View Full Version : Tips in using oils

September 18th, 2012, 10:22 PM
Aloha All,

I read a lot of posts where people are frustrated with oil application so I thought it would be nice if we could share what oils we like and what works for ourselves. I love :applause:heartbeat what oils do for my hair. I don't think I could have reached the length I have, in the health that it is, without them. Apologies if this is a duplicate thread...

I like coconut oil and have now discovered kukui nut. I like olive and avo just fine, but it seems kukui is my current fave. What works best for me is to apply a light application on towel dried hair then bun/top knot it over night. Oils also really work well when I see dryness so I will lightly coat just those hairs and then concentrate on about the last inch and a half to make sure my ends don't get too parched.

September 18th, 2012, 10:59 PM
EVOO works nicely on me, it really helps with the moisture loss and dryness. Grapeseed oil was AMAZING for detangling i loved the way my hair looked when i had it on BUT its a semi drying oil and that builds up and i dont want to put up with that. im fine with just small amounts of EVOO for now. though my mom bought the wrong oil today -_- she thinks its funny i say i wont use plain olive oil and just EVOO. evoo is special. its VIRGIN. and it has a long name! so its special!

honestly im just afraid of trying anything too different. XD

big tip, less IS more! learned that the hard way :(

September 18th, 2012, 11:44 PM
i'd like some tips on how to wash it out of your hair! i usually end up with limp,oily hair. its not always on my whole scalp, sometimes its just the ends. and sometimes theres just random spots! i don't want to clarify it too much,because that defeats the purpose of oiling!!

September 18th, 2012, 11:53 PM
i'd like some tips on how to wash it out of your hair! i usually end up with limp,oily hair. its not always on my whole scalp, sometimes its just the ends. and sometimes theres just random spots! i don't want to clarify it too much,because that defeats the purpose of oiling!!

I don't see why that shouldn't be included also!! Thanks for including it!! I don't have any advice though..... a gentle 'poo has always worked for me if I used too much oil.

September 18th, 2012, 11:59 PM
i'd like some tips on how to wash it out of your hair! i usually end up with limp,oily hair. its not always on my whole scalp, sometimes its just the ends. and sometimes theres just random spots! i don't want to clarify it too much,because that defeats the purpose of oiling!!

take a light conditooner like Suave and do a good COwash.i prefer to wet my hair and THEN put conditioner on, the other way around didnt work for me. glob it down on your hair. gently rub it in for a while and then leave it in for like 10-30 minutes. the surfactants should take care of the oil and other stuff. rinse for like 3 minutes.
thats actually how you co wash the LHC way except you put the conditioner all over, and really massage and scrub the scalp for a while and make sure to do it a lot while rinsing! but i guess if you're only trying to get oil out on the ENDS you wouldnt need conditioner on the scalp, just the length :)
but your choice! co washing it out works for me so far! better than shampoo! it took me about 3-4 shampooings to get EVOO out of my hair before when i DUNKED it in the oil and well i still had some left! >.< but i use less oil now and CO wash it out and it seems fine :)

September 19th, 2012, 12:48 AM
I do deep oilings every so often, usually with argan and camellia. However, I don't otherwise often add oil to my routine these days. I don't like how it makes my hair more linty and thus prone to tangles, so I only do it right before I CO.

September 19th, 2012, 04:48 AM
big tip, less IS more! learned that the hard way :(

Yep, same here. It's better to put on too little and add more the next day than to put on too much and have to wash early.

September 19th, 2012, 05:08 AM
I like a mixture of coconut oil and castor oil with some peppermint oil for my scalp and then plain coconut oil for the length. My hair also likes grapeseed oil and jojoba, but coconut oil is cheaper so I use that.

Before I plan to wash I give myself a good scalp massage with the blend then oil the length and let it sit most of the day. Usually it ends up being a rather heavy oiling. I shampoo my hair and let it sit for a minute or two then soak it in conditioner and end up with lots of slip and shine and softness.

I've never had an issue with getting out the extra oil out unless I was doing an herbal wash.

September 19th, 2012, 06:29 AM
I oil with a mixture of equal parts coconut and castor oils, gently warmed, before I wash my hair, leaving it in overnight. Then a few drops of mineral/baby oil on the last few inches on wet hair after CWC. When hair is almost dry, a light coating of coconut oil and I'm good to go.
In between, I sometimes use a small amount of coconut oil almost as a pomade, if hair starts to get frizzy.
I tried evoo but didn't like the smell and found it more difficult to rinse out afterwards.

September 19th, 2012, 08:08 AM
i seal my ends my soaking them in water for a minute, gently squeeze out a little of the excess so i dont drip all over the place and let them be for 15 minutes, then i gently squeeze out any excess and apply oil. i do this every week or so and my ends are soft and healthy-looking.

i have had success using conditioner to remove a very heavy oiling (i applied the conditioner directly to my oiled hair (ie, i didnt wet my hair with water first) and left it for a couple of minutes before rinsing in cold water) this got rid of the oil no problem, but the conditioner seemed to dry up my hair (the conditioner had alcohol in it, i think that might have been the problem).

i have also had success removing a very heavy oiling using a pack made of henna mixed with hibiscus and soapnut tea to form a paste, with an egg and molasses thrown in for luck. i applied it directly to my oiled hair (again my hair was not wet first), left it for 30 minutes and rinsed in a tub of cold water. this was really good, got rid of all the oil no problem and left my hair looking and feeling amazing.

i have not had luck applying oil as a leave-in (apart from when i seal my ends) as my hair is dark and so the dust the oil attracts is quite noticeable (i think i also have a tendency to apply too much oil). however i have found rosewater to be a nice way of 'oiling' hair as a leave-in without attracting dust and without too much heaviness or stringiness. rosewater is basically distilled water and rose essential oil and has the added benefit of making your hair smell amazing. it is also meant to be good for acne and dandruff.

i occasionally massage a drop of essential oil into my scalp for the smell (and hopefully any magic hair-growing superpowers in the oil). i'm a bit wary of applying essential oil undiluted, however i'm hoping the natural oils in my scalp can act as a sort of carrier oil.

September 19th, 2012, 08:17 AM
You shouldn't apply essential oils undiluted to your skin. You can cause some skin problems that way.

September 19th, 2012, 10:24 AM
My favorite leave in oil is Camillia oil, from Japan. I buy it from amazon http://www.amazon.com/Oshima-Tsubaki-Oil-60ml/dp/B0022NHBFK/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1348071333&sr=8-6&keywords=camellia+oil
In this form, it seems expensive - $20 - but as I only use 3 drops, it lasts more than 6 months. After CWC, and white vinegar rinse, I put 3 drops in my palm, rub it all over my hands, and then starting with the ends, work it through my hair, then damp bun.

For more intensive treatment, I use coconut oil. I start an english braid at my crown upside down, and when I get to 4-5 inches from the ends, I swipe in coconut oil with every fold over. I usually just bun this with a bone bodkin without any elastic or tie until bed, then untie to sleep, let it unravel in bed, and CWC in the morning. Conditioner is much better than shampoo at removing this oil. This makes my hair happy, and leaves me with soft healthy ends. I have an oily scalp, so I don't apply oil there.

September 19th, 2012, 01:43 PM
Ok, i'll try the conditioner thingie to get rid of the oil,but shampoo afterwards, cause I don't think my hair likes CO washing.

September 19th, 2012, 02:04 PM
My hair doesn't like CO. To wash the castor oil out I put the shampoo on dry hair and then add enough water wash with. I use castor oil on my scalp once a week and coconut oil on the ends every day.

September 19th, 2012, 02:56 PM
I use a spray bottle filled with half water & half olive oil. Leave on my hair for five minutes. Then
shampoo. I added two capfuls to my shampoo & conditioner. Adding it before shampoo makes
my hair real soft. Also, mixing it with your shampoo & conditioner makes it soft. I also add three capfuls of Aloe Vera gel to my conditioner. It makes my hair real soft.