View Full Version : How do you style your side bangs?

December 13th, 2012, 08:45 AM
So I have been reading the thread about whether or not people like side bangs. I really like the way they look and I used to have them. I am tempted to get them again but I do not want to use any heat styling on my hair. So my question to those who have side bangs:
How do you style them? Is it possible to make them lay nicely without heat syling?
How do you combat them getting greasy before the rest of your hair does?
What do you find the pros and cons of side bangs are?
Any pictures would be great to see as well!

December 13th, 2012, 01:12 PM
Maybe I'm the wrong person to reply since all I do with my side bangs is to comb it while it's wet and then it lays nicely in place until next time I wash my hair (I'm 2b/2c, fine and thin). I don't know why it would get any greasier than the rest of the hair. But what I mean is, it doesnt have to be complicated at all :) I like how it looks, it gives my face a softer look and it hides all the baby hairs all around my forehead :p

December 13th, 2012, 01:29 PM
I have a bit of wave in my hair, (sorry don't know the classification right off the top of my head!) & don't heat dry. mention it to your stylist & she'll figure out something. mine told me to blow dry on cool only &if i can't do that, then to bobby pin the side bits in place on my commute til they're dry & then take the pins out. good luck!

December 13th, 2012, 01:42 PM
I usually heat style, but 2 inch rollers make them just the right shape if I'm feeling patient, almost straight, but bouncy and they curve nicely when I brush them to one side. I wash mine every other day, if not every day, they have to be squeaky clean to look nice. If I leave them any longer they look stringy and go in my eyes.

Pros: softens face and looks pretty when they're behaving themselves

Cons: They misbehave when it rains, don't look right with some updos and have to be styled daily.

December 13th, 2012, 05:23 PM
I wash my hair daily anyway, so I don't have to worry about my bangs getting greasy. To style them without heat I just brush them the way I want them to go and let them dry, they usually behave themselves, and if they don't I just braid them or pin them back. I've had side bangs for so long that those hairs are just trained to fall that way. I also sometimes brush them back to dry, for a different look. Pros for me, they soften my face, they're versatile, they can be heat styled because I trim them so often that the damage doesn't really matter. Cons, the only thing for me is that having bangs means the rest of my hair is thinner.

Here is what they look like when they dry naturally.

And this is what I mean when I say I push them back to dry.

December 13th, 2012, 07:03 PM
I flat iron mine. Not necessarily every day but after every wash. If I don't, they make S waves and it's not cute. As far as avoiding the greasies, I section my bangs out before gooping up with oils or leave ins to keep it off my bangs.
I'm not wild about them, but they make me look less like a librarian.

December 14th, 2012, 02:57 AM
luckyshot- your bangs look really good on you. I am jealous that you can just brush them and they dry that way. When I had mine, they would dry with a curl out at the end and looked so weird haha. Also, your bangs pinned back is a really cute look.

December 14th, 2012, 04:09 AM
When I had mine, they would dry with a curl out at the end and looked so weird haha. Also, your bangs pinned back is a really cute look.
Heh, yep, that's exactly what my fringe does. It needs some styling, or it looks very, very weird, but blowdrying it after showering while combing it the way I want it is usually enough. (I say usually because it depends on what mood my cowlick is in.) However, if it's raining or just very humid, it goes insane no matter what I've done.

This is what it looks like when it's sort of behaving:


It can be a hassle sometimes - it needs trimming often, and it does get greasy faster than the rest of my hair, which can be annoying. If If I feel it looks too bad to be acceptable I simply wash only the fringe, either in the shower or over the sink, and style it quickly. I doubt I'd ever give it up and grow it out; my face needs a fringe, especially when I'm wearing my hair up.

And just for fun, it also has the potential to look like this if it's been clipped back while damp or greasy:


Woods Nymph
December 14th, 2012, 10:07 AM
Yep, I need bangs, too. My forehead is, shall we say, grandiose! I'm a 1a, so if I don't heat style my bangs, they are flatty-pancake. I also find that I must wash them every other day to combat the greasies (I wash the rest of my hair twice a week), but I also use mousse & hairspray on them, so that could be a factor. My rationale is much like luckyshot's: I trim the damage off regularly, so I'm not concerned about the use of heat & product. I would also add that I have no intention of ever growing them out, but if I were to, I would stop the use of all the crap I put in them simply for health purposes.
I do also like the fact that they soften updos & add a little interest to them.

December 14th, 2012, 11:04 AM
I'm just lucky because I don't have a cowlick in the front. Sometimes they dry a little wonky (that was a really good day), but usually not too bad. I think a lot of it is training, I've had the same bangs for 8 years now. I tried to have straight across bangs once, and it was a disaster! Even when I heat styled them they would separate where I normally parted them, so I just gave up on that. I do heat style them now, if I want them all to lay across my forehead, they won't do that when I let them dry normally (you can see how they're kind of split in that picture).