive! I have not found a cheap one yet really. (maybe someone else has)

All of those I mentioned DO have biotin in them. The part I like is that they also contain only the daily recommended dosage. Not more, or less. My body seems to be okay with this dosage.

It really irks me to see people over dosing themselves on Biotin, but to each their own. I just wonder why some people are giving themselves such a HIGH dose, and are also saying that it really does nothing for them. Im not into the whole "conditioning" thing and upping your dose up and up and building a "tolerance" I think its just plain flat out silly and foolish. It makes them sound like Biotin fiends in a way :p (Again, to each their own) Every bottle I have says that just 300mcg is 100% of your daily intake. And to think that some people are taking 26 TIMES that in one day!!!

I am also with Mrsbaybeegurl on this one!

December 16th, 2012, 03:01 PM
I know its not what you asked, but honestly, I would just totally Nix out Biotin. Especially since you had problems in the past! Its more than likely that you will have these issues again.

I agree 100%, Akilina! Biotin is not for everyone... wish I could take it but I get acne, too.

December 16th, 2012, 06:56 PM
I know its not what you asked, but honestly, I would just totally Nix out Biotin. Especially since you had problems in the past! Its more than likely that you will have these issues again. I only say this because I have tried it all....I still got horrible headaches and nasty cyst like acne.

I actually take vitamins that are for Stress Relief..because they really are just a B complex and they also have biotin.
I also go for things aimed towards "PMS control" because again, its just a multi vitamin with some specific vitamins. They have Lots of different B's and some others that are good for growth and hair health.
You could also go for something aimed for Hair Skin and Nails but they are so expensive! I have not found a cheap one yet really. (maybe someone else has)

All of those I mentioned DO have biotin in them. The part I like is that they also contain only the daily recommended dosage. Not more, or less. My body seems to be okay with this dosage.

It really irks me to see people over dosing themselves on Biotin, but to each their own. I just wonder why some people are giving themselves such a HIGH dose, and are also saying that it really does nothing for them. Im not into the whole "conditioning" thing and upping your dose up and up and building a "tolerance" I think its just plain flat out silly and foolish. It makes them sound like Biotin fiends in a way :p (Again, to each their own) Every bottle I have says that just 300mcg is 100% of your daily intake. And to think that some people are taking 26 TIMES that in one day!!!

I am also with Mrsbaybeegurl on this one!

I'll definitely try multi-vitamins and to eat more eggs(even though I'm not a huge fan of them). I've also heard that prenatal vitamins help hair growth as well, do you know anything about this?

December 16th, 2012, 07:21 PM
If you dont like eggs you dont have to eat them...just try to eat more foods that are protein rich. Chicken...nuts, beans, etc.. Look up "protein rich foods" on the internet and you will find many foods..probably some that you like/already eat.

Im not sure how I feel about prenatal vitamins.... I know many take them but they are for pregnant women. Im pretty sure the idea of them is that they have extra of certain vitamins for growing a baby like folic acid..
I would honestly just get a good balanced multivitamin and make sure you are eating good ole fruits and veggies that are rich in vitamins.

Ive given up on the hope that there is a vitamin out there that will make hair grow faster. All you can do is provide your body with things to help grow the healthiest hair it can. Also..lately I am more into getting my nutrition from food and not a pill.

December 16th, 2012, 07:24 PM
I tried the trader joe's brand and it didn't give me acne and neither hair growth.