View Full Version : Tub & sink turn blue - will a shower filter help?

December 5th, 2012, 11:31 PM
My mom's tub & sink turn blue, and I think it starts just a few days after cleaning them. Even a washcloth she leaves on a rack in the tub turns blue. Does this happen to any of you guys, and have any of you fixed it with a shower filter? I think I read that it's probably from copper pipes?

At my place, my tub turns orange, not blue. And I have a shower filter, and I'm not convinced that it helps.

Any thoughts?

December 6th, 2012, 12:00 AM
Blue? Thats both interesting and dissturbing shades of yellow and orange are normal but blue..... We have copper pipes that are nearly 50 years old and we are the original owners of this house and we have never have blue water. The only thing i know of that turn surfaces and cloth colors like that are bacteria. Its probably harmless to humans but still disturbing.

December 6th, 2012, 02:05 AM
We get a blue stain in the sink from the drippy tap if we go away for a while, but nothing as extreme as what you describe, and it seems odd that it would turn the washcloth that colour too. How does the colour build up?

December 6th, 2012, 04:19 AM
It's the darkest near the faucet/drain end of the tub.... but after a while, there's a blue ring around the tub since my mom takes a lot of baths, not just showers. The washcloth bar is sort of in the path of the shower stream, or would at least be hit by water bouncing off the person. In the sink, it's mainly a circle of blue around the drain. We use Scrubbing Bubbles cleaner & let it sit a while to take it off. She's had the house for 40 years (I think it was built around 1815?) and it's always done this. I've always thought we have good, tasty country water, but you do have to let it run for a while before you drink it or it will taste a little metallic.

The blue's not too built up right now, but once it is, maybe I'll post a picture.

December 6th, 2012, 04:48 AM
wow... copper would be my first guess, but I have never seen anything like that.

I found this (http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/how-to-remove-bath-tub-stains-72419), though, they recommend something that's not rough on the enamel to clean it. That stain looks really pretty to me actually.

December 6th, 2012, 05:14 AM
yes, it looks a lot like that pic, only further spread. Anyone get this & have luck with a shower filter? I was thinking of getting her a filter for Xmas, but not sure if it will do any good or not.