View Full Version : Should I get my hair thinned out!

December 5th, 2012, 05:03 PM
Hi everyone, okay my question is my hair is around apl but the front section of my hair and my bangs are couple inches shorter and my hair is around medium-thick, but the top section of my hair in front is very thick, I'm guessing it's way shorter due to breakage , because I never did have my hair cut in front near my ears or cut near my bangs.
My bangs are past my chin almost.
So will having it thinned out make it look better

Its very annoying

December 5th, 2012, 05:30 PM
Hi momoftwo, I'm having trouble understanding what you mean, possibly due to the fact you're not using any punctuation. I would be easier to help if it were easier to understand what the problem is. You have breakage...where exactly is near your ears and near your bangs? Sorry, I'm confused.

Thinning is usually for people with very thick hair that tends towards frizzy. It makes it lighter on the head and lie flatter. Razors or thinning scissors can also cause breakage, so if it's already a problem, I don't think I'd recommend it. Sort out what's causing your breakage first. Perhaps it's mechanical damage from sleeping or brushing?

December 5th, 2012, 05:48 PM
Hi momoftwo, I'm having trouble understanding what you mean, possibly due to the fact you're not using any punctuation. I would be easier to help if it were easier to understand what the problem is. You have breakage...where exactly is near your ears and near your bangs? Sorry, I'm confused.

Thinning is usually for people with very thick hair that tends towards frizzy. It makes it lighter on the head and lie flatter. Razors or thinning scissors can also cause breakage, so if it's already a problem, I don't think I'd recommend it. Sort out what's causing your breakage first. Perhaps it's mechanical damage from sleeping or brushing?

Im not really sure what has caused the breakage. I haven't dyed my hair for few months I cut all my dead ends off and last month I notice this breakage. It's very thick also near my ears on sides, and also next to my bangs, so it looks as if my bangs are super super thick. It's annoying , the rest of my hair is nice and satisfying and this nasty part of my hair doesn't look nice unless it's styled and even then it looks huge and thick , I'm not really sure what thinning does.

December 5th, 2012, 06:44 PM
Momoofwo, I wouldn't recommend getting your hair thinned out regardless of the breakage issue. Last December I let my mom talk me into getting layers to get my hair thinned out and now that I'm not liking the layers I realize what a pain it is going to be to grow those layers out. Getting your hair thinned out might seem like a decision at the moment but if you end up not liking it, it is going to take a ton of patience and a lot of work to get your hair to the thickness it was before.

December 6th, 2012, 03:51 PM
Hi everyone, okay my question is my hair is around apl but the front section of my hair and my bangs are couple inches shorter and my hair is around medium-thick, but the top section of my hair in front is very thick, I'm guessing it's way shorter due to breakage , because I never did have my hair cut in front near my ears or cut near my bangs.
My bangs are past my chin almost.
So will having it thinned out make it look better

Its very annoying

NO NO NO do not get your hair thinned out. I had my hair thinned out back in 06 and it was a year before my hair got back to looking normal and less mullet like. I say deep condition once or twice a week and s&d.

December 6th, 2012, 04:33 PM
Another NO for getting your hair thinned out. It's one of the worst things you can have done to your hair. I once had it done and it took ages to grow back in! It completely messes up your hair.

December 6th, 2012, 04:50 PM
I also say no. Been there, done that, it was a disaster.

December 6th, 2012, 04:54 PM
I say no too. The way the did it on my hair (10 years ago) is they use what looks like a pair of scissors and they snip it into chunks of hair and it cuts off some hair in the chunk. The thing is , it won't remove the damage you have because it haphazardly snips hair. I like the idea of deep condition and babying your hair. Put it up in a non damaging way. If anything , see if someone can see if there are splits and can individually snip them off ( a good friend?)

December 6th, 2012, 05:17 PM
I wouldn't have it thinned out, but you can have it blended or texturized into the rest of your hair.

December 6th, 2012, 05:35 PM
thin hair never makes anything better, trust me.

December 6th, 2012, 05:38 PM
I would also caution against getting it thinned, especially since usually razors are used to do that, which can be quite damaging to hair, since they cut diagonally and can expose a larger swath of your hair's inner cortex and lead to splitting.

Knowing your texture and thickness might help, though, as different peoples' hair behaves differently. :flower:

December 6th, 2012, 09:49 PM
I've had my hair thinned out in this way because I needed it: the stylist used a notched or toothed pair of scissors and took each layer and snipped into it to create a lot of layers that were blended into my length. I really liked the outcome and how it made my hair lie. It's a big reason I can wear my hair as long as I have it now. Before, it would get flat on the top and super big and heavy at the bottom. Thick hair is nice and all, but it just wasn't lying right, very disproportionate looking. Now I have some volume at the crown, and it doesn't look heavy at the bottom. But it doesn't look thin or wispy at all. I think a lot of people had bad experiences with bad hairdressers who didn't know what they were doing and used some "one size fits all" method on someone they shouldn't. Thinning was a good decision for me, based on my texture, thickness and length.

I can't really tell from your description whether you would need it or not. You may just need layers. Personally, I'm a big fan of layers especially for thick hair that's shorter than BSL.

However, I agree with others on getting hair cut with razors, as in actual razor blades. Not all stylists use a new, perfectly sharp razor and it can cause instant split ends if your hair is cut with a dull one.

December 6th, 2012, 10:46 PM
Bad idea! Period.

December 6th, 2012, 11:00 PM
If you have dye damage you'll have to grow it all out to get rid of it. Thinning your hair won't really help if the problem is damage. Doing moisture treatments may help it to look better, but mostly you'll just have to be patient while it's growing out. I've had my hair thinned and it wasn't great for my hair. It's possible to do it well, but it doesn't seem that most stylists use a sharp enough blade.

December 7th, 2012, 12:32 PM
Thank you girls!! I will not be doing it :) I will take your advice

December 7th, 2012, 01:14 PM
If you thin out your hair the result is a undercoat affect. Like a long haired animal with the fuzzy hair underneath.

December 7th, 2012, 01:18 PM
Just wanted to add that the worst thing I remember about getting my hair thinned was a lot of short ends sticking out all over the place. I get a hint of that now because of new hairs, but nothing like the porcupine I turned into when my hair was thinned.

Some subtle layering/blending at the top-most layers would probably work better for you.

December 7th, 2012, 01:36 PM
My hair in front is about two inches shorter and it's a lot of hair so I thought it would help, I was wrong lol,
My rest of my hair is very thick and nice! I just hate the front ugh, so if I don't style it I wear it up. I had mY hair thinned out before I don't really remember what it did, I don't think it did anything, hair stylist I had chopped all my hair off it was almost hip she cut it to bsl and thinned it out. , I honestly had no clue what she was doing lol. I know the shorter hairs are breakage, because no one side bangs are as thick as mine it's about 2-3 inches wide and up to my chin. It wasnt this way two months ago. But since I trimmed my hair two weeks ago it's more even, I don't want to chopped to my shoulders. I would be very depressed. I been depressed over my hair I always had long hair and I am still not use to it being apl

December 7th, 2012, 01:42 PM
Thanks again for all the wonderful advice

December 7th, 2012, 01:46 PM
I wouldn't recommend it.
My front pieces are shorter and thinner than the rest.
I just assume that less hair is at the front than all in the back for me.

Anyways, I wouldn't thin it. Let it go and just work on getting the bangs caught up

December 7th, 2012, 01:50 PM
I've had my hair thinned out in this way because I needed it: the stylist used a notched or toothed pair of scissors and took each layer and snipped into it to create a lot of layers that were blended into my length. I really liked the outcome and how it made my hair lie. It's a big reason I can wear my hair as long as I have it now. Before, it would get flat on the top and super big and heavy at the bottom. Thick hair is nice and all, but it just wasn't lying right, very disproportionate looking. Now I have some volume at the crown, and it doesn't look heavy at the bottom. But it
doesn't look thin or wispy at all. I think a lot of people had bad experiences with bad hairdressers who didn't know what they were doing and used some "one size fits all" method on someone they shouldn't. Thinning was a good decision for me, based on my texture, thickness and length.

I can't really tell from your description whether you would need it or not. You may just need layers. Personally, I'm a big fan of layers especially for thick hair that's shorter than BSL.

However, I agree with others on getting hair cut with razors, as in actual razor blades. Not all stylists use a new, perfectly sharp razor and it can cause instant split ends if your hair is cut with a dull one.

My volume is on top! It's huge

December 7th, 2012, 01:58 PM
I've had mine thinned a number of times. When I wasn't actively growing it (or really taking care of it) I liked it. However, hindsight being 20/20, now that I'm growing it & really caring for it, thinning was probably the worst hair decision I've ever made.

December 7th, 2012, 02:14 PM
My volume is on top! It's huge

EEEEH! Then DEFINITELY no thinning for you. I'm no expert but yeah, I agree with everyone else in your case, no thinning for you.

December 7th, 2012, 04:54 PM
Just wanted to add that the worst thing I remember about getting my hair thinned was a lot of short ends sticking out all over the place. I get a hint of that now because of new hairs, but nothing like the porcupine I turned into when my hair was thinned.

Some subtle layering/blending at the top-most layers would probably work better for you.

Oh gosh, that porcupine thing brings back memories! Mine felt exactly like that. I had a pixie cut back then which "had to be" majorly thinned out, the hairstylist said because my hair was just way too thick for that style. Well, it was, but she thinned it out to the root!

December 7th, 2012, 06:56 PM
Is this a recent thing do you think? I ask because I have a lot of hair around the front and sides that simply has a really short terminal length. Even if I have NO bangs I ALWAYS have short, wispy bits around my hairline, and the hair directly over my ears never gets more than a few inches long, either. I figured it's just how my hair grows! I know it's not damaged or breaking. Maybe your hair just grows like this!

Oh, and yeah, I'm glad you're not thinning it as I think it'd make the problem WORSE if anything as you'd be snipping shorter hairs there!!

December 8th, 2012, 12:59 AM
I am going to be the lone dissenter and say that I thinned my own hair--not with a razor, but with notching shears--and loved it. I was growing out layers around my face and true to form, they started getting bushy at 4 to 5 inches in length. It made them lay flat. I also did the lower lengths to invert the volume. (Mine tends to go flat at the tip and bushy at the bottom.) But I'm a curly, so maybe that's why I can get away with it.

December 8th, 2012, 09:29 PM

That is a front view of my hair, if u can see how front is way shorter and it looks awful like a mullet at times I'm apl but looks more shorter on this pic

December 8th, 2012, 11:27 PM
I think it looks beautiful as-is. If you want to be less bothered by growing layers, pull it back in a half-up. That's what's helping me at the moment.

December 9th, 2012, 08:16 AM
I think it looks beautiful as-is. If you want to be less bothered by growing layers, pull it back in a half-up. That's what's helping me at the moment.

Thanks, I hate the short pieces :( , but I'm done with cutting it

December 9th, 2012, 05:10 PM
I think your front looks fine -- I like the way it looks. :flower:

Actually, I cut in my own face-framing layers about 4 months ago, and I'm really enjoying them, but I can remember when I grew out bangs, and that was really annoying. :p

December 9th, 2012, 08:09 PM
Your hair looks great as it is.

When I was a kid my mom was always getting our hair thinned. I still don't understand what that's supposed to accomplish and why anyone would ever recommend it. Needless to say I wouldn't do it now.

December 10th, 2012, 04:57 AM
I think your hair looks gorgeous!

Sorry I couldn't be more help >.>

December 10th, 2012, 06:33 AM
Ugh my hair was thinned during my last haircut. The hairdresser was super sneaky about it-- she didn't ask me and she didn't use shears or a razor, but normal scissors. She started at the back of my head with me facing away from the mirror, so I didn't realize what was happening until I saw huge long chunks of hair on the floor. Sigh. I really do not understand why hairdressers think that thinner hair is a positive. I know it's going to take years to grow out, and my hair is only to my shoulders.

December 10th, 2012, 02:16 PM
I know - why would anyone think that you would want your hair thinner - and then to just do it without even asking you????

December 10th, 2012, 03:26 PM
I'd say let a professional look at your hair and see if it needs thinned out or maybe a blended cut would be best. If you're not interested in going to a professional I'd agree with the majority don't thin your hair.

December 10th, 2012, 08:47 PM
I'm going to stop at a salon tomorrow and ask what my hair needs thanks for advice

December 10th, 2012, 08:48 PM
I think your hair looks gorgeous!

Sorry I couldn't be more help >.>

Thank you, but I hate it lol
I can't wait for it to be few inches longer

December 12th, 2012, 06:41 PM
As someone who has been thinning their hair for a LONG time and finally stopped, I wouldn't recommend it. I've found it damaged my hair too much and I missed the volume later. (Like now.) I would just suffer through an awkward growing-out until it's long enough that it doesn't look too bad, honestly.