View Full Version : What was your hair length as a child?

August 21st, 2008, 05:31 PM
Maybe someone posted something similar, but I am wondering about the long-haired (& those growing hair longer). . .what was your hair length & hair cut as a child? Did you like it or hate it? Did you get to choose your hair cut as a kid? I am mostly curious because I seem to run across a lot of people in their 20's & 30's who had horrible or short haircuts as little children--I am wondering if this prompted them to vow that one day they would have long hair. . .

August 21st, 2008, 05:37 PM
I had anywhere between just below my ears to nearly mid-back. Any length was fine. I just HATED the bangs. I had bangs until 10th grade when I put my foot down. They always parted in the middle! :mad:

August 21st, 2008, 05:43 PM
Mine was always long, for religious reasons. I would say it was around waist length most of the time.

August 21st, 2008, 05:44 PM
Shoooort in a horrific sense lol. It was bad!

August 21st, 2008, 05:47 PM
Short, ear length, until 6 years old when I started growing it long. I didn't mind it at I hated having my hair combed until then so my mother had to cut the knots out and keep it short.

Silver & Gold
August 21st, 2008, 05:47 PM
I had the pixie cut forced on me. YUK! I hated it and thought I looked like a boy.

August 21st, 2008, 05:57 PM
My hair was long.
Here's a link to a pic if you wanna see. You can see the ends of my hair are somewhere around tailbone and classic.


And, yes, my brother is attacking me. :rolleyes: As usual.

My mom always kept my hair and my sisters hair pretty long - I think because my moms hair is so super curly and wont grow more than a few inches past her shoulder (well, when its dry - wet its about BSL).

August 21st, 2008, 06:08 PM
Mine was hip-ish length until I was 7. From then on I had a series of various levels of short haircuts mainly because I didn't like having to detangle and brush it.

driven fool
August 21st, 2008, 06:11 PM
I can't ever remember having long hair, it has always been super short. When I was about 9 or 10 I remember there were times when it would be a long stretch between barber shop visits. But all through high school and college I had really short, at one point I shaved it all off and went bald for a few months.

August 21st, 2008, 06:19 PM
I had the typical little girl's bob. Most girls in the 50's had a cut like that. It wasn't too hideous but I didn't like it. I knew I wanted long hair some day. I recall asking if I could have a ponytail and being told no. My parents did not like long hair on anyone. They did relent for a little while and in the 4th grade I had a ponytail or braids. For some reason my mom said I had to have it cut off because we were taking a family vacation to Toronto. My hair was only washed once a week so I don't know why going to Toronto meant I had to have it cut off. I think it was just the reason they came up with. I remember almost throwing up the day I had it cut. It was a sickening feeling. I didn't cry in front of my parents but I remember sobbing in bed at night. I knew some day I'd have long hair.

August 21st, 2008, 06:21 PM
Never long enough for me, my mom kept getting it cut.

August 21st, 2008, 06:27 PM
Well I went from shoulder to midback, to bob to pageboy always with a fringe, which my dad cut and always did so lobsided due to a slight cowlick!

This was my most common length, i look like the queen of hearts here aged 5

August 21st, 2008, 06:29 PM
Here's where my hair history starts in my blog: http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/blog.php?b=929

It spans 3 or 4 posts with lotsa pictures. :D

harley mama
August 21st, 2008, 06:30 PM
I wore my hair at least APL or longer most of my life.

Florida Mom
August 21st, 2008, 06:39 PM
My mom didn't cut my hair at all until I was about 3 - then just a trim and bangs. At that point it was long - well, around BSL. And that was my length until about 6th grade.... I wanted to grow it longer but mom wouldn't let me. Then in 6th grade I wanted to cut out these HORRIBLE highlights my mother put in my hair. So I wanted in cut short... well mom did it herself.... it was the most awful embarrassing haircut of my life.... so I grew it back to BSL, and wasn't allowed to have it any longer..... (sorry for the rant).

August 21st, 2008, 07:21 PM
Yep, that was me. My hair was thick and I apparently cried when my mother tried to brush it. Their solution, hack it off--at a BARBER shop! I'd go with my brother and people thought we were twins. I HATED it. I wanted Jane Seymour's hair or crystal Gayles. I said to my parents I wanted long hair and they said when I was old enough to take care of it, I could. I believe I started growing it at eight or nine. Yikes, it may even have been nine/ten because I was in Grade four when I started growing it, and by Grade Nine, it was long, long, long :D

August 21st, 2008, 07:25 PM
I had an ear-length bowl cut till around the age of 10 or so. I didn't like it, but it didn't really bother me having known nothing else. Both my sister and I (also bowl cut) wanted long hair.

After that is was between chin and shoulder length through junior high and high school. Only after I got out of the house was I able to really start growing it out!

August 21st, 2008, 07:30 PM
It was long yay! Haha:)

August 21st, 2008, 07:40 PM
Mine was around classic length. I don't remember thinking much about it. Hair sure seemed to grow much faster back then though!

August 21st, 2008, 07:40 PM
Between APL and boy-short - my parents didn't know how to handle my thick, curly hair. :(

Silver & Gold
August 21st, 2008, 08:07 PM
Yep, that was me. My hair was thick and I apparently cried when my mother tried to brush it. Their solution, hack it off--at a BARBER shop! I'd go with my brother and people thought we were twins. I HATED it. I wanted Jane Seymour's hair or crystal Gayles. I said to my parents I wanted long hair and they said when I was old enough to take care of it, I could. I believe I started growing it at eight or nine. Yikes, it may even have been nine/ten because I was in Grade four when I started growing it, and by Grade Nine, it was long, long, long :D

Wow! Me too. I had my hair cut off at my father's barber shop. And for the same reasons, I would fuss and complain when Mom tried to brush out my hair. I used to sit in line with my brothers while we would all get our hair cut after the shop closed.

And like you, I couldn't grow mine out until I was "old enough to take care of it", however old that was supposed to be. Each time I tried to grow it out when I got older my parents became impatient with that ugly awkward phase and would tell me how much nicer my hair would look with a nice cut. This is why I've never had really long hair to this day because I internalized this and would tell myself the same thing every time my hair began to get to the awkward phase.

But now that I'm going to be 50 next year I'm growing it long come hell or high water. I figure at my age, who am I trying to impress anyway? I'm growing my hair out for me.

August 21st, 2008, 08:16 PM
Mine has always been long. BSL is the shortest it ever got. My father liked long hair on his daughters. Here we are - me between my two sisters, just after my 4th birthday.


My sisters cut their hair when they 'grew up', but for some reason I kept mine long. I suppose I feel like it's part of my identity.

August 21st, 2008, 08:38 PM
[/quote]But now that I'm going to be 50 next year I'm growing it long come hell or high water. I figure at my age, who am I trying to impress anyway? I'm growing my hair out for me.[/quote]

I like "silver & gold's" mentality. If you want it long--you gotta go for it! And by the way, I have seen some really nice long hair on women over 40. Layers can be especially kind for getting through the akward phase (as can micro-trims). I have an aunt who would put on "miss rioux" single day color to blend her silver & blonde hair--it looked really pretty. I have also seen silver-white with semi-long (BSL) hair that looks good, too--so don't let your age define your hairstyle!

August 21st, 2008, 08:54 PM
My hair was about shoulder length for a lot of my childhood. I always wanted it long though. When I was 10 my mom took me to get my hair cut and the stylist cut it so short my mom couldn't even get a curler in it! I remember crying and her trying to put curlers in my hair. I went to my friends house and she said 'what did you do, go to a barber by mistake?' I was so traumatized I didn't let scissors touch my hair again for over seven years.

August 21st, 2008, 09:11 PM
mostly a boy cut was very easy to deal with :p

August 21st, 2008, 10:01 PM
Mine was classic length. I grew up in a house full of hippies and bikers (sounds like a strange mixture, huh, but back then we were all considered "long haired hoodlums" anyway).

August 21st, 2008, 11:00 PM
I had APL hair or longer before I went to school, but then my mum wanted me to have ching length hair with the ends curled inside. My ends had and have the mind of their own and they didnt stay like that for one minute, but she still insisted me to have that hair cut until I was 11 or so. After that I cut it a little shorter, then grew long again when 13, put high lights, layers, cut a little shorter and grew long again.
Oh, and when I was nine I also had bangs.

August 21st, 2008, 11:07 PM
Mine has always been long. BSL is the shortest it ever got. My father liked long hair on his daughters. Here we are - me between my two sisters, just after my 4th birthday.


My sisters cut their hair when they 'grew up', but for some reason I kept mine long. I suppose I feel like it's part of my identity.

You were cute!

August 21st, 2008, 11:27 PM
My hair was really long. I could sit on it when I sat down. I don't remember having a choice or caring one way or the other. Until I was in junior high and wanted a perm and a cut. BAD idea. I grew it back out to about waist and kept it between BSL and waist until I was 21 then I cut it all off and had a pixie cut until I was 26 or so. Then it just suddenly got long and I decided to shave it all off again. This is actually the first time in my life that I've tried to grow my hair long.

August 21st, 2008, 11:33 PM
Short, but not super short for a boy. Crewcuts didn't arrive in the UK before at least 1990 unless you were a skinhead or a neo-nazi. The most common 'respectable' style for guys in England, in the mists of time before the Beatles, was to have hair that was shaggy on top and clipped at the back and sides, called... wait for it...a 'short back and sides'. Original name, huh?

Apparently, the first time the barber got out the clippers I cried. I was very small and I think the noise alone was scary, and the moving blades downright frightening. So I never had the back and sides clipped, just cut short with scissors.

When the Beatles hit the English charts, which would have been 1963 when 'I Want To Hold Your Hand' went straight to number one, it seemed like everyone wanted hair like them. The thing is, they didn't actually have long hair, whatever anyone says or said. They had originally had DA (that is, d*ck's *rs*, i.e. looking like the wrong end of a water fowl) haircuts before they went to Hamburg, and when they combed their quiffs down instead of back it easily gave them a fringe (US = bangs) in the style of the German 'Exis' (existentialists) of the time.

So, I grew out a fringe to be in style, had my room wallpapered with John, Paul, George and Ringo, went to the barber regularly, and didn't really have any conflict about my hair...yet.

I did have major conflicts with my parents as soon as I wanted to grow out the back, but that wasn't until the '70s, when I was a teenager. And yes, I think that is the reason why I won't get a short haircut this side of hell freezing over. At my age, few people would suggest it. My mum and dad would, but I still won't listen!

The other day some guy shouted out that I should get a haircut and said that the '60s were over. That hasn't happened for so long that I didn't know what to say. He wasn't unfriendly. He obviously thought it was a very funny and original joke. Ummm.., No. Heard that one before, mate. Not lately, but lots of times.

August 22nd, 2008, 12:30 AM
My hair was not cut, except by tiny trims as a child which made it grow to my knees. the first hair cut i had (true haircut, not less than 2 inches cut.) was when i was around 9 yrs. old. my mom cut it due to a horrible incident that shall remain secret, she cut it to my shoulders, by the time i was 15 it had grown to TBL and had it cut again after i got a perm. from there it has been cut and regrown to TBL 6 times. right now my hair is about 2 inches, perhaps less from waist and i cannot wait until it reaches Classic. once it reaches classic i might trim to get rid of damaged ends before going as far as Mid-Thigh length (if possible, i never know if it will reach that far or if it will reach terminal length before.) but i am hoping for at least Classic Length hair.

I've always loved super long hair. my mom had classic length hair most of her life, until breast and bone cancer made her cut it. my grandmother had Mid-thigh length hair before she died and my great-grandmother who i never met had hair below her knees as did most of her family. my mom taught me to love long hair, reading me stories about Rapunzel and all the children's stories and fairy tales. I had to grow up loving super long hair.

August 22nd, 2008, 12:53 AM
As a child, my hair was between bob and grew to above my shoulders, then cut back into a bob. As a pre-teen, I wanted to grow my hair long, but cut it after it was around apl or so. I'd never had very long hair until I grew into an adult.

August 22nd, 2008, 02:24 AM
As a child it was around my shoulders. I started growing my hair when I was 11 years old. It ended up at tailbone or a bit longer than that.

August 22nd, 2008, 02:35 AM
Mine was long (for religious reasons also) from the time it grew. And it always grew quick!

Fav long pic:

Shortest it ever was cut to:

August 22nd, 2008, 03:44 AM
You were cute!

Aww, thanks, Alun. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v454/Scarla/emoticons/wiggle.gif

(But whaddaya mean, "were"? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v454/Scarla/emoticons/unsure.gif) ;)

August 22nd, 2008, 04:49 AM
I had a bob (with a fringe) when I was between a year and 2 years old, according to the photos in my childhood album. I've had hair long enough for braids since I was 3 or 4, and hasn't been shorter than APL since I was 18.

ETA: I remember begging my mother not to give me my yearly trim many, many times. I've also heard tell that I would scream like a stuck pig when she did trim my hair as a little girl, so I guess letting my have my own way was the easiest thing to do. I don't remember complaining about detangling, so I guess that made having longer hair feasible.

August 22nd, 2008, 05:40 AM
My hair was always about tailbone length until high school when I cut it to just above shoulder length. It pretty much stayed that length until about 3 years ago.

August 22nd, 2008, 06:42 AM
My hair was at around tailbone length until I gradually started cutting it shorter in 5th grade. It spent a lot of time around bra strap length after that. I'm aiming to get back to waist for now!

August 22nd, 2008, 07:13 AM
Mine was roughly shoulder to APL for a long time, but by late elementary school (when I had a bit more say about when I was hauled in for haircuts, and being lazy, chose to have them rarely) it was drifting down to BSL. It hovered roughly APL-BSL until I found LHC and decided to keep growing.

August 22nd, 2008, 08:14 AM
Never long enough!

Patty lou
August 22nd, 2008, 08:25 AM
Mine was always long, waist length mostly, mom kept it braided, mom believed little girls should have long hair and boys crew cuts. Mom liked to spend time braiding different styles and putting colored ribbons in my hair. Ah those was the days , life seemed less hussle and bussle. I had it cut to bsl length at 16 then at 20 grew it out again to waist at 25 cut back to bsl where it still is.

Patty lou

August 22nd, 2008, 08:27 AM
I had a long boyish haircut in the early years (two older brothers). Mom let it grow a bit when I got to elementary school. In middle school it went from awful layers to past shoulders, permed, and hairsprayed to death. In high school it was virgin, all one length, and waist. I don't know what I was thinking when I used boxed dye and got a hair cut after graduation. *sigh*

August 22nd, 2008, 09:54 AM
I had waist length, maybe longer hair as a child. It would be braided EVERY day the exact same way, and my step-mom would make us wash our hair every other day, and blow dry it, and I hated the color of it. After much begging and pleading I was allowed to chop it off, to a between shoulder and APL, and eventually I got a bob.

Too bad she had to be so anal about it, or I wouldn't have cut it. My little sister has hair past her butt and I think she will keep it much longer than we did. She's allowed to wear it different ways and my stepmom puts a lot more care into it.

August 22nd, 2008, 10:10 AM
I had long hair that my mom refused to cut, I went to the salon for the first time when I was like 10 years old. I went through a period, naturally, when I wanted my hair shoulder length because all the other girls had that; but by high school I was back to enjoying long hair (my hair was also really poofy during my adolescence, so length was needed to weigh it down, anyway). Long hair is just me--every time I cut it shorter I feel like something's not quite right !!!

Slug Yoga
August 22nd, 2008, 10:18 AM
Actually I often had long hair as a child--when I was ten, it was maybe about hip length. My best friend also had long hair and we had fun doing hair things together (going to the bathroom at class breaks and brushing our hair), even though I actually couldn't do anything with my hair--not even a ponytail, they always slid out somehow--and just left it down all the time.

So I actually had a sort of skewed sense of what "long" was. I remember once cutting it to like APL or even BSL and feeling like my hair was "short."

Then throughout my teens I'd go through cycles of cutting it short--like a bob--and having it longer, though I don't think I ever had it much past BSL again. In my twenties I went through cycles of cutting it even shorter--like boy-short--and letting it grow out again.

Now I'm enjoying the long hair thing and looking forward to having hair in much better condition than I did as a kid. I blow-dried sometimes, used cone conditioners like every day. People always complimented my hair, and it was very shiny, but there were lots of splits. In my adulthood, too, I can actually DO something with my hair (I am growing out of hair-idiocy and can now actually french-braid, crappily!) So having long hair is actually something I can remember having from the past, and look forward to having again.

August 22nd, 2008, 10:19 AM
When I was younger I always had short hair. I think it was a choice on my part as well as my parents'. I was always said that I would never grow my hair long because it was the stereotype of girls and I didn't want to conform to that. Then my hair started to change. It got wavy first, then curly, and I hated it. Then my mother got my hair cut like my grandma, at the chin and layered, and I hated it. THEN I had my whole 'love at first sight long hair role model' experience and have been growing ever since. I love my curls now too!

August 22nd, 2008, 10:22 AM
Around chin length to shoulder length. My mom had long hair and I wanted to too but mine was so unruly and dry my mom had no idea how to handle it...

August 22nd, 2008, 10:23 AM
Between waist and tailbone. I never stepped foot into a salon until college. I didn't especially take care of it until high school, though. When I was little, my mom would wash it once a week, and comb it out and put it in braids. I hated having it combed out and would scream and cry! When I was in high school, I got into every kind of special conditioner and tried various fancy french braids, etc. I tried a home perm for my sister's wedding, but it didn't take in my hair. I guess the length weighed it down. In college I got a bob, and kept it pretty short (from pixie to shoulder length at various times) for quite a while. Now I'm trying to get my old hair back!

August 22nd, 2008, 11:21 AM

But in blonde. Until I was 12, rebelled, and started growing it long.

August 22nd, 2008, 11:39 AM
I was born with just a little peach colored fuzz on my head. I remember complaining to my mom later that it wasn't growing! It was above my shoulders, nearly in a bob, and when I got a bit older it was always cut about shoulder length and in layers. I was so sad, I wanted to look like a mermaid or a fairy.:p

August 22nd, 2008, 12:26 PM
Probably one of the reasons I want my hair long as an adult is because my mom kept it so short as a child. She had 5 children so she just couldn't be bothered with it. She also made me wear bangs and I would cry because I didn't want them. I never had a choice about my hair until about 7th grade. If I had a daughter, I would probably make her wear her hair long and natural as long as I could. I guess that's just as bad.

August 22nd, 2008, 12:45 PM
My Mom made me have my hair cut in a pixie, which I hated, and cryed every time. She finally let me grow my hair at about 10. I quickly had waist length hair after that. I always had about BSL as an adult, until cutting it short at 40.

August 22nd, 2008, 12:49 PM
I had long hair as a kid - lower back length. Then I got "inspired" by a friend and convinced my mom to cut it a short as my brothers hair!! I regreted it, and so did my mom... but I cut it short all over again when I turned 18 (it had grown back to really long by then - I just cut it out of rebellion/anger). So now I'm back to long... and am not going to cut it again! :)

August 22nd, 2008, 02:40 PM
I didn't really even have hair until I was around three, but after that I had some shoulder length and some BSL hair. I think we just let it do what it wanted, heh.

(I was being a warrior, obviously, haha).

August 22nd, 2008, 02:55 PM
I had some pretty horrific hair as a kid. We're talking mullets, the bowl cut, even at one point a perm. After the perm debacle - I was twelve - I promised myself I was going to grow my hair out. I think the shortest I usually kept it after that was probably BSL, but then before university I mistakenly thought I needed an image update and chopped my hair into a bob and have been regretting it ever since. So, I've been trying to regrow it for about 5-6 years now. One day, I'll get to waist, especially now that I'm taking care of it. ;)

August 22nd, 2008, 03:17 PM
My hair as a child was always long, classic being the longest, untill I went to "highschool" (different schoolsystem here but where you go when you're 12/13), then I cut it in my 2nd year to a bob because I was being bullied (oh the regrets of that cut...)

August 22nd, 2008, 08:21 PM
It was between waist and top of butt till around 8 or 9 and the bsl (or there abouts) till about 13 or 14.

August 23rd, 2008, 03:44 AM
Aww, thanks, Alun. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v454/Scarla/emoticons/wiggle.gif

(But whaddaya mean, "were"? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v454/Scarla/emoticons/unsure.gif) ;)

Well, I can't see your face ...

August 23rd, 2008, 04:58 AM
When I was little I always sported the cute little Asian bob with blunt bangs which all little Asian girls seem to have when they are little. Later, my hair would be anywhere between a chin length bob and APL with blunt bangs until the age of 9. My mum used to cut my hair until I was 13. Between the ages of 13 and 17 I would go to the hairdresser once or twice yearly and get between 4-6 inches cut off.

August 23rd, 2008, 07:03 AM
always a bob with bangs. i hated it... :sad

August 23rd, 2008, 07:16 AM
Waist length here.I was also blonde untill I hit puberty,then it got darker slowly.I was just beginning my sophmore year in HS when I had it cut to a razored bob.BIG mistake.I also used Sun-In that summer and that started my love-hate relationship with chemical dyes.

Daoine Sidhe
August 23rd, 2008, 07:51 AM
I always had my hair short when I was little. I had a page-cut most of the time. I didn't want my hair longer. That was because I didn't like people toutching my hair and I hated the heat of the blowdrier. My mom always combed the hair of my sister and I. And she did it quit rough.
And I really really hated that blowdrier. (at that time I didn't knew blowdriers weren't necessery. And it seems like my mom still doesn't know :p). My sister had shoulder length hair or a bit longer. And she didn't seem to have any problem with it.

When I became a teenager I kept my hair short. I've had 101 short hair styles. I always thought long hair wouldn't suit me. Don't ask me why. A bit longer then shoulder length was the longest I ever had back then. And that was only for a year or so.

Finally when I was 20 I descided to let it grow :) (and I found out long hair suited me much better! )

August 23rd, 2008, 09:30 AM
When I was little, my hair was always kept at about APL or BSL. When I got into school (7-10 yrs) my grandmother loved to do my hair in different updos everyday (which, sadly, I can't remember what they were like); in highschool I used to always wear it about midback or waist, always down, never up.
When I was 16 I had an incident which resulted in my hair being cut off at about above shoulder/neck length. Since then I grow my hair, but I was a regular trimmer and didn't gain great lengths. Since then, the shortest I had was mid-back, and right now it's the longest I've had.

August 23rd, 2008, 03:14 PM
Mostly boy short, or pixie. Sometimes it was allowed to grow to shoulderlenght. And it was pretty untamable and messy. But I liked it. The mess I mean. :D
But around 12 I wanted to grow it out, and it reached BSL years later. It's still messy.

August 23rd, 2008, 04:49 PM
aah i remember having almost waist length hair...and then when i was 13 i relaxed it-- it's been downhill ever since... i'm trying to get it back

August 24th, 2008, 05:51 PM
My hair was always shorter as a child. I grew it to shoulder length at the age of 13 only to have my mom bring me to a salon to get it chopped into a terrible chin length cut. It tapered from the back of the head and longer in the front. I hated this haircut so much that I vowed to never have it short again. My hair constantly hung in front of my eyes and I had irritation behind my ears from constantly trying to get it off my face. I grew it from this day on and at 17 had waist length hair. I had some of the longest hair in my high school at the time. I have had it long no w most of my life.

August 24th, 2008, 05:55 PM
It was MBL'ish before I started grade school and then my mom had it cut to a super short chin length boy cut - My first grade picture sucks! :)

September 8th, 2008, 05:00 PM
Mine was long...waist-hip usually...Dad believed that little girls should have long hair, so we did. Mom would trim the split ends, but unfortunately neither of them really knew much about how to properly care for long hair (mom's was cropped all through childhood, and in her teens she started to grow it but she's never been able to grow it past apl). Anyway, we always had lots of split ends and stuff like that...
In adulthood I learned how to better care for it, and when I was 24 chopped it off to apl to remove ALL the damage...it's now back out to 30" and I'm so happy!
I have two teenage sisters who are currently wearing their hair between bsl and waist, (one cares for hers, the other is so clueless...I keep trying to teach her!) My other adult sister has extremely thick hair and has opted to wear it much shorter now--usually above the shoulders.

September 8th, 2008, 05:08 PM
I had really nice waist/hip length hair. I liked it and miss it very much! That's why I'm growing it long now. :D

September 8th, 2008, 05:36 PM
My mother kept my hair cut short in a bowl cut until I could outrun her...her reasoning was that I wouldn't keep barrettes and such in my hair as a child. At age 11 or so some camp counselors tried to chase me out of the camp bathrooms because they insisted I was a BOY, thanks to the bowl haircut ... :mad: it was humiliating.

Even so, I had a few trendy short cuts in my 20's and early 30's. Now it's long or nothing, and I wish I had found this site or learned about proper hair care MUCH earlier in life.

Forlorn Reverie
September 8th, 2008, 06:15 PM
When I was a child, my hair was always short. Usually collar length, occasionally an inch or two past the top of my shoulders. My mother cut my hair. Often. Then when I was a teen, I started growing it a bit longer. Then I started perming. Yeah. THAT was smart!

I've tried growing it longer a few times, but I get frustrated easily and cut it off. I've actually become quite good at cutting my own hair. Of course, I have enough curl in it that most people can't tell that it's not even! As long as I don't try to layer, I'm good.

I think my mom just didn't want to deal with curly hair. I have 3 sisters. Of the 4 of us girls, 3 have curls (mine with the least amount of curl, my oldest sister with 3b/3c and another with straight 3c). We all had short hair. My third sister? She had 1b hair, and I don't ever remember it being shorter than waist length.

September 8th, 2008, 07:00 PM
Past my bum until I was about 7, then it was pretty short after that until high school.

September 8th, 2008, 07:13 PM
Uh, well I used to love getting bobs.
I kinda liked the sound of scizzors going snip snip snip plus I liked the freedom of it.
Somehow, my hair always seemed to grow back really really fast to like waist length.
I don't think I really liked long hair, but I guess I do now seeing as I haven't had it in nearly five years and kinda miss it.

September 8th, 2008, 07:32 PM
Very long until the age of 13 or so when I cut it in a chin length bob thing.

My hair was very pretty when I was little- a super light strawberry blonde- very long and very fine. The only problem was my mother insisted on cutting these terrible bangs. They went from just behind the ear to just behind the ear. Blunt and thick. I hated the bangs, but she would not give in and let me grow it all long. *sigh*

September 8th, 2008, 07:42 PM
I wanted to have long hair but it was hard to deal with so my mom always cut it.
Really short sometimes, and then there was the unfortunate incident that resulted in the 4th grade mullet school picture...I will never have hair of varying lengths again as long as I live, lol.

September 8th, 2008, 07:51 PM
As early as I can remember, I had hair that reached past my bottom. My mother, a hairdresser didn't mind dealing with it and kept it in pretty great shape. She had waist length hair as well. I kept it at waist length till my second child was born and then cut it to a pixie while dealing with two small children. It hasn't strayed past my shoulders in the past ten years or so.

September 8th, 2008, 08:44 PM
When I was young I had the standard short boys cut. It didn't really bother me as it was the only thing I knew. I didn't really have a choice, but it wasn't anything I really argued with either. It was just part of the routine. It wasn't until much later that I started to get into the idea of long hair and eventually into the journey toward it.

Darian Moone
September 8th, 2008, 09:06 PM
The answer would depend on what age as a child.

Between the ages of 0-6 my hair was chin length or shorter.

2nd & 3rd grade between shoulder & bsl (if I had had a bs then. ;) ).

Pixie during the summer between 3rd & 4th grade

BSL in 5th & 6th grade

Mid-back in 7th

Shoulder in 8th (in a wretched gypsy cut)

Mid-back in 9th (with the "mandatory" feathered bangs)

Waist in 10th, 11th & 12th (No bangs)

September 8th, 2008, 09:09 PM
Well I went from shoulder to midback, to bob to pageboy always with a fringe, which my dad cut and always did so lobsided due to a slight cowlick!

This was my most common length, i look like the queen of hearts here aged 5
Hi Jojo! Your hair is so cute in this picture and it brings back memories of my grade school days! I, too, had bangs and wore my hair in a "flip". I wore sponge rollers to bed to achieve the "look" LOL! I also remember the dreaded lop-sided or too-short fringe/bangs cuts...yuk!

September 8th, 2008, 09:54 PM
My hair was kept long probably about thigh lenght until I reached school age when my mom thought it was too much trouble to take care of & get me to school on time.After that my hair was about shoulder length.My Grandmother almost had a heart attack when she saw what my mom had done to my hair.My grandmother always had knee length hair .Junior high to high school was about waist length.

September 9th, 2008, 03:50 AM
very short. my mother refused to deal with my hair.

I was allowed to grow it longer once I started school but since I was made to believe my hair was ugly and thin, I cut it again in 4th grade.

September 9th, 2008, 04:28 AM
My hair was usually around BSL - translated onto a child, of course! I had ONE bob in third grade that looked terrible, lesson learned, and then I never really cut it shorter than shoulder length. I would have worn it longer but my mom was fastidious about cutting it.

Oh, and I have never EVER gone without bangs. They used to be straight fringe in the front but I went with side fringe a few years ago and will never go back. I look awful without them.

September 9th, 2008, 04:40 AM
Bob with fringe. My hair has always knotted horribly and I have a sensitive scalp so it really was the kindest thing to do until I could take care of it myself. My five year old niece also has a shortish bob generally tied up in a half pony tail - when she was three she told me that when she grows up she's going to have hair down to her knees.

September 9th, 2008, 05:14 AM
Mine alternated from long to short, long to short, always with bangs. Once I was old enough to voice a preference, I could choose how I wanted my hair. Eventually, I decided to stick with long and grow out the bangs. I wasn't one of those kids who rebelled against forced short hair. :O)

September 9th, 2008, 05:19 AM
I had about tailbone-length (when it was wet)... And I really really miss it and regret, to cut it. *sigh*

September 9th, 2008, 05:41 AM
Completely short until I was five (at my mother's insistence). After that it varied between chin and shoulder length. I did get it cut short again once at 15 but hated it - it didn't suit me at all.

September 9th, 2008, 07:05 AM
I'd say it was mostly around shoulder length. There is one picture of me when I was pretty young and it looked like my hair was to my waist. But I don't remember it being that long... I do remember cutting my hair though and that was probably sometime after that picture. I think I was five. And I always had bangs. I could have my hair how I wanted though.

September 9th, 2008, 07:07 AM
Ear lobe length until around 4 or so, then very long, upto my knees until I started HS.:)

September 9th, 2008, 07:08 AM
It was usually past shoulders, but never longer than BSL. I was an ignorant child, I didn't care about it until high school.

September 9th, 2008, 07:10 AM
Very short, about 1-2 inches. Ohter kids kept asking me if I was a girl or a boy :mad:
Maybe that's why I love long hair so much!

September 9th, 2008, 08:36 AM
Mine was short - above the ears - until I was 4 or so. Then my mom let me grow it out, but cut in these hideous deep bangs.. 1/3 of my hair was bang. And because my hair was poofy and curlywavy, they always looked wonky. It was around mid back-length until I cut it off for the first time in 7th grade.. grew it out to waist, then chopped it again when I was 17. I've been actively wanting to grow my hair long since I was 19..

September 9th, 2008, 11:18 AM
My hair was hip length when I was in elementary school then it was mid-back when I was in high-school. My mom always trimmed it for me.

I never wanted short hair. I was always the center of attention for having really long hair, I loved that:)

September 9th, 2008, 11:33 AM
Mid-thigh - it was awesome and I wish I never chopped my hair. :-(

September 9th, 2008, 03:18 PM
My hair was long, any where from waist to classic most of the time, and I hated it so much I got rid of it on my own against the express wishes of my parents. Of course looking back i hated it because my parents were adamantly opposed to short hair on anyone. They still are, even DH has been told he is not allowed to cut his hair, but now I like long hair again because I am an adult and it is my choice.

September 9th, 2008, 09:35 PM
Mostly shoulder length, My mother would keep it from getting too long until I was 10 and decided to take control, grew it just past waist. Cut it shoulder length again at age 15.
Thats where it stood until 2003.

September 9th, 2008, 09:48 PM
Depends on what part of my childhood you mean. Once my grandmother tryed to cut it-and that was a disaster. My mom used to have it done in a bowl cut. It was cute, just, not like a fairy princess, more like little dutch boy or girl bowl style.

September 11th, 2008, 06:05 AM
I've been wanting to make a timeline slideshow of my hair for a while, and I finally finished it today! They photos are not great, and may not really show what my hair looked like then as well as some years missing altogether...it's just that there was a time in my life when I avoided being in front of a camera. Then I met my fiance over the net, and started wanting to take photos for him, so now I feel a bit more comfortable about my looks.

Here's the link for the album (http://s95.photobucket.com/albums/l143/Jorchet/Curls/Timeline/?action=view&current=01.jpg) itself, and this is the slideshow. (http://s95.photobucket.com/pbwidget.swf?pbwurl=http://w95.photobucket.com/albums/l143/Jorchet/Curls/Timeline/3c00aab5.pbw) I don't know how to post the slideshow as a part of my post. :hmm:

September 11th, 2008, 06:56 AM
My mom did not cut my hair till I attended kindergarden. I went from past waist length to a crew cut which I kept till I was in my mid teens! I have made it back to a inch past waist all one length and it was quite a process!! I guess I never was aware of how hard it was to grow hair and keep it healthy as a young boy as she did everything for me! I plan on keeping it this time!

September 11th, 2008, 07:56 AM
It was APL and HUGEEEE volume wise even though it was relaxed, just like now. The only difference is that now I am MBL!

September 11th, 2008, 10:55 AM
mine was short as a child, like shoulder-length, then HS came and it was down to my waist when curly, with bangs (EEK!) for some reason I chopped it off when I went to college, and now growing it back out.

October 16th, 2010, 07:14 AM
As I child it was alway short, I hated that

October 16th, 2010, 08:29 AM
Mine was always waist or hip length when I was younger, my dad really never wanted me to cut it but I was happy with it that length so his opinion didn't bother me.

October 16th, 2010, 08:37 AM
Mine was usually chin-to-shoulder length with bangs. I got a pixie when I was 10, then started growing it after that--47 years ago. It was waist-hip length a couple of years later, and since I was 12-13, I've had it hip-to-tailbone length.

October 16th, 2010, 11:24 AM
I yo-yo-ed between around BSL and a bob. Every time my mother took me for a cut I'd cry.

October 16th, 2010, 11:28 AM
From about shoulder to around waist. Right now it's the shortest it's ever been~

October 16th, 2010, 11:28 AM
Mine never got past my shoulders. I alternated between shoulders and pixie before I finally stayed with a pixie during my teens.

October 16th, 2010, 11:31 AM
Mine wasn't super long- about 2 inches past my collarbone or so. It was very curly and lots blonder when I was little. I'm not sure if the curl went away naturally or if the length pulls it out- my hair dries in largish ringlets, but when I brush it it goes wavy.

October 16th, 2010, 12:35 PM
Long, about mid-back to waist. Then about 2 years ago I got it cut to my shoulders (Why???) then let it grow to APL. Then I got a bob and now I'm growing it.

October 16th, 2010, 12:43 PM
From ages 6-9, I had almost classic length hair, but then I cut it when I was 10 because I started playing sports and it became a hassle. I haven't had it much past APL since then and I can't wait for it grow out.

October 16th, 2010, 12:44 PM
Up till the age of about 5 i have beautiful white blonde hair past my waist..my mum cut it into a page boy as i cried every time she combed it, i remember when it was all cut off i cried. I grow it long again as a teenager and this time it wasn't fine and was about mid back/waist:)

October 16th, 2010, 12:44 PM
I had quite long hair. At least waist, I remember moments of being at hip or even longer.

October 16th, 2010, 12:55 PM
I usually had waist length hair. Once it was cut to very short but it grew back to waist length soon. My hair was between hip and tailbone length when I was a teenager.

October 16th, 2010, 01:07 PM
My mom always had long hair when she was little, and hated it. So she always kept mine pretty short. The end result being that we both had to wait until adulthood to get the hairstyle we really wanted.

And yes, I did vow to myself as a child to grow my hair out when I got older.

October 16th, 2010, 01:24 PM
I was not allowed to have long hair as a kid... i had hair to my ears, and bangs. Hated it.
And i was pretty old, like 11-12 or something before i was allowed to grow my hair just a little bit.
My moms excuse for not allowing me was "your hair is thin, it cant be long" and now when my hair is midback my mom thinks its so pretty and always have to compliment it, i totally proved them wrong....hehe.

October 16th, 2010, 01:24 PM
Slightly beyond waist length by the time I was eight or so. I want that length back!!!

October 16th, 2010, 01:36 PM
Classic ---> Shoulder (to be like a friend, my aunt took me in to do it and my mother was horrified and sobbed.) ---> Bob ---> Pixie ----> Mullet ----> Bob ----> Current

October 16th, 2010, 01:41 PM
When I was very young I had tailbone length hair, but as I got older it got shorter. I really don't know why my mother cut it but i'm guessing she didn't want to care for it anymore.

October 16th, 2010, 01:42 PM
Between the ages of 3 and 8 it went from shoulder length to waist length, but then I foolishly had it cut into a bob, and then short when I was 11 (why oh why?), which looked awful on me. Still recovering from that. :p

October 16th, 2010, 05:14 PM
I had a pixie cut until i was 4 or 5 years old. My mother believed that a short cut in younger ages is better to stimulate the hair growth and thickness.

After that my hair growed out and i had it always between waist and tailbone lenght until i cut it ten years ago.
I have learned early to comb and brush it by myself, although i wasn't very carefull with it.
I wash it by myself since i have been 10 years old.
Most of the time it was in braids or ponytails or in a simple bun.

October 16th, 2010, 05:46 PM
I was born with no hair what so ever. When it finally arrived, it was very silky and fine.

As a child, my hair was kept shoulder/chin length. Basically it was because my scalp was very sensitive, and combing/brushing was a daily horrific experience... I mostly took it out on my mother. One of the reasons why she wanted me to keep it short. :D

October 16th, 2010, 05:53 PM
I had a bowl cut. :shudder: Why was it ever in?? WHY? Thin hair + bowl cut = Hell NAAW!
I didn't have a choice. My mother got it done, got me to do it, and every other girl in my neighborhood got the same cut at the same time.
At the time, I didn't care for it. However, when I look at pictures of my child self today, I tear up.

October 16th, 2010, 06:16 PM
My parents never made me cut my hair (thank goodness). They only took me to get it cut if I asked. Typically my hair was between BSL (not that I wore a bra as a little kid :)) and waist when I was little although I did get a bob once around age 11.

October 17th, 2010, 08:58 PM
I think my hair must have been classic length at some point before I was 11 or so, because I have this vague memory of being able to sit on my hair. So it was long and I couldn't wait to get old enough to cut it all off! lol. I got it cut somewhere between waist and BSL at 11, then regularly got more cut off until I wound up with a bob around 13. Then I got lazy, didn't do a thing with my hair (include brush it half the time, I'd just twist it up into a ponytail or bun wet) and it got to about BSL when it started strangling me in my sleep and I got it cut above my shoulders.

My mom had short hair as a kid (she had her first perm when she was 18 months old!) and was never allowed long hair. She HATED it when I cut my hair off. She's so happy I decided to grow again and I honestly doubt I'll ever have short hair again. It was fun, but more of a teen rebellion thing. I just had to get it out of my system.

October 17th, 2010, 09:04 PM
i had a short bob :(

October 18th, 2010, 12:01 AM
never past shoulder

October 18th, 2010, 12:19 AM
Short. Very short. Almost bald at some point.
I really wanted my hair long, but my mother wouldn't allow it for a really long time. I understand her though. My hair back then was soooo smooth, elastics and hairpins would fall out in minutes.
Years of colouring has ruined it enough for me to have stuff in it:D....:(

October 18th, 2010, 12:49 AM
my hair wouldn't grow for the first couple of years of my life, then from the age of 6-9 I had midback-waist length hair. then I got lice when I was almost ten, cut short, grew back to midback then it was cut short when I got lice again, then shaved when we couldn't get rid of them... so here I am, with BSL length hair, dreaming of when I had waist length... sigh

October 18th, 2010, 05:38 AM
Mine was down to my butt when I was about 6 until I turned 10 when I cut it about APL and then chin length with FLICKS when I was about 13 - ugh!!! I grew it out and it was about waist length in Year 12 but then I cut it into a bob again and then grew it to waist length again in uni. Since uni it's been between shoulder, to short, to BSL. I'm about 2 inches below BSL at the moment and it's the longest it's been in 15 years.

October 18th, 2010, 07:08 AM
when I was really small I had the cutest little bob with blunt cut straight across fringe. My mum used to cut my hair for me and I loved it hahahaha
Then when I got to school I really wanted longer hair so I grew it to classic length, which I had for about 6 years.
I started getting really bad headaches and everyone thought it was because of my hair being so thick and long and heavy so they chopped it back to shoulder which I hated and it didnt solve the problem because I actually needed glasses!
ever since then I have had short hair, Now I am 24 and decided to grow it back out and I am very envious of the classic length hair I had as a kid

October 18th, 2010, 07:11 AM
Mine was always long too except for the occasional trim and a time when I was three and I cut it all off by myself : ) It was a mess.

October 18th, 2010, 07:21 AM
a boys mushroom cut.. and i was forced to wear my brothers hand me downs.. boy hair and boy clothes at an age where boys and girls look basically the same.. everyone thought i was a boy.. its a wonder i didnt grow up thinking i was a boy..

i had this cut because my drunk mom decided that she never wanted to help me comb my hair out or style it in the morning (kinda hard to comb out dreads when you start drinking first thing in the morning).. although she was always trying to come in the bathroom to help me wash my hair waaay past the age when its still necessary to help a child bathe.. but i think that was her way of trying to show some love and a small desire to be a mom..

October 18th, 2010, 07:29 AM
It was always between waist and hip/tb when I was young. In high school it was between about hip and past classic.

I have tried it shorter since but it prefer the classic lengths so I'm heading back there.

I almost feel guilty for not having horror stories but my mum loved my hair and as a former long hair herself knew how to take care of it and passed that on to me. I'm always shocked by how many people hated the hair they had growing up; I can't think of anyone I know IRL who had a haircut forced on them.

October 18th, 2010, 07:49 AM
Love your question! so glad you asked!

My mom has no charm in long hair so I had a very cute Cleopatra bob and bangs until almost 12 years. Then I took over and had my hair in those wacky short haircuts (the weirder the better), pink and even blue colours.

But I ALWAYS wanted long princess hair. For a long time it felt unattainable, like those pretty girls would have them and I can't...hehe. But I've been growing it since I left school, ten years ago. So I'm getting there. On my way to tailbone, now at BSL though :-( I'm too diligent on having healthy hair so I've cut it too often, but will wait now.

I can say with certainty that I will have long hair for the rest of my life. I think it is endlessly elegant and feminine. Hate those short cuts that women at 50 get!

October 18th, 2010, 08:18 AM
Always shoulder length, it became a chin length bob when I was 12 and then I never cut it until it was BSL and left it there with some layers and style but we're talking teenage years not child years.

So yeah, it never got any longer or shorter than my shoulders from when I was a baby up until I was 12 haha.

October 18th, 2010, 09:05 AM
I had almost waist length til I was five or six, then Dragon Mom chopped it off and made me wear my hair short til I was 13 and outgrew the reach of her shears (and control). :D

October 18th, 2010, 09:10 AM
I don't think I ever had hair longer than shoulder and most of the time it was a mushroom cut or a bob. I only started growing my hair "long" in my late teens and early twenties. Since then the longest it's been was waist. I think it's high time I finally grow myself some ultra long hair (at least waist this time).

October 18th, 2010, 09:14 AM
When I was like 4 it was down to my waist and when I was 9 it was super short. Then at 14 it was down to my elbows and then at 16 it was chin length.

October 18th, 2010, 09:53 AM
Until the 7th grade my hair was tailbone length with fairytale ends.
My mom said I could cut it in the 8th grade and boy did I!
I have worn it short after that most of my life.
Now, I want TB length again!

Isn't it strange how we usually want the opposite of what we have? Well, at least that's what I always find myself doing...I'm sure I'm not alone.

October 18th, 2010, 10:32 AM
My hair was long when I was really little. The first time I ever got my hair cut -- to a drastically short cut -- was the summer after I was in second grade. I liked it at first, but by the time I was in seventh or eighth grade I got to be really sick of the lame haircuts I was getting. When in high school I aimed for the flower child look, so it was back to long hair for me.

October 19th, 2010, 06:29 AM
My mother hates dealing with long hair so I had an ear-lobe length bob all through my childhood. I started to grow in my early teens. And after I got a horrendous haircut from the hair saloon at high school, I didnt cut my hair for 3.5 years and by that time my hair had passed BSL. I loved the feeling of long hair and decided to grow longer and thicker.

October 19th, 2010, 07:08 AM
I went from pixie cuts to lengths somewhere around APL as a child. I think I may have gone beyond APL just once, but that didn't last long. As a teen, my hair was always layered, permed (and then curled with a curling iron) and was always above the shoulders.

October 19th, 2010, 08:26 AM
Short! Above shoulders most of the time 'til gr. 2, then the "back to school" cut would grow out throughout the year, 'til the following Aug/Sept.

My hair was a couple inches past my shoulders most of the time, then in university I started seriously growing it, i.e. bra strap length - didn't reach my goal of waist 'til maybe a year or two ago.

October 19th, 2010, 08:30 AM
I had very long hair as a small child. Then my Mom & the neighbors Mom took all of us girls to the only salon in the area back then and we all got pixies. I liked it until I got to be around 11 or so and was mistaken for a boy! After that Mom let me grow my hair and I usually wore it shoulder length eventually growing out much longer.

October 19th, 2010, 11:01 AM
I did not choose my hair cut as a child. It was always cut into a longish bob (which can be pretty on others) and of course I hated it. I wanted rapunzel hair to the floor.

October 23rd, 2010, 09:56 AM
My hair was long years tailbone to classic length.

October 23rd, 2010, 10:51 AM
We were in a strict religion when I was growing up so I was not allowed to cut my hair until I was in 5th grade... my hair was hip length when I finally cut it. I also had very thick, blunt bangs... trust me, it was not an attractive look!

October 23rd, 2010, 11:20 AM
Short...barely touching my shoulders sometimes....My Mom took me to the beauty shop all the blasted time...she didn't want to deal with me or my sister having hair of any length.

October 23rd, 2010, 11:45 AM
Long. Very long. I think waist at my longest. My mom braided my hair most days. I had 2 long braids in almost ever picture up until 4th grade. It was the 70's and I wanted the feathered hair of everyone else. So my mom let me cut it. I went shorter and shorter. My nieces had really cute short cuts and I wanted short. So I got a pixie. I loved it. At the time I swam and we had to wear those nasty swim caps. I let it grow to shoulder or sometimes bra strap length from about 6th grade on. My hair is now the longest it has been since 4th grade!

October 23rd, 2010, 01:28 PM
While I was a toddler/preschooler, the longest my hair got was about like this:


By then, my jealous-of-curls-and-all-around-crappy-mother was tired of looking at them and detangling them, so the curls fell to the floor of the beauty salon and stayed there until I was in 5th grade, at which point I had learned that if I made a big enough spectacle of myself, my mother wouldn't drag me into the beauty salon. Prior to then, my hair looked like this:


or this:


Only because of my curls, I always had a little "wing" sticking out somewhere... I *hated* that... with a passion!

My hair has never been that short again, and it never will be as long as I have control of my faculties!

October 23rd, 2010, 01:40 PM
When I was about 2 my mom shaved all my hair completely off. She says that she heard somewhere it was supposed to make it grow in thicker, but I don't think it helped...

October 23rd, 2010, 01:44 PM
my hair has been all over the place in my childhood.
it went from pixie, to tailbone, to chin, to tailbone, eh (:
it has never been longer than tailbone though!

October 23rd, 2010, 06:04 PM
Mine was always in a braid that dangled happily at tailbone.

October 24th, 2010, 06:10 PM
Never shorter than waist ever in my life.

October 24th, 2010, 07:40 PM
I had long hair throughout my childhood & teenage years. My high school graduation photos show it at WL or possibly a little longer.

I did, however, at my mother's instance, have straight across blunt bangs. I hated them. I have a cowlick on the left side of my head, and so they NEVER laid flat. Plus, my mother always cut them herself (which she was NOT skilled at), so I always had what I referred to as "ric rac" bangs. . . uneven all the way across. :( As soon as I went to college I got rid of the bangs, and even though I'm 31, my mother STILL says EVERY TIME she sees me, "You look so much better with bangs." :rant:

October 24th, 2010, 08:07 PM
Mine was usually longer, but the strange thing is that my mother forbade me to cut my own hair. So I became obsessed with short hair when I was young. I would cut my own and then get grounded for it.
I love long hair now though :)

October 24th, 2010, 08:13 PM
Mine was long, about tail bone length until I was about six or so, then I got a bob. I grew that out and had medium length hair until about 10, then I started growing it out and had waist length hair at about 12. When I went to junior high no one had long hair, so I chopped it into a bob. By my senior year in high school I had neat waist length hair again. I chopped that a couple years after high school and kept it sorta short for a while; now after growing out for two years I'm about an inch past waist.

October 24th, 2010, 08:49 PM
My mom cut my hair when I was little. I don't recall feeling bad about it, though. I was really active and I hated having tangles combed out. When I was around 9 or so, people said I looked like Twiggy, and that was pretty cool.

The longest my hair ever was was touching my shoulders.

Here I am at 3, rockin' a pixie and a plastic headband:


October 24th, 2010, 08:57 PM
The answer is too short. In more detailed terms, though...although I always wanted princess-like long hair, it started with just below the ears before I began school, and I veeery slowly got it down to just past shoulder length by the end of elementary, because my mom was (and still is!) insistent on me having short hair. It crept at about that pace until late high school, when I made it too hard on her to chase me around with scissors every few months. Now she bugs me about it every time she sees me, but I'm growing it out again. She'd be horrified if she knew.

October 25th, 2010, 04:26 PM
my mom was (and still is!) insistent on me having short hair. It crept at about that pace until late high school, when I made it too hard on her to chase me around with scissors every few months. Now she bugs me about it every time she sees me, but I'm growing it out again. She'd be horrified if she knew.

LOL! My mom is the same!

"But sweetheart, it's so much easier to care for if it's short..."


October 25th, 2010, 05:20 PM
I'm lucky my mother never cut my hair short. On this pic, it's not the longest hair I had in my childhood, but it's the only pic I have on this laptop. I never had my hair longer than waist though. WL is my current goal.


October 25th, 2010, 06:41 PM
Mother used to do my long hair up in long curls a la Mary Pickford until I was about 4 (so I was told).

As a gradeschooler it was kept at neck level and thinned every summer because it was so thick.

Once I started attending highschool I let it grow to mid back, cut it very short (huge mistake) then let it grow for 20 years.

October 25th, 2010, 07:51 PM
Add me to the list of people with really short hair as a child.
Every once in awhile, I'll meet someone and they'll ask me "Wow, your hair is so long! Have you ever had it cut?" (Never mind that I'm in my 30s, and if I had never cut my hair, it would be reallllllllly long!) Anyway, they're always surprised when I say I had a bowl cut growing up. I looked like a boy. It was probably for the best though. I have my dad's hair. My mom, with her thick hair, would have tried to style mine the way she does hers, which is to say, brush it pretty fiercely. I would have been in tears, and I would have had a head of tangles and frizz!

October 26th, 2010, 04:53 PM
My hair was really long and straight when I was little, then all of a sudden when I hit puberty, it got reeeally wavy.

I always wore it long, it was about to my butt until I made the decision to cut it to my shoulders in about 5th grade. I've had trouble growing it ever since.

October 26th, 2010, 05:03 PM
My mom made me keep my hair short when I was little. I always wanted long hair. When I was 8 I started swimming competitively and being in a pool for 2 hours a day every day does not lend itself to long hair, so it was short then too until I stopped competing at age 17.

I grew it out almost to my shoulders for my wedding (and then promptly cut it) and one other time, but since I never learned to take care of or deal with long hair, I have kept it relatively short my whole life.

October 26th, 2010, 05:11 PM
My hair was shoulder-length until about second grade when my mom made me cut it to the bottoms of my ears. I absolutely hated it and have been growing my hair out in revenge ever since (though I cut it twice to get rid of dye and bangs).

October 26th, 2010, 05:13 PM
My hair was TB til about age 6, then APL through BSL through my teens, a brief flirtation with a bob in highschool, then APL and BSL through my early twenties.

Convinced by people who say things like "Oh, it is SO MUCH EASIER to look after if it is short" (a huge lie of course!), I had it cut short in a mullet-like horror about age 25 (HUGE mistake), and since then, have always had it APL to BSL.

Funny what some of you have said about your mothers liking your hair short.... mine likes my hair about APL. As soon as it gets to BSL or longer, she suggests that I get it cut. She makes great mother comments like "oh, but it would be so much more flattering to your round face shape", or "long hair just lays against you, it emphasizes that extra weight, dear", or my personal favourite, "you would feel so much better about yourself if you got it cut, dear".

Here I am almost 40 and I turn into a 15-year old rebel around her.:rolleyes:

As I like to say, if it is not one thing, it's your mother. :brickwall

October 26th, 2010, 05:15 PM
My hair was similar to what you see in my siggy picture (either a bowl cut or pixie) until about the time I started high school and was allowed to make my own decisions about hair, makeup, etc

October 26th, 2010, 05:18 PM
When I was little my mother always made the hairdresser cut my hair in a bob. I didn't mind about hair, but I also had blunt bangs, AND round glasses. That was horrible, but as I said, I was a child and didn't mind much :D
When I started puberty I started keeping my hair longer, around shoulder-apl, without bangs. I didn't care about my appearance, so I just went to the hairdresser along with my mother once in a while :D
Then when I was 15 I decided to have it cut short, just below my ears. It was supposed to be a messy, shaggy cut and I think it looked cute when it wasn't blowdried.
But people around me said I looked like a boy (I was quite a tomboy back then, no make up, no feminine clothes, so it was understandable) and I started growing my hair "long" again, to APL-BSL, without really thinking about it. I started doing henna but I wasn't consciously growing my hair, which I started when I was 18.

October 26th, 2010, 05:18 PM
Hee hee, I was just remembering that my friends and I used to play Little House on the Prairie when I was little (back in the '70s), and I always got to be Laura because I had the longest braids!! :D

October 26th, 2010, 05:23 PM
For the most part my hair was between shoulder and midback. I had thick bangs for a few years. When we were little, if we weren't taking care of our hair mom would threaten to cut it all off. My mom never forced hair cuts on my sisters and I. We always had the choice of "just a trim" which means less than 1/2 an inch or "chop it off" which was any length we wanted.
My god-mom is the only person to ever cut my hair and I love her to pieces.

October 26th, 2010, 05:23 PM
Bowl cut or pixie or some variation of those until I was 16 and put my foot down.
My mother STILL (and I'm 50, thankyouverymuch) nags me about my hair being too long and how beautiful I look with short hair. :shrug:

October 26th, 2010, 05:37 PM
My hair was about tailbone length for most of my early childhood years, then it was cut to about waist length and maintained there for a long time.

October 26th, 2010, 07:08 PM
It was tailbone length and I loved my hair long..but I never, EVER wore it down when I got old enough to do my own hair. I wore it in a pony tail or braids. I went through a rebel phase when I got to be about 14 or 15 and I chopped it all off really short. I kept it to my shoulders or the middle of my back from my late teens until my early 30's. It was only in the past few years did I decide to try and grow it to the length it once was. I didn't appreciate my beautiful hair back then. I liked it, but I took it for granted. Of course my hair isn't the same thickness or texture it was when I was a kid but I am very happy I decided to stick it out and keep growing it out. Maybe I'll even get it longer!

October 26th, 2010, 08:11 PM
My hair was between waist and tailbone until I was ten. It was straighter than it is now, a solid 1b, and my mom kept it either down, half up with a barrette, or in a french braid. I loved it long. I was a complete girly girl and wore flowery dresses with poofy layered petticoats underneath, so of course I loved having long princess hair to match.

The summer when I was ten my oldest sister decided the color was too blah and insisted on soaking it with Sun-In. I didn't know any better than to let her, although I wish now that I had refused. We had a pool and I spent every waking hour in the sun, so combined with the Sun-In and chlorine my hair got absolutely wrecked. It was so dry and tangly that my mom couldn't get a comb though it without bringing me to tears, even though she tried to be gentle. She ended up having to get it cut off even with my ear lobes. It wasn't even long enough for a ponytail. Without the extra length for weight, strange waves magically appeared that weren't very pretty. I didn't really care, but my sister insisted on blowdrying it every morning into a huge round shape with the ends curled under. It made my face look like a giant circle. I felt fat and hated it. I wasn't allowed to grow it back out until I was thirteen. Since then I've never had it longer than a couple of inches shy of APL (until now). I really think that if she hadn't ruined my hair I wouldn't have ever had it short.

Jules diamond
October 26th, 2010, 10:12 PM
what was your hair length & hair cut as a child? I had really curly hair when I was very young and it didn't grow until I was six. When it was long it was about waist and my mom made me cut it because I never brushed it. After that it was shoulder length or shorter until I was 12.

Did you like it or hate it? I didn't care one way or another. The fact that I got teased when it was short bothered me though. I got called a boy a lot.

October 26th, 2010, 11:43 PM
I had hip or tailbone length hair, which my mum always did in a classic plait, up until the age of 8 when I had it all hacked off into a bob. At that age I must have been fairly indifferent to the length of my hair, because I don't remember disliking it long or having any reason to cut it short, but I also can't have liked it enough to want to keep it. Now I wish that I'd never had it cut of course haha.

October 27th, 2010, 02:12 AM
So when I was very young: before 7 yrs of age: my hair was APL, however, due my sister's aversion to a hair brush my Great Aunt started getting our hair cut in Pixie's during the summers until we were about 12 yrs old. That's when we made a deal with our mother that we wouldn't tell her how to do her hair if she left ours alone. This deal did not stop the home perm incident of '90. The trauma has lessened, but I try not to dwell. It stayed about BSL until I went to college.

October 27th, 2010, 07:04 PM
Well I'm fifteen now... so still sort of a child... I guess, but any way when I was really little my mom cut my hair into a cut bowl cut like thing because I hated to have it brushed, By kindergarten it was shoulder length, stayed that way until second grade when my dad and I went to one of his relatives weddings and my mom and younger sister stayed home, while we were there I asked my dad if I could get my hair cut short. He let me and I got a longish pixie near the the top of my earlobes (my mom freaked when she saw it). I liked it for a while then it got annoying so I grew it back to my shoulders.

It remained there for the rest of elementary school. In middle school I kept it at APL except in eighth grade when it went from 1b to 2c/3a and it was shoulder length then mostly because the curls at up so much of the length. I haven't cut it since entering high school.

October 28th, 2010, 01:41 PM
I had blonde hair, when i was little my parents forced to cut my hair, i never engaged them to me with scissor, so one of them needed to embrace me, and the other cutted it ... so i always had higgledy-piggledy hair while i became 7 year old. from this time while i became 17-18 years old i had only 1-2 inch hair.

October 28th, 2010, 01:52 PM
The longest my hair ever was was shoulder length, and then my mom would have it cut into a pixie or some similar short style, let it get 'long' to shoulder length and then chop again. I hated it, and now I want to grow long :P

October 28th, 2010, 01:57 PM
My hair has always been above waist legth, the longest it has ever been was about three years ago and that was about mod back length. I would always get bored of a hair style or see someone elses hair and was persuaded to cut mine. But now I'm on a mission to grow it long and keep it long

October 28th, 2010, 02:49 PM
what was your hair length & hair cut as a child?
I had a chin length, blunt bowl cut.

Did you like it or hate it? Did you get to choose your hair cut as a kid?
At the time, I didn't have an opinion. My family chose the cut and I would go in every few weeks to get it trimmed very straight.

October 29th, 2010, 06:25 AM
:pumpkin:OMG - I had the infamous, horrible Dorthy Hamil bowl cut. Then I kept it short all the way through my mid thirties. So, relatively speaking, long hair is new for me.

October 29th, 2010, 06:30 AM
I've always been lucky in that I could choose whatever hairstyle I wanted... at age 7 I think it was, I decided I was going to grow my hair as long as possible, like Sleeping Beauty. Until I was about 5 my hair was around shoulder length... and I had a fringe, once my decision had been made though, the fringe was grown out and my hair wasn't cut for 7 years. Not even trimmed. It is now right between waist and hip, and hopefully heading for tailbone, getting trimmed every time my newly cut fringe needs it.

(For a while, I considered cutting my hair short... like.. P!nk short! I'm so so glad I didn't!)

October 29th, 2010, 07:16 AM
Like so many of you, I had waist length hair up until I was 7 years old, then my mom took me to the salon and got it all chopped off into a pixie! She told me it was because I let it get tangled. Oh how I cried!! This started a journey of varied hair lengths as I grew up, mostly short. I always seemed to get praise and compliments when I would get my hair cut into a style, so I bought into the whole "short haircut thing looks better" idea. Finally when I hit 40 I thought, " I want to finally be happy with myself on MY terms", and with the encouragement here, I took the leap and grew my hair. I was scared at first but I am so glad I did! BTW, I have 3 daughters and when they were little, I let them grow their hair as long as they liked. I was NOT going to repeat the nightmare I went through!

October 30th, 2010, 04:27 AM
till i was 10, i had chin-length hair. Magically in my early teens, I was in between BSL and waistlength.

October 30th, 2010, 05:52 AM
When I was 5 it was hip.Jeez,I miss those times.

October 30th, 2010, 08:54 AM
I always had short hair and I was really jealous about the long hair of other girls. Maybe that's the reason i want really long hair. ^^

October 30th, 2010, 01:43 PM
I had really long (hip length) wavy hair as a young child. However it was quite thick and tangled very easily--my mom just used a regular drugstore plastic bristle brush on it and it HURT so bad to have it brushed that she got fed up with having to deal with/help me deal with it that she had my hair chopped to an above-my-ears bowl cut. It was horrific and really traumatizing.

I vowed to have *nice* long hair ever since then.
I just hit waist length and it feels good to be back (and it's much easier to manage now that I know about the proper techniques and products!).

October 30th, 2010, 02:18 PM
I had chin length hair, either a bob or with blunt cut bangs (in most pictures the bangs look horrible but at that time everyone had them).

My mom had long hair as a child and she hated it because it had to be braided daily and grandma wasn't too gentle with it... When mom was considered old enough (11) to decide she cut her hair short and has kept it that way ever since. I guess she didn't want me to experience the same so she kept my hair just long enough for me to be easily recognized as a girl.

After birth I was nearly bald for a long time. When my hair finally decided to start growing it was curly - 2C, 3A I'd say - until around the age of three. I still have thin wisps of hair on my temples that on humid weather remember their glorious curly days.

October 30th, 2010, 02:21 PM
My hair is not long by anyone's definition right now, but since you asked this of people who are growing their hair I will answer. :)

When I was a kid, my hair was kept in a mid-neck-length bob with bangs from the time I was about four until I was around nine years old and became more interested in changing my hair. (That's when I started having ill-advised '80s haircuts and perms, oy.) My hair was so fine that my mom couldn't get barrettes to stay in it and I didn't want to be bothered with it at the time, so it was easier to keep it relatively short and simple.

November 1st, 2010, 09:30 PM
..way too short........

July 26th, 2011, 09:13 PM
when i was little my parents let my brother and i grow our hair out, we were mistaken for girls alot of the time though, when i as 11 i had to go a a catholic boys school and they made us cut our hair (part of the uniform), so my hair went from being down to small of my back, to being about between 2 and 6 inches long for the next 7 years of torture. i havent cut my hair since leaving that hellhole, and its now to the center of my back :D I am so pleased with it. the only problem is ,i have no idea what to do with it now, so i just plait it and tuck it away neatly these days.

Miss Maisie
July 26th, 2011, 10:20 PM
My hair was about thigh length, and I HATED it. I cried every time my mom tried to fix it (she loved to fix it - it was beautiful, I have to admit!), and after years of begging to get it cut, she finally let me cut it to shoulder length. It made me so happy!

As an adult my hair has been between pixie and shoulder length. I think I look really good with short hair, but I've decided I want to let it grow to APL. I'm really enjoying the length now (even though it's just below shoulder length).

July 26th, 2011, 10:49 PM
For most of my childhood, I resisted cuts with a passion, and luckily my parents mostly let me do what I wanted to with my hair. (I did start styling my own hair pretty early on, though.) I eventually ended up with classic-length hair, although it wasn't very healthy at all (I think because some of it had been on my head since I was a toddler, through swimming, brushing, etc.) Then for a while I went shorter every time I cut: waist, lower shoulderblades, high APL. It was still the same kind of cut, though; no bangs, all one length except for some major texturing (I think that's what it's called? It's where the stylist holds the scissors on an angle as she cuts) on the ends.

Now I am making the slow march from APL to waist/hip... I never had a major "someday I'll do _____ with my hair", it's just been whatever I feel like at the time.

July 26th, 2011, 10:55 PM
I started growing my hair out when I was little. It was down around and or a little bit past my waist by the time I was nine y-o or so. Then I cut my hair chin length and donated the rest to the Locks of Love. I had short hair (went between chin and shoulder length) for a few years, and started growing my hair out again in middle school. I was back to near my waist in my sophomore year of high school, but had to cut it to around BSL due to icky ends. I've been growing it seriously ever since then (with the necessary trims, of course) and am now making my way happily back to waist length again, with a goal of classic :)

July 27th, 2011, 03:37 AM
It was cut to a bob until I was about 6. Then it floated around apl. Apparently, it was me who complained about long hair when I was little cause it got tangled, and so that's why my mum always had it cut.

Yeah, I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that I looked "soooo cute" with a bob :p

July 27th, 2011, 03:47 AM
Mine was Classic length right up until the age of 22. Seems hard to believe I had that length now. Never touched it with heat or chemicals and then I got my first greys and discovered straightening irons on my first proper cut at the hair dressers... The temporary transformation of my 3c hair wowed me and I was hooked...... vanity was my downfall. The length got progressively shorter and shorter over the years

July 27th, 2011, 05:25 AM
I had hip length hair until I decided to cut it into a bob- the summer I was about to turn 7 and start school. My preschool teacher had a bob with bangs and I thought it was neat :/ (The hairdresser actually gave me a bowl cut. ) Mom cried a little when I had my hair cut.. but she let me do it because I wanted to.

I regretted it and let it grow out a little bit but have been chopping and growing ever since, the longest I reached as an adult was my recent 30" brushing waist hair. This is my last time growing out my hair long, and without dye. I'm never dyeing or chopping again.

Mom would be happy :) She always wished I'd stayed with my natural blonde hair (she was dark haired herself) and thought my thick wavy hair looked great when it was longer...

My DD is 2 yo 8 months and I've cut her hair once, to make it into a bob from the baby mullet, but I'm letting it grow now. I will also let her decide about her own hair. But her two older cousins have waist and hip length hair so I think she will want hers long too :D Older niece actually started saying that she wants long hair when she was 2, but my sis kept it short for another year or two.. until she started asking, when is my hair going to grow long? And she felt sorry for her because it would obviously not grow because it was always cut back to a short bob!

July 27th, 2011, 06:01 AM
My hair went back and forth from long to short a lot. Whatever my mom fancied, really.

July 27th, 2011, 08:33 AM
Mine was somewhere between midback and waist. I always got to chose a haircut for myself, my mom never opposed.

July 27th, 2011, 08:56 AM
I had hip/BCL hair up til the time I was about 9, then I heard about Locks of Love and chopped it back to a bob so I could donate. It yoyo-ed between a bob and BSL for the next 8 years. I would grow it out, chop it off, donate, and start over again. My sister did the same thing.

July 27th, 2011, 09:05 AM
Short short. I even had a curly girlet (girl mullet).

I hated the short hair, I hated the curls (that's why my mother kept it short) and I hated how dark it was (my little friends and cousins were blonde & lighter haired). I was always the "ugly one", never got to play the princess, always had to play the stupid prince or horse or bad guy. And to top it off - I got my brother's hand-me-down clothes! Jeez!! No wonder I'm so hyper-feminine now!

Luckily I've embraced the dark curls - but haven't had short hair since I was 11. Never. Again.

July 27th, 2011, 09:11 AM
neck and shoulder length til I was 10. My mom hated combing it and I did to so it was easier to maintain short. Till I was 11 I grew past shoulder to APL<-- that was the longest my hair ever was but now I am close to waist! I always hated my hair for being to curly, but now I accept it and is so much easier to deal with because I use the right products/methods :)

July 27th, 2011, 09:26 AM
Luckily I've embraced the dark curls - but haven't had short hair since I was 11. Never. Again.

Substitute "dark" with "red" and TOTALLY ^THIS^!

Fifth grade was the turning - point .... I outweighed my mom and she couldn't FORCE me to get a haircut without making an unbelievably huge scene, so I finally got to have longer hair.

July 27th, 2011, 09:43 AM
Mine was about waist length. I don't really remember ever thinking about it except I do remember I hated it when my mom "fixed" it. Oh, the pulling and tugging, or so I thought! :p Looking at pictures, I am jealous of my little girl hair, it was so shiny and golden. :) Jealous of my self? Well, never mind. :wacko: I did have perfect braid waves...

July 27th, 2011, 10:17 AM
Tailbone until about 12 years old.

July 27th, 2011, 10:33 AM
I was white blonde with big, loose curls when I was really little. By the time I reached kindergarten my hair was just blonde and had grown to around midback. It was just barely wavey then.

July 28th, 2011, 08:47 AM
In elementary school I went from mid-back to classic and back to mid-back in middle school. In high school I got it cut to between shoulder and chin-length and then I got it cut even shorter and kept it short for five years but I want to grow it out to classic again.

July 28th, 2011, 08:51 AM
Mine was hip length until 7th grade. My mom used to wear her hair at mid-thigh when I was younger and always encouraged me to grow my hair long. Of course, that meant I needed to rebel and cut my hair short. Now I can't wait to grow my hair back out!

July 28th, 2011, 08:58 AM
I had long straightish hair to my bum... and I always wanted it cut short! I eventually was allowed when i was around 10/11.

God knows why, cos now id love it that long again! :/

Pirate Cat
July 28th, 2011, 09:07 AM
I had super light blond, stick straight hair down past my waist. My mom pretty much let me do whatever. In the third or fourth grade I decided to grow my bangs out. So for a long while I had these long bangs that I decided MUST be parted on the right side (waay on the side, like above my ear practically) so I walked around with this big comma around my face. :) For a long time in adulthood I had an intense aversion to anything but a middle part, but I've learned to go back to the side a little.

July 28th, 2011, 09:16 AM
Between chin and BSL/MBL. I thought it was fun to cut short and was not obsessed with my hair yet!

July 28th, 2011, 09:23 AM
When I was really little, I had it pretty long (like BSL-waist), because my mom wanted it that way. I think I would've preferred it shorter; I didn't care about hair at all and hated the fact that mine was also tangled and my bangs were always uneven (why do mothers always insist that their young daughters have thick, blunt bangs?) When I got old enough to start caring about what my hair looked like, it ranged between shoulder and BSL. I'd never let it get past BSL cuz by the time it got that long, I was tired of my hair length and wanted to cut it all off just for the change.

July 28th, 2011, 09:52 AM
I had around hip-length hair until I was about 12. I can't believe the amount of people whose parents made them have short hair...I know it can be a hassle to detangle, but yeesh...

July 28th, 2011, 10:57 AM
My mom always kept is at just below APL. Long enough to make ponytails and braids, but not long enough so that she was annoyed by it. I cut it off to chin length when I was 10 for swimming though. I had white hair as a child.

July 28th, 2011, 11:00 AM
I always had tailbone-classic hair until my Mother took me for a very unwanted mid back chop when I was 10. Then some evil girl i was in a dance competition against put chewing gym in it when we were standing on stage and I ended up with a bob!
My dad still has the ponytail from my first big haircut though :)

July 28th, 2011, 11:31 AM
My hair was down just past my bum when i was about 12, then i decided i wanted it chopped off, so my mum took me to a hairdresser who chopped it into a chin length bob for me.

My mum was in floods of tears & I was just "Meh whatever" She still has the poney, neatly braided and wrapped in tissue paper...i'm 29 now lol

July 28th, 2011, 03:36 PM
Very short. Like a boys. My mother couldn't deal with how thick and tangly my hair is.

July 28th, 2011, 03:50 PM
My Mom kept my hair around shoulder length all the time. She said it was too thin to be any longer. It made me really mad, not only because I wanted it long, but because my older sister had really long hair since she was about three. Her hair was (and still is) really thick, so she was allowed. GRRR!

I also wanted bangs as a child, but wasn't allowed to have them. Mom said they were too much bother. I have a huge forehead and, being a light blonde at the time, really pale eyebrows that were virtually invisible. I figured bangs would help hide both. I was finally allowed to do whatever I wanted to do with my hair when I reached about 12, since I was completely taking care of it myself by then, so of course I cut bangs and let it grow long. :cheese:

July 30th, 2011, 05:55 PM
It constantly changed in cycles between shoulder lenght and BSL. I always let it grow as I didn't care much about my hair lenght, and then it was again cut to shoulders, and then regrown again. My childhood was full of benign neglect until my 13's.

July 30th, 2011, 06:14 PM
It was short (ear lob or chin) my whole childhood, at it's longest it shoulder length. I didn't really take care of my hair when I was young, so my poor mom would get frustrated and just have it chopped off :)

July 30th, 2011, 06:17 PM
Mine was always somewhere between sl and apl. My mom always kept my hair on the shorter side.

July 30th, 2011, 07:49 PM
When I was a child my hair was kept mid back length until I was about 5. It was a mid-brown. I cut a chunk of my own bangs with baby nail scissors. And then my hair was cut into a chin length bob. Then it grew out and turned blond. Whenever my hair got about shoulder length it was cut back to chin length by one parent or the other. I always had thick, blunt, bangs. I actually liked my hair growing up and it was always flattering.

July 30th, 2011, 07:56 PM
Tailbone from age of 5 to 8. Due to lice it was chopped down to ear/neck lenght at 9. Hated it.

July 30th, 2011, 08:35 PM
I was one of those children!! My mother never let me grow my hair, it was always at the bottom of my ears at its longest. I let it grow for a while and when she took me to get it cut the women said it was damanged and cut it to what looked like my chin after she styled it straight. I washed it a few days later, it curled right back up to my ears. I was so upset.

July 30th, 2011, 11:15 PM
Mine ranged from TBL to classic until I started taking care of my hair. My first real hair cut (taking more than 1"off) was when I was 10, I cut off about 2.5'. Now, I regret ever cutting it. My Mommie kept it braided and out of my face ALL of the time and never put heat on my hair, it was stick straight. Oh, how I miss the hair I had as a child!

My goal is to get it back. I am slowly working on it. ^_^

July 31st, 2011, 04:13 AM
For most of my childhood I had unruly waist length hair. In 7th grade I had long layers put into it. Then in 9th grade, my mother talked me into cutting it all off and getting a short layered curly perm. I looked like a clown :-(

By 12th grade, I had finally grown it out to an inverted bob (short in back, long in front) that had no layers in it. It was 22 years later when I took a chance and put long layers back into my hair. I now regret that decision and am currently working on getting it all back to one length.

I've had a few major cuts through the years, but none that got much above BSL. I will NEVER go back to looking like a clown again! This old lady will be reveling in her long silver braids.

July 31st, 2011, 06:36 AM
My parents kept it at shoulder length when I was really young. After that I just let it grow and if I thought of it I'd get the ends trimmed.

July 31st, 2011, 07:17 AM
My hair spent most of my childhood around my shoulders...sometimes as short as a bob, never down to APL. Probably silly of my mom, since tangles were a huge source of conflict and at that length my hair creates some awful tangles. Since it's been even an inch below my shoulders, I find it tangles so much less. Whew~!

July 31st, 2011, 10:18 AM
My mom kept my hair cropped short (two inches - longest), as she said she wouldn't have time to fuss over them.

When I was 8 I started to grow my hair, as I wanted to have long hair for my first communion (yep, was a devout catholic then). And so I had "long" hair - about 4-6 inches, wiry and standing in every possible direction. I actually have a photo of me in first grade, where my hair acts like wolverine's horn-like do'

When I was 12 I had SL and a ridiculous fringe (or bangs, or whatever) but then I learned that I had bad eyesight and had to get glasses, so I thought my fringe had to go (my forhead is really low), so my next two years I have pics in bandanas :)

In 7th grade I think I had APL.

Since then I kept my hair about waist length, thinking it was my terminal.

I cropped my hair twice during the last 1,5 years for personal reasons (had to chop SOMETHING off, and I thought hair will grow back) first from waist to APL (that was a shock after all these years :)) and then chopped about 3 inches off from just below BSL - and it was about 10 month ago

Now I am at "Can I call it waist length" and I'm planning to grow my hair to the length of my dreams :)))

Oh, and when I was 3 it was all curly!

July 31st, 2011, 10:21 AM
My hair was long as well, till my father went to the hair dresser with me to cut it all down, cos he couldn’t do blades for me ;-)

July 31st, 2011, 10:31 AM
Between tailbone and classic until I was about 13. I cut it at that point because it would get caught in the school chairs and took HOURS to dry and tangled very easily.