View Full Version : braid or bun

September 20th, 2012, 05:01 PM
hi all,i was wondering what is you'r daily night hair routine you follow to protect the hair during sleep, i've seen some put their hair in a bun, while others put it in a braid, am confused wich one is better? :confused:

though i've seen some on youtube say that putting hair in a braid makes split ends from rubbing against the cloth.

September 20th, 2012, 05:08 PM
I used to do 1-2 English braids for sleep, but I always got tangles in the hair above the beginning of the braid, and I would wake up several times through the night having to move the braid because it was wrapped around my neck or caught under my arm or something.

Now I put it in a cinnamon bun on top of my head. Buns on the back of my head get in the way a bit when I'm laying on my side and just don't seem to balance as well. On top of my head, they're never in the way, they almost never tangle, and it's actually given me more volume since I never used to put my hair up that high. It was a bit tingly at first, as the follicles got used to the new direction, but now it's my go-to style for getting my hair up and out of the way.

September 20th, 2012, 05:34 PM
I bun mine at the top of my head too that is the only way I put it because it is either that or sleep with it loose, but sometimes I wish I would sleep with it loose and give my head a break.

September 20th, 2012, 06:57 PM
After decades of braiding my hair in two braids, I switched to wearing a loosely braided bun on top of my head:


The difference was like day and night. Before, I had a few tangles. With the braided bun, I can detangle my hair in less than half a minute! I've never experienced any kind of breakage/damage wearing braids of any sort.

September 20th, 2012, 07:02 PM
After decades of braiding my hair in two braids, I switched to wearing a loosely braided bun on top of my head:


The difference was like day and night. Before, I had a few tangles. With the braided bun, I can detangle my hair in less than half a minute! I've never experienced any kind of breakage/damage wearing braids of any sort.

Your hair looks so healthy and thick :crush:
what a beautiful bun :) Do you start the braid on the top of your head?

September 20th, 2012, 07:05 PM
oh...I guess I should answer. I have been wearing a braid. I tried to wear a bun once but it was a no go. I woke up in the middle of the night and took it down and braided it. :confused:

September 20th, 2012, 07:14 PM
Hands down bun for me, generally braided. The more elaborate the longer it takes The Naughty Mess to escape. There is never the question of IF The Naughty Mess will manage to escape and spit out all hair taming objects it is WHEN.

He says that it is not a hostage negotiation of my comfort and life it is a hostile take over and I should sit down, shut up and let him do what he wants. :rolleyes:

September 20th, 2012, 07:20 PM
Your hair looks so healthy and thick :crush:
what a beautiful bun :) Do you start the braid on the top of your head?

Thanks for the compliment, Cowgirl16!

I bend at the waist with all my hair in front of me, then gently detangle in small sections with a wide tooth comb.

Then, still bent at the waist, I divide my hair in 3 sections, starting in the center at the top of my head. The first crossover complete crossover is done very loosely so that there is plenty of slack. I try and hold my hair up while braiding and outward (in front of me). Hard to describe. Only braid 3/4ths of the way down and tuck the remaining hair under the coil already made.

Takes about 9 3 inch crimped hairpins.

What I like about the braided bun on top of the head is that all I have to do is unbraid in the morning, detangle in less than half a minute, and I'm ready for brushing!

September 20th, 2012, 08:30 PM
I usually do some sort of braid thing because buns don't work too well for me to sleep on. I don't get any more splits as long as all my hair is in the braid.

September 20th, 2012, 08:34 PM
I think braids are more comfortable, however I think buns protect the ends better. Ive been trying out sock buns lately since I have a cotton pillow case and so I'm thinking the bun might help with my split ends. I might copy madora and try the braided bun!

September 20th, 2012, 08:38 PM
Both!! :) (a braid when I want my hair to be wavy the next day)

September 20th, 2012, 08:39 PM
I don't like the feeling of a braid on my neck when I sleep. I like a bun on top of my head. Sometimes I do a braided bun.

September 20th, 2012, 08:49 PM
My scalp always hurts the next day if I do a bun on top of my head, so I stick to a single English braid. I sleep on my side, so the braid isn't being mashed all night. I haven't noticed any more splits or breakage due to the braid. I braid loosely and don't use my hairbands in the same place every night.

September 20th, 2012, 10:15 PM
Seashell bun on the top of my head. Since I switched from braiding and to using baby oil before bunning, I have less splits. The combination works well. I have incredible bun waves in the morning.

September 20th, 2012, 10:28 PM
I wear it in a braid. Sometimes a low braided bun. But it gets loose at night, when it's in a bun.

September 20th, 2012, 10:33 PM
I usually braid my hair. Sometimes I will just put it in a sleeping cap, or try bunning it (with the hair on top of my head), but it often isn't very comfortable. :(

September 20th, 2012, 10:35 PM
i bun it on top of my head and use some spin pins. i was wondering how everyone got their bun on top to STAY on top for a while and then i figured-hey! i can use spinpins! so i started using that and its helped reduced the amount of splits i get!! :D:D right now i just did madoras method of loosely braiding it on top and not braiding the whole thing. make a cinnamon bun or a pencil bun with it, pin it, and im done! :D

September 20th, 2012, 10:40 PM
I put mine in a bun on the top of my head with a big claw clip. Been working just fine for a couple years :) I don't braid my hair because I don't think braid waves are a good fit for me, looser bun waves are right for my hair.

September 20th, 2012, 11:10 PM
Hands down bun for me, generally braided. The more elaborate the longer it takes The Naughty Mess to escape. There is never the question of IF The Naughty Mess will manage to escape and spit out all hair taming objects it is WHEN.

He says that it is not a hostage negotiation of my comfort and life it is a hostile take over and I should sit down, shut up and let him do what he wants. :rolleyes:I am endlessly amused at the phrase the naughty mess. :lol:

September 20th, 2012, 11:18 PM
I wear 1 or 2 buns on top of my head usually

When I wear it in a braid, I wear a huge satin bonnet and tuck the braid inside

September 21st, 2012, 12:15 AM
I am endlessly amused at the phrase the naughty mess. :lol:

It isn't really a phrase. It's my hair monster's name. Yes my hair has a name, yes my hair is a Him, with his own personality and a voice in my head to go with it, and I understand that I am crazy.:cheese:

September 21st, 2012, 03:22 AM
Low bun at the nape of my neck, the bun is tightlyish tied with a hair tie but loose (ie, a little gap) between it and the back of my hair, so the bun can easily flop back and forth to fit in around my head and the pillow but cant escape the bun. Its like a little bommyknocker knoby thing flopping around back there lol, but it works really well for me and has for 10+ years worth of nights now.

September 21st, 2012, 04:03 AM
Well - I feel like I'm the odd one out.

I wear my hair unbunned and unbraided, loose in fact under a satin sleeping cap. It's very comfortable, and the hair feels like it is its own cushion under my head. I have no tangles in the morning.

September 21st, 2012, 04:32 AM
I always braid it before going to bed. Either a 2 strand rope braid or an english braid. Cant imagine me being able to sleep whit any kind of bun so never tried that.

September 21st, 2012, 04:41 AM
I usually sleep with a loose frenchbraid or a ropebraid if I don't want the waves, buns don't work for me, I feel like there's too much traction.

September 21st, 2012, 04:44 AM
I usually sleep with my hair untied, but it's starting to trouble me. :) My boyfriend often gets caught in it! I'd beter think of something soon. :)

September 21st, 2012, 05:32 AM
I either wear a braid or a sleep cap. I get more tangles when I sleep with braided hair, but it's not that bad. A bit of careful finger combing takes care of it. When I use the sleep cap, there are hardly any tangles and my hair is pretty much ready to be bunned when I get up. Sometimes I braid my hair before putting the sleep cap on, and in the morning the braid is still so nice and neat that I don't have to redo it ;)

September 21st, 2012, 06:12 AM
I used to wear a french braid, but my hair got a lot thinner where the hair elastic was placed every night. I also tried to just braid it with no elastic, worked alright.

But I prefer to just flip it over the pillow, and sleep with it loose. I rarely have tangles in the morning.

September 21st, 2012, 06:30 AM
My scalp always hurts the next day if I do a bun on top of my head, so I stick to a single English braid. I sleep on my side, so the braid isn't being mashed all night. I haven't noticed any more splits or breakage due to the braid. I braid loosely and don't use my hairbands in the same place every night.

i have the same problem,every time i make a bun on top of my head,it hurts alot when i change the direction of my hair :(

September 21st, 2012, 06:40 AM
I do both as well. sometimes I'll wear a sock bun on the very top of my head which is really the only bun i can tolerate while sleeping. Most often I loosely dutch braid it, and vary the placement of the hair tie - which also isn't very tight. the braid seems to work the best as far as fewest tangles (virtually none) and less damage. I tried sleeping with it loose a few weeks ago and woke up with a nightmare of a rats nest. NEVER AGAIN.

September 21st, 2012, 06:45 AM
My scalp always hurts the next day if I do a bun on top of my head, so I stick to a single English braid. I sleep on my side, so the braid isn't being mashed all night. I haven't noticed any more splits or breakage due to the braid. I braid loosely and don't use my hairbands in the same place every night.

i have the same same problem when i make a bun on top of my head ,it hurts alot when i put it back :(

September 21st, 2012, 06:51 AM
Low bun at the nape of my neck, the bun is tightlyish tied with a hair tie but loose (ie, a little gap) between it and the back of my hair, so the bun can easily flop back and forth to fit in around my head and the pillow but cant escape the bun. Its like a little bommyknocker knoby thing flopping around back there lol, but it works really well for me and has for 10+ years worth of nights now.

these days am lazy so i put my hair in a low bun, but in the morning when i comb my hair,i get lots of tangels at the roots .

i used to put my hair in 4 buns every night for years,this is the only way i found to prevent tangels.