View Full Version : How Boar Bristle Brush Changed my Hair (with before after pics)

September 4th, 2012, 04:22 AM
Hair history brief info:

So my hair's naturally frizzy, initially I thought that's because my (supposedly straight) hair is lacking moisture. After finding out that I'm an awkward 1c/2a type, I decided to perm my hair. But then the first (cold) perm didn't take out well in my hair, so I dyed it black to cover damages, and perm it again (digital perm this time) a few months later.

After getting the perm, however, black hue seems too contrasting to my face, so I bleached all the black out and it became brassy brown. Fed up with it, I dyed it red. AT this point, my hair has lost all of its curl and was just awkard. It was not curly, it was not straight, it was just FRIZZY!

I know, I abused it so much. But right after the second perm, I decided to go all out on the CG method, and do protein treatment once a month, and deep oil treatment every week. After dying my hair red, however, I have to sacrifice some lenghts, and it's still dry and frizzy. My last resort is the rumored magical Boar Bristle Brush. When I bought it I never expected anything significant to happen to my hair, but after just 1 week of using it, I saw a little shine starting to poke through my locks. It became softer, and guess what: THE LONG LOST CURLS CAME BACK!

here's the pic. :) http://i.imgur.com/TbCgD.jpg?1?4868

it's from a webcam, but I think the fluffiness shows. :) I'll grow it a little longer and take a better pic. :)

September 4th, 2012, 05:30 AM
Good for you! Glad you had a nice result with the BBB.

September 6th, 2012, 03:06 PM
Same thing happened to me with BBB! Glad you found something that works :)

September 7th, 2012, 10:13 PM
Wow, I need to use mine more often. I forget to use mine. Thanks for reminding me. : )

September 7th, 2012, 11:00 PM
Glad that you're so happy with it. What kind of BBB is it?

September 17th, 2012, 01:39 AM
I definitely need to start using mine in a daily basis. Just started using it today and with this story, it is inspiring! Thanks for sharing :D

September 17th, 2012, 04:05 AM
That's lovely! BBB's can be amazing for hair and I'm glad it's worked for you too. Mine seems to act like hairspray, it makes my hair behave and be all sleek and shizz, it's great :D