View Full Version : Saw flexi 8 and ez bun

August 11th, 2008, 01:55 PM
I was at our local state fair this past weekend and there was a hair booth that was selling these 2 items. The lady demonstrating only had shoulder length hair, but they did put my hair up with an extra large flexi 8 and my hair was in a pony with 7 small braids that day. I would've loved to get some of both of these items, but money is tight right now so I had to wait. :( But it was neat seeing them in person and not just online. So pretty and so many different styles and colors.

Peggy E.
August 11th, 2008, 03:04 PM
It's great to be able to try the hair toys on before ordering. You know what size to get, how it works, how it's going to look, so there's less chance of disappointment when you finally are able to order the ones you want.

Now you have something to look forward to!

I'm not familiar with the EZ Bun, but the Flexi-8's are great.

August 14th, 2008, 10:05 AM
When you have long thick hair can you get all the hair in the flexi 8 without the ends sticking out? I don't care for the messy look with my straightish hair cause they stick up and looks weird. What kind of updos does everybody manage with the flexi 8. They told me I would need an xlarge for an updo and a medium for a pony...so would the medium do a half up too???

August 15th, 2008, 03:25 PM
bump bump bump

August 15th, 2008, 03:59 PM
an XL holds my buns and I can do them in different ways so that they look nice and tucked in or crazy with ends poking out everywhere :} It just depends on what i want to do.

As for ponys, I use a small to hold mine-and it will hold half ups too. A medium was WAY too big for me.

ETA: my fav buns to hold with the XL is the nautilis and the celtic knot. But it will hold any I can manage to make.

August 15th, 2008, 04:10 PM
I have one x-large and one medium - I'm not overly fond of them, they are nice but I think it's because I have to wrestle with them a bit to make them work. I am iii had a shed this summer and went down to about a 4.25" circumference, that was measured on wash day (before washing, after carefully combing) after about 3 days since I'd washed last. Making the hair the most compact it possibly can be, so on most days I'm still well into the iii range.

I have troubles getting the flexi to go together, it's just a bit too small. It takes me a while getting the medium over my pony, I can use the medium in a half up comfortably but it will tend to slide down depending on how much wave I have that day and how much hair I shoved into it.

The x-large I can do a figure 8 with but that is really the only bun I can do successfully with it. I tried an infinite this morning...yeah it held and looked pretty stupid since the flexi won't go over the middle of the infinite it rested on top (horizontally) of the infinite. I've tried other buns, I either can't get enough hair into it for it to hold or it grabs at the top of the bun and sits on top (horizontally again) looking like a big bow. <ahem> I have big buns.

October 13th, 2008, 01:01 PM
I am still contemplating the ez bun toy.
Here is the link : http://www.ezbun.com/
Not sure though how long it would work if it worked in my hair.
It looks similar to the old hairagamis that used to be popular.

October 13th, 2008, 01:13 PM
Wow that girl could really work that ez bun thingie. Fast, just zip zip zip and she had a bun. Don't know how that would work on longer hair though?

October 13th, 2008, 01:50 PM
Hehehe. Back in high school I had the hairdini- it looked very naughty.

I like to use Flexi-8 for inside out and infinity buns. I sometimes leave the ends out on purpose, but you can tuck them in, too.