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View Full Version : l'oreal steam pod keratin treatment??

September 24th, 2012, 08:33 AM
Ok, so im going to start from the begining, Hope i don't bore you!

For my birthday in January i received a $100 voucher for a hair salon.I never really used it because i didnt use any of their products and didn't want to cut or color my hair.

But today my power was out for the day so my mother and i went to the shops and she suggest i used the voucher she bought me all those months ago and it expired in a few weeks, and because it was $100 dollars i would feel terrible not using it.
So i thought i might get a deep treatment or something. I went in their and she suggested the the usual , color cut and blowdry. But i said no.
So she suggest something new which was the l'oreal steam pod keratin treatment, it sounded really good. so i did it. And my hair feels like SILK. I'm sooooo happy with the results.
She washed , conditiond my hair and said she was going to blow dry it but i wouldnt let her so i asked if i could walk around the shops till it was about 70% dry. She let me , so i came back about a hour later and she contiued. She put loads of "kertain" treatment in my hair. And then used this steampod to infuse it in there.

You can style your hair like you would with a straightner , so you can give it huge volume or curl it , do whatever. Im stil researching it, and because it is very new its kinda hard to.
But im really loving the results and my mum is going to buy the at home one once it comes out because she ended up getting it done because she fell in love with the way my hair looked and felt. I hope its not damaging becuase i LOVE LOVE LOVE the results.
It really feels like Silk . Ill add some sites on it as im not good at describing it. Ill add some before and after photos soon :)

Its suppose to last a few washed by the way :)

(Im sorry if this post dosent make much sense, i have trouble with putting my thoughts into huge paragraphs , have done my whole life im sorry :( And my grammer is pretty bad. )





What do you guys think, what are your thoughts??
Pictures added soon.:)

September 24th, 2012, 08:58 AM
Sounds like a variation on the Brazilian blowdry/keratin treatment to me.

September 24th, 2012, 04:40 PM
It costs 100 bucks and it only lasts a few washes??

September 24th, 2012, 09:39 PM
sorry no treatment is only 25 dollars .

September 25th, 2012, 08:17 AM
Oh uh ok lol that sounds better. Did they recommend a special shampoo to maintain it?
I'll have to ask my sister about....oh wait she works in a redken salon not a L'oreal salon.