View Full Version : Big chop, incoming!

September 5th, 2012, 01:09 PM
I've been on the fence since I posted about this a whole year ago, but I think I've finally reached a point where the upkeep necessary for long hair is no longer worth it for me.

I started growing it out as a teenager in Dec. 2007 and was subject to quite a bit of harassment because of it. I persisted and reached my initial goal of waist in Feb. 2010 and got to hip length shortly after. At that point, I decided that any longer would be too much for me, so I've been maintaining at around hip for over 2 years with the occasional trim back to waist.

I guess it's a bit unsettling to see it go because it's a symbol of what it took to get here. Long hair was a huge part of my identity for the past few years but life changes and people change. There's still a part of me that loves how it sets me apart, but my interests have changed and it's become more of a burden than anything else.

I know some people are going to suggest cutting to around APL, but I'd rather not do that. I didn't like my hair at that length since the ends curled in every direction and always looked messy (sigh, 1c/2a). It was just a stage necessary to get to my initial goal of waist and not something I would want long-term, so it's go big or go home. And I think I've made my decision. I'll be cutting it all off and donating it within the next few weeks -- but I've been here more than long enough to keep it far, far away from LoL! ;)

In closing, I am grateful to everyone here who helped me in my journey, but it has come to a close. It was a wild ride. Maybe I'll grow it again sometime in the future, maybe not.

This thread is useless without pics so here (click):
http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?pictureid=118948&albumid=9115&dl=1321392847&thumb=1 (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/album.php?albumid=9115&pictureid=118948) http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?pictureid=120093&albumid=9115&dl=1322716474&thumb=1 (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/album.php?albumid=9115&pictureid=120093)

September 5th, 2012, 01:32 PM
Awww :-( I am sorry to hear that, but I am glad that you are going to do what makes you happy. Are you still going to post on LHC from time to time?

September 5th, 2012, 01:41 PM
Let me know exactly when my period of mourning should start.
Just kidding, but you do have exceptional hair.

September 5th, 2012, 01:42 PM
Your hair is gorgeous, Peter. I'm sure whoever gets your hair will be beyond delighted!

I hope you feel more free & more 'you' after your big chop. :flower:

September 5th, 2012, 02:09 PM
Your hair is beautiful, but as someone who has gone from waist to pixie in the past (and is currently cycling back around to waist after a several years of maintaining between chin and shoulder), I get it.

The thing that was the most cool about it for me was how much *lighter* my head felt with the hair gone. Your hair is thick too, so I'm pretty sure you'll get to experience that sensation. It's kind of a rush. :)

September 5th, 2012, 02:21 PM
I'll be sorry to see your hair go, but not nearly as sorry as I'd be to see you go. Please say you'll still be posting!

September 5th, 2012, 02:27 PM
Just because you have short hair doesn't mean you won't need to take care of it!!!

And chances are you will be growing it again... ;)

Keep coming back! And enjoy your hair at every stage!

September 5th, 2012, 02:39 PM
Well you've certainly spent a long time considering this chop, and I am sure you've considered every possible side to it. I hope you'll continue to be an active member here despite your upcoming cut.

You add a great presence to this board, and I would be sad to see you go. So, your stunning hair will no doubt look just as great worn by another, hopefully needy, person. I congratulate you and hope you love your new look!

September 5th, 2012, 02:50 PM
Thank you for the replies so far!
And I definitely won't be leaving this board, where else would I get my daily dose of cheese? :cheese:

Indigo Girl
September 5th, 2012, 02:54 PM
I too hope that you still continue to post here. :bluesmile

Your hair is stunning. Who knows, your life path may lead to long hair again at some point down the road. And if it doesn't, well that's okay too. :D

September 5th, 2012, 03:19 PM
Thank you for the replies so far!
And I definitely won't be leaving this board, where else would I get my daily dose of cheese? :cheese:

Yay! I was worried ^_^'

September 5th, 2012, 04:02 PM
Would you let us see your new hair after the big chop?

Glad that you will still be hanging around:)

September 5th, 2012, 04:08 PM
For what it's worth, your hair is stunning. But I hope you love your new cut - if you're going shaving-your-head-kind of short, perhaps it'd be worth trying to get sponsored too? :)

September 5th, 2012, 04:18 PM
Aw! I do hope you decide to stay here still and visit and such :3 just cause you have short hair doesn't mean you need to leave.

Hehe just noticed you said you are staying. Looking forward to Pictures then!

September 5th, 2012, 04:29 PM
Thank you for the replies so far!
And I definitely won't be leaving this board, where else would I get my daily dose of cheese? :cheese:
Whew! Thank goodness for that. I'm very interested to see how your cut turns out, so please post lots of pics.

September 5th, 2012, 04:44 PM
I'm waiting to hear back from a hair donation event happening near me, so it may or may not be a few weeks until it happens. Hopefully I can raise some money too... I imagine some of my colleagues might like to see how 2 feet of hair changes a person's appearance!

I'll post pics whenever it's done, but they'll be awfully boring. My hair probably won't be more than a few inches long, if that.

Yay! I was worried ^_^'Not gonna lie, I was kinda sorta maybe waiting for you to post... :o

September 5th, 2012, 05:55 PM
Well, as long as you're sticking around then NBD. I hope you love your cut. :)

September 6th, 2012, 07:40 AM
Sorry to hear you're cutting, but one has to do what feels right for oneself :) I'm glad you'll still be sticking around. Your hair is fab, and we come here for the growing, but we stay for the community.

oh and *claims free cookies* :D

September 6th, 2012, 07:51 AM
I'll be sad to see your hair go, but I'm glad you're staying. I'd miss you :)

September 6th, 2012, 10:10 AM
Big chops can be very freeing - I certainly found mine liberating. Enjoy! :sun:

September 6th, 2012, 10:21 AM
Good luck, (wait til the first time you try and wash you hair afterwards, I seriously overestimated the conditioner).

/Hijack are you Able Seaman Peter like in the Arthur Ransome books?

September 6th, 2012, 10:36 AM
Glad to hear you're not (also) chopping your presence on the boards. I've always enjoyed your posts.

Since you won't be using all of that iii-ness, maybe the universe will balance itself by sending an i or two my way.

September 6th, 2012, 10:41 AM
As long as you're happy with a short cut, that's all that matters. You have beautiful long hair, though! :)

September 6th, 2012, 11:32 AM
Not gonna lie, I was kinda sorta maybe waiting for you to post... :o

Heh I feel so special! ^^


September 6th, 2012, 11:44 AM
I wish you hair happiness and I am so glad you are still going to be here. LHC would not be the same without you.

September 6th, 2012, 12:50 PM
As someone who does this every 5 years or so, just remember that you only need a little shampoo (if you use it) and same with conditioner. The back of my neck is always scratched until I get used to there NOT being hair for the brush/comb to go through.

Just remember, you can go shorter but it takes time to go longer so make sure you cut to a length you will like. I've seen many long hairs cry when they go pixie because it's such a change.

September 6th, 2012, 12:56 PM
Well, I'm fairly new here, but glad you're not leaving the board. And you do have gorgeous hair. Can I haz it? :p :cheese:

September 6th, 2012, 01:32 PM
I'm so glad you will be staying here with us. We all go through different phases in our lives. Doing what is right for us at the time is so important. After so long coming to the decision to cut your hair obviously that is the right thing for you at this point in your life. Have fun with it and enjoy the change!

September 6th, 2012, 04:29 PM
Sorry to see that amazing hair go, but glad that you're staying. :) I'm looking forward to the pics.


September 6th, 2012, 05:07 PM
Sounds like you're making the right decision for the right reasons. :)

Your hair is incredibly healthy, and count me in as one of the people who is glad you're staying around.

I'd also love to see "after" pics!

September 6th, 2012, 05:58 PM
Update: I'll be donating in October at an event to raise money for cancer research. I hope that my colleagues will sponsor me and help me have a positive effect on someone's life.

However, now that the date's been set, I'm getting anxious and having some doubts. Fear of the unknown and uncharted, I guess, but how would I ever learn and progress if I let that hold me back? I fully expect an adjustment period where I miss it deeply since it's closely tied to my identity, but whenever I adjust, I'm confident that I'll feel more free to do the things I love in life without feeling inhibited in any way. Hopefully I can find some solace in that in the period immediately following the cut.

And wow, what a warm response from this wonderful community. You are all so kind and I thank you for your input. I'm a bit surprised but pleased to know that my presence on the board is so noticed.

Your hair is fab, and we come here for the growing, but we stay for the community.The more time I spend here, the more I realize that this is so true. Well put! The best a destination has to offer is its journey. Also, here: :cookie: :cookie: :D

/Hijack are you Able Seaman Peter like in the Arthur Ransome books?Nope! I think only people who have been around for a while will get it! :D

Since you won't be using all of that iii-ness, maybe the universe will balance itself by sending an i or two my way.I wouldn't mind! I couldn't even do a basic bun until waist+. :p

September 6th, 2012, 06:13 PM
absolutly brilliant to use the chop for charity.
very very nice to find out the short end of the locks after having thought about it in length.
and if you don't like it, yunno what??? it grows back *:OD
all the best

September 7th, 2012, 01:45 AM
You have beautiful hair, but I understand the decision to chop. I hope you enjoy your new shorter locks :)

October 17th, 2012, 06:27 PM
Test post.

October 17th, 2012, 08:32 PM
I'm glad you're doing what makes you happy but please keep in touch here.

October 17th, 2012, 08:34 PM
Your hair is pretty and I'm sure your new hair cut will be great. Keep us posted on here.

October 23rd, 2012, 09:27 PM
I've been wanting to post this for about 2 weeks but the forum has been haywire lately. Hopefully this works.

(N.B. This picture way taken the day of the chop, so my hair was still laying in the direction it was when it was long. Now that it's been 2 weeks, it doesn't look strange at the front anymore, it just does a little flip-up thing.)

The hairdresser was very nice about it and made sure I wanted to go through with it. It took him about 2 minutes just to cut through my ponytail and all the while he was telling me I have extremely thick hair. :lol: Then he took off the rest and that was that. The whole thing took about 20-25 minutes.

I am totally happy with how it turned out. I had already mentally detached myself from long hair so no strong emotional reaction and no regrets. During the past few years, it was a big part of my identity, but I'm a different person now and I couldn't keep holding onto who I used to be. I feel so free and uninhibited now. I love how the new hair is so low maintenance, how I can wash it and dry it in 2 minutes, how the wind doesn't mess it up, how it never gets in the way... and no anti-long hair sentiment from me, but I really do look better this way. I'm glad I had the experience of long hair (all the way to hip length!), but I don't think I will be growing it again, at least not in the near future.

Show's over, folks! Thanks again for your help and support in the past few years. See you around on the forums! :flower:


October 24th, 2012, 07:39 AM
Looking good, Peter! It sounds like you did what worked for you, long when that's what you wanted, but something else now that you want something else. All that really matters is that you are happy with it. Besides, there is a lot to be said for trying different things. We can't really know what we do or don't want if we don't try things.

October 24th, 2012, 12:51 PM
I've been wanting to post this for about 2 weeks but the forum has been haywire lately. Hopefully this works.

(N.B. This picture way taken the day of the chop, so my hair was still laying in the direction it was when it was long. Now that it's been 2 weeks, it doesn't look strange at the front anymore, it just does a little flip-up thing.)

The hairdresser was very nice about it and made sure I wanted to go through with it. It took him about 2 minutes just to cut through my ponytail and all the while he was telling me I have extremely thick hair. :lol: Then he took off the rest and that was that. The whole thing took about 20-25 minutes.

I am totally happy with how it turned out. I had already mentally detached myself from long hair so no strong emotional reaction and no regrets. During the past few years, it was a big part of my identity, but I'm a different person now and I couldn't keep holding onto who I used to be. I feel so free and uninhibited now. I love how the new hair is so low maintenance, how I can wash it and dry it in 2 minutes, how the wind doesn't mess it up, how it never gets in the way... and no anti-long hair sentiment from me, but I really do look better this way. I'm glad I had the experience of long hair (all the way to hip length!), but I don't think I will be growing it again, at least not in the near future.

Show's over, folks! Thanks again for your help and support in the past few years. See you around on the forums! :flower:


Peter, it looks awesome! I'm so glad you like it. My 16 year old goes between longer and curly (not super long, but not really short) and buzzed, and he enjoys that buzzed feeling after having longer hair. Love the beard, too! :)

October 29th, 2012, 05:58 PM
Ah, I'm able to view it!

I do like the new hair cut... :) it's good that you're happy with it. Even short, I can see that you've very thick hair.


November 20th, 2012, 04:53 PM
Thank you for the comments!

Bumping this just once for those who didn't see the pics because of the forum issues.

November 20th, 2012, 06:33 PM
Still can't see the "before", because of forum issues, I guess... But the "after" looks good! Congrats...

November 20th, 2012, 06:41 PM
I can't see the 'before' picture either. I'm not sure I've ever seen a pic of you with long hair.

Can't honestly say I like short hair, but at least you didn't get one of those awful buzz cuts. I have no idea what anyone sees in the skinhead/concentration camp/victorian convict look, LOL! At least you look 'normal', whatever that means.

November 20th, 2012, 09:02 PM
Can't honestly say I like short hair, but at least you didn't get one of those awful buzz cuts. I have no idea what anyone sees in the skinhead/concentration camp/victorian convict look, LOL! At least you look 'normal', whatever that means.

LOL Alun I happen to like that look on men, especially totally shaved. Mmmmm...sexy....

Peter I missed this thread until now. I abandoned hope TLHC would be back up and just stopped trying for awhile. I am glad I saw this, your haircut looks great and you expressed what I feel about my hair as far as wanting to let go of it but it being part of my identity and maybe my identity has changed, etc. As someone who has wanted to shave her head all my life, I am so tempted. However, I don't have the benefit of being a man and it being as socially acceptable.

Did you get much flack for it IRL? I mean, people saying things like "why did you do it" or "I can't believe you did it" or even "I liked you better with long hair" or anything? Did you raise much money? I have considered attempting to raise money with a big chop if I ever go for it. Not for the hair itself but with sponsors (it would only take about 30 seconds to cut through my ponytail). But I honestly have no idea what charity I would choose.

November 20th, 2012, 10:23 PM
Wow! You're hair is still amazingly healthy (and so in my mind suuuuuuper nice). I'm glad you like the result. It looks great!

November 21st, 2012, 07:09 AM
I can't see the 'before' picture either. I'm not sure I've ever seen a pic of you with long hair.

Can't honestly say I like short hair, but at least you didn't get one of those awful buzz cuts. I have no idea what anyone sees in the skinhead/concentration camp/victorian convict look, LOL! At least you look 'normal', whatever that means.I think it looks good on some people, but I'm not one of those people! :p

LOL Alun I happen to like that look on men, especially totally shaved. Mmmmm...sexy....

Peter I missed this thread until now. I abandoned hope TLHC would be back up and just stopped trying for awhile. I am glad I saw this, your haircut looks great and you expressed what I feel about my hair as far as wanting to let go of it but it being part of my identity and maybe my identity has changed, etc. As someone who has wanted to shave her head all my life, I am so tempted. However, I don't have the benefit of being a man and it being as socially acceptable.

Did you get much flack for it IRL? I mean, people saying things like "why did you do it" or "I can't believe you did it" or even "I liked you better with long hair" or anything? Did you raise much money? I have considered attempting to raise money with a big chop if I ever go for it. Not for the hair itself but with sponsors (it would only take about 30 seconds to cut through my ponytail). But I honestly have no idea what charity I would choose.My suggestion is to cut back to hip or waist and see how you feel. If you enjoy it, then I say go for it and shave your head. My long hair was not socially acceptable either, but I wasn't going to let other people tell me what I'm allowed to look like.

And no, I didn't get any negative reactions at all. Most people just noticed it and said "wow you cut your hair!", and a few people asked why I cut it, but that was it.

I think Pantene Beautiful Lengths is a reputable place for donation, if you decide to do it.